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Monday, April 24, 2023

Looking Like a Biden Trump Redux

In a supposed democratic republic populated by 340 million, I am totally astonished that it increasingly looks like the 2024 Presidential is going to be a Trump-Biden rematch. Trump is Captain Chaos while Biden is 80 years old. Can't we do better than this? I am unable in good conscience to vote for either of these guys. 


Anonymous said...

No no no...it doesn't...

Anonymous said...

I'll vote for an 80 year-old who puts the Constitution first, before I'll vote for a 76 year-old wannabe dictator with the intelligence of a 5th grader. Everyone knows if Trump gets another term he'll make sure he has his minions in place to ensure his next coup to remain in power will be successful.

Anonymous said...

Comparing life before Covid to present day, my job is less stressful and more secure now. Every one of my staff are pleased with their pay and employment. There is actually room for upward mobility. I suppose I rather have a job and a home and control over my budget than to be worrying about the next day. Hands off my retirement age, Social Security and Medicare. Negotiate budgets but always honor the debt ceiling. Brinksmanship affects us all, the market, the banking system, and our retirements. I rather a president who has incontinence than one that incites bad actors.

Anonymous said...

Has the country ever experienced more chaos on all fronts that is more dangerous than under this current administration?

Nope said...

Constitutional republic. Not a democratic republic.

Anonymous said...

Biden represents worldwide and domestic chaos to me. Biden has the mental and physical capacity of a man much OLDER than his age number. Trump’s physical drive and mental capacity is that of a man of man much YOUNGER than his age number. The outward presentation between these two men is about 35 years!

If these two choices are the choice, I will most definitely vote for Trump. Besides, Trump took America to a far better place than where we find ourselves now. This nation has fallen hard under Biden. NO ONE is better to build us back up than Donald Trump.
Besides, Trump earned a second term already, but that’s been delayed, and . . . .

most of America knows exactly what I am referring to!

Anonymous said...

“I am unable in good conscience to vote for either of these guys.”

Really? You’re a democrat operative who runs a blog to promote democrats.

Something tells me you’ll find an excuse (no matter how flimsy) to vote for Biden and urge others to do the same.

Anonymous said...

Too bad we don't have viable third party candidates anymore like Ross Perot, Ralph Nader, or Lyndon LaRouche if we did the stranglehold these deep state gate keepers would loosen Kanye needs to run as an independent dump that punk Spic Fuentes and team up with someone less polarizing to have a chance

Anonymous said...

A real deep-state dilemma, comin' right up! Keep Biden alive, in office, and outta jail. Keep Trump suppressed, outta office, and put in jail. MSM, big tech, and intelligence got their work cut out for them. Get busy, Bernie, we know which side you work for....

Anonymous said...

Even worse than the Fetterman/Oz debacle.

LVCI said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Well trump is 76, has several legal problems that could have him being the richest guy on D- block.
republicans will make sure that President Biden will get reelected as they have not tossed the maga folks aside.
As an added bonus those same republicans are pushing draconian abortion laws that quite frankly have angered women who fought that battle once.
They will punish republicans at the ballot box.
trump wannbe desantis comes off as the little tyrant he is.
He picked a fight with the largest employer in Florida and got his ass handed to him by the House of the Mouse.
President Biden has his problems yet he comes off as the saner choice versus trump.
With all those problems he beat trump in a landslide.
Lastly trump attempted a coup and should never be anywhere near elected office again.

Anonymous said...

Can't vote for either of these guys? Bullshit.
Vote for the lesser of two evils. 76 year old Trump is still a Putin puppet.

Anonymous said...

You're right... I'd vote for GUS HALL before either of these two...

Anonymous said...

the reason you can't get a quality candidate is because of the media. they lie and do nothing but negative stories about people. Look at Desantis. He isn't even running and they hit him so hard to drive his polling down. Biden will not make it as more comes out about his corrupt family taking money from China and hiding in multiple LLC corps. More whistleblowers are coming out. It will be Gavin Newsome.


Anonymous said...

If Trump does not win the country is done.

Anonymous said...

Bernie for chrissakes Biden is not just old, he's a horrible president. Trump was also a horrible president and almost as old. They both suck.

Please stop sugar coating Biden and just saying he's old, that's ridiculous and you know it.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Constitutional republic. Not a democratic republic."

Give it a rest.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Has the country ever experienced more chaos on all fronts that is more dangerous than under this current administration?"

Yes, the one before.

LVCI said...

Bernie said, "I am unable in good conscience to vote for either of these guys."
Exactly what I was thinking.

Anonymous said...

I’m voting for Peter Goesinya

Anonymous said...

