Rather a strange way to tell the truth, don't you think?.
Both also promise to explain what happens to the EIT generated in the NIZ. But neither do, except to say that if there is any "excess money," it will trickle down to other municipalities.
Instead of an honest explanation about what the hell happened, both pass off someone else's words as their own. They do both take a little shot at House Democrats in the process.
That part probably did come from their hearts.
Neither appears willing to repeal the EIT mechanism in the NIZ.
Here's their identical newsletter.
Feb. 3, 2012 | The latest news from the State Capitol | ||||||
The Truth about the Allentown Arena The NIZ was established and passed into law during the 2009 budget processbefore I took office. House Bill 1614, the legislation used to enact the 2009 Fiscal Code (part of the budget process), was supported by every House Democrat, as well as two House Republicans - Rep. Karen Beyer (R-Lehigh/Northampton) and Rep. Dennis O’Brien (R-Philadelphia). I was in office last year to vote in favor of Senate Bill 907, the Fiscal Code legislation which put into place the following critical safeguards dealing with the NIZ:
These changes, which were opposed by all House Democrats, were made to cushion the impact of the NIZ and were the best that we could do with the arena project well under way. |
This is proof that the legislature can be cut, at least by 2 after seeing this...
Simmons suprise me. he is in the pocket of who ever puts the big bucks into his campaign. His support for the N.I.Z. could end his short stay in Harrisburg, after he knocks on doors and tells the voters of his support of Allentowns N.I.Z. Mann knew her support would lead to defeat and is not running for reelection and you have reported Browne is also considering not being a candidate for reelection to the Senate.
"This is proof that the legislature can be cut, at least by 2 after seeing this..."
Thanks for running this side by side comparison. The truth hurts! Emrick should be challenged in the primary and gen. election for his sleight of hand politics. Shameful passing this off as HIS explanation. Careless too.
No Republicans are going to introduce a bill bucking the Senate Majority Whip. It's just not going to happen.
A pox on all their houses! Throw the bums out!
" His support for the N.I.Z. could end his short stay in Harrisburg,"
Both Justin and Joe should refrain from sending identical messages that they pawn off as their own writing. It's a very strange way to tell the truth.
But do people really give a shit about the NIZ? I suspect most LV residents don't know what it is, and fewer still care.
There is analysis I can believe in ... and what the Chairman is really counting on!
Be sure to check out the Chairman's Spectacular Palace of Sport Photo Gallery :
FYI..Joe Cap is in the race for Rep. Emricks seat. I have a petition and will be collecting reg. Dem. signatures here in Bangor for him. Any word if big Joe has any competition from his own party or from the opposite side of the aisle? This should be interesting.
Simmons said he was going to pay his own way. "Just like you do" However he takes session expenses and mileage. It didn't take him long to change his mind.
Justin simmons,Voted for it, before he was against it. Sounds like John Kerry.
If this is true then shame n Justin. But is it true? You're posting anonymously (which is fine but affects credibility) and provide no evidence.
This is what he lists on his website for monthly expenses. He calls it session expenses. Check it out, and keep up the good work.
Bernie, Simmons has the expense disguised as session actual. If you total the amount for the last year it exceeds $5,100.00. Furthermore, Mileage exceeds $3,000.00 and expenses such as framing and office blinds exceed
$1,000.00. And this guy claims to be frugal. What expenses does he pass on to the taxpayer that he isn't listing. Check it out.
Yeah, This guy is a rugged individual, with our tax money.
Wow Karen didn't taxpayers give You that much money every month to pay for your house in harrisburg?
I supported Simmons, however he campaigned and told the voters he would pay his own way if elected.
I was shocked when I saw this.
I was shocked Kevin Deely is married thought he was gay.
That one comment was sent by either justins mom or a fired incompetant former staff member of beyers
Simmons broke another promise to taxpayers and voted for a tax increase today in Harrisburg
Poor Karen who's paying for you house in Harrisburg now? Psea?
Those postcards he sent out in the primary were great! That limo one and her in front of the mansion. Does she still have the pearl earrings ?
Karen your friend John Taylor voted for the shale legislation too.
Simmons was sent to Harrisburg to Change Harrisburg, but Harrisburg changed Simmons..
I feel sorry for Kevin's new wife did he get kimchi before he carried her across the threshold of his house above the Korean deli?
