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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

NorCo Council Moves Oct 17 Meeting to Oct 24 So It Can Celebrate UNESCO Designation

All nine members of Northampton County Council voted last week to move its scheduled October 17 meeting to October 24. Reason? Members want to join in the celebration of the designation of Moravian settlements in Bethlehem, Northern Ireland and Germany as World Heritage Site. This designation had been sought since 2002, and it includes about 10 acres in parts of historic Bethlehem. 

According to Council President Lori Vargo Heffer, the regularly scheduled October 17 meeting would conflict with a "big dinner" scheduled that evening.

Council member John Brown suggested just canceling the meeting, but Attorney Kevin Kelleher (sitting in for Solicitor Chris Spadoni) sagely observed that the Home Rule Charter requires that Council must meet twice every month. In addition, Heffner remarked that Council has a lot of work. 

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