"Look at Desantis. He isn't even running and they hit him so hard to drive his polling down"
""Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is currently on a month-long, taxpayer-funded presidential campaign schedule paid for by Florida taxpayers, and new questions are emerging as to whether this will force DeSantis to resign from office," read the campaign's email.

Under Florida's "resign to run" law, candidates running for other offices must resign from their current post at least 10 days before running for the position they desire.

Anonymous said...

Praying for Biden/DeSanto :)

Anonymous said...

*DeSantis - typo. Anyone (R) but Trump

Anonymous said...

It makes me very sad that in the greatest country in the world, this may be our choice. Two bozos with so many skeletons in their respective closets. Such a shame that an average, forward-thinking moderate doesn’t stand a chance in what has become the millionaire’s club.

Anonymous said...

Biden is "meh" at best, but I think thats all that anyone really expected of him in 2020. I'm a little shocked that he is actually running again, but that probably reflects a lack of confidence in Kamala Harris.

If Trump is GOP nominee, they will deserve the gigantic L they will take in 2024. MAGA actually drives voter turn out for Dems and only excites a shrinking base for Republicans while chasing away suburban middle class voters. It does not work on a national level.

Anonymous said...

Any politician will never do a good job in this political system. They are breed to very selfish people plus they are not good at leadership Trump is only person who could lead us out of this downward spiral. His policy worked before and will again even with fake media and so many liberals in government including the deep state. TRUMP IS THE ONLY PERSON WHO COULD SAVE OUR COUNTRY>

Anonymous said...

@6:17AM "Has the country ever experienced more chaos on all fronts that is more dangerous than under this current administration?"

I have to assume you are just trolling here. Nobody could type the above and actually believe that except for delusional partisan hacks. Biden is a laundry basket of whats wrong with American politics, yet the fact he is following Trump makes him look so much better.

That Trump is even relevant as a candidate in 2023 after the shit show he ran in 2016-2020, let alone the presumptive nominee for 2024, shows how far away Republicans are from ever having control of the Executive Branch of government in this country.

Lindsay Graham was spot on in 2016 - "If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed...and we will deserve it." Still true.

Anonymous said...

"I'll vote for an 80 year-old who puts the Constitution first"

Did this 80 year old do this when he was pushing a vax mandate? even against religious beliefs. Last time I checked we have freedom of religion which is in the constitution. Your comment is laughable.

Anonymous said...

FOX just fired Tucker Carlson, the number one news/opinion show in America is tossed aside. There is absolutely NO financial benefit in making such a dumb move. FOX, within just a few hours, lost its shareholders more than 32 million dollars. Advertising revenue from that time slot will create an enormous loss yet to be determined. So, what’s really going on in our media today?

In my opinion, we are facing total STATE CONTROLLED news media, designed to protect a one party system of government. Something like we see in other nations under Communism.

Yes, Bernie, this goes well beyond a Mastriano/Casey discussion. But, this development deserves your attention!

Anonymous said...

I saw an NBC news poll that said only 6% of Americans want a Biden-Trump match up! We can and must do better.
Interestingly, the same poll had Biden losing to DeSantis by 3%, but beating Trump by 3%. It also showed Trump beating DeSantis by 10 points.
So Republicans would rather nominate Trump than win the White House. Idiots.

Anonymous said...

Biden suits me just fine against anyone I can imagine the Rs putting up. They'll almost ALL complicit in what Trump has done.

Easy decision, actually.

Anonymous said...

Both should not be allowed to run again. I am not against the elderly and hope to be one someday myself but I do not want either one of them running this country. NO president or politician should be allowed to be elected to office older then the mandatory military retirement age.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your vote for--who, exactly? Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln are gone.

Anonymous said...

I stopped voting after 2020. I had perfect voting attendance for 41 years; even off year primaries. I realize that voters are dupes and that I'd been one for years. I reserve the right to complain about whatever I wish and I also understand that not caring is a great tradition. But I'm certain after many years that our votes are worthless and don't matter one bit. Want to know how ridiculous things are? Reread this sad post.

Anonymous said...

8:48 please give us your address so we can send the FBI to raid your house and check for treasonous, terroristic, and seditious plans against our country. Sounds like you have direct thoughts against it.

Anonymous said...

Vote for he lesser of two evil's yes is typically true. And yes Trump is Putin puppet but Biden is on the edge and are you really voting for him or the person who he drags along as VP? Odds in Vegas when he was elected the first time was less then favorable for surviving the first presidency. I can only imagine what they will be if he actually would get a second. Nature does take it course at some point.

Anonymous said...

11:36 I had typed a bunch but really decided to just boil it down to
WOW - I bet you loved lynch too and keep drinking the koolaid. Save us now, give up your delusions, and stop embarrassing yourself.

