Kraft at Council |
Last week, I told you that Northampton County Council member Ken Kraft may be violating the county's
nepotism policy Members from the same family or household are barred from county employment if it would create an "actual conflict of interest" or "the appearance of a conflict of interest." Kraft's wife was recently hired to work in human resources, and he chairs the personnel committee. Every time Human Resources Director Amy Trapp wanted something from his committee, it would look as though the fix was in. It is a malverse situation, even if everything is above board. .
There were two resolutions to this mess. The first would be to transfer Kraft's wife, who is still in her probationary period and is an at-will employee, into another department. The second would be for Kraft to step down as Chair of the Personnel Committee.
Kraft said he would abide by whatever decision is made by Council President John Cusick.
Cusick has made that decision. He has removed Kraft from the personnel committee completely. Kraft is being replaced by Bob Werner. Mat Benol will chair the October meeting.
On Monday, Kraft was also blocked from participation in the
#NoJailatGracedale Facebook page, ostensibly because he jumped on there to insult and mock Nazareth area residents. He insulted and mocked me, but that's the way we talk.
In the course of his attacks, he let the precise location of the new jail at Gracedale slip. That's hardly the sign of someone with a xyeresic intellect. .
Now Kraft has decided to shut down his Facebook page completely.
Smart move
So Cusick does have half a brain!
That's what he gets for thinking with his wrong head for hiring Trapp! She gets everyone in trouble. Hope it taught them ALL a lesson. She is taking them ALL down with her!!!
Kraft is a perfect example of why people hate incestuous government.
"That's what he gets for thinking with his wrong head for hiring Trapp! She gets everyone in trouble. Hope it taught them ALL a lesson. She is taking them ALL down with her!!!"
She should have been fired last year, when either she or her husband called Northampton County workers "entitled spoiled brat government employees." The remarks in that comment are the same words she was using oat the time to people at the courthouse. So although the comment was signed by her husband, I question whether it came from her, and regardless, thought she needed to apologize.
She is a toxic asset who has just alienated Brown further among those who work here. Some of the people who work for the county did vote for him. It is safe to say those votes are gone. He will be unable to gather the votes he did last time in Bethlehem. he managed to infuriate hard core conservatives in Lehigh Tp over centralized booking. While I doubt they will vote for McClure, I suspect they may not vote for Brown. He has also angered voters in the Nazareth area over his refusal to just say No to a jail at Gracedale. Then there is the trump factor. The Ds who held their noses and voted for him are weary of his constant twitter fights, inability to tell the truth and his divisive nature. Some Rs are tired of it, too. The national scene does translate unto votes in NorCo and Brown is failing in that score. He probably should never have posed with Kelly Anne Conway.
If she was hired for a Human Resources job, why give her a choice to move to another job. If she moves, her name should be thrown into the hat with other applicants.
To the contrary Bernie. This is all part of “draining the swamp”. If a few employees are pissed off that won’t matter in the grand scheme of things come Election Day, voters see it very differently. Brown has his Pit Bull and she’s takin care of business. Something that hasn’t been done in years. Brown will be re-elected easily. And for the employees that don’t like it.... micky D’s is hiring.
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