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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

NorCo GOP Exec Candidate Steve Lynch in Facebook Jail?

Though Northampton County GOP Exec candidate Steve Lynch has banned me from his Facebook page, I get regular reports on his zany rants from several others. He posts more frequently than I fart. That's quite a bit, although the smell is similar. But he's been strangely silent the past two days. What is causing this constipation? 

According to one of his myrmidons,  a person named Sarai Wingnut Walnut, he's in Facebook jail. There could be many reasons. It could be something as simple as sending too many friend requests at once or he could have posted inappropriate content or may have even been caught using fake accounts. It is usually temporary. 

Lynch was in the middle of encouraging health workers at places like LVHN to refuse a vaccine mandate, even if it results in termination. 

He is quite courageous with the livelihoods of other people. He did offer them this: "I hope we sue them into oblivion." 

I see.

Lynch is apparently not just a medical expert, but a law maven as well. 


Anonymous said...

With just a little over two months before the election, Wingnut Lynch will be released from Facebook jail in time to catch up for lost time and explode his foul smelling paper patriotism throughout cyberspace in his run-up to November 2. Can you imagine what things would look like in Easton if this joker actually won the top dog seat? It would almost be hilariously funny to watch him struggle and flail and meltdown if it weren't such a scary possibility.

Anonymous said...

He is straight forward. A refreshing change.

Anonymous said...

He'll only get votes because he has an "R" next to his name (Not that D's are free from this sin either).

This guy is woefully unqualified for Executive. Embarrassing for the Republican party, but they seem to be really leaning into it lately.

Anonymous said...

Think about the people in your life right now.

Think about your family and friends and acquaintances.

Of all of them - what are your thoughts on the ones who post on Facebook a lot versus just here and there or just not at all? Be honest.

Steve Lynch is a Facebook Drama Queen who makes your Aunt Suzie's constant posts bragging about your cousins kids science fair ribbon seem reasonable.

Steve Lynch is a Facebook Drama Queen who's like the friend of a friend of a friend who writes a 500 word post complaining about the team selection process of his kids local little league and how unfair it is.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 5:10, Now that's some funny shit right there! LOL!

Anonymous said...

@ 5:10

Lynch is not refreshing nor is he an original. His entire campaign mimics that of his cult leader, Orange Julius, and he proposes nothing new but recycled voting-gate corruption conspiracy theories and outlandish, borderline racist nationalist outcries for non-existent issues like border security. He touts himself to be a tough guy, but has hired a bodyguard to accompany him to his “freedom rallies” because all those inflated muscles won’t protect him from the scary “libtards” - gimme a break. Nothing to see here, carry on.

Anonymous said...

Yes straight into the Mental Institution

Anonymous said...

It is funny to hear and see George Orwell's 1984 play itself out very clearly in today;s society.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Except that the totalitarian is Lynch. He is dangerous

Anonymous said...


Unfortunately, the totalitarian piece stems from the top down in our government. Our current P(puppet)OTUS and other elitists is this totalitarian regime and anyone who speaks out against it is vilified. I will be extremely hard pressed to be sold otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Seriously? This POTUS? Did you not ever see the last one on TV or anywhere in the media over the 4 years he was the totalitarian elitist? Dude...

Anonymous said...

Facebook doesn't like facts that prove the conservative or other few point outside their own woke hate of America . Caught Facebook several times stating facts that were reported in local news and they stated they were false and that they fact checked. Went on to posted actual stories from those news agencies to refute Facebook claims (LIES) and Facebook disappeared. Hypocrites

Anonymous said...

Give me A BREAK. Did you really think that Trump wasn’t pandering to the ultra-rich and the elites with tax breaks while he threw the middle class peanuts, and y’all all neo-Republicans fell for it like kids in a candy store. The entire two-party system is broken needs to be abolished but don’t you dare stand on your podium and declare Trump the better candidate because he was just a pawn for the bigger players that are really in charge.

Anonymous said...

12:39PM - Get help. Honestly your world view is completely distorted and not close to reality. We're glad you've read Orwell and assumedly other classics, but you can get a little too deep and lost in the weeds trying to pull modern day themes and overlaps into it. 1984 is very much a good cautionary tale tied to themes around the Russian Revolution, but in the end it was very much a work of FICTION.

Just because the media you read and tune into doesn't like Biden and makes a lot of Chicken Little cries about imminent doom, that doesn't make it any more true than what Rachel Maddow and others were saying about Trump 2 years ago. Go talk to a professional or get a good councilor or therapist to deal with some of your issues. You're way over the top, with your shit on these message boards.