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

Not supporting the incumbent is a sign of weakness and disorganization within the party so it's no surprise Biden will run and gain the nomination for '24.

As for Trump; no clue what the Republicans are doing. They are disorganized enough. Trump will unite some but not enough.

I firmly believe the press is biased and covers for the incompetent, feeble, and weak Biden. China and Russia are forming an alliance, Taiwan may be invaded, fentanyl is flowing in from who knows where, gasoline will be $5/gallon again by July 4th, and, yet, Biden just stumbles and mumbles around.

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden, Bernie, is not running this show and you know it. C’mon man.

Anonymous said...

340 million people and this is the best we can do? Terrible!

Bernie O'Hare said...

"In my opinion, we are facing total STATE CONTROLLED news media, designed to protect a one party system of government. Something like we see in other nations under Communism."

This is pretty much an idiotic point of view completely unsupported by a little something called facts.

From the Dominion lawsuit, the evidence is very clear that Carlson knew he was lying. That's actual malice. A news organization that keeps an admitted liar on its payroll, especially after paying $787 million as a result of his lies, would be totally inept.

The simple reality here is that freedom of speech is a two-edged sword. You can say what you want, bnut you better be prepared to take the consequences of your lies. It's why cowards like you are anonymous. Go put on your cammies and prance around with a flag.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bernie. News people "lie" all the time but if it gets into something like a lawsuit like dominion all bets are off and someone will take the fall.

Anonymous said...

Biden Crime Family should not be President He got in because of the 50 assholes who lied as all left-wing democrats do. The fake media did anything to get Biden into office as a result the country is going downhill fast. No politician can save us the only person to save the country is President Trump. That is not drinking the think cool aide as your stupid left-wing idiots say, they are so stupid they like inflation, no border, the world thinks we are assholes, and they are right we are under Biden and every issue Biden handles turns to shit. The media and the leftwing people must be sent to siberia that is where they belong.

Anonymous said...

7:34 So sorry that all the people commenting on here are causing your brain to teeter so far toward the edge! But that is what happens to those who are imbalanced and lean too far one way. Does not take but a few words to push them off the edge. Right back to your lord and savior, mein kampf bed stand keeper and wanna be dictator Trump.

I will agree with you on one thing - YES the world thinks you are an ass and other like you. Just like they think of to your lord and savior, mein kampf bed stand keeper and wanna be dictator Trump. Glad you could admit it.

Luckily for you this country does not take the same harsh measures against treasonous warp minded individuals that countries which you cult leader idolizes. You might have only gotten to make your noise once if you were in any of those places.

Anonymous said...

There should be a few more at Fox who has the guillotine fall on them. TC was just lucky that he had other things going on which allowed him to leave with only limited disgrace by having other excuses.

Anonymous said...

You can't vote for either one? Then whom are you going to vote for if these two wind up on the ballot? Surely you could pick the better of the two, for the good of the country (that seems like a very easy task). Voting for anyone else is likely not going to produce a winner unless a miracle candidate finds an unusual path to victory.

Bernie O'Hare said...

I am unable in good conscience to vote for either Trump or Biden. As I indicated, Trump is Captain Chaos. As for Biden, I am deeply concerned he will not live through a second term. I am also bothered by the allegations of influence peddling and the claims of preferential treatment. When he ran for President, Biden promised legislation that would limit influence peddling by members of the President's family. He has instead shielded his son, who now is even selling supposed artwork.

If "None of the Above" were a choice, that would win.

Anonymous said...

8:25--you left-wing idiots are the assholes that are ruining our country and should be put into Siberia. You and your kind are making this country become a third world nation you must be stopped, or we will soon be talking Chinese. You people are anti-America and we will never coexist with your kind.

Anonymous said...

What Bernie doesn’t seen to recognize is that our news media is actually under the control of very few elite special interest groups. These same mega-corporations and the ultra wealthy have their way with our politicians in Washington. Why? Because these are the people who fund the re-election campaigns of politicians. Politicians who willingly vote for legislation that enriches those campaign funders, and sometimes even the candidate him/herself.

The way our government actually operates in reality, that being outside the control of voters, must NOT be challenged by any media spokesperson with a large enough audience that threatens the “rules of the game” being played.

FOX has already now lost over a billion dollars over this decision to fire the highest rated, highest revenue producing newscaster in America. This was an incredibly stupid financial decision by the Murdocks. Understanding the real reason why FOX felt compelled to take this step is very telling about what a UniParty government requires to preserve itself. That being state-controlled messaging to the populace.

Voters are not in a good place now.

Anonymous said...

What happened at FOX with this firing sends the message to all media “You must not challenge what your government is doing.” FOX can make up any excuse it wants, but FOX had to have been forced to make such a foolish decision that could cost its shareholders billions of dollars.

peterjcochran said...

