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Friday, February 10, 2023

White House Quotes GOP Proposals to Cut Social Security and Medicare

During his SOTU on Tuesday, President Joe Biden was heckled by Republicans when he said that some of them want to cut Medicare and Social Security, "Liar!" screamed Marjorie Taylor Greene, festooned in white fur as though she was auditioning to replace Pope Francis. It was actually a rope-a-dope. 

After all the hooting and hollering subsided, Biden said, "“Let’s stand up for seniors,” to which Republicans responded with thunderous applause. “Apparently, it’s not going to be a problem,” smiled Biden.

Muhammed Ali would be proud. 

Now, the White House has actually listed statements by GOP  Congressman making quite clear their desire to cut and slash Social Security and Medicare. 

Senator Mike Lee said: “One thing that you probably haven’t ever heard from a politician: it will be my objective to phase out Social Security. To pull it up by the roots, and get rid of it.”

In November, John Thune, the number two Senate Republican in leadership, declared that Social Security and Medicare benefits should be slashed.

Florida Senator Rick Scott is championing a plan to put Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security on the chopping block every five years, which would put the health and economic security of 63 million Medicare beneficiaries, 69 million Medicaid beneficiaries and 65 million Social Security beneficiaries at risk. Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin proposed sunsetting these laws every year.

The Republican Study Committee – which includes a majority of House Republicans – released a formal budget that, according to Politico, included “raising the eligibility ages for each program, along with withholding payments for individuals who retire early or had a certain income, and privatized funding for Social Security to lower income taxes.”

And in 2015, most House Republicans, including Speaker McCarthy, Rep. Scalise, and a host of others in current leadership, voted to raise the retirement age to 70, which would cut Social Security benefits for tens of millions of seniors who paid into the system for years.

Without question, my party has lost sight of many of what should be its priorities. But it is still the party of the working class, the populares.. The GOP is still the party of the money men, the optimates.


Anonymous said...

The Republicans have been trying to get rid of Social Security and Medicare since their inceptions. Mark my words if they take over all branches they will not hesitate to do so. Just like Roe v Wade. Most of them cant be trusted.

Anonymous said...

Democrats are the enemy of the people of this country.

Anonymous said...

Your last paragraph printed in Blue is a little misleading. First of all, and most importantly, adjustments made to the Social Security Benefit formula have always ‘grandfathered in’ those persons already receiving a Social Security monthly benefit. So, a current Social Security benefit would not have the amount they now receive cut, unless a greater amount of taxes are taken out.

Next, the current Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, and the now presumptive Republican candidate for President (Donald Trump) have both issued strong statements indicating no one’s Social Security payment will be reduced under their watch. In addition, the day after Biden addressed this topic, the entire Republican membership of the House released a signed statement assuring citizens their existing payments would NOT be affected by any adjustments made to shore-up Social Security’s ability to pay into the future.

As we now see, politicians and the news media are prone to lying. But, this includes BOTH parties. So, who can be sure about what shakes out. As a Social Security recipient now, I am not concerned about having my current benefit cut going forward.

Anonymous said...

The party of Crazy once again shows they don't represent American values. I have been gainfully employed all mylife and invested in 401k. I feel retirement will still only be a reality with Medicare and SS safety net. Also, SS and Medicare ensures we are not a burden on our children who have their own lives to build.

Remember, it was Ronald Reagn that said Medicare would lead to a social dictatorship. As far as I am concerned, I paid into SS and Medicare and the good faith of our Government should stand behind that contract. Biden is Absolutely Right

Anonymous said...

Still tough to overcome the whole WWIII and grooming policies. I'm voting, but not for reckless groomers.

Anonymous said...

Dems are working class? The money to be saved by eliminating hand outs would solve our money problems. And everyone still gets their social security. Now, we just need to find all these workers.

Anonymous said...

Lock Biden Up =Total Crook !

Anonymous said...

The Republicans party is the party of the working class? They never were wake the F… Up people. All they want is to steal your hard earned money.

Anonymous said...

Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) proposed slashing social security in a 1995 floor speech. If you think John Thune would ever touch SS, you don't know what a despised RINO he is.

