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Wednesday, April 12, 2023

The Clarence Thomas Gift Scandal Shows Why NorCo Needs a Gift Ban

Thanks to ProPublica, we know that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been treated to luxury vacations for over 20 years by a billionaire Republican donor. Whether he broke any laws is a question best answered by others, but we'd all agree that it's bad optics. No matter how innocent something might seem to the public official, the public will view this person as corrupt. This is why anyone who works for the public should decline Phillies' Tickets, Artsquest shows or any other perk. If you think others won't notice, you're wrong. 

Northampton County's Home Rule Charter prohibits anyone who works for the county from accepting anything of value, on terms more favorable than those granted to the public, from any person dealing with the county. But this clear prohibition is contradicted by the Administrative Code, which contains so many exceptions to make it meaningless. 

It's time to amend the Administrative Code so it's at least consistent with the Home Rule Charter. Any person who accepts a gift, whether it is free tickets to a game or a show, should have his salary docked for the value of the gift.    


Anonymous said...

Why is it not surprising that a black man who vacations with wealthy friends bothers you? Lol. You old racists just never seem to die. Here's to your bad health for the good health of decent non-racists. We don't get better until your ilk dies off and the memory of your racism eventually fades. Time is on society's side.

Anonymous said...

Clarence Thomas needs to be forced out of the Supreme Court due to unethical practices. These people with power need to obey the rules of the game and SCJ Thomas has violated his oath to the country. It’s time to make examples out of these rule violators, but will it happen?

Anonymous said...

Thomas doesn't think he broke any laws. According to him he didn't have to disclose the undo influence of a Republican billionaire because he was a close friend.

So, all NorCo employees will need to say is the [developer, business owner, salesman] who gave them the gift is a close friend.

Anonymous said...

You have already labeled Thomas's gifts a scandal. If he was involved in a ruling that directly affected this person, then it could be a scandal, If he was a guest on a vacation with a friend who is wealthy maybe not.

It is just more of the attempt to disqualify a black justice that the left feels is setting the wrong example for the black community. they are supposed to be democrats and rule as far left that they are ordered.

Thomas was a friend of Rush Limbaugh, he actually officiated at his wedding. He is an unapologetic believer in the written law of the constitution. not a believer in interpretations that are popular.

I would expect with that philosophy, the right philosophy if you believe in the law as written not a constantly moving target, I would expect your friends will be like minded.

Anonymous said...

No government employee at any level should be permitted to accept gifts.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Why is it not surprising that a black man who vacations with wealthy friends bothers you?"
"It is just more of the attempt to disqualify a black justice that the left feels is setting the wrong example for the black community."
Yeah, public officials - regardless 0of race, sex ore orientation - should keep their distance from and refuse to accept lavish or even small gifts from donors ands people who do business with the government. Even though Thomas has a plausible explanation, it's bad optics.

It's why county officials should not be seen inside someone's box at a Phillies game. It's why Tara Zrinski should decline VOP treatment at Artsquest. They look like they are bought.
We need a gift ban to hold these officials accountable.

Anonymous said...

@ Bernie 10:32
You really are obsessed with Tara Zrinski. You just keep bringing up the same examples over and over again portraying her as constantly doing something wrong. Your tactics are old and tired.

Anonymous said...

Not employee's just elected officials.

Anonymous said...

What about elected officials giving politically appointed NOC employees land for a dollar . Guessing that's ok???

Anonymous said...

" Even though Thomas has a plausible explanation,"
if by plausible one means there is no code of conduct for the Supreme Court.
Thomas grabbed what he could for the simple reason that he could with no repercussions.
The "oops i forgot to disclose my air travel" excuse is pure garbage.
The right does not care as Thomas does as he is told.
Wonder what the right wing view would be if Justice Sotomayor went on vacation with George Soros ?

Anonymous said...

I am sure many politicians in either party have rich friends who they go on vacation with. I'm tired of hearing of all of this when we as a country are in big trouble and we are talking about vacations with friends and gender issues and race and not china Russia. Taiwan cost of everything and many more real problems that effect us all every day. It's the look here not there ongoing play and no one we elected doing the work we want and need them too

Anonymous said...

Apparently new rules will address this but from what I see he did nothing wrong