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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Magisterial District Judge Amy Zanelli Under Investigation By Judicial Conduct Board


According to several reliable sources, Lehigh County Magisterial District Judge Amy Zanelli, who was elected in 2021, is being investigated by the Judicial Conduct Board. That Board investigates complaints of judicial misconduct, and if necessary, files formal charges against judges believed to have engaged in unethical behavior. 

Neither the Lehigh County Court Administrator nor the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts can confirm the existence of an investigation because documents and evidence obtained are confidential. If the Board decides a full investigation is warranted, the judge is notified and is given an opportunity to respond to the charges.

In this case, Zanelli was notified last week of the existence of an investigation. No suspension has been sought at this juncture, so she can continue to hear cases. 

I am unable to contact Zanelli because she blocked me years ago. She can request the Judicial Conduct Board to confirm the existence of a pending investigation. 

If the investigation leads to a trial in the Court of Judicial Discipline, the trial itself will be a matter of public record. The judge is presumed innocent, and the Board must prove its case by clear and convincing evidence. 


Anonymous said...

Whoever did her hair should be under investigation also.

Anonymous said...

Do an OPRA request of FHPD for her Dodson Street address

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when people listen to LV4All rather than making their own informed decisions.

Anonymous said...

God she's beautiful

Anonymous said...

She’ll claim she’s being picked on because she’s a Jew and a lesbian - in reality, she just sucks and is a disgrace to any profession. Girl, just get in the public assistance line already!!

Anonymous said...

I know Allentown is outside of your typical zone but you are the research guy. Curious since your topic today is with a judge. Given the article in today's edition of the MC about city council seeing the mayor and finance director and the policemen's suit from a few weeks ago, in what type of court do those suits appear? News articles omit this info.

Anonymous said...

Yep. With all the controversy during the election you would have thought people were smarter. But, DEI.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she should go back to working for children and youth? I hear NorCo is hiring.

Anonymous said...

She’s an abomination on and off the bench! She has absolutely no clue how to do her job, creates a hostile work environment, treats attorneys and defendants like they’re beneath her, has a problem with punctuality and makes Bernie Sanders look like a centrist.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Doesn't she bring her dog to work like it's a kindergarden and not a courtroom? Maybe someone with allergies complained. *Rightfully*

Anonymous said...

Is that address still not her personal property?

NorCo Twink said...

Amy is a goddess, as a proud gay man i have heard stories of her pegging her admirers with her gavel, if this can be done sign me up!

Anonymous said...

She seems to think she’s VERY important - maybe we can trade her for all of the Gaza hostages???

Anonymous said...

Bernie - her behavior was more than unethical, it was CRIMINAL!

Anonymous said...

Explain yourself.

Anonymous said...

Her last name Zanelli is spelled with one "n"

Anonymous said...

So many knew this was coming! Finally she will be exposed! It’s going to be fun watching all her dirty dealings be uncovered!

Bernie O'Hare said...

3:16, Thanks and corrected.

Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear this news. I have practiced before many magisterial district judges and have never seen anyone as bad as her. The way she treated the people in her courtroom was appalling.

her courtroom and hope to see her held accountable.

Anonymous said...

Rumor is the new hellertown chief is on the Brady list and can’t testify in court….. more corruption

Anonymous said...

Then you haven't practiced in front of McClure

Anonymous said...

The entire Lehigh Valley was warned about her years ago (thank you Bernie). She’s a narcissistic liar who was terminated by 2 children and youth agencies and had was very shady when a Lehigh County Commissioner. You go get someone elected in a position like she has without promising favors. Pop some popcorn get a chair and enjoy this movie, because it’s going to be a great show !!!

Anonymous said...

Can’t wait to see her dirty duties unfold !

Anonymous said...

Let’s see how the Harrington’s wiggle their way out of this one. I wouldn’t be surprised if Zanelli was still involved in that political disaster!

Anonymous said...

You and so many others saying the same thing! She needs to go!

Anonymous said...

I personally witnessed her throw a pro se defendant, who was obviously in mental distress, out of a hearing and continued with the hearing in his absence. What an absolute disgrace she is!

Anonymous said...

Amy Zanelli is about as useful as Anne Frank’s drum set!!!

Anonymous said...

Does she step down or play this out? When does the victim card come out? How many more people will have their rights violated? Find out next time of Dragon Ball Zanelli!

Anonymous said...

Oh she’s frequently at their stupid meetings still - another violation by her. They were even dumb enough to post a picture of her daughter on Facebook at a meeting - no middle schooler goes to a LV4All meeting without their parent

Anonymous said...

Most of the comments are written by Amy’s Ex in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely they are not!

Anonymous said...

LOL! Actually, no - EV-ER-Y-ONE hates her, not just her exes

Anonymous said...

MaryEsther Merlo 2.0 here

Anonymous said...

She was fired from that twice wasn't she?

Anonymous said...

As one of her Xs I can assure you we all have very valid concerns. She's a malignant narcissist. She makes a habit of stalking and abusing her partners.

Anonymous said...

Preach!!! Spill that tea!!!

Anonymous said...

Bernie, get that RTK request out to FHPD for 802 Dodson responses…

Anonymous said...

Why does her daughter go to Nitschmann when she lives in Fountain Hill?? Is it so her daughter can walk to her court after school so she doesn’t have to pay for childcare?