Meanwhile, you feign concern for the elderly while supporting $100 billion (so far!) fomenting WWIII in support of a neo-nazi country?

If the elderly starve, it's because their money was spent on starting another war, for which you've cheered very loudly in this space. If you rely on SS, Bernie, you deserve to be cold and hungry. You should go to Ukraine for a meal and to warm up. That's where you cheered to send so much money.

Question: do you support sending still more money there? A simple yes or no will do.

Anonymous said...

How about quotes from the True asshole Biden. This man and his left-wing cabinet is destroying our country. You voted for him no wonder you are disbarred.

Anonymous said...

This is not a surprise for people on the left, we know that greedy corporations do not want us to retire because their workforce is dwindling and not enough people are being born to replace them in the future. They literally want you to die of old age in their warehouse.

And then collect the life insurance policy they took out on you without your knowledge.

Look it up, this is what they want.

Anonymous said...

Quotes don't matter. Proof doesn't matter. Video footage doesn't matter.

Exhibit A: “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters” - Donald J. Trump

Sadly, politics has become a team-sport and voters "root" for their "team" regardless of track records. It's pathetic, but not surprising. After all - there are people who still think Damar Hamlin is dead. Lol

Anonymous said...

Here are the only options that I'm aware of.
1.) Raising social security taxes. Significantly.
2.) Lowering or adjusting social security benefits
3.) Raising the social security age.
4.) The status quo or otherwise doing nothing = killing social security.
Which do you support?

I looked up the referenced items. Of them only Lee's comments can accurately be characterized as implying wanting to eliminate social security. (moving away with the program, BUT honoring commitments made to those who already paid in) He was attempting to make a larger point about trusting the government with sweeping power over people’s livelihoods. It was a wonky statement. Rick Scott made a proposal to re-authorize all federal programs on certain timeframes. Again, more making more of a wonky point then proposing actual policy. Cherry picking items like this as representing the party position is like saying "All Democrats want to XYZ" (choose from a myriad of whacky examples) based on some wonky Bernie Sanders statement. To be totally fair Republicans definitely do this. "Democrats want to ban all cows cause cow farts are ruining the environment".

So where are we actually at as far as the Republican Party position? Yes, it does look like the Republican Study Committee called for increasing threshold for Medicare to 67 years of age and Social Security to 70 years of age in an effort to SAVE the programs. So, they are calling for a combination of 2 and 3 above. Good for them for taking a stand to save the system. The last age adjustment was 1983. Since then age expectancy has increased 4-5 years. (yes, it dipped during covid but is on track to increase again) People are living longer so the system is more expensive.

Democrats currently choose #4. What they won't say is that will lead eventually to #1. For now they are continuing to play chicken with the system offering no real proposals to save it. (Would love to see some if they exist) Those ignoring the structural problems demagoguing on the issue, scaring seniors, misrepresenting positions for political points are the ones endangering the whole system. Status quo would mean the end of Social security. It's simple math.

Mike4ro said...

As unpopular as it is, don’t you think the retirement age needs to index up or at least index with life expectancy? The system was built when Americans were barely living to age 70…so collecting at 65 meant about 5 years of benefits. Now we live until about 80, so the system needs to support folks for 15 years, which costs a lot more. I am not suggesting a change to the benefit schedule, but I do think eligibility needs to be addressed as our demographics evolve.

Anonymous said...

Point taken BOH, at least in terms of rhetoric from some Republicans (as opposed to actual legislation having been introduced with no chance of passage). If truly the party of the people, however, one question - in all the years Democrats controlled the White House and both chambers of Congress, should there not have been a “fix” to prevent the Social Security and Medicare funds from having to reduce benefits for lack of funds within a decade or so? Everybody needs to sit around the table and rectify that problem.

Anonymous said...

Is this the same as Joe Biden blatantly lying to the people of the United States saying that “they are making up stories” about his family? Hardly, since this story about Republicans is exaggerated or misinterpreted and the Biden corruption stories are substantiated by a laptop and witnesses. All Americans are at risk under this man’s leadership and you focus on this crap, Bernie. A new low even for you, Bernie.