Beyer was sent to Harrisburg to represent constituents and all she did was fill her own pockets. What former employed am I? You fired at least 20 of us Karen.
That's the problem, once Simmons got to Harrisburg he saw everyone else taking taxpayer expenses so he felt he was entitled to the same.....
I saw the posting for Simmons monthly expenses, He even had a mailing that was over $5,000.00.
6:55, I have checked into your claims. My understanding is that Simmons has declined per diem and has returned all mileage to the state. So your "facts" are just plain wrong. I did not check into the blinds.
Sure a psea union boss will do a better job. He doesn't need to change he already is corrupt!
Bernie, Check Simmons Legislative website he has it listed monthly until November of 2011.
Karen Beyer is clearly still bitter. A republican governor asked the legislature to give him a bill that would allow counties to impose a fair impact fee on drillers. Simmons and 96 other republicans voted for it. Karen's all over the place. She told everyone Simmons was a right wing nut. Now she's mad that he isn't. She should love Simmons. He liberated her. Karen's even bragging on her facebook page today about how happy she is that the courts in California overturned a gay marriage ban in California. I'm sure all the Republicans (and many conservative democrats for that matter) that she used to represent would love to know that
I'm just listing what I saw on his own website Emerick has the same on his website. Maybe their entitled to it. Just like everyone else in Harrisburg.
What did beyer have posted on her's?
Oh right it's a porn site now. Lol
What did beyer have posted on her's?
Oh right it's a porn site now. Lol
Bernie, This is how they get around per diems by submitting session actuals.
Do you understand what I said? He repaid the state.
Simmons vote on the drilling issue has removed local control over zoning and land use and has given control to Harrisburg, just like obamacare to Washington.
Bernie, That ex-beyer staff member is really disgruntled, For a brief moment in her life she was someone....
Bernie, simmons isn't taking per diems, He submits his expenses and is being reimbursed. It's sometimes higher than the per diem rate.
I also observed that staff is being reimbursed for mileage for going to work!
Bernie, simmons isn't taking per diems, He submits his expenses and is being reimbursed. It's sometimes higher than the per diem rate.
I also observed that staff is being reimbursed for mileage for going to work!
Anon 7:05 Or should I say Karen.
For a brief moment I was tied to what I thought was a shooting star then realized it was a disabled satellite. And now every time someone clicks on your old repbeyer.com website I make money.
Karen doesn't understand staff getting paid mileage. In her office only she was good enough to do that.
Hey, ex-staffer if you were so good, than another senator or legislator should have seen your ability.
Never tie yourself to someone else, Blaze your own trail!
Simmons, Be a Maverick, Push to have each legislator cut their budget 20% for 2012. No per diems or reimbursement for lodging, meals or mileage "to go to work."
And no office expenses like framing, blinds and business meals.
No I could have found a job. After seeing the Reps cheating on their spouses, the alcohol abuse, the misuse of Per Diems to buy their own houses, the shady back room deals, and the toll all that takes on your family at home. What job is worth having your children hate you?
So I decided enough politics. I would rather watch a train crash and say that is sad then be in the train that is crashing. I chose to get out you got beat at the polls. By a 23 year old right?
Happy ex employee of Karen Beyer
Glad you made it! Maybe you could get a job as a greeter at wal-mart!lol.
I have to comment regarding the ex-staffer,In the early years a staff member would visit our township building. She wore a dark trench coat and high boots and called herself Chief. Her lack of knowledge regarding local government was apparent and she advocated more control from Harrisburg over local issues.
Nice guess. Try again you made lots of friends while in office.
Nice guess. Try again you made lots of friends while in office.
Bernie, I have read your site several times over the years, However this past week is the first time I ever commented. I ended up giving counseling and therapy to an ex-staffer, Only in america...lol
Simon says, I mean Simmons says let them eat cake!
The postcards that simmons sent out in the primary, can now be used against him. I can see it now, fancy blinds for his office, meals for him and his staff, driving around in staff vehicles while we pay for mileage and framing for his office photos and momentos. Lets find a real conservative for that seat.
