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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Monday, September 30, 2024

NYTimes: Harris Is the Only Patriotic Choice

I have told you many times why I could never under any circumstances vote for Donald Trump for office. I completely disagree with his views on both foreign and domestic policy, but it's his poor morale character that repels me. He is a professional wrestling "heel" who revels in outlandish statements with little regard to veracity. This appears to be the view of the NY Times editorial board as well, which has just declared that Kamala Harris is the only patriotic choice in the Presidential race.

The editorial starts with this: "It is hard to imagine a candidate more unworthy to serve as president of the United States than Donald Trump. He has proved himself morally unfit for an office that asks its occupant to put the good of the nation above self-interest. He has proved himself temperamentally unfit for a role that requires the very qualities — wisdom, honesty, empathy, courage, restraint, humility, discipline — that he most lacks."

You can buy his $499 watch, but it's time to stop buying his bullshit. 


Anonymous said...

New York Times? Yikes! Hardly a paragon of journalistic integrity.

Anonymous said...

$100,000.00 watch, don't short the ultimate grifter/con-man!

Anonymous said...

Every time she voted in the senate it was Anti-Military you believe and print lies from the left-wing lunatics all the time. You are Anii-Military.

Anonymous said...

Here's an excerpt from that article. 'She may not be the perfect candidate for every voter, especially those who are frustrated and angry about our government’s failures to fix what’s broken — from our immigration system to public schools to housing costs to gun violence.' I mean, this is REALLY their argument?! Forget about EVERYTHING that matters to you and to our country and still vote for her. They cannot be serious!!

Anonymous said...

I have been reading Bernie for a long time, and to call him anti-military is truly ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

10:34....you would rather vote for a scum bag that has an affair with another woman while his wife is pregnant with their child. Or how about being a veteran and voting for the draft dodger calling veterans "losers and suckers". Or as a senior citizen vote for the lying sonofabitch who said he had nothing to do with the insurrection. The best part of donald Tramp ran down his mothers leg.

A concerned citizen of the Valley said...

Adults realize that they cannot have every thing that they want...in life, or in a candidate, and make nuanced judgments accordingly. I think the point of the article is that even though there may be aspects of Vice President Harris which are not perfect in every way for every voter, Mr. Trump has provide himself to be unworthy of high office. That this is not obvious to (nearly) half of my fellow citizens is a mystery to me.

Anonymous said...

What "qualifications" does the NY Times thinks should exist to become President? He's a natural born U.S. citizen, is over 35 years old and has lived in the country for at least 14 years. He is certainly qualified be President.

Anonymous said...

yes i would because they are left-wing radical lies and he know how to lead the country not like your left-wing Marxist Harris who will kill what's left after Biden

Anonymous said...

I suspect it's going to get real quiet on this blog after the election, when all the frothing MAGA folk realize that they are in fact an extremist fringe group who live in an alternate reality. Some people are going to vote for Trump grudgingly, but for all those folks who watch Fox News non-stop and put Trump signs on their lawn, and drive around with an American eagle license plate on their truck -- as if that makes someone a patriotic American haha -- be ready for reality to come knocking in early November. Don't say you weren't warned!

Bernie O'Hare said...

12:57, At no time does the NY Times aver that Trump is unqualified. What it does aver is that he is unfit, and he is.

Anonymous said...

LOL! The NY Times hasn’t endorsed a republican since Eisenhower.

Anonymous said...

You lost me at New York Times. they told us Trump colluded with the Russians, the Hunter Biden laptop was fake, Haitians were whipped at the border. Not sure why this is news because they haven't endorsed a republican since 1960. Lastly, Why is Trump getting internet and phones service for people and not Biden/Harris? I though he was unfit


Anonymous said...

Harris is by far more dangerous than Trump

Anonymous said...

Bravo 12:27

Anonymous said...

Here we go with the suckers and losers hoax. Just like the fine people hoax. Next thing you will tell me the pee pee tape hoax. I will go out on a limb and say you voted for Biden. He also got deferments. Libs know nothing


Dennis P said...

Bernie --- How different is unqualified from unfit ... Can we trust any component member of the current administration to produce policy which would build back America better when the Energy community says it cannot meet the guidelines that the current administration is imposing by the given year established. They are predicting reoccurring problems with the nation's electric grid not just in stormy weather but good times as well ... If the citizens of this country want us to become a backward third world country, then so be it. But that is not my choice.

Anonymous said...

Trump is in Georgia today with Hurricane victims with supplies. Harris is still campaigning but supposedly on her way back to the WH to be briefed. Biden coughed his way through a 5 minute speech this AM at 11:30 saying he'd been in touch by phone. Who would you vote for?

Anonymous said...

Philadelphia and Atlanta are going to decide this presidential election.

Let that soak in for a minute.

Anonymous said...

He already proved he can be an excellent president as evidenced by his four years as president

Anonymous said...

If Harris wins wait for those who voted for her be surprised at how she can and will. truly mess this country up. And what will the Democrats pick on and lie about if Trump is gone?

Anonymous said...

"Harris is by far more dangerous than Trump" = Russian spit drivel stupidity! Go away Yuri or Dmitri or whatever your name is!

Trump will wreck our government on purpose -- turn it over to political hacks. For all those folks who say they hate politics and politicians, imagine Trump enacting Project 2025 and putting thousands of political types in government positions.

Harris is a steady hand at the wheel. Cautious and experienced.

Rob said...

Harris every time

Anonymous said...

It's called democracy. Gotta have policies and people that the majority like, or else you lose. Let that soak in for a minute.

Anonymous said...

Then you apparently can’t read or better yet can’t understand my point; namely, that only choice is the one who shows up. Trump!