Anonymous said...

This left-wing stuff is all bulllshit,In 10 years it will all be broke if we leave it up to the Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Republicans DO NOT CARE ABOUT ANYONE EXCEPT FOR THE MEGA RICH! All they do is create manufactured crisis' and scare people into believing lies and conspiracy theories. The Democrats work for the people. I will NEVER vote for any Republican again! Anybody who would support MTG or Lauren Bobert is an out and out moron! Thank you Bernie for posting the quotes, except people here will only say it isn't true. Maybe their SS should be taken from them.

Anonymous said...

Moving away from politics and onto facts.

Fact is Bernie, we need to restructure these programs. Means testing (and I'd lose out so I'm advocating that I'm out of SS with this) needs to happen. Social Security is a tax, not a retirement plan. It's there for the people who need it, and should not be provided for those who don't. We are also living and working longer - take that into consideration.

The fund crosses the threshhold in 2035 according to the trustees. We should have acted 20yrs ago, but of course we did not so it's a worse problem now, and will be an even worse problem 5yrs from now.

We cannot continue to cover this without structural changes. That's a mathematical fact.

The Banker

Bernie O'Hare said...

"s unpopular as it is, don’t you think the retirement age needs to index up or at least index with life expectancy? "

Ourlife expectancy has gone down, so are you suggesting we lower the retirement age?

Bernie O'Hare said...

" in all the years Democrats controlled the White House and both chambers of Congress, should there not have been a “fix” to"

Democrats have proposed numerous fixes over the years. In fact, Bernie Sanders has one pending. The best fix is a payroll tax increase on high-income earners. They also want to change the CPI sop it is more fair to seniors. Democrats never really controlled both houses bc of the filibuster. By the way, I do support the filibuster.


Anonymous said...

Do you support additional funding for Ukraine? If you do, you selected foreign war over our elderly. It's really that simple. Easiest way to separate phonies from those who actually care. War mongers need to STFU.

Anonymous said...

Without a doubt from social security to Medicare and Medicaid the Democratic Party is the champion for people. You along with Taylor Greene are of limited education and intelligence

Anonymous said...

If any reader is ALREADY RECEIVING a monthly check from Social Security, you do not have to worry about the amount you receive being reduced! Doesn’t matter if your favored political party is Democrat or Republican, your monthly Social Security payment is remaining what it is!

The threat of your benefit being cut is a common scare tactic. Don’t fall for it.

Anonymous said...

5:58 so not for Republicans. Good for you.

Anonymous said...

6:49 why don't you go to a war and sacrifice yourself for the common good.

Anonymous said...

Had the government D's and R's not raided Social Security to subsidize a number of other government programs there would be plenty of money in the Social Security coffers. Social Security was originally intended to be a fund for when you reach those golden years and didn't have any resources so you could retire and enjoy those golden years. Now Social Security funds hundreds of programs that were never intended to be under the social security umbrella. when the government realized how much money there was in the fund they created all kinds of programs and funded them with our retirement monies. That includes raids on our SS funds to support other government programs that have nothing to do with aging. They borrow the money but never pay it back.

Anonymous said...

7:09 thank you for proving that there still need to be mental health actions taken in their country.

I would be so nice if people like you could be committed or deported. Or just put on a plane to a place far far away. The country would be better for it.

Anonymous said...

8:40 are you related to 7:09 inbreed sister in aw mothers father cousins son? Or are you just a lynch lover.

Anonymous said...

The biggest problem with social security is that when it was established it was a dedicated fund. Over the years both side saw the pile of money and took from it repeatedly. Instead of leaving a viable thing for the future of all they stole from it over and over. Go back and look at the history of the fund. It is the political criminal who has destroyed your future.

Anonymous said...

OH and by the way the republicans want to do away with military retirement as well.

Anonymous said...

Not surprisingly, Biden is currently in the process of cutting BILLIONS of dollars from MediCare Advantage. Not proposing it, not discussing it, but actually doing it.

I don't know what's worse - the lies Biden tells or the fools that believe him.

