Before he disappeared, White had finally convinced himself he is actually Captain Jack Sparrow, and kept calling everyone around him "me proud beauty."
He was last seen running from some of his less appreciative readers.
Today's one-liner: "The shortest way to the distinguishing excellence of any writer is through his hostile critics." Richard LeGallienne
He went on vacation. Bernie, you posted a comment. Are you losing it in your old age?
That's just what they want you to think.
I'm back. Did I miss anything?
Bill, There was a coup d'etat in Northampton County. Angle finally took over and appointed Jolly Joe propoganda minister. Other than that, things are real quiet. Really.
Rumor had it White, Angle and Stoffa were holed up in a cabin in the mountains planning their next move towards world domination. It's true, IT"S TRUE!!!
Why doi you think there was a tornado in Eastonm last night? It's the end of times.
Angle's kid went to Jolly Joe's radio station Friday and asked for some Musikfest tickets,the kid said they were paid for. The joke is on Angle, Jolly Joe called to see if they were paid for,wrong the kid lied for Angle,he did'nt even have the ball's to come in to the station,he waited in the car.The joke is on him , the tickets were voided after one phone call. Angle met his match,wait till they try to use the tickets.Lier,lier pants on fire remember the elections in November.
I'm cackling maniacally.
The truth will set you free,Angle should be behind bars.
Still cackling maniacally.
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