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Monday, September 30, 2024

NorCo Elections Office to Conduct L&A Testing of Mail-in Ballot Scanners on Tuesday

L&A testing, more precisely known as logic and accuracy testing, is a series of tests that the elections office must run prior to each election to ensure that all systems are in good working order. 

In NorCo, L&A testing of the scanners that tabulate mail-in ballots will take place on Tuesday, 10 am, at the third-floor training room of the Northampton County courthouse. This is open to the public and media. 

After this testing is complete, the elections office will start sending out mail-in ballots. 

L&A testing on the voting machines will take a bit longer. That will start on Monday, Oct 7, 9 am and go on until October 10. This will take place at the elections warehouse, which is located on the Gracedale campus. This will also be open to the public and media, although photography is prohibited. 


Anonymous said...

There is little trust in elections these days. Norco has earned this distrust.

Anonymous said...

Whatever this single test accomplishes it does NOT rule out the myriad other ways to cheat in the upcoming election. In the end, it will show all ballots, including FRAUDULENT ballots, were counted in the correct amount.

Am I being overly skeptical about elections these days? Yes, as are a majority of other Americans according to some polling.