Anonymous said...

For all those who fear a loss of the social security system, you need a dose of reality.

A true annuity has a lifetime fixed payment. Social Security provides an unfunded cost of living increase in most years. These adjustments have undermined the ability of the system to meet future obligations.

Major penalties exist for high income individuals. The most obvious is the reduction to benefits called the Medicare adjustment. Another is the increased federal taxes on benefits by increasing the taxable portion based on income. Everyone should be entitled to no taxation on return of payments made into the system as any other pension recipients receive.

There is no money in the trust fund. The government replaced the money with promissory notes. The concern over the future is based on a lack of receipts to cover current benefit payments. To counter this system it has been suggested to lift income caps for deductions while not increasing benefits. Obviously such a tax is controversial. Other suggestions to extend retirement age also are controversial. As you can see the system is failing because it is overpaying and attempting to tax the wealthy to cover the loss.
Coupled with the fact that the fund does not contain real money.

Anonymous said...

$100 billion in war spending will reap huge financial gains and get the economy cooking again. We're not going to send our kids, so who cares? And that's a very good thing, because the DoD says 78% of our kids are too fat, unhealthy, stupid, and/or have disqualifying criminal backgrounds. A quick look around confirms this. We can't field a military. We might as well buy someone else's. Wars fix economies. This is tried and tested. Why the big problem with a war that kills two countries full of hateful incestuous asswipes and fixes our problems while weakening the Russians? Isn't overpopulation a thing, also? Wars keep the breeding numbers in check. Wars settle things. Wars ain't so bad. The elderly should pipe down. They did nothing but start wars when they were running things. We learned well from them.

Anonymous said...

Let's run down the facts:

Democrat policies have caused record inflation, costing American families about $10,000 per year extra.

Democrat policies have left grocery shelves empty of vital supplies over the last two years.

Democrat policies have us worrying how we're going to pay to fill up our gas tank and heat/cool our homes.

Democrat policies have defunded our police and allow criminals to go free.

Democrat policies have turned our schools into indoctrination camps instead of centers of learning, with record low test scores to prove their failure.

Just how much more help from the democrat party can we poor working folks take?

Anonymous said...

Current Republican elected officials will never admit to wanting to cut Social Security and Medicare for my generation that is currently receiving benefits from these programs. Most of these people holding elected office realize that a large number of both their current supporters and their opponents are dependent on these programs and would never support cuts that affected these voters personally. I do however believe that if the candidates from the current Republican Party gained control the Presidency and more than slim majorities of both houses of Congress, efforts would quickly be made to either eliminate the programs as we know them or substantially reduce program access and benefits for future generations. Too many older people who currently vote Republican or otherwise self-declare as conservatives only see benefit programs for other demographic groups as socialistic but most seniors of all political beliefs usually strongly defend the benefits that they receive as necessary and proper.

Anonymous said...

Drooling Wokester Fetterman (D-PA) will protect seniors, just as soon as he decides to actually work a single day for the salary he's stealing from senior Americans.

Anonymous said...

"Democrats have proposed numerous fixes..."

Bernie, to be fair both parties have made proposals, not just the Democrats. The article you link to reflects that.

Given declining birth rates a higher tax will cover it for a short period of time until outlays become unsustainable on a smaller taxpaying population.

You have to hit both sides, income and spending, to address this.

The Banker

Anonymous said...

Why don’t we move the retirement age to 105? Maybe then all you faktriots will be satisfied.


Anonymous said...

You wrote a lot in your thesis of a response, and I bet in your MAGA heart of hearts, you think it’s all true. But you sir, have absolutely no fucking no clue what basic economics is, or have any idea how the funding of social security ACTUALLY works.

Stick to holding your pitch forks and wearing your stupid red hat, you’re way out of your league here.

Anonymous said...

We don’t need to reconstruct anything. We need to cut the military budget by half and that will supply more than enough money to give the working class affordable healthcare and a living wage.

Stop pandering for the ultra rich and stop buying into the propaganda that we don’t have enough money to fund these programs because we so, but corporate lobbyists are hellbent in keeping us working until we die in their factory floