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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Middle East War Breaks Out at Easton City Council

Easton City Council member Taiba Sultana was arrested in late July for domestic assault, and even spent a sultry evening in the hoosegow. But she's now all about peace and wanted City Council members to join her last night to call on Congress and the Governor to endorse a "Ceasefire Now" resolution being pushed by left-leaning members of the House.  Though the Ceasefire Now resolution is itself rather innocuous, Sultana never bothered to attach it to her own resolution. And her own resolution is one-sided. It accuses Israel of "targeting civilians" and claims incorrectly that President Joe Biden has advocated increased escalation by Israel when he's actually pressured Netanyahu to delay his ground war.  It never even mentions Hamas, which started the latest chapter in this never-ending conflict. Finally, she submitted her resolution at the last-minute, though she was sure to pack the meeting room with pro-Palestinian supporters. City Council accordingly voted 5-2 to strike Sultana's proposed resolution from last night's agenda, but that was only the beginning of a near war that erupted in City Council, as an emotional Sultana did her best to incite an equally intense mob that was at times completely out of control. 

Voting to strike the proposed resolution from the agenda were Sal Panto, Jim Edinger, Roger Ruggles, Peter Melan and Ken Brown. Voting to consider it were Sultana and Dave O'Connell. 

This is where things should have ended, but it's where it began .After all, this is Easton. While claiming to be solely interested in a ceasefire, Sultana in the same breath and sentence was accusing Israel of genocide. Sal Panto spoke glowingly of his Palestinian taxicab driver when he visited Israel a few years ago. Roger Ruggles said he has difficulty sleeping at night, so he listens to BBC and knows there are genocides all over the place. He wondered whether Easton should take a stand on them all. 

After going back and forth among each other, the floor was opened up for agenda items only, and most people addressed the Ceasefire Resolution that had already been removed. Remember, this is Easton.   

Yaseen Saleh, a Lafayette College student, actually spoke twice. He expressed some concern for his own safety, although I'm pretty sure Mossad was in Bethlehem last night to try out the new Peruvian chicken restaurant on Broad Street. He noted that, according to UNICEF, 2,300 Palestinian children have already died as a result of the Israeli bombing in Gaza. "By shutting down this resolution, we are shutting down the voices of those who are dying," he lamented.

Next up was fireball An-nisa Muqtadir, a very well-spoken resident, who reminded Council that she has voted in every election since she turned 18. She was furious with Mayor Sal Pnato, who earlier stated he does not speak for the City of Easton. "You say you don't speak for the City of Easton? Actually, you do. Every single one of you do." She reminded Panto that he once told her, "We are a voice for you.' Do not go back on your words now."

She made clear that "[w]e are against genocide, illegal occupation. Look at how many people have died and look at the definition of genocide." She slammed Easton for having a Christopher Columbus statue in close proximity to one of Larry Holmes. "Tell me how that makes sense. Tell me where it makes sense to put a colonizer and colonized together." 

In Easton. 

When her five minutes were up, she continued speaking anyway. "I am a citizen of Easton " She was incensed because she thought Council members were laughing at her. I'll tell you I doubt that very much. She was not only eloquent, but I think she could take down all five behind the dais in the blink of an eye. Her mike was eventually cut, but I could hear her saying, "I am not finished." As she spoke, another woman placed herself between Muqtadir and City Council while a third woman stood in solidarity next to her. 

I thought for sure that Muqtadir would be yanked, especially since two police officers were there on loan from Mossad. But they let her go. This is Easton. Ken Brown began talking to the triumvirate in soothing tones about giving respect to get respect.  Downtown Kenny Brown was a basketball referee so he knows how to mollify angry mobs as he's covered several Central Catholic games. 

Following fireball Muqtadir was Raya Abdelaal, a Palestinian who said she lives in Nazareth, of all places. After her grandfather left Palestine in '48, he was never allowed to return. He died in Syria. Her grandmother was displaced by war three times. "I am a product of war," she asserted. She brought pictures of children she claims were killed by Israeli bombs, adding little stories about the hopes of each of them. "And I have thousands more!" she cried out in anguish, as other photos fell out of her hands and onto the floor.

"When you question why this should be here, it makes me feel that you question the identity of all Palestinians in the United States," she posited somewhat illogically.

She also derided the 5-minte rule on public comment. "The Nazis also said we need to follow the rules when they were killing the Jews. ... The world said never again, but it's happening again." Look, I'm a big advocate of public comment and just had a big argument with a Northampton County Council member about this, but I think it's a tad ridiculous to equate a five-minute public comment rule with the Nazi Final Solution.  

She told Easton City Council that she wants to return to Palestine. "Do you think I want to be here right now? Don't you think I had a right to grow up in Palestine?" She also told them to disregard biased media reports and "look outside regular media."

That's exactly what right wingnuts say too. 

She closed with a text message allegedly sent by a Palestinian under a pile of rubble. "I'm screaming. Nobody can hear me. That's all I have to say."

Unfortunately for Sultana, there was an Israeli in the audience. Hagai Feiner is not in Mossad (at least I don't think he is), but did serve in the Israeli Air Force for four years before coming here in 1998. "I've seen first hand the impact of terror," he said.  "My sister was injured and had half of her leg blown off by Hezbollah terrorists shooting over the border from Lebanon into Israel." He also lost a family member three weeks ago in Gaza. He was used as a human shield when Hamas made their escape from Israel and was then shot in the head when his usefulness came to an end. Despite this, "I feel all of the pain in this room," he said. But he took Sultana to task and declared she has an agenda. 

He pointed to Sultana's false Facebook claim that Israel has bombed a Gaza hospital and killed 500 when it was actually a misfire from terrorists. "Miss Sultana has an agenda beyond the pain. There are lies that are being spread on the Internet about my people, which also incites violence. This is not just a call for a ceasefire. There was never a call for the release of the American hostages who are still being held in Gaza. Where is that?'

"I know that this hurts," he told everyone.. "It hurts me, too."  But he's bothered by the misstatements Sultana has made online. 

Will there ever be peace? "That may not be achievable when our children are beheaded," Feiner observed. "No posts about that. It's condemnable, but did you actually condemn it?" he asked Sultana. "I will condemn Israel's acts against any innocent person, but Israel's also fighting guerilla warfare, where Hamas is embedded within a civilian population.." 

He warned there are "two sides to this story and we have a City Council member misrepresenting the facts." 

Would not be the first time. 

Easton Solicitor Joel Scheer suggested this issue should be brought to Northampton County Council, so this may be making the rounds.


RalphQ said...

Why was someone from Nazareth allowed to speak at an Easton council meeting? Isn’t the floor limited to residents only?

Anonymous said...

BernieOHare to RalphQ, public comment must be afforded to residents and taxpayers. If you buy a cup of coffee in Easton you are a taxpayer.

Anonymous said...

Sultana has done nothing for the city of Easton! She says she “ cares about both sides” but only posts anti-Israel on social media. I wasn’t there last night, but watched online. She never once condemned Hamas, she only ever mentioned what Israel has done to Palestinians. I do agree with council members O’Donnell and Milan, “ that the city should be consistent with how they treat agenda items”. Over the 2 years Mrs. Sultana has been on council, she seems more interested in causing divide than to keep the city together

Anonymous said...

"Easton Solicitor Joel Scheer suggested this issue should be brought to Northampton County Council, so this may be making the rounds."

I am sure the county council appreciates that move on his part. Pass the hot potato!!

I thought only Zirinski brought up stuff that had nothing to do with local government. She and sultana are the new democrats. God help us all. Zirinski will jump on this if she can figure out which side gives her the most votes. DO these office holders have any ideas of what their elected positions are responsible for?

Alex said...

I watch council meetings regularly.
The resolution was not sent at the last minute. The councilwoman followed all the procedures and protocols and the resolution was publicized on time.

It was Kenny Brown who didn't bother himself to read the agenda and thought it was received “last night”.
Now imagine not reading the agenda and continuing to vote on it.
so bad for the Estonians who voted him in.

Anonymous said...

Meaningless resolutions. I thought only Tara Zirinski did that.

Anonymous said...

"but I think it's a tad ridiculous to equate a five-minute public comment rule with the Nazi Final Solution"

Well that's clearly because you're a white supremacist nazi sympathizing colonizer and tool of mossad.

And a transphobe.

Anonymous said...

If you park in the City of Easton you’re a taxpayer.

Anonymous said...

I’m very surprised by Sultanas behavior.

She’s always presented as such a reasonable and docile person.

Anonymous said...

Easton is one of the few Pennsylvania communities that has an outside memorial to victims of the Holocaust. The memorial is located at 15th and Northampton Streets on the former site of Temple Covenant of Peace. My son did much research on this memorial for his Eagle project. He found that the memorial was dedicated to all groups who suffered persecution. He noted that American prisoners of war were held in concentration camps. The memorial has significant meaning for the Easton community. When the Temple merged with the Easton synagogue, I suggested that the memorial would be more appropriate overlooking the river in a downtown park. That copies the Harrisburg holocaust memorial which overlooks the Susquehanna River. In my many years of involvement Easton City Council has reserved memorial tributes to American victims of violence. I recall resolutions on many historic American days. I once personally endorsed.a condemnation of Chinese actions limiting freedoms of Chinese students. But , a personal endorsement is not an official action and I stated to the sponsoring group that I believed that an action by City Council would be not appropriate. Municipal government is about water, sewers, garbage, recreation etc. It has no business opining on international conflicts.

Mike McFadden
,Easton, Pa

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately this will be the normal while she is on council. It's been pretty obvious to anyone who has paid attention that she has ZERO interest in Easton at all, and will use her position on council for social media sound bytes and photo ops to spring board to her goal of becoming a member of Congress.
This stunt went exactly how she wanted, she can play victim because the resolution was not advanced, all while racking up more video and photos for future self promoting on higher office runs.

Congrats Sultana, with the exception of Mr.O'Connell, council played right into your hand and you achieved exactly what you wanted last night.

Anonymous said...

So glad the Easton city council is taking this issue head on. If it wasn’t for the heroic efforts of the Easton city council in the 70s we might still be fighting in Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

This is routine for her, whenever she has an agenda to push she puts out the call to her supporters to show up and support whatever nonsense she is pushing. The majority of the time, most of her supporters are not from Easton.

Anonymous said...

Local politicians should deal with local issues, they are way out in their desire to make this a local issue. Just think many now want to bring displaced Gaza residents to the USA, We can expect the Israel palestinian issue to then be fought on our streets. This shit has to stop.

Anonymous said...

These tools think a piece of paper from them is going to stop a war - too funny.

michael molovinsky said...

At the recent rally in Allentown, their second one at 7th&Hamilton, the signs said "From The River To The Sea". I wonder how many people driving by understand the meaning? In between the river and sea, in addition to the West Bank, is Israel. That sign means that there should be no Israel, only Palestine.

Anonymous said...

No the bad are the idiots that voted for child abusing terrorist sympathizer Sultana.

Anonymous said...

The residents of Easton need to show up at the next meeting and demand she resigns!!! Every time she wants to put on a show, she fills the room with her friends from all over the valley. Council should do the same, fill the room with actual city residents and ask for her to step down.

Anonymous said...

Hamas is a terrorist organization, they are the government of Gaza. Their charter advocates for the elimination of Israel and all Jews. Sultana is a left wing radical that is a terrorist sympathizer. There is no both sides here. Only one side beheaded babies, raped woman to death, dismembered bodies. Hamas is evil and needs to be defeated. Period.

During World War II, when we were bombing Berlin back to the Stone Age we knew there were innocents being killed. Not all Germans were Nazi supporters. To eliminate evil innocents get hurt. It’s war. Hamas must be eliminated.

Anonymous said...

Actually so bad for eastonians who voted for useless Sultana… I always say never underestimate the stupidity of the electorate

Anonymous said...

This women is unhinged! Out of 435 members of Congress 10 crazies, “the squad”, voted against the resolution to support Israel. Another 6 I believe voted present. The Squad is a national security threat in my opinion, they sympathize and support terrorism, they hate the police and the military, they promote communism. These people need to be eradicated from our government at every level and that includes Easton City Council and Sultana!

Bernie O'Hare said...

MM, The Hamas Covenant from 1988 makes pretty clear that, not only do they (Hamas) think there should be no Israel, but no Jews.

"'The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.'

That's pretty sick stuff. Hamas is a terrorist organization and we need to back Israel completely in its attempt to eradicate it. But we're the good guys. We don't kill innocent children or deny them water and food. And of course, most of us would condemn the death of innocents, whether caused by Hamas or Israelis. I do think Israel attempts to avoid civilian casualties but Netanyahu was very wrong to say there are no innocent people in Gaza.

Anonymous said...

Councilmember Sultana and O'Connell are the real ones.

Anonymous said...

I commend Councilmember David O'Connell for taking a stand with Mrs Sultana. It takes a lot of courage to disagree with racist Sally Pant.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Easton! You elected a terrorist sympathizer to represent you on City Council.

Anonymous said...

Panto, Adingr, and Ruggle are no good to the city. Just a group of retirees who have nothing else to do. They should not be on the council.

Anonymous said...

So no one has the balls to call for a ceasefire except Sultana and David, while thousands are killed and millions are displaced.
Is this the reason they tried to destroy Sultana’s image which I believe was an attempt to remove her from the council?
Long live Sultana!

Anonymous said...

The most profound and spot on comment in the whole string:

Municipal government is about water, sewers, garbage, recreation etc. It has no business opining on international conflicts.

Anonymous said...

Wrong. Many Eastonians have families stuck in Palestine. It directly affects the local residents.
So brave of her for shedding light on this complex issue that other council members were afraid to talk about.

Anonymous said...

Bernie, Hamas and the “Free Palestine Movement” oppose the existence of Israel because they violently invaded, displaced and MURDERED the native Arab population.

It’s not because they’re “Jews”, it’s because they’re ZIONIST and COLONIZERS who’ve historically mistreated and killed Palestinians, and currently running a concentration camp currently in Gaza.

Bernie, yourself and 90 percent of your smooth-brained readers don’t have the capacity to look at any conflict with a subjective lens because you’ve never been under the oppressive boot of a Zionist state such as Israel and the United States.

So do us all a favor and sit this one out, you have no idea what you’re talking about and just regurgitating US media propaganda.

Anonymous said...

Clearly you have an agenda like Sultana. Council said they support a cease fire. They did not support her resolution that was 1 sided. Look at her speaking last night and her Fb posts. It is all about stopping Israel. No mention of Hamas the entire meeting. Sultana is an opportunist trying to get ahead without any real skill

Anonymous said...

Step down for what? For calling on the government not to kill the civilians? What a coward and ignorant you are.

Anonymous said...

This Sultana lady is a real deal. I am voting for her If she runs for higher office.

Sammy said...

I checked Sultana’s social media and found no lie. You need to do your own research, Bernie.
Israeli spokesperson accepted the responsibility of bombing the hospital. They took a U-turn when they saw the International community wasn't happy about it. NYT issued a report yesterday saying that the weapon was launched from Israel.
So at this point, Taiba was correct.

Anonymous said...

People please watch the video. Mr OCONNELL stated “ the resolution is TERRIBLE” but she should have been allowed to present it.

Anonymous said...

Referring pro-Palestinians to as a “mob” and Israeli warmonger as “Victims” is all I needed to know that you are pro-killing-civilians, like the council member who voted to remove the resolution.

Anonymous said...

@9:37. Allentown wishes they had a mayor like Sal. I don’t always agree with him but he cares about Easton. Best mayor ever.

Anonymous said...

The only thing that Taiba Sultana has achieved is, exposing the racist, egoist, and, hypocritical councilmembers and the coward like you.

Anonymous said...

Bernie, just a few remarks about last night’s meeting. I voted to keep Councilwoman Sultana’s resolution on the agenda because I wanted Council to vote on it. I was prepared to vote “No” because the resolution never mentions Israel’s right to defend itself or Hamas’ reason for existing, to erase Israel. Any ceasefire resolution needs to state why the adversaries are fighting. I believe six council members would have voted it down if it stayed on the agenda because it was not well crafted.

We did receive the resolution last Friday as part of our packet for last night’s meeting. That is standard practice. I think what Councilman Brown was referring to was that we had no opportunity to discuss this issue beforehand. Usually, if an agenda item warrants explanation or discussion, or if it might be controversial, the appropriate council person will schedule a council committee meeting for the evening prior to the council meeting so it can be vetted. It was Councilwoman Sultana’s responsibility to do this but she did not do so.

Everyone there who spoke advocating for a ceasefire did so eloquently and passionately and I think all of us were affected by their sincerity and evident pain. But this is a very complex problem with no easy answers. With all my heart, I hope a humanitarian pause can happen so food, water, medical supplies and fuel can reach the residents of Gaza and the hostages. Any ceasefire will take long and protracted negotiations for all sides to feel safe.

David O’Connell
Easton City Council

Bernie O'Hare said...

"I checked Sultana’s social media and found no lie. You need to do your own research, Bernie."

I did my own research. She falsely stated that Israel bombed a hospital in Gaza, killing 500. It was actually a misfire from a rocket launched by Islamic Jihad. She falsely claimed that what is going on is genocide. While I think the bombing needs to be more targeted and detest the denial of food and water, there is no concerted effort by Israel to exterminate Palestinians. I have previously written that the deliberate or reckless murder of innocents is wrong, no matter who does it. I and most people would support a balanced resolution, but not the misinformed crap that Sultana was pushing to draw attention to herself.

Amy said...

Does every resolution go through the committee? I believe things go to the committee if the council members have questions. You and the other council members failed to ask questions from Taiba.
And please no need to defend Councilmember Brown. He exposed himself for not reviewing the agenda before the meeting.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Thank you for your comment, Mr. O'Connell. Ibelieve Peter may have also stated that her resolution was submitted in time, but it certainly was a shock to Kenny Brown and took him by surprise.

Anonymous said...

Mike McFadden has it right, of course. Easton's government should stick to its core municipal functions and not be baited into international affairs, in which it has zero business. Also, what makes any sane person think Eastonians can influence a 1,600-year old religious war that is seven time zones away? Here's a thought: shut up and stay out of it.

Anonymous said...

I have so much respect for Taiba for not slamming that Nazareth dude for his hate words. Look at Panto and the rest of the members who were shouting at the people who were there in support of the ceasefire resolution.

Anonymous said...

"Allentown wishes they had a mayor like Sal. I don’t always agree with him but he cares about Easton. Best mayor ever."

I'd take Mike McFadden, for a steadier hand, better grasp of his native language, and the extra 30 IQ points he brings to the game vs Sal.

Anonymous said...

So that Nazareth guy lied about children being “beheaded” and had the guts to say that Sultana “misinterpreted”? Smh
Biden took his words back for “watching the video of children beheaded”
And the NYT confirmed the weapon dropped on the hospital was from Israel.

Anonymous said...

Sultana is an independent voice that's why the council and the thin-skin chief attempted to remove her. I am glad she is still there and represents our city.

Anonymous said...

Bernie, agree or not, it was the appropriate step taken by Councilwoman Sultana. These type of resolutions doesn't serve anyone's “ego” but define what else the local government should be doing other than voting to build high-end apartment and gentrifying the community.

Anonymous said...

Stay in your lane. This has nothing to do with Easton government and is tilting at windmills. Focus your message to the people that can make a difference, such as our US Representatives and Senators.
Otherwise, council could go on an endless resolution spree to cover every ethnic conflict around the globe.
I think a resolution should be passed calling for an apology from the US and British governments for the persecution of the Antibaptists during the American Revolution. Our German bibles were torn up and used as gun wads. How sad.

Anonymous said...

Councilman Brown clearly didn’t read the agenda last night. Everyone complains about sally, brown has been there just as long. It’s time these old timers move on

Anonymous said...

How does somebody text when they are under a pile rubble?

She closed with a text message allegedly sent by a Palestinian under a pile of rubble. "I'm screaming. Nobody can hear me. That's all I have to say."

Bernie O'Hare said...

"And the NYT confirmed the weapon dropped on the hospital was from Israel."

The NYT walked back that story. I agree that reports of beheaded children may be erroneous. They were just slaughtered. By the way, I do follow Al Jazeera for perspective.



Anonymous said...

Sultana should be more worried about council passing anti-headbutt legislation

Anonymous said...

I salute the terrorist apologists for keeping their heads throughout. Too bad Hamas' victims couldn't keep theirs, however. Anyone on either side who feels so deeply invested that they'll disrupt a small city's council meeting, should immediately move to Israel and seek to fix things. You may leave my country at your earliest convenience.

But you won't, will you?

Anonymous said...

Allahu Akbar!!!

Ben said...

I have so much love and respect for Sultana for taking the heat. God bless her.

Anonymous said...

She is so diplomatic and should be elected to a higher office. Love her for standing up for what's right without the fear of being called out.

Matthew said...

Bernie, you are either possessed with Taiba or have Taibaphobia.
I admire her and the rest of the people for standing up against apartheid. We need more people like Sultana. Removing the ceasefire resolution from the agenda tells all about the conservative council members who voted to remove the resolution.

Anonymous said...

When is Sultana up for reelection? I want to vote for her twice. She is damn something. I f*** LOVE her.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Bernie, you are either possessed with Taiba or have Taibaphobia.
I admire her and the rest of the people for standing up against apartheid. We need more people like Sultana. Removing the ceasefire resolution from the agenda tells all about the conservative council members who voted to remove the resolution."

