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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Monday, September 30, 2024

NYTimes: Harris Is the Only Patriotic Choice

I have told you many times why I could never under any circumstances vote for Donald Trump for office. I completely disagree with his views on both foreign and domestic policy, but it's his poor morale character that repels me. He is a professional wrestling "heel" who revels in outlandish statements with little regard to veracity. This appears to be the view of the NY Times editorial board as well, which has just declared that Kamala Harris is the only patriotic choice in the Presidential race.

The editorial starts with this: "It is hard to imagine a candidate more unworthy to serve as president of the United States than Donald Trump. He has proved himself morally unfit for an office that asks its occupant to put the good of the nation above self-interest. He has proved himself temperamentally unfit for a role that requires the very qualities — wisdom, honesty, empathy, courage, restraint, humility, discipline — that he most lacks."

You can buy his $499 watch, but it's time to stop buying his bullshit. 


Anonymous said...

New York Times? Yikes! Hardly a paragon of journalistic integrity.

Anonymous said...

$100,000.00 watch, don't short the ultimate grifter/con-man!

Anonymous said...

Every time she voted in the senate it was Anti-Military you believe and print lies from the left-wing lunatics all the time. You are Anii-Military.

Anonymous said...

Here's an excerpt from that article. 'She may not be the perfect candidate for every voter, especially those who are frustrated and angry about our government’s failures to fix what’s broken — from our immigration system to public schools to housing costs to gun violence.' I mean, this is REALLY their argument?! Forget about EVERYTHING that matters to you and to our country and still vote for her. They cannot be serious!!

Anonymous said...

10:34....you would rather vote for a scum bag that has an affair with another woman while his wife is pregnant with their child. Or how about being a veteran and voting for the draft dodger calling veterans "losers and suckers". Or as a senior citizen vote for the lying sonofabitch who said he had nothing to do with the insurrection. The best part of donald Tramp ran down his mothers leg.

A concerned citizen of the Valley said...

Adults realize that they cannot have every thing that they want...in life, or in a candidate, and make nuanced judgments accordingly. I think the point of the article is that even though there may be aspects of Vice President Harris which are not perfect in every way for every voter, Mr. Trump has provide himself to be unworthy of high office. That this is not obvious to (nearly) half of my fellow citizens is a mystery to me.