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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Monday, February 27, 2012

What to Do With Your New Lehigh County Assessment

I know what you'd like to do, but reader Bill has the best suggestion. His taxes are going up $400 next year, and he wishes his home was worth as much as assessment officials claim. Here's his advice:

Take your letter and on it will be the county web site at


Enter your ID number and you can see exactly what will happen with your taxes and you can also request a review, but you need to do it before March 16th.

Updated 8:15 AM: The web address that Bill provides is off. The correct link is here. Enter your "control ID" and you will see your taxes. Michael Molovinsky provides some analysis.


FutureDowntownArenaAttendee said...

My taxes went down about $600. I am happy. More money I can spend for season tickets at the arena in 2013.

Anonymous said...

Received mine in the mail yesterday. It stated that based on my home's preliminary valuation, my taxes would decrease. However, when I went on the lehigh county website, and entered my code, it indicated that my taxes would increase by $400.

Whethervain said...

Bernie, it appears that the (different & crytic) address you have listed goes to the same spot that is printed in the County's letter - www.mylehighcountyproperty.com .

My taxes went down roughly $350.00.

Whethervain said...

Hmmm, the HTML address tag seems to be getting corrupted here...don't know why!!??

It generates: http://www.blogger.com/www.mylehighcountyproperty.com

Wonder if it has something to do with me doing this using an iPad; the interface appears slightly different.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Whethervain, I corrected the addy.

PippySqueek said...

Didn't do too bad. Only went up $81. However, it was not the county that went up, but the school and township taxes.

Anonymous said...

I know what to do with your tax bill.

Bend over....

Robespierre said...

My notice stated that my taxes should go up. Can't say I was the least bit surprised. Just read in the paper that 8 of the 9 commissioners who voted for this travesty will see their's go down, one by over $3,000! What a coincidence, as if they didn't crunch those numbers before the vote. B.S. !