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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Rudiger Martinez Slams Indigenous People as "Bering Strait Trash"

I've told you before about Rudiger Lyle Martinez. During daylight hours, he's a Northampton County courthouse worker. But once that clock hits 4:30 pm, the metamorphosis begins. You can find him in coffeehouses and taverns reciting poetry or sometimes, face first in the gutter.

It is Rudiger who advised NorCo DA John Morganelli to end everything he does with #J-Mo. Like yesterday, when Morganelli conducted a news conference announcing that there would be no charges filed against an immigration activist who screwed up a Toomey Town Hall by suggesting that the Senator's daughter had been kidnapped.

"No charges.#J-Mo"

"Free speech. #J-Mo."

"There's a Congressional seat with his name on it. #J-Mo 

Unfortunately, Rudeger was suspended from his job with the county when he was caught requiring passport applicants to recite the pledge of allegiance backwards. He was also answering all their questions in Pig Latin.

Even I had no defense for him.

But he's back now. ... In another department. 

I saw him at lunch yesterday, eating his tuna sandwich.

"Happy Indigenous People Day!" I said.

"You mean the Bering Strait trash?" he answered.


Anonymous said...

Strait - a narrow passage of water connecting two seas or two large areas of water.
"the Strait of Gibraltar".
Straight - extending or moving uniformly in one direction only; without a curve or bend. "a long, straight road"

Anonymous said...

He must have been speaking of the Hudson or east river judging from the stench from the garbage that hovers over the area.

Bernie O'Hare said...

5:05, Corrected my error. I am sufficiently admonished.

Anonymous said...

This gentleman is merely a pawn compared to KING Allentown.....

Bernie O'Hare said...

It is. There's a guy at the courthouse who created this character.

Anonymous said...

Everyone came from somewhere else, even the Indians. Columbus is the first illegal immigrant liberals have a problem with. There’s hope.