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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

The Myers Defense to His Twitter Account

Yesterday, I told you that it's likely that NorCo Council President Kerry Myers was using his Twitter account to tweet to phishers disguised as scantily clad women. Screenshots of his exchanges were sent to me by "Go Rovers." Last night, I received two anonymous comments. The first almost certainly was posted by Myers himself. I am sharing both of these comments, as well as my replies.

Comment One (from Myers?):"So, your favorite county executive recruits his most incompetent office holder to run for Controller to oversee his books. He recruits his friend an appointed employee to run for county council. He also recruits two others to run for him and that is OK. Sorry, not Ok just sad, but oh well. He is doing everything he can to compromise the separation of powers in the county, with your help and that is OK. Every goofy idea he has is brilliant by your blog.

"Yet an anonymous source "ROVER', who may or may not be related to a candidate sends you this and you run with it. An old man may or may not look at pictures online that are less revealing than the beach and you are horrified and shocked and he should resign immediately.

"Is the fact that he is the only African American on council part of your problem? The fact that some of these women are white. Stop playing games with people's lives and if you are sincere, worry about the real issues you ignore in county government operations and not girly pictures.

"What nonsense."

My reply: My favorite county exec was John Stoffa. You point out that McClure recruited two of his rubber stamps to run for Council and controller, and then falsely state that I am ok with it and am actually helping. Anybody who reads this blog knows I came out very hard against both Kraft and Zrinski bc they are rubber stamps who only care about themselves. I have done this in several posts so, like Kerry Myers, you are a liar.

You complain that I am relying on an anonymous source without noting that you also are anonymous and may in fact be Kerry Myers. I have relied on anonymous comments since I began in 2006, and this post had screen shots directly from your twitter account.

Like Kerry Myers, you are now playing the race card. No, Kerry, my problem with you is unrelated to your race. It is bc you are a demagogue, a bully, undermined our Sheriff and never apologized, use vulgar language at Council meetings, are lazy and actually pretty dumb. It is bc you continue to disgrace your office by stupidly interacting with phishing accounts. It is bc you lie when you say someone impersonated you.

Like Kerry Myers, you would note the race of the women involved. This is your own racism showing.

Finally, you say I should worry about the real issues in this county. I do, and you are one of them. You are the President of County Council and yet were stupid enough to get involved with phishers, and now are lying about it. You have resisted a health center, wanted to give a tax break to a warehouse, threatened council members when they refused to install a conflicted elections comm'r.

I am angry that Dems on Council elected you President even though you are the worst possible person for the job. You are going to lose your re-election, but why not do the community a favor for once and resign now.

Comment Two: "Interesting points. Agree that Myers comes off as a demagogue and a bully but then so does McClure and Dertinger. McClure abuses his privilege to speak at council meetings and uses it to promote himself and his projects. So, Myers as council president is not as important or influential as a county executive.

"Also, the comments about the candidates running is worrying to me. Word is that McClure handpicked all the dems running except for Myers. For that fact alone I would vote for Myers. Too bad a republican isn't running in this area. Keegan's husband is president of Easton School District (ROVER?) and he and Myers do not get along. Myers was once the President of the Easton School Board. Myers now is head of th Boosters and in conflict with the district, So the Keegan candidacy is troubling."

My Reply:  My agenda is and has always been good government. Kerry Myers is an example of bad government, a point you concede. So we agree on that point. You claim McClure and Dertinger come off as demagogues and cite McClure's constant use of courtesy of the floor and county exec report to promote his agenda. He is doing what he is permitted to do. There is nothing wrong with an Exec who takes every opportunity he is given to win over reluctant Council members. That is democracy, and I much prefer that to back room deals. You say that "word is" McClure handpicked candidates who are running. I agree that it is suspicious, but guess what? Others can run, too. In D1, there are lots of active people who could take on Kraft. That's where Lori Vargo Heffner lives, and she could recruit someone. In D2, where Myers is running, you claim the candidacy of Ms. Brauchie-Keegan may be the result of Myers antics at EASD. If that is so, then McClure had nothing to do with recruiting someone to run against Myers. You can't have it both ways.

Incidentally, Myers is a man who said that if he were a Deputy Sheriff, he would disregard orders of the Sheriff bc it might put his life in danger. That was an outrageous statement, completely untrue and was uttered to undermine the authority of a good and decent man. Myers has yet to publicly apologize for those remarks. I would never vote for a person like that, but his Twitter account adds fuel to his bonfire.