"They're going to take our guns away!" has been cried when Carter, Clinton, Obama and Biden got elected. Have the guns been taken away? Nope. Do gun manufacturers see a boost in profits by stoking fear about them being taken away? Yep. You need to wake up.

Anonymous said...

For those of you read and think about this article:
I served in Afghanistan as a US Marine, twice. Here’s the truth in two sentences
From the Kansas City Star Paper


And then apply it to all the arguments that go on on this blog and rethink your reality.

I personally have seen what is talked about in this.

Anonymous said...

You might be difficult in buying the truth, but it shouldn't be difficult to sell you a heaping pile of BS. You certainly bought into the far-right conspiracy theories and catch words like "totalitarian regime." The very thing your orange leader had sought to achieve for himself.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:37 said "...borderline racist nationalist outcries for non-existent issues like border security."

Oh really? Non-existent?

People from all over the world are streaming over the southern border on a continual basis. Some (certainly not all) are hardened criminals and their not looking to turn over a new leaf here. And if a terror group wanted to send people here to do harm, that's certainly the way to enter.

It's a miracle nothing's happened yet, but I think our luck is running out with the Taliban taking charge in Afghanistan again and their alliance with ISIS and AQ.

I hope I'm wrong but I think you're going to find out the hard way just how wrong you are.

Anonymous said...

Fox News sells you that mumbo jumbo and you eat it up like morning cereal because your cognitive dissonance is real. The fact is that every and all immigrants are tested for covid and vaccinated before entering this country. You’re worried about illegals but the real threat is your unvaccinated next door neighbor. Fox News is forcing you to look concentrate on the border while they ignore the real threat in this country which is wealth inequity. You’re getting poorer, and guess what the elite 2% of the country are getting? You guessed it…

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your service. Many are very grateful for you preserve our freedoms and fight for our great country! Bless you

Anonymous said...

And who is drinking the Kool aid?

Anonymous said...

The authoritarian is leader McClure. Ask the employees except they have to be quiet or they will be targeted. Mr. Lynch can't be aby worse. You hate him because you love your insider status with the McClure gang. McClure is your boy but the term authoritarian fits him very well. His way or no way.

Anonymous said...

Well the comments here have truly wandered all over the place, much like a 5th grader with ADHD after eating 3 packs of Skittles...

This is our problem in America. EVERYONE seems to be an expert;

Expert in biology, immunology, & disease (Screw what my doctor tells me! The guy on the internet knows better and I did my own research on You Tube!).

Expert in identifying "Totalitarian Regimes". Hint: It's always the other team.

Expert in the socio-political mess that is Afghanistan. It's been a literal doormat for Asian and European conquests dating back beyond Genghis Kahn, but your Facebook friend knows what's best for it.

Expert in immigration on who is getting in, why they're getting in, how they're getting in, what they did in the past and what they'll do to you in the future as well.

We all really just need to chill out and STFU, because 99.99% of us don't know dickall about anything.

Anonymous said...

Here’s the problem.

You can have an opinion about politics and religion. You can have an opinion about immigration, an opinion about foreign politics and they will all be your very own depending on YOUR personal life experiences.

But you don’t get to have an opinion on public health. Especially when there’s a world-wide pandemic that has killed millions and left millions more with long haul effects. Before you open your mouth, before you type anything on a social media platform, you should understand what the MAJORITY of the scientist are saying. Not doctors, SCIENTIST. And when the majority of them are recommending that you get vaccinated with an obviously safe, and now FDA approved vaccine for one of the worst viruses to hit this planet in a very long time, you should listen. But when idiots come on here after conclusion shopping for that ONE pseudo scientist that disagrees with the MAJORITY of what the scientific community is saying, I have a problem with that.

Anonymous said...

@8:21 - Nailed IT!!!

Anonymous said...

At 1634

First: Thank you for your service and dedication. Semper Fi! from father of a US Marine.
Second: Thank you for your sharing of the Article. It pointed out the very issue noted previously is that our own government (Dem & Rep alike).
Finally, it is a shame when people call the government out on their lies, you then become vilified.

Warrior said...

At 1520 (320pm) Please tell me more about my issues. I am anxious to hear your view, especially with not knowing anything about me.

You very well can draw comparisons from 1984 to modern day events. One must be willing to step back from the issues and look at the bigger picture.

As far as your gun analogy, they have been placing more and more restrictions on obtaining guns that they are restricting law abiding citizens. The increase in sales is to help the general public protect against the government.

At 1713 (513pm)

If read the statement again, it references the entire government and the elitists.

And for all, I never claim to be an expert. I merely am pointing out my observations. The fact that I get a great deal of slack means I am hitting close to home on the issues.

Bernie O'Hare said...

