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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Monday, July 13, 2020

Who Is That Guy? C'est Moi!

On Friday, I posted this mugshot from the pages of The Bethlehem Globe Times and asked you to name the person. There were lots of good guesses. Burt Reynolds (before he went tets up). Brad Pitt. Gary Cooper. It's time to name this handsome devil.

C'est moi! C'est moi, I blush to disclose.
I'm far too noble to lie.
That man in whom
These qualities bloom,
C'est moi, c'est moi, 'tis I.
I've never strayed
From all I believe;
I'm blessed with an iron will.
Had I been made
The partner of Eve,
We'd be in Eden still.


Anonymous said...

I was the first reply, and I got it right. What do I win?

Bernie O'Hare said...

I will send you a ticket to my next pickleball tournament.

Anonymous said...

@1:47 am

Excuse me sir but that was me who was the first correct guess! You must be just like the Trumpster and flat out lying!

Anonymous said...

No way it was me, the first one was a Republican and the second one was a Democrat you’re both lying sacks, register Independent.

Anonymous said...

I thought, "the horror, the horror" it might be Colonel Kurtz and remained silent.

"No man, for any considerable period, can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true."

So you're channeling King Arthur, or Robert Goulet? I think I understand, before that picture the courtroom was your Kingdom, it was your Camelot?

Anonymous said...

Would you believe anything told to you by the man in the picture? Thank goodness that over the years Bernie lost his hair, gained some weight and has become more socially acceptable, except to women. U Da Man Bernie!

Anonymous said...

Would you believe anything told to you by the man in the picture? Thank goodness that over the years Bernie lost his hair, gained some weight and has become more socially acceptable, except to women. U Da Man Bernie!