Fancy blinds? Have you been to his office? It's 2 rooms! But I guess if you live above a Korean deli it's fancy
Well, I'm just reviewing and listing what Simmons has documented on his own legislative website, as follows
District office blinds...$793.32
Staff Mileage............$279.95
These expenses as listed by Justin Simmons are for July of 2011.
If he listed these as expenses, I would expect these to be in his office suite......
Wow, over $1600.00 a month for an office, you would think blinds would come with the place.
After seeing those expenses I"m sure glad to see he's keeping the Federal postal system in business.
Probably had to use union labor to install the blinds.
Blinds $100
Coat for 4 union supervisors and 2 laborers to install blinds
The detail is in the cost, this is an unnecessary expense. We tea party members put him in office to save money , not find creative ways to spend it.
It was great today at the Northampton County Lincoln Breakfast. Simmons gave a great speech and totally ripped into Beyer for being a sore loser. I've never seen a women hated as much as she is. People booed whenever he said her name. Beyer has no shame. She was the only person to lose a primary in PA and then tried to help Horton and now Deely. The woman is a total waste and I'm ashamed I ever supported her as a republican.
Dear Tea Party member then you should be for right to work and removing the unfair union labor laws and prevailing wage laws in PA that run up the cost of state projects. If you really were a Tea party member you would know that but instead you are probably Kevin Deely PSEA Union Boss or Karen Beyer Lobbyist for SEIU and PSEA
Simmons has his hand in the taxpayers pocket. He now has to run on his own record and his own documented expenses.
Lodging, meals, mileage, Mailings,Furthmore, ex-staffer you can call or refer to me as you wish, but your wrong.
From your rants, I can see why you don"t have a job with even Simmons.
If your against liveable wage jobs than I would again suggest that you proceed to Wal-mart and apply for that greeter job!lol
But wait you wouldn't be able to afford those expensive campaign dinners.
Not even Simmons wants a sneak on his staff.
Maybe Simmons can moonlight as a stand-up comic or fall back on his stage act as a second career.
But remember they were laughing before Simmons voted for what will be one of the largest tax hikes in Penna. history.
And what will void all local control over land use and gas well locations in their municipalities.
So let me get this straight. Deely is going to have no expenses in his office whatsoever? Is he going to have his office in a tent or something? Maybe he can smoke some pot again with occupy people in the tent. And I'm assuming Deely won't take any campaign contributions from PSEA right? Because we all know they are just our school property tax dollars that pay teachers, that are then filtered over to union dues, which then magically become campaign contributions for democrats and Karen Beyer republicans. Deely better watch where he wants to take this campaign because he is going to lose this argument...
Simmons campaigned and told the voters that he would pay his own way to work "just like you do".
The voters elected him on this platform. Then he submits full expenses including Blinds and framing, meals, postage, staff mileage, hotel and even flags.
Its on his own website,
I wonder if the listing for staff mileage is really his own mileage.
It seems excessive.
I also observed $1545.20 for an office sign.
And this is from a saver(from campaign website)
Rep. Simmons can purchase an old camper(at his own expense) and park it in the front lawn of the capital, something like an occupy Harrisburg.
If he can't park it on the lawn, then he could park it in his reserved parking space at the state capital...lol
Someone else with Simmons mentality once said...
It's easier to tell " one big lie,than to tell a small one"
All those republicans were laughing, because they believed what Simmons told them regarding "Paying his own way to work,Just like you do"
But upon checking his report, you find lavish expenses...Whose sorry now!
First of all, as a former employee of the dreaded Karen Beyer, I want to say that I'm offended by the person impersonatting a former staffer. No former staffer would ever say these horrific things that are posted on this site, no matter how much we disliked working for Beyer. Second, back off on Justin and his staff! One trip back and forth to H'burg is almost 200 miles. I would HOPE that the staffer would be reimbursed for the travel. I have no clue as to what the mileage is for, but you have to also keep in mind that the mileage might not be frm just one month. There is a time period for all expenses.... while I don't recall the exact timeframe, I know it's more than a month. As for the blinds.... I'm sure they would not have been purchased had they not been needed. Karen Beyer is HISTORY! She's DONE! Can we all just let it rest for the sake of all of us who managed to work for her. I want to also say....something I've stood firm on despite my choosing to end my employment with her. I did learn a lot from working with her. It's something positive I can take away from a not very pleasant experience. Now can we all just let this rest, PLEASE!
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