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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Thursday, April 06, 2023

Republicans Now Realize That Mail-in Ballots Can Help Them

In Pennsylvania, Republicans have been losing the close races. They'll bray about election fraud, but only have themselves to blame for their losses. Thanks to their hero, Donald Trump, they've given Democrats a tremendous advantage - .mail-in ballots (MIBs). Republicans shun them. This has made it easy for Democrats to identify and target "low propensity voters." Unfortunately, the jig is up. Lehigh County mentat Dean Browning, along with former Congressional candidate Lisa Scheller and political; newcomer Aurand Armstrong, have formed a PAC - Win Again -  designed to coax reluctant Republicans into voting by mail. 

Donald Trump has attacked mail-in balloting as fraudulent, without evidence, and many Republicans blindly follow this authoritarian and simply refuse to use this convenient way to have their voices heard. They think patriots should be willing to stand in line for hours, risking machine malfunctions and power outages at the precinct. As a result, Democrats have had a near monopoly when it comes to MIBs.  They account for about 70% of MIBs in Northampton County.

MIBs give Democrats time to target voters considered low propensity. They might vote once every four cycles, but are now voting more often. They give Democrats more time as well. You can request a MIB up until a week before the May 16 primary. They also allow Democrats to concentrate efforts on groups of voters likely to vote blue. 

Democrats have several weeks to vote, while Republicans give themselves one day. 

And they wonder why they lose?   

Republicans have all the MIB advantages that Democrats have, but incredulously spurn them  Their one and only chance to have their voices heard is at the polling place on election day. What could go wrong?     

Plenty. In 2019, Northampton County had a problem with its top-of-the line machines. In a Presidential, you're subjected to long lines. From improperly printed ballots to machine issues, lots can go wrong. I say this as a former elections judge. I've witnesses waiting voters simply leave, never to return.

If you vote by mail, you can track your ballot online. You'll receive email confirmation that your ballot has been received and counted. You can even take your ballot to the elections office and place it in the hands of an election worker. 

The Win Again PAC notes that some of you like voting in person on election day. "So do we. But we like winning more." 

As a Dem, let me assure you patriots that you should continue lining up at the polls on election day. 


Anonymous said...

You're giving away our democratic strategy. Dumb ass Republicans are braying about scandal and false ballots, all the time Democrats are winning elections by voting early. Thank you Mr. Trump and all the dumb Asses IN WASHINGTON FOR giving false information to the electorate.

Anonymous said...

I've always said Democrats are hungry for absolute power at all cost- total control of the government, and they will stop at nothing to gain it. Unlike Republicans, they are politically bloodthirsty and cutthroat, willing to do whatever it takes to "win" an election. This includes use of the mail in ballot to create and harvest votes where they don't legitimately exist. This is why Trump is so desperately feared and hated - he caught them off guard in 2016 and threw a monkey wrench into their plans. Republicans had better figure out a way to defeat them, because we are closer to becoming a totalitarian state like communist China than ever before. Even now, Biden is close to giving sovereignty and control of our health care system to the World Health Organization.

Anonymous said...

You seem hell bent on helping the Republicans lose. We all know MIBs don't win elections. President Trump knows only in-person votes matter. I believe him. Not some left-wing communist blogger manipulating the numbers and the public with alternative facts.
Keep voting in-person my fellow Patriots!

Anonymous said...

Especially in Northampton County. Republicans could do much better er in elections if they worked the email-in ballots. Time to ditch Brother Steve and get with the program and actually win. For example, they could help this Fall and, in the county, races the executive and council are wide open in 2025.

Anonymous said...

Mail in ballots are still an invitation for fraud, I expect republican will attempt to encourage more voters to use this avenue, but the major corrupt cities of the country are a cesspool of corruption and fraud. They can be expected to cheat.

Anonymous said...

trump voted by mail.
republicans always need an excuse for their loss.
The reason that their message did not resonate with the majority never comes up.
Or they had a bad candidate.
How did the recount in AZ go with the "ninjas"--a clown show.
So they blame mail in voting as the excuse.

Anonymous said...

The team that does it second does it better:
Impeachment of Clinton vs impeachment of Trump x 2
Citizens United vs Dem cash from Soros and Bankman-Fried
Harry Reid's nuclear option vs Trump's and McConnell's fed judiciary juggernaut
Indictment of Trump vs coming indictments of several Bidens (Joe, Hunter, James, etc.) in red-friendly states/counties
Dem ballot harvesting vs ????

Anonymous said...

For someone who blogs as frequently as you do, I'm still amazed by how many posts you publish thay are riddled with typos and missing words. Sad. Get a proofreader. Or edit better. You try to sound like an authority but you read like a drunk most posts.

Anonymous said...

The fact of the matter is Berns, mail-in ballots aren’t going to help the republicans party anymore.

