This time, Dertinger is unwilling to accept cost estimates prepared by engineering firms. "I have something in my office that says, 'The engineer's estimate is the cost of construction in heaven' because it's never right. ... The engineer's estimate is never right." He never did explain exactly what else is needed.
Funny thing. Pennsylvania's Debt Act requires only that projects be supported by realistic cost estimates. The county has those, and Director of Administration reminded council that information was supplied during last year's budget hearings. "This information isn't new." County engineer Steve DeSalva added that a 10% contingency is added to each estimate for cost overruns. But an unusually docile Ron Angle was bending over backwards to be nice to Dertinger. He moved to table the bond so that the county can provide whatever information is deemed so necessary to Dertinger.
An exasperated Conklin told council they've already prepared documents for an imminent Internet sale. "You want to take a risk on it goes for a vote here tonight?" asked Angle.
Conklin was willing to take that risk, but not Stoffa. He agreed to put on the brakes, but warned Council, "Don't criticize us for not getting projects done."
Council's table last night marks the second time this month they've avoided Stoffa's proposal.
They are doing their job and you critize them. They probably want the real bond issue.
What about the real bond issue Stoffa will want for his new prison? Why not put this into that one. Also, use some of the millions and millions of dollars Stoffa has allegedly saved every year. That plus the millions he got from Reibman just be just right.
Why not just pay for this? The books are cooking up just fine.
What a bunch of idiots.
Anon 12;30 am You are an idiot of the first rank with a high grade fever. You wouldn`t know truth from fiction if it hit you in the face.How can you have a bond issue without approving it ? Dertinger is worried because he did so poorly in the primary; newcommers nearly topped him . Wow and to think he ran for Congress and nobody remebers him...the "Great Charles ." What a jerk he is. He is only making a fool of himself and it won`t take much to complete the job.
If the Meetings were televised, the subtitles would read, "We just were humiliated in the last election and will probably eventually lose our Seats anyway, so we're just going to screw SToffa at every turn, our constituents and the people of Norco be damned."
I still don't understand Dertinger's statement about engineers going to heaven. Can we have subtitles just for him?
Dertinger will win in Novemeber as will at least two other Dem's. Stoffer has to learn to cooperate with people or he will be as ineffective in his second term as he was in his first.
what additional info do they want, exactly?
Poor Conklin As hard-working and professional as he is, everything still has to be approved by the knuckle-draggers on Council in the end.
Poor Conklin. He's an EMT. King of the Blue Lights. He's in way over his head.
Stoffa was justified in being frustrated with this pathetically dysfunctional Council. Every municipal capital project proceeds with best engineering estimates plus 10%. Bids on other building projects have come in FAR below estimates. This is the perfect time to begin a construction project with the housing market way down. It is ridiculous to assume that in this market there will be significant cost over runs. And yet Sir Charles must grandstand with more delays to satisfy his ego while the critical need for juvenile detention is ignored, and a crumbling parking deck and bridges are accidents waiting to happen. Don't criticize Stoffa for not building anything when Council throws useless road blocks in front of him!
had McHale won, she might actually have had to work for once. There's more to government than just constantly saying no to progress and then smugly driving home.
Dertinger translator pro bono: "All engineers are liars and unethical cheats. Just let the bridges fall down and people die."
Blessed gridlock.
1) Did any of the Council wannabe's for november come to the meeting?
2) Did Queen Ann concede or congratulate Stoffa yet?
Inquring mind
Anon 9:20,
1) Not one of the wannabes was present. Quelle surprise.
2) I neglected to ask Stoffa whether Queen Ann has abdicated.
They're probably afraid.
Dirtinfinger is a self proclaimed expert on everything but knows nothing. He doesn`t even work around here because no one will hire him. He has a job in New York city where he collects a salary for doing nothing-all part of union payoffs to get a building contract. Why doesnt`t he move there ? His only role on Council is to be messanger boy for the open space committee to county council--something that could be done in an e -mail...oh by the way he is a window expert also. He once saw windows being installed in a sky scraper in New York city. What a waste of a Council seat!
Ann couldn`t call Stoffa because she didn`t know where he was on election night, She has no cell phone because she needs to make her Lexus monthly payment
Cell phones and such sophisticated technology like that is very New Dem. Stoffa only has three fingers left but he has one he pecks away at. I saw a pic of him on it on the Mourning Call.
Deborah Hunter, please start attending Council meetings. Give us something to hope for.
Bernie, why do you think Ron Angle was being so docile all of a sudden?
Stoffa is trying to pass a bond issue without cost estimates just like you sued Reibman for. Dertinger is trying to get a real cost of construction and after a lot of BS from Stoffa and Conklin the honest guy from the administration from public works said they didn't have a complete number and they couldn't say what the actual cost would be.
Remember the last project this group took on was the windows at Gracedale and after having their experts testify that it would cost 2 million they had to come back to council for another 1.5 million.
Looks like Dertinger has a reason to be concerned!
Vote out all incumbents. Say no to stalling, self-interested bad government
McHale still has not conceded or called Stoffa to congratulate him, but she's getting closer. She heard a rumor that he has an office somewhere in Easton.
