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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Friday, October 13, 2017

Brown Finally Sez No to Jail at Gracedale

A year ago, when the discussion about a jail at Gracedale was in earnest, Executive John Brown said nothing. He never corrected his Administrator when she said that she had been at a meeting concerning Gracedale and that "some of the people we need to be in our corner will be in our corner." Of course, he was busy at the time, running for statewide office.

Earlier this year, he admitted that he had visited a dozen different sites, including Gracedale, as a new site for a jail. He also told Council that the new jail would never be built in Easton, even after Peg Ferraro told him she opposed a jail at Gracedale.

He represented a $78,000 contract with an architect as a study of jail programming. But the billing shows it as a "master plan" for a new detention center. He awarded this contract even though the National Institute of Corrections would perform an objective study at no cost to the taxpayer.

Last week, when confronted by Nazareth area residents, he still refused to rule out a jail at Gracedale in a long, rambling speech.

Last night, Brown attended the Chairman's Dinner for the county GOP. He was undoubtedly told that his refusal to take a stand may very well cost him the election. So he has finally released a statement on his Facebook campaign page, denying that he has any intention ever of building a jail at Gracedale.
[Lamont] McClure is using "FEAR FACTOR" to incite fear in our seniors, children and families by spreading rumors @ a new jail at Gracedale! Absurd!!
For the past 4 years, I have worked tirelessly to return Gracedale to profitability and guarantee our seniors will always have a safe place to call home.
Unequivocally, as long as I am County Executive there will never be a jail built at Gracedale!
I hate to break this to you, John, but it is you who has incited fear. The concern about a jail at Gracedale is no rumor, and was your creation. You are responsible for the discussions that started over a year ago. Because you lack transparency, you refused to address these concerns..

What you are saying now should have been said a year ago. At this point, you've lost the trust of some people who otherwise might have voted for you. This is not McClure's doing. This is your doing.


Anonymous said...

Yeah right. If you believe this, then he will also give back decent health insurance to his employees, he will make his Human Resources Department stop using taxpayer funded credit cards for treats and he will in undoubtedly lower your taxes instead of letting them increase 10%.

I guess the old saying is true, if you fool me once shame on you but fool me twice shame on me.

Anyone who believes this campaign nonsense deserves what they get after the election. The sale of Gracedale to help fund the building of a new prison on the Gracedale land that John Brown himself said would save the county millions in land cost.
Now the equation for the voters is which John Brown and which county council do you believe? The ones for four years and ten months or the couple weeks before election ones?

Anonymous said...

The guy is clueless and untrustworthy. If you can lie about your resume at this point in your life, what can you believe. He and his allies started the Gracedale prison scare by their own words and actions.

Anonymous said...

Not a Brown fan. Can’t wait to vote against Lamont.

Anonymous said...

If not at Gracedale, then where? Who’s backyard is this going in? What greenfield sites are in the mix for the plans that are being finished up?

Anonymous said...

They all lie. When Trapp had to defend her budget for next year, when asked by Councilman Werner, she said that she needed computers because their computers were outdated. That may be, but they don't come out of her budget. I hope Werner is smart enough not to buy that bull. He needs to check out the HR Suite and see that there is a TV, popcorn machine, leather like chairs for their comfort, cabinets painted to match her interior, etc. All this paid for by TAXPAYER DOLLARS. When asked about the HUGE increase in the training budget she said it was for ALL was for ALL County employees. I want to see the list of names that went to training. I'll bet that it is ONLY HR employees. COUNCIL GET SMART AND BAN THE WASTE OF TAXPAYER DOLLARS BY THIS WOMAN!

Anonymous said...

He is just saying that to try and regain votes. He and his cronies need to go. Don't believe them for one bit. They can't be trusted.

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to look into job fixing as well by the hands of HR. I hear that there is another position open at HR and trapp and her cronies have already selected a female from the prison to fulfill that position. For those who have put in for that position , whatever it is , you might as well forget it . Someone has been chosen already . That female has been running around and telling people in the prison that she has the position already. How is that fair? This is not the first time that HR has put the fix in about positions being filled. Damn, how many people are needed in HR!?

Anonymous said...

What a deceiving liar. You notice he said he wouldn't build a jail at Gracedale, however, the DLR billing indicates a detention center. What a play with words. If he won't or can't build in Easton, the only logical cost-effective place is Gracedale. No other community, including Upper Nazareth, will accept any county jail, prison or detention center.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean no jail at gracedale or no jail by gracedale. Argument can be made that the open space isn't on gracedale, but it is across the street (by gracedale). Looking forward to the q&a at tuskes park on Sunday at 1.

Anonymous said...

This is how the trapp team works....she went as far as to call the prison to make sure this person of interest applied for the open position in human resource..

Anonymous said...

You can bet on this this person is not Hispanic or black..ooops I forgot there isn't any minority in human resource.

Anonymous said...

9:53 there are minorities in Human resources, this is a bold faced Lie by you and your spoiled bratt friends

Anonymous said...

1032 is Trapp? Or "husband"

Anonymous said...

After the tragic events yesterday with the massive jailbreak attempt, it is no wonder the party chieftains got Brown to say this. Now it is up to the voters to decide if they believe him. You will have to research his record on keeping his word. If you do, I doubt you will buy this newest line.

Anonymous said...

I bet 10:32 was Trapp herself or her"husband".

Anonymous said...

You want to know the names? Put in an RTK request. You can easily find out.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else sign the petition to have the prison built in Nazareth? I live in East Allen me and all my neighbors signed it. My mom lives in Bath and said they were coming door to door there too. From what I saw they have a ton of signatures in favor of having it built at Gracedale.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Go for it!

Anonymous said...

Thi8s is so funny. People taking a petition to build a prison at Gracedale. This is the madness wrought by John Brown and his allies on County Council. What madness indeed!

Anonymous said...

Building a county prison at a site that is a half hour away from where most prisoners live (and their families who will visit them), where there is no access to public transportation, where there are no highways to access the site and historic properties preventing the construction of a new highway. Brilliant plan.

Anonymous said...

What is mad is how John And his band of cronies on county council are pretending that a years worth of history is fake. They pretend that the merits they had and the words they spoke never happened. I guess they are banking on mass hypnosis or plan stupidity.

Anonymous said...

I can tell you Keen and the boys at the prison are scrambling because their gracedale dreams have been dashed and talks for the Bangor area are now being whispered. Keen is feeling the pressure mount as his gravy train comes to an end.

Anonymous said...

John Brown and his crony council are the kings of backpedaling. They were told to get it back on the down low! Don't trust them. They stared this and now blame others. Pathetic!

Anonymous said...

Brown is a fraud!

Anonymous said...
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Bernie O'Hare said...

Stay on topic.

Anonymous said...

Brown credibility score=0

Anonymous said...

Hopefully, Brown eased some minds at his meeting today.

Anonymous said...

Brown is a liar and a cheat. Don't ever believe him.

Anonymous said...

Brown says "no" now.....but after he is re-elected, all bets are off.

Anonymous said...

Checkmate and game.

Anonymous said...

if he is re-elected, then he has a voter mandate or approval to build a Prison wherever he sees fit