Gen Z is tired of the BS, and they have realized that the Republican Party doesn’t care about any of their concerns, so they’ll thwart any election to make sure no fear mongering conservative candidate EVER wins.

You can consider this hyperbole all you want, but when Gen Z voters show up at the polls, republicans are not winning.

Anonymous said...

Despite of all the claims of no proof, I steadfastly believe voter fraud really did occur in several states across America. I also believe the enormous expansion of mail-in ballots, and with adequate safeguards not yet in place, helped to elevate the chicanery seen in our elections. This will continue to be a problem.

So, based upon my conviction, this Independent registered voter does NOT believe Trump will be re-elected. Trump will not become our next President, despite being the best option to reverse this nation’s decline. If he’s on the ballot, Trump will get my vote, regardless.

Oh, well. I am in my mid-70s and it’s soon time to ‘exit the battlefield,’ confident I have well prepared to carry on at home going forward.

“ What flavor ice cream is in the fridge, Darling? “

Bernie O'Hare said...

7:19, I am often embarrassed by my errors and would love to have an editor. And I do. I have about 5,000 of them. Your comment would be constructive criticism if you actually pointed to the errors so I could correct them. So I hereby appoint you as proofreader. It will be your job to carefully scrutinize my verbal offal for typos so that the piece is written as well as someone like me can do. I expect a comment from you whenever something is incorrect so I can fix it.

Anonymous said...

Attention Republicans this story is baloney. Dont use mail in ballots. They will not be counted.

Anonymous said...

I still say. Besides those who physically can't we should all vote in person. Isn't this freedom worth the alleged "inconvenience" of a line. Too lazy to go to vote. What does that say about us? Again excluding those who physically can not.

Anonymous said...

7.19 proof reader is 2 words are you a drunk at this time of day. only the self righteous reject words that are not perfect.Did you understand what was said? good enough

Anonymous said...

70% of MIBs hardly is a Dem "monopoly." But you're right that it's a significant advantage. It's definitely the preference at my house. I think it'll take a very long time for most Reps to come around.

Anonymous said...

Election DAY. One DAY!!!!!
No ballot harvesting. No Mail In ballots unless medical reason or out of town (100 miles say) on an overnight trip with available receipts as proof.
Why do Judges block Republicans from looking at the votes???? Why can't voter rolls be updated without Republicans having to file suit and win? Why....................?

Dave C. said...

As someone who has canvassed mail-in ballots at the Northampton County Elections Office for over 2 years, I can assure EVERYONE reading this that there is no fraud in the mail-in ballot procedures. All those who I have worked with in the Courthouse have been professional and displayed the highest integrity. I am amused at all the excuses being promoted by disgruntled Republicans for the less-than-stellar election accomplishments of their candidates. Maybe if Republicans who vote by mail in the Primary Election would vote for their candidates instead of writing in "Mickey Mouse" or "Homer Simpson" then they might do better? Probably the same attitude when they vote in the General Election?

Dave C. said...

Fake Fox "News" has been 100% proven to be staffed by liars. Stop giving them credibility by parroting what they preach.

Anonymous said...

Don’t forget the problems some states have with old, out of date voter rolls. Some are verifying against illegitimate data.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, f*ck people that are elderly, disabled, or too poor to afford transportation. Their votes don’t count anyway!!! Yeah!!!

Anonymous said...

@1:13 - "I still say. Besides those who physically can't we should all vote in person. Isn't this freedom worth the alleged "inconvenience" of a line. Too lazy to go to vote. What does that say about us? Again excluding those who physically can not."

Considering that Election Day was established 200 years ago, when only Caucasian property owners had enough time to ride their horse and carriage to the county seat and not conflict with harvesting crops or church, maybe we should extend Election Day a few days, hold it on a Saturday or make it a national holiday.

Anonymous said...

If you can spare the environment by saving gas to voice your choice why not? Further, you save money. The people who count those ballots are the same patriotic Americans from each party who otherwise tally votes. I can only think of really bad reasons for people to not vote by mail.

Anonymous said...

Dave C, even if Northampton County is clean and perfect, that has little bearing on the conditions in other counties, other states, and is of tiny significance to our problems nationwide.

Anonymous said...

"7.19 proof reader is 2 words

Dave C. said...

There is no proof to back up your opinion.

Dave C. said...

"Too lazy to go to vote"?? Those who vote by mail are exercising their right to vote. The Constitution assures every individual's right to vote....it doesn't say "How to vote."

Anonymous said...

OP here - pretty sure it's one word. Questions get a "?". Using a "." makes it a declarative statement. Self-righteous is typically hyphenated, as seen here. Regardless I did understand what was said. You look drunk based on typing as well.

Anonymous said...

What is good for Florida voters, is good for Pennsylvania. Yes, to write-in voting.