Anonymous said...

This is in response to the Kerry and Bernie banter. So embarrassed to be associated with Norco. The powers that be, the powers that run the county and comment on the county, need to grow up. This juvenile behavior is ridiculous. Seems like some people just skipped over kindergarten. Let’s get back to basics and not forget from where we came and how we were brought into this messed up world. I’m pretty sure we were created equally and now look at this mess.

Anonymous said...

Kerry is gross. What a disgrace.

Anonymous said...

Nice work Columbo !

Anonymous said...

KERRY THE KREEPER! This last example of Kerry's Kreepiness shows his stupidity. If you want to kreep over girlie pics and talk to them then do it under an alias. I mean really? Isn't that politics 101? Don't get involved in scandals! But Kerry is a Kreeper and he is so arrogant that he will flaunt it in the face of his constituents. He is disgusting!

Anonymous said...

Wow! If that is Kerry does he really think that Ms. Brachle-Keegan would run just because he has a conflict or whatever with the school board member who is her husband and he only has one vote out of nine??? That's really obnoxious and so like him to think that highly of himself.

Anonymous said...

Please resign, Mr. Myers.

Anonymous said...

Remotely or otherwise, he actually bothers to attend meetings. He outshines a long list of those who cashed their checks, but didn't show up to do the job. In that regard, his service is superior to Ferraro, McClure and several others. I don't see the difference between not showing up, and stealing. Kerry may be an incompetent racist lech. But he's not a bald-faced time thief. If any council member refused or repaid their money, I'll stand corrected. If they didn't, they are thieves and should settle up with the taxpayers from who they stole.

Anonymous said...

Myers is using his race to immunize himself against legitimate criticism. Very sad. He appears to lack moral character and is lazy and vindictive. Doesn't matter what color he is. He does not belong on county council alone, let amazingly serve as president!

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Remotely or otherwise, he actually bothers to attend meetings. He outshines a long list of those who cashed their checks, but didn't show up to do the job. In that regard, his service is superior to Ferraro, McClure and several others."

You are correct. Myers is rarely absent, but often phones in. The most egregious offenders on the current Council are Lott (he's on his way out) and John Brown.

Anonymous said...

By definition, racism is a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. Racism is about power and control, and a racial hierarchy exists in our society. As members of the oppressed race, Black people CANNOT be racist. They can, however, be prejudiced and discriminatory. But they cannot be racist. Similarly to sexism where there is a hierarchy in which men are the oppressors and women are the oppressed, women cannot be sexist. They can have internalized sexism, just like Black people can have internalized racism, but they can't be sexist or racist, respectively.

On another note, I would love to see someone more competent running county council and think Meyers is egotistical and not very bright. To the people complaining that Bernie is causing Meyers and his family grief: what is wrong with you? He is a fully grown man and responsible for his own actions. He did not have his private computer hacked in this instance, he used a public platform to behave in the way that he chose to and if those actions cause harm to his family it is 100% on him. He should own up to it, humble himself, and vow to be better. And resign, of course. He should definitely resign.

Anonymous said...

No one had a more atrocious attendance record than McClure. He never attended budget hearings and rarely attended committee meetings. Let's give credit where credit is due.

Carl said...

Some people just do not get how much info is stored/saved by cell phones or online media! My girlfriend was once on a grand jury from Morganelli. Once she was able to talk with me about cases, I thought it was too funny that these dummies just could not figure it out.

Anonymous said...

Academic garbage definition of racism. Of course, blacks can be racist. Many are towards Asians. And even Caucasians. Blacks are a majority in Africa and are in power. If they feel whites, Asians and other races are inferior are they not racist by your own narrow definition?

Anonymous said...

Not a big fan of Kerry Myers but this Twitter stuff is not a big deal in my book. Everyone has a few skeletons in their closet. The remarks were inappropriate but they’re all adults on there.

I was in a local establishment one night and McClure and his crew rolled in after a council meeting and acted like they were the White House staff. Ole Lamont pounded down two scotch rocks before I could wolf my sandwich down and get the hell out of there. He looks very comfortable at a bar if you get my point. I still voted for him simply because the republican candidate was an asshole. Is McClure doing a great job? Eh, I’ll give him a B minus I guess. He shows up at least. My point is I bet he has a few skeletons in his closet also. The lesson here folks is stay the hell off social media!