Since Stoffa is only at the office part of the time it would be easy to miss him. why do you think he ran for re-election. Easy way to collect a paycheck, he is hardly there.
Dertinger is like the little kid in elementary school who's not as bright or quick as the other kids that outshine him so he just keeps throwing a wrench in everything the smart kids do, to survive and keep the spotlight.
WIth all those Union lemmings led by a leash and told to vote for Dertinger or they'll get waterboarded by Ann and Joe, I can't believe he was almost beat by Hunter, an unknown who has never been to a meeting. Where is Dertinger's non Union support gone?
Stoffa is trying to pass a bond issue without cost estimates just like you sued Reibman for. Dertinger is trying to get a real cost "This is complete hoseshit. I know LGUDA as well as any bond counsel. I was successful in litigation over a bond, both before the DCED and the Supreme Court. And the issue was cost estimates.
Realisitic cost estimates, as that term is defined by the Debt Act, were submitted to counsel last year. They are all before counsel, three estimates for three projects prepared by an engineer. That's enough for the law.
Dertinger claims these realistic cost estimates, which meet the definition, are not good enough for him. He'd like more detail. Well, then why doesn't this Vanderbilt dig into his own pocket and pay for it?
I invite him to sue once this bond passes and will laugh as the DCED and any court will shove his associate's degree in labor relations up his ass. He does not know what he is talking about, and neither do you.
Anonymous 7:48 - you have no idea what you are talking about. John Conklin is an extrelmleuy knowledgeable, hard working civil servant.
Dertinger has to go !
He works very hard down in the civil section.
I was at the first Council meeting in May (couldn't make the second). It is my intention to make all of the meetings from now on. By the way, was interested in the debate over Steve Schmitt. While I don't know all the particulars of his background, I can say without equivocation that there is no one more committed to alternative transportation than Steve. His voice on the LANTA board might have been valuable.
D. Hunter
Well Ms Hunter [if it is her] just lost Joe Long and Dertinger`s support. She is sure to lose her November election now.
Joe Long doesn't care who is on the LANTA board. Deb Hunter has every right to express her opinion. On this one she happens to disagree with Peg Ferraro and Mike Dowd among others. She is thoughtful and indepedent. Is it smart to be signaling how you might vote on issues you don't have to vote on - no, but give her props for courage. Hunter is not going to take orders from anybody. But she is reasonably intelligent, and has that quality that I like in public servants. She's prone to a good argument.
Deb Hunter is no Joe Long Democrat. I hear she actually got them to put her on their flyer without paying any money. Now that's good campaigning. But Bernie, I also understand that she thinks Angle is a very bad man, so this ought to be interesting to watch.
Settle down folks, I couched my opinion in "I don't know all the particulars" regarding Steve's appointment. All I am doing is expressing my belief that Steve should have had more consideration. As for partisanship, please...the vote itself cut across parties and Steve had the support of Callahan (hardly a Republican). But point taken, a candidate can't express their true views on any specifics and needs to keep their ideas broad and vague. Isn't that why we answer the LV League of women voters' and Voter Guide questions in the way we do? No one really wants to know how you might vote on issues. Political calculation is what it comes down to. A sad state of affairs...
No, Deb you missed my point. You were brave to voice your opinion on a contentious issue that you didn't have to vote on. Maybe that's what people are looking for - someone who isn't afraid to be authentic even when it might not be in their best interest politically to get involved. I think you'll be a good public servant with a chance to be a great one. My political advice though would be to not stick your two cents in until you have to stick it in.
Deb, as a friend, please donot get caught up in this blog. O'Hater is a major league azzhole and all this will come back to bite you in the rear.
Screw Long and ignore O'Hare and Angle. This is a bizzaro world. People like me, O'Hare, Angle and the other wackjobs that blog here will only cause you grief. Do more constructive things with your time. You will do well in the Fall and you donot need this crazy platform.
Just some seriously friendly advice.
Deb Hunter,
Assuming this is really you, thank you for your opinion. I was also very impressed by your responses to the Express Times Voter Guide and the video I saw of your performance at the candidates' night. You did great at the polls, and I think I feel a breath of fresh air coming from your direction. Good luck w/ your campaugn. I will be trying to sit down with you and the other candidates before the November election, as I've already warned your husband.
I do not believe that your expression of your opinion, at least in this instance, hurt you w/ anyone. Your assessment of Schmitt's knowledge of alternative transportaion is right on the mark, too. Those who voted against him were not doing so for political reasons so far as I can see. I think they all voted their consciences and were trying to do what is right.
Thanks again for sharing your views, which are appreciately by nearly all of us.
"On this one she happens to disagree with Peg Ferraro and Mike Dowd among others."Rev. Dowd voted to support Schmitt's nomination.
Ah, Deb Hunter. A potential Council member who can actually spell. She'll never get Long support.
GO DEB! If you want to be on County Council, you must stop using words like "equivocation." Keep things as monosyllabic as possible. THis isn't the School Board.
The "new guy" Capozzolo again looks like he knows whats going on. Cant we just keep him & boot the rest?
He's Angle's boy so O'Hare will support him.
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