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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

How Much Did NorCo Exec's "Junket" to Ann Arbor Cost the Taxpayer?

Last week, I told you that NorCo Exec Lamont McClure would miss the September 18-19 meetings of Northampton County Council because he was attending a conference of Keep Our Republic, a bipartisan nonprofit focused on threats to our election system. It is based on what should be three noncontroversial principles: (1) Let every eligible voter vote; (2) Let every vote be counted; and (3) let the electoral count stand. But McClure's trip came on the heels of Council member Ken Kraft's complaints about a week-long trip to Tampa, taken by Council President Lori Vargo Heffner. She was there for the annual convention of the National Association of Counties. Her voyage cost NorCo taxpayers about $3,100. So how much did McClure's "junket" to Ann Arbor cost?

According to McClure, $140. I told you that, though he's a Democrat, he's a cheap bastard. 

Did he hitchhike? Or borrow one of my bikes and sleep in a hammock? No. Keep Our Republic picked up the tab. McClure had to pay to park at Newark airport. 

McClure likes to take pictures of squirrels and rocks so I'm sure he had a blast. 

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