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Friday, February 03, 2023

How Should Wilson Boro Dixie Cup Tracts Be Redeveloped?

Yesterday, Armando Moritz-Chapelliquen presented Northampton County Council with the results of a community survey asking county residents what they want see happen with the old Dixie cup factory. Respondents (131 responses) overwhelmingly support community facilities and affordable housing for the vacant site.

The Dixie Cup building, located in Wilson Borough off Route 22, has deteriorated since the cup manufacturer left forty years ago, becoming a symbol of decline and shame for the surrounding community. The most recent redevelopment plan, a last-mile distribution warehouse, fell apart last summer after Northampton County Council voted down a LERTA tax benefit for the site.

Council member John Cusick said he has no problem seeing residential houising at the site. He noted that he recently drive down American Parkway into Allentown and stumbled across several old warehouses that had been converted into nice apartment buildings. 

Those structures are owned by Nat Hyman, who tried unsuccessful to purchase the Dixie Cup with no contingencies. "There's no question it can be done," said Cusick. He questioned whether a developer exists who has the means. There is such a developer. His name is Nat Hyman.

 Cusick said the biggest stumbling block is the owner, Joe Reibman. 

(I'll update you on the County Council meeting on Monday). 


Anonymous said...

We need a guy like Nat Hyman to gobble this up and work his magic....

Anonymous said...

16 of the residents in the survey were boro residents… and/or .0018 % of the great borough of Wilson… Wowzers.. this guy is gonna have to move again.. or maybe 🤔 I should alarm the good people of Brooklyn of Armandies whereabouts … what a stone cold clown… look the guy. Could you imagine anyone actually listens to this guy…be better Bernie !

Anonymous said...

Is Joe Reibman any relation to Glenn or Ed?

Anonymous said...

Hyman is a crumb bum lush… loser

Bernie O'Hare said...

Yes, I believe he's a cousin to Glenn and could be Ed's brother. Not sure about the latter, but he's definitely related.

Bernie O'Hare said...

" Could you imagine anyone actually listens to this guy…be better Bernie !"

Unlike so many of us, he cares about his community and is trying to make it better. In fact, he's been placed on the Lehigh Valley Planning Comm'n. All you can do is act as anonymous keyboard warrior.

Anonymous said...

He was removed from the Borough planning commish by unanimous decision … 16 people out of 8500.. about the same amount of people who read a blog from a disbarred degenerate… clown 🤡

Anonymous said...

That's Jeffrey Bracken of the Wilson Borough Council.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"He was removed from the Borough planning commish by unanimous decision"

False. He was going to be appointed to the borough planning comm'n, but his name was taken off the list when he complained about turning Dixie into a subsidized warehouse.

Anonymous said...

Hyman has rebuilt every building in Allentown! this what he does. The Dixie is a shithole and a hazard. Kids play there and someone is going to get hurt or worse. Joe sell the damn building to Nat before it crumbles or someone dies!!!

Anonymous said...

"He questioned whether a developer exists who has the means." Cusick needs to get out of Northampton county a little more often! Where has he been for the last 20 years? Nat could do this building with both hands tied behind his back. Everywhere you turn, there are buildings with the Hyman name on it exactly like Dixie that have been redeveloped! He could easily do the Dixie factory and clearly has the means.

Anonymous said...

Reibman is just a greedy bastard. It's always been about the money to joe and it still is. He doesn't give a hoot about the community, paying his taxes Or Maintaining his property, like the rest of us have to. This is all a big joke to him. He's laughing at the Wilson Borough, Lamont Mclure and Northampton county. There is no other explanation for him not having sold this property by now. And Wilson Borough and McClure don't have the guts to fight him.

I'm Having Chest Pains said...

"How Should Wilson Boro Dixie Cup Tracts Be Redeveloped?"

Any way Nat Hyman suggests.

Anonymous said...

I 100% agree with "I'm having chest pains" . Nat Hyman is an expert in developing these buildings.I have marveled at how he has turned around some of his buildings. The obvious solution here is for Joe Greedman to sell Mr. Hyman the Dixie building and for Wilson Borough to get out of his way. You will clearly end up with great results. Just look at every other building That Hyman's company has developed.

Anonymous said...

Note to Norco, make it simple. Tell Joe he has to sell to Nat or you will throw the kitchen sink at him. Then let Nat do what he does. Problem solved.

Anonymous said...

Inaccurate again.. Wowzer more horrible reporting

Anonymous said...

They should put Reibman in jail for what he has done to Wilson

Anonymous said...

Nothing will happen with this building in terms of an actual sale or redevelopment unless Reibman dies or it is taken from him by eminent domain. Good news is he's pushing 80 and it's just a waiting game now. I just don't think he would ever willingly sell it at a price that makes sense without some massive government incentive to the buyer.

Anonymous said...

Most of the converted warehouse along American Parkway are Hyman’s. The first one, one of the nicest, is the P&P Mill was developed by a NY developer who was 10 years ahead of the market.

Anonymous said...

Tear the eyesore down!

Bernie O'Hare said...

I worry about the structural integrity of that iconic dixie cup on top of the building

Anonymous said...

Were you drunk or stoned at the time of this writing? Nothing in the above paragraph makes any sense.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous Anonymous said...
We need a guy like Nat Hyman to gobble this up and work his magic....

February 3, 2023 at 6:01 AM"

Don't forget Hyman opened a free Allentown police sub-station in the Adelaide Silk Mill building.

Anonymous said...

Seize it for back taxes, bull doze it, and turn it into sports fields for the area schools.

And then jail Reibman for fraud.

Anonymous said...

No that's just, again, Jeffrey Bracken of the Wilson Borough Council representing exactly what the citizens of Wilson can expect from their governing body.