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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

NorCo Judges Seek Dismissal of Federal Lawsuit Filed By Former Custody Master

Northampton County's bench is seeking the dismissal of a federal civil rights lawsuit filed in April by former custody master Lisa Tresslar. Her claim alleges age and sex discrimination as well as retaliatory behavior from judges more interested in insulating themselves from information that could raise red flags about potential child abuse than they were in preventing it from occurring. 

On September 3, Northampton County's bench filed a motion to dismiss Tresslar's complaint, calling it a "frivolous and self-important assertion that an entire Court of Common Pleas – after several years, numerous rewrites, and final approval from the Supreme Court Rules Committee – enacted revisions to its Custody Procedures governing the conduct of everyone in its Custody Division specifically in order to discriminate or retaliate against Lisa Tresslar."

The motion for dismissal contends that Tresslar "waves around a number of immaterial and scandalous falsehoods in the hopes that this Court will ignore the absolute dearth of evidence in support of her discrimination and retaliation claims. The reality is that she has failed to identify even a single male Custody Master who was treated more favorably than she was, and has not alleged any direct evidence of discriminatory words or conduct levied against her or anyone else. In fact, the only 'comparator' she cites as having received more favorable treatment than her is another woman, Roseann Joseph, which completely undercuts her theory that she was treated differently because of her sex. In sum, Plaintiff uses a lot of words to say very little, especially about alleged discrimination and retaliation." 

Tresslar has until October 1 to respond to the court's motion to dismiss.

She is represented by Sidney Gold, a lawyer in Philadelphia. The courts are represented by Jennnifer L Hope, an attorney with the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts. 


Anonymous said...

We should seek dismissal of the norco judge gang

Anonymous said...

Glad all these people who are in charge of the justice system don't have the mindset of a high-schooler. Really makes me feel safe.

Anonymous said...

YOU GO LISA ---Northampton County doesn't like upfront and honest people --- keep them honest LISA TRESSLER

Anonymous said...

When this heinous discrimination allegedly occurred, the esteemed Baratta was on the bench. If she is suing the “entire Court of Common Pleas,” then she is also suing her current boss, if, in fact, she is still employed by the DA’s office. If BaRATta is okay with this lawsuit, I imagine he is playing some underhanded role. Why wouldn’t he, though, it isn’t as though he ran an above-board campaign and respects his staff.

Anonymous said...

Jermaine better hope this works.

Anonymous said...

She still works for the county. Insane allegations. Maybe more credible if she was not

Anonymous said...

I hope this gets dismissed. We wouldn’t want to have judges have to spend any time in a courthouse.