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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Thursday, February 16, 2023

The Dalai Lama's Shitter

From time to time, I play Hearts with the Angel of Death. His inability to beat me is the only reason I'm still alive. He's a terrible player. That's something you should keep in mind when he comes for you. He's been awful busy reaping souls of late, what with COVID, flu season, mass shootings, earthquakes and that special military operation in Ukraine. So he decided to take a little holiday in Vermont, of all places, He likes maple syrup. He's ensconced at some historic hotel in the very same room in which the Dalai Llama once stayed as a guest. He thought my readers would like you all to see the Kundun's shitter. It's getting lots of use, thanks to that maple syrup. 

The Angel of Death wants you to know he'll be back on the job Friday. 


Anonymous said...

Does a deity dooty? If so, does it stink? Asking for everybody.

Bernie O'Hare said...

He's no deity. He's an angel.