Right! “None of the above!” People that make less than $200K household income should be outraged by policies of this administration. Upside down mortgage policy is not fair to the working and upper middle class and will have outreaching consequences on those with credit scores of 650 . Once again, the banks will loose their shirts to defaults and it will fall on the tax payers that are already burdened with HUD . Your gasoline and power bills are escalating now in case you didn’t notice because of policy from this WH, Joe is immune to what his minions are doing while he’s eating ice cream . Term Limits,Term Limits- I think most of us agree on this, because it’s a factor in the dynamics of political thinking. There shouldn’t be a lifetime pension of these characters after the leave, rather a step down for 18 months then out of the taxpayers pockets that are paying about $270.00 a month ,or more than before they occupied Pennsylvania Ave.again. I have personally stopped buying anything absolutely unnecessary,I stay out of unsupervised public assemblies, carry a spare tire and pray we get out of this alive. Good day all.

Anonymous said...

"Trump's mental capacity is that of a man much YOUNGER than his age number." Yeah, like about 70 years younger. He's got the mental capacity of an early adolescent at best. And hands the size of a toddler's.

Anonymous said...

You would undoubtedly have the "left-wing" assholes wear identifying badges of some type (a sphincter?) and pack them onto trains destined for "rehabilitation" camps.
Listen to yourself and then listen to the evil rhetoric spouted by the masses who fell under the hate speech put out by other despot leaders in history. If you can't coexist with left-wingers you'll be looking for a final solution to get rid of them, should your kind achieve that type of power.

Anonymous said...

Last comment meant for 12:42.

Anonymous said...

If you truly believe there is any difference between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, you are the problem.

Anonymous said...

Biden wants to finish the job---vote him in and the country will fail--Inflation, energy prices,no border north or south, foreign affairs make us the clowns of the world, His cabinet is all left-wing liberal assholes stupid and evil, He ruined the Military, Anything Biden does turns to shit.Vote for him and HE WILL FINISH THE JOB.

Anonymous said...

Whoever votes for Biden is suicidal.

Anonymous said...

Biden candidacy is a total disaster for the democrats.

Anonymous said...

Democrats’ 22nd Amendment game plan? Whip up Gen Z voters and get Biden elected in 2024. He takes office on Jan 20, 2025. He serves until Jan 21, 2027. He then steps down. VP Harris serves “less than” 2 years of his remaining term, then gets to run for 2 more terms. God help us.

Anonymous said...

Biden can't even spell the word eight. Proof below


Anonymous said...

News Flash - America no longer has 2 opposing political parties. The government you once knew is now just an illusion.

Today, we have one UniParty. Our Members of Congress have as their primary goal STAYING IN OFFICE, not necessarily making your life better. The lobbyists in Washington represent gigantic corporate and media masters who control who gets elected and what legislation gets moved along. Members in Congress calculate how each of their votes will help to fund and provide media attention to maintain their careers.

People like Tucker Carlson were getting too close to pulling back the curtains on all of this. Carlson’s firing had nothing to do with Carlson stating any particular lies. No specific statement from him has ever been proven to be a lie. If so, please link us to that statement.

Tucker Carlson and some of his guests gave opinions that SUGGESTED things were amiss with recent election results. That view was catching on with viewers, and the powers in place needed to shut it all down.

Anonymous said...

12:42 So tough and so outspoken, but so cowardly and pathetic. I do believe that it is the people like you who deflect and project against others in the way you do to cover your own sense of destruction against the United State. You are the exact thing which people like Trump and Lynch prey on. You are the part of the flock lead to the slaughter. What religious flock are you part of, what cult organizations are you part of, Or do you hide in the basement? I know it is difficult for individuals like you to honestly and openly do a self reflection but consider this. If one other person has a problem with you it might be them. Even it 2 do it still might be them. But if person after person has problems with you it is actually probably you. My suggestion is that you take the projection you are suggesting on others and think about you being the one to make the move. I would not send you to Siberia because you have numerous fragilities but there are so many places you could just disappear to. Although in reality you are not happy here so there is probably no where in the world you would be happy.

Anonymous said...

This morning, Biden's people informed him that he's running again. He asked for more Wheatina and pooped himself a little. He's ready.

Anonymous said...

7:12 - 7:53 - 7:58 and 8:07. Glad you were able to sting your thoughts together eventually. Too bad it took almost an hour to get everything out of your head.

Anonymous said...

7:34- I don't know if the world thinks you are an asshole, but I certainly do.

Anonymous said...

Think about the stock market and gas prices now. How were things going under the former administration?

Anonymous said...

7:57 Headed to a dictator toilet flushing.