You're liberal? What's liberal about being opposed to gay rights, which is illegal in most Muslim countries? What's liberal about barring a woman from walking the streets without permission from her family? What's liberal about the suppression of free speech in most Muslim countries? What's liberal about theocracy or the persecution of Jews and Christians in most Muslim countries? If there is apartheid, why is the number of Arabs in Israel growing every year? What about the Muslim conflict in Yemen or Syria, which has nothing to do with Jews? Please tell me how you are liberal while those who refused to go along with a one-sided ceasefire resolution are conservative. I do not think that the tiny democracy called Israel is perfect, and will agree that it makes mistakes. But its goal has always been peace, and it even states so in its Constitution. Hamas, on the other hand, wants to eliminate all Jews. This is liberal? I think you need to review your ideologies.

I have actually written very little about Sultana. I defended her when she sought ballot access the first time she ran for office. I did cover her arrest and her citations for code violations, as I would with any elected official. But I'll admit I consider her a hypocrite. Like Mr. Feiner, I believe Sultana is all about Sultana.

Anonymous said...

Racist, Islamophobic, and ignorant Bernie thinks Taiba values his opinion.
You are the one who wrote the one-sided story of the meeting. You failed to mention the intention of her and the other citizens.
Taiba's resolution is very balanced written and should have passed. Nothing wrong with standing on the right side of history.

Quinn said...

Kenny Brown voted to remove the resolution because he failed to read the resolution ahead of the meeting.
David O'Connell didn't bother himself to ASK questions ahead of the meeting.
James Adinger and Peter Melan failed to give any valid reason to remove the resolution.
Sal Panto thinks the “council doesn't represent the people of Easton”
Roger Ruggle said he “doesn't have time” to educate himself on the issue.
What a FAILURE of the local government.

RalphQ said...

Sultana and her husband are also on the grift. Do either of them have a real job? Being an activist doesn’t count. Being on council doesn’t count. Nor does being an Uber driver (side hustle)

Jen said...

Do you have a real job besides bitching about Sultana? What does your wife do for a living?
Do James Adinger, Roger Ruggle, and David Oconnell have a real job? What about their wives?

Anonymous said...

@3:17, the issue has nothing to do with local government LOL. The resolution has nothing to do with local governance. Period.

Anonymous said...

I am a resident of Easton. I voted for Councilwoman Sultana. I WILL NOT vote for again

Quinn said...

The American Palestinians are stuck in Gaza. Those people who lost their families in Gaza and Israel live in our communities. How is this not a local government issue? The government works for the welfare of the people and a few so-called elected officials shut the voices down of those people. Shame on you for not supporting the fundamental right to live in safety.

Anonymous said...

Just a bunch of clowns shouting at citizens who were at the meeting to support the ceasefire.

Anonymous said...

@BOH 2:54, I think that's one of the best posts by you in a long time.

Some of the misinformation on here is astounding!

10:41 says this has nothing to do with "Jews" LOL except the elimination of Jews is part of Hamas founding. Fact.

11:12AM still thinks Israel bombed the hospital, despite every media outlet, including the irresponsible reporting of the NYT admitting they were wrong, reporting otherwise. CNN did a very nice investigation, go read it.

The facts are this, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, ISIS, ISIL, and Al Qaeda to name a few, are radical islamics terrorists. These assholes and their sympathizers number in the many millions. Their short term goal is to eliminate Jews from the planet, Their long term goal is to slay the "great satan" that would be us. They want a worldwide Caliphate that is based in the middle east. These people are religious fanatics that will cut heads off, yes you college kids, your heads also, at the drop of a hat.

The state of higher education in America today is dismal, spend 60k a year so your kid can come out way dumber than when they went in. They say they support LGBTQ but support radical islamists who throw gay people off buildings. Women in Saudi Arabia were granted permission to drive recently, woo hoo! Maybe those muslims are coming around after all. Pretty soon they'll let them go shopping alone maybe LOL.

Col. Klink said...

Sultana loves to butt heads; often literally.

If council is going to waste time on matters that do not affect city affairs, at least make it interesting and install a cage a la the UFC and duke it out that way.

Anonymous said...

We didn’t ask questions because no committee meeting was called before the council meeting. The whole idea is for council to meet for discussion.

David O’Connell

Dennis P said...

