Back in January, I told you
Hillary Clinton will never be president. A
Mason-Dixon survey supports that conclusion. Fifty-two per cent of the voters would support anyone over Hillary Clinton.
Chuck "Do No Harm" Keiser must feel the same way. He sent me a little ditty yesterday that seems appropriate.
Poor little Hillary sent to the pillory
For eating the Master’s pie.
What’s to be done with such a bold lass
Who’s far more clever than sly?
I can't stand Hillary Clinton, and I certainly won't vote for her (unless she's running up against BTNP, lol). Here's a funny joke someone sent me:
"An airplane was about to crash.
There were 5 passengers on board, but only 4 parachutes
The 1st passenger said, "I am Kobe Bryant, the best NBA basketball
player. The Lakers need me, and I can't afford to die."
So he took the 1st pack and left the plane.
The 2nd passenger, Hillary Clinton said, "I am the wife of a former
U.S. President, a NY State Senator and a potential future president. And I am the smartest woman in American history, America 's people
don't want me to die."
She took the 2nd pack and jumped out of the plane.
The 3rd passenger, Ted Kennedy said, "I am a US Senator. The emocratic party needs me and my liver still has some good years left."
So he grabbed the pack next to him and jumped.
The 4th passenger, Billy Graham, said to the 5th passenger, a 10 year old schoolgirl, "I am old and frail and don't have many years
left, and as a Christian I will sacrifice my life and let you have the last parachute."
The little girl said, "That's okay. There's a parachute left for
you... America 's smartest woman took my school bag."
Where did you get the High School picture of Stoffa?
Cute right wing humor.
Actually, I think Hillary is on the right in my mind. In hir husband's case, it doesn't bother me. In hers, it does. Is it because she's a woman? I hope not.
I'm not sure about other people that comment on this blog, but my dislike for her has nothing to do with being a woman. Unless a politician is racing to have sex with me, I discard all biological features.
I just don't think she would be good for the country. Better than Bush, probably, but still not the type of person the country needs. Not only is she using hatred of the Bush administration to gain cheers and avoid more serious issues on a regular basis, but her main ploy is using her husband, Mr. Clinton, to get ahead in the polls. “Hey, my husband was a president most people liked, so vote for me,” shouldn’t be an attitude when wanting to run an entire nation! I hope people remember that we’re voting for Hillary and not Bill in the upcoming elections.
Also, think about this...
Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Clinton again? It’s time for a change. The country going back and forth between families (and parties, in this case) is only dividing the country more. It’s like the United States is a game at the state fair the Clinton’s and Bush’s are trying to win, and politics in general is a stupid potato sack race.
It’s time to get someone fresh in office.
Honestly she is far from a sinking ship. No one really comes close to her on the democratic side. It's very doubtful that she'll lose the primary....That being said she will be hard to elect because of the years of constant pounding from the far right wackos. Year after year, after year. It gets boring after awhile.It's amazing after all that negative publicity that she even polls as well as she does. Look at all the morons out there that still believe that Iraq had something to do with 911. The last poll had it at 41%. Why? Because the right wing noise machine pounded it into everyones head to make their case for Iraq.
The point here is that you tell people lies long enough they begin
to swallow the garbage and continually repeat it. Most arguments against her candidacy have been pathetic rehashes of Republican jokes or talking points over the years. She probably can't win because her negatives are too high but she is a much better candidate than any of those Republicans out there and most of the Dems. I saw her speak in NY along side of all of the 2004 presidential wannabees. She blew them away. Not even a contest..
Tom, All I can tell you is that many Dems hate her guts. That's just the way it is.If she were such a strong candidate, Barack Obama could not come out of nowhere and do so well. I don't think she'll get the nod.
You already owe me at least three pop tarts..Double or nothing..She gets the nod..
Just read on CNN that Obama pulled in more than $30 million in contributions during teh last quarter, breaking a record and many of his contributions are coming from small/medium donors. Whoever the nominee is needs to take that playbook and use it for fundraising b/c it's a winner.
I don't think Hillary's a sinking ship, but she's also not going to waltz to this nomination easily. She and Obama (I've seen both of them in person recently and can tell you that they are not very different in terms of their ability to provide a solid message and get the crowd going) will have a drag out for the nomination and I think the party will be better served for it. Right now I say 50/50 between the two senators.
Edwards is almost done (I'm guessing he won't make it past the calendar year). Richardson is probably the most qualified on paper, which automatically eliminates him. Dodd is a joke. Biden's still running? The rest aren't even on the same stage.
The truly great aspect of this all is that the GOP has a bunch of guys that are proving to be problematic. Rudy is pro-choice/pro-gay marriage/pro-gun control. McCain seems to be gnawing on his foot. Romney hates dogs (or at least straps them to the roof of his car for family vacations). Thompson ain't Reagan. And none of them inspire a lot of trust.
Tom Foolery, You're on, dude.
Ahh, Bernie, my old friend, my little P-Ditty is actually Pro Hillary. ;o)
All must be joking with their support of Hillster as a possible President of our USA! If Hillary
would ever win Presidency, I will not leave the Country, but would
be concerned about our economy! On the other hand, I would be very grateful and thank "YOU" for paying all of my bills, as will every other minority in the USA. At least until we're "all" broke. Next, we could deal with global warming to save the snail darter from extinction. larry@kisslinger.com
I believe Tom's point is well taken. Hillary is well poised to take the Dem. nomination. Obama is an intriguing diversion that we style conscious Dem.'s love to indulge in but at the end of the day she will win. At the national level it is about money and ground troops and party org. I agree party means little locally but overall nationally it still helps win primary's. The point is she will win the primary even though many Dems don't care for her and she probably can't win in Nov. I believe she plans to cross that bridge when she gets to it. Who knows the Repub could self-destruct or be even more devisive then Hillie. I'm no Hillie fan I think she is too devisive and too big a risk for Dems in 08, but we will see. I will support any candidate of any party that brings us into the 21st Century with Health care in this country. Where working folks no longer have to sell hoagies to get their kid an operation.
Anon 11:57,
I have to agree with you. I don't like Hillary. I do like Obama. I love Gore. And Hillary is very divisive, unlike her husband.
But we have so many problems, and health care is one of the biggest. I'd support her or any candidate who has a good answer. In my mind, a good answer is universal health care.
My God, you have found the son of the evil villain Braniac! look at the size of his brain! You'd think he'd be smart enough not to get caught!
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