“Warrior” is apparently unaware of the difference between the words “slack” and “flack.” This deficiency in literacy certainly explains why he experiences the latter.

Anonymous said...

I find it ironic that so many have called out 1984 and talk about the dysfunctionality of it when in reality it is Russian oriented and was ban for over 50 years there. the real concern about it is the parallels to our 45th president adn the things he was doing and trying to do. Not to mention how he was under the spell of Putin - as quoted from his lips one of his favorite dictators. And how he was under the thumb of Russia and beholding to them for so much not to mention the deeper connection with communisis and the Russian mob he inherited from his parents and grandparents. I find it amazing how people see it and accuses others of pushing it when the own cult leader is at part of the epicenter.

Anonymous said...

He is an interesting read:
'1984,' George Orwell's classic dystopian nightmare was published 70 years ago. Here are 5 eerie predictions that came true.


No matter who you follow blindly the truth is some is coming true!

Anonymous said...

I always thought that members of the Judicial or law enforcement were suppose to refrain from political activity or commentary. It is scary to think some members of law enforcement absorb conspiracy theories. Maybe it is considered free speech, I don't know. However, sometimes I wonder how a few can exercise their duties in judicial fashion without prejudice or bias.

Anonymous said...

Warrior - you take the time out of your day to type out your paranoid thoughts on the world using pseudo-intellectual talking points you licked off of FOXNews adjacent message boards proclaiming your fear and distrust of local, state and federal government. That tells us all we need to know about you. Let alone the fact you chose "Warrior" as a screen name (but I will admit you could be a proud Wilson student or alumni, or a huge Steph Curry or pro wrestling fan).

That you first associate gun ownership with protecting you from government, rather than sport or home/personal defense is also a major tell that your mind has been fully corrupted by outside influences and you have deeper psychological issues that should be explored and resolved to make life better for yourself and your loved ones.

Anonymous said...

Warrior at 1800 zulu. . .

Unless you are active duty or a pilot, just use the 12 hour clock. Doesn't impress the way you think it does.

On a personal note, I don't have a problem buying firearms and I buy plenty. Only two of them are for protection. I have them in the hope I never have to use them for their intended purpose.

Please provide a list of said "restrictions" that have been placed on firearms since, let's say 1980, or I'll just assume you are talking out of your ass.

Warrior said...

@ Anonymous 8/26/2021 1059

Your entire response is riddled with ASSUMPTIONS. Therefore, anything you have to say holds no merit. The founding fathers clearly establishes the 2nd Amendment for the very purpose and potential need of protecting ourselves from the government. Finally, it is funny how you feel you have any sense to the quality of my life. I appreciate your Cracker Jacks psychoanalysis. Let me know when we can schedule out next session, I appreciate a good comedy.

@ Anonymous 8/26/2021 1158

Military and Pilot fail to be the only professions to utilize the 2400 hour clock. I have need need to impress anyone. I am solid and confident in who I am. Others approval is unnecessary.

"2nd Amendment: ..... SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" - therefore any regulation impeding the obtaining of a gun is said restriction. Nothing more needs to be said.

Anonymous said...

Warrior just by use of that self identification you seem to need to prove yourself to others.

Being in the military and involved in a few things while also listing to those who have not I have have learned to understand those that have to call themselves WARRIOR are typically one of three types. 1) the type of person that hides from reality and uses the name to make themselves feel empowered and as a way to compensate for some other short coming. 2) they are just a poser who would run from almost anything when it comes down to it. or 3) a mentally special individual who should be put away be they are on the verge of being a mass murderer or domestic terroist.

There is an old adage in the military that those who have been the deepest in the shit talk the least about it and often are the last you would think have been there and done that.

Anonymous said...

Sad to see the some Republicans trying to politicize the tragedy in Afghanistan. How quick they forget the 1983 Beirut bombing during Reagans term where we lost 241 US troops. Reagan ignored the security risks. His solution was to cut and run. The terrorist were at fault. When America is divided, they win.

Warrior said...

@ 8/26/2021 2019

First and foremost, thank you for your service.

Well, you are 0 for 3 on your assumptions. The use of the name is purely a personal reason free from any need of explanation to you or anyone else. Again, assumptions without having any further background on who I am.

I do thank you and appreciate the discussion along with your attempt to no who I am. Have a wonderful life, may God Bless you and your family and again, Thank you for your service.

Anonymous said...

Doctors, sorry I missed that one. Regardless, nobody cares and it impresses no one.
Nice cop out on the 2nd amendment. When asked for specifics this is all you got? By that reasoning, wife beaters should have the right to bear arms. I wish life was a simple as viewed in your eyes.