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres Tuesday suggested the impetus for the Hamas terror group’s devastating October 7 attack on Israel was the Jewish state’s continued control of alleged Palestinian territories.
“The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation. They have seen their land steadily devoured by settlements and plagued by violence; their economy stifled; their people displaced, and their homes demolished. Their hopes for a political solution to their plight have been vanishing,” Guterres said.
But Realistically, Israel will never cede territory for an independent Palestine if an independent Palestine's mission is to work for the destruction and eradication of Israel....There is no doubt that Hamas started the most recent episode in the Hatfield /McCoy feud which has been going on since the resurrection of Israel in 1948. It seems every time there is some hope that the nations of the Middle East could finally achieve peace rogue groups and rogue nations create problems to stir up the pot. So, you Have Hamas on the West, Hezbollah on the North, Yemini terrorist groups on the South and Iran on the East stirring up the pot. We now hear frantic calls for a ceasefire from the Palestine side and those UN nations that do not support Israel for strategic reasons. They decry Israel's effort to defend itself and fear the destruction that will be inflicted.. I ask, do these people expect Israel time and again to turn the other cheek allowing their people to be slaughtered by periodic violence. I for one want true peace in the Middle East and other places where the horror of war exists. Near the conclusion of World War II, my dad wanted no future war to commence.
I personally do not want to arrange temporary ceasefires which allow a hard oppressed opponent faced with loss of weapon inventories of destruction to rebuilt these inventories to begin fighting a new. I want true peace, can Taiba Sultana a Easton Council person in her rage guarantee that.

Anonymous said...

Councilman Roger Ruggles is retired from Lafayette College and is a certified Panto stooge.He appears to have trouble staying awake at council meetings and says whatever Sal Panto tells him to say.Both Ruggles and Panto are also Lafayette College operatives. And speaking about terrorists, right now the present day Republican Party is starting to threaten the United States the same way Hitler and the Nazis did when they rose to power.

Anonymous said...

The only person who wasn't from Easton at the meeting was fear-monger Nazareth dude, Hagai.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how "From The River To The Sea" translates into "there should be no Israel, only Palestine?"

Anonymous said...

My friend just sent me a picture of college kids protesting Israel. One girl is waving a Palestinian flag. The other girl is waving a TALIBAN flag LOL. She is wearing makeup and a bare midriff shirt. On a college campus. Do these kids know the Taliban make their women be covered from head to toe and are not allowed to go to a school? Never mind college. I’m sure the Taliban love strong independent women wearing make up and half shirts lol. These kids are brainwashed and stupid!

RalphQ said...

Wife is a HS administrator making six figures, thanks for asking. Ruggles is a recently retired Lafayette College professor. How about you, Jen?

Bernie O'Hare said...

"I don't understand how "From The River To The Sea" translates into "there should be no Israel, only Palestine?""

According to the ADL, "This rallying cry has long been used by anti-Israel voices, including supporters of terrorist organizations such as Hamas and the PFLP, which seek Israel’s destruction through violent means. It is fundamentally a call for a Palestinian state extending from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, territory that includes the State of Israel, which would mean the dismantling of the Jewish state. It is an antisemitic charge denying the Jewish right to self-determination, including through the removal of Jews from their ancestral homeland."

I'd argue it is anti-Jew, not anti-semitic. Many of those who use this rallying cry are themselves semites. So MM is absolutely right. I did not know this myself until he pointed it out.

This interpretation is refuted by some Palestinians, but Hamas uses it and it wants to kill all Jews and states that in is 1988 Covenant. So I am persuaded by ADL and MM.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"The only person who wasn't from Easton at the meeting was fear-monger Nazareth dude, Hagai."

There was quite a bit of fear-mongering from Ceasefire proponents. I thought Feiner did an excellent job responding to emotions with facts and pointed questions.

Young said...

WOW, All the comments.
Bernie's blog about Sultana always gets more attention compared to others. You bitch her or ditch her, you all are her fans.
Sultana is worth your time and discussion. Imma vote for that bad a$$ again.

Quinn said...

No Bernie, not just “an Israeli”. Hagai is a Zionist, panto-fed developer, and an Islamophobic.
Your hate for Taiba made you agree with him.

Anonymous said...

Right?! Imagine hating Sultana just because it helps make his paycheck bigger. More power to Taiba Sultana to deal with these lunatics. Who doesn't read agendas and vote like their boss asks them to do?

Anonymous said...

I think it’s cute that all of Sultana’s supporters from the meeting Wednesday were able to come to the comment section here and defend here.
Get it in while you can, because there’s zero chance she’s ever elected ever again.

Enjoy your time guys!

Anonymous said...

Name one, just one, Conservative on Easton City Council.
I’ll wait…

Anonymous said...

Can we at least say that a woman of color has the guts to stand up for the innocent civilians but white, privileged- big a*$ men don't? They were afraid to call for a ceasefire?! The rotten funky bunch of Cowards.

Anonymous said...