Bernie O'Hare said...

1:43, I don't want to get into a semantical argument, especially since we agree about Myers, but my thinking is more in line with Ibram Kendi and his "How to be an anti-racist." The notion that black people are necessarily incapable of racism actually underestimates black people and overestimates white people. A black person in power like Myers can use his position of power to have a black person placed on the elections commission even though she works for a candidate seeking election and there are black persons who have no conflict. When this is pointed out, Myers then threatens the council members who shelved this appointment. He is using his power and control. This is racism. If you still disagree with me, then we can agree that he is prejudiced or bigoted.

Incidentally, I do not consider it a big insult to call someone a racist. We all carry bigotries and prejudices. They do not vanish simply if a white person calls herself an "ally." I consider myself a racist and anti-Semite. I am a product of my upbringing. I work every day to be a better person. I do think we are getting better.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"No one had a more atrocious attendance record than McClure. He never attended budget hearings and rarely attended committee meetings. Let's give credit where credit is due."

You are correct and I routinely took him to task over his absences. I was pretty brutal, and long before any newspaper picked up on it. I was unaware at the time that his boss was a pretty stern taskmaster who didn't like the idea of one of his employees going to hearings when he could be making money. Had I known this, I would have bashed McClure anyway, lol. That's the way I roll.

Anonymous said...

Merriam-Webster's definition, actually. And again, you're thinking of prejudice, which by definition is an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics. They're similar, but not the same. Black people can't be racist. As a white person, I'm willing to accept facts over feelings and see the world from the lense of people who are different from myself.

Anonymous said...

Bernie and Myers =Ebony and Ivory

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Merriam-Webster's definition, actually. "

There's an interesting story about how that definition was changed.


Anonymous said...

" I was unaware at the time that his boss was a pretty stern taskmaste"

Aren't they all? This is why you have a credibility problem in the county, especially with the McClure crew. Whether he or one of his toadies or even JM claimed this, gotta call BS. Yet here you are using it as a fact rather than an excuse. When he twice ran for Conty executive, he was here, there and everywhere. So, if you want to be his advocate fine, most already believe that you are. Yet Pease don't insult people with passing off the 'he had a tough boss' routine. lol

Bernie O'Hare said...

The fact of the matter is that I am the person who repeatedly drew attention to McClure's absences, year after year. The only reason you know of these absences is bc I reported them, and I woukld have reported them even had I known about his strict boss.

I can't figure out who you hate more - McClure or me. In case you haven't noticed - and you haven't - this post is about Myers.

Anonymous said...

Perfectly explained, too bad most of the neanderthals on this blog won’t understand your true definition of racism.

Anonymous said...

"Black people can't be racist."

These illogical disqualifying pearls are an important part of understanding the dearth of intellect participating in otherwise serious debates. Idiots don't wear labels. But they broadcast their idiocy in other ways, like this.

Anonymous said...


Prejudice plus POWER equals racism.

Black and brown people do not have a COLLECTIVE power over white people.

Anonymous said...

Lol! Liberal academic garbage! Of course black people can be racist. Go back to your liberal academic bubble professor know it all.

Anonymous said...

I find it funny that when black and brown people call out your penchant to uphold white supremacy talking points, that you resolve to name-calling, and attempt to “dumb down” an accurate description of race relations in this country.

That approach work worked for four hundred years, when you succeeded to create economic prosperity on the backs of slaves, and acquire land through the killing off of indigenous tribes. Your America is coming to a close, and it bothers you to the core because you can’t imagine a world where you’re not in the center of it. What is it about that feeling that bothers you so much?

Alas, have the day you deserve.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I know the answer to that question!

White people are afraid that black and brown people are going to treat them as good as they treated us…

You know, the lynching, the mass incarceration, the red-lining, the creation of black codes, housing and loan discrimination, segregation, the list goes on.

They think we’re gonna treat them as well as they treated us…

Anonymous said...


Do you think it’s offensive to call me a liberal? Liberalism is an ideal not a political party. And if it wasn’t for liberalism, you wouldn’t have public education, you wouldn’t have public roads or emergency services like fire and EMT. Women wouldn’t be able to vote, they’d still be considered property of their husbands and wouldn’t even be able to acquire a drivers license if it wasn’t for liberalism. The list goes on. So continue calling me a liberal, it just tells the world how unintelligent you really are.