I am a resident of Easton. I voted for Councilwoman Sultana. I WILL VOTE FOR HER AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

@11:22 Only Sal Panto will say that.

Amy said...

Saying that “Municipal government is about water, sewers, garbage, recreation, etc” while nearly two dozen are begging for their families stuck in Gaza, is disturbing.
Citizens of Easton are suffering at the hands of Panto and the sleepy council that doesn't have time to read the agenda before the meeting.

Anonymous said...

@11:44 David Oconnell is a p*sy

Anonymous said...

Easton City Council works for developers, not for people.

Anonymous said...

I will vote for her if she runs for state. She is so damn courageous.

Anonymous said...

Lololoz. The best response.

Anonymous said...

@6:37. Hitler and the Nazis wanted to eradicate Jews from the planet, just like the terrorist sympathizers like you. It’s Hilarious reading these comments these people are I’ll informed morons lol.

Anonymous said...

@8:30 these supporters of Hamas are idiots they are actually holding Americans hostage and they support that. They’re enemies of the state if you ask me and should be treated as such.

Anonymous said...

Hamas pulls this shit every time. Attack then retreat and use their own citizens as shields and cry about it. Then the liberal media and the liberal idiots on our college campuses cry for a ceasefire. Hamas has their headquarters under a hospital. Cowards! I say this time they went to far, level the place and be done with them.

Anonymous said...

Taiba’s speech at the end is everything. I don’t vote Democrats but I echo her Perfect response to that Nazareth man and the rest of the sleepy council. One 5.2” woman is enough for those MFs.

Bernie O'Hare said...

I'm beginning to think that the attacks at "the Nazareth man" have more to do with the fact that he is an Israeli Jew than wherever he lives now.

Anonymous said...

Promoting Islamophobia goes against the principles of journalistic integrity. Although I don't believe blogging is journalism. You still have a responsibility to use your platforms for the betterment of society, not to spread hate and discrimination. Islamophobia is a harmful and divisive ideology that undermines the principles of tolerance, understanding, and respect.
You might not like Sultana not that I or many others care about it but it's harmful to society as a whole.

Anonymous said...

I disagree! Millions of Jews around the world are against Israel killing civilians. They are protesting and calling on their leaders to call for a ceasefire.
It's you who highlighted Hagai’s hate toward Taba and the dozens of other Muslim members who were present at the meeting.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Promoting Islamophobia goes against the principles of journalistic integrity. Although I don't believe blogging is journalism."

I by no means promote Islamaphobia. Islam is one of the world's great religions and like all great religions, is based on helping others. but to those who say that standing with Palestine is "liberal" or who chant the "From the River to the Sea" war cry, I say the there is nothing liberal about the persecution of gays, women and the bans on free speech prevalent in nearly all Muslim countries. I also detest theocracies. We Americans are funny that way. I respect Islam as a religion. I detest most Muslim governments. I oppose killing innocent people. Sultana's resolution was unbalanced, pretty much like she is herself. My opposition to her hypocrisy and rants do not make me an Islamaphobe, it just means I am a rational person.

Anonymous said...

Islamophobia is anything but rational. I have no skin in the game. I am another white old man who was born and raised with privilege. But I do recommend you evaluate your morality and attitude towards different groups.
Keep saying “Sultana is for Sultana” or “Sultana is for herself” is substantiated and deceptive because she clearly is not. Speaking up in the era of hate when she knows she may face hate and threats is gallant and commendable.

Anonymous said...

It’s as clear as day that she could care less about anyone in the City besides herself. Everything she does is calculated and for political gain. She made it a point to get out her “passionate” speech in Wednesday (even after the resolution was pulled) so she could post it to social media, which she has already done.
She posts nonstop on FB, knowing what the responses will be so she can screenshot them and use them for further political gain, which she has also done again.
Honestly she probably belongs in DC with the rest of the maniacs where she can inflate her ego even more.
Her only goal is higher office and to become part of “the squad”

She gives zero fucks about Easton, nor anybody in Easton.

Anonymous said...

@10:47 I disagree! People who justify hate and xenophobia are xenophobic.
It's hard to believe people show their dark faces openly on social media and then expect victims not to expose it.

She has every single right to express herself on her social media. She is an elected official. She should be sharing everything out of transparency. People who give zero fuck about the people of Easton are the mayor and the rest of the council. They proved it by shutting down their voices.

Her remarks are enough to tell everyone that she is speaking for innocent civilians. You are upset because you are unable to enable her “Pro-Hamas”
Again saying she is for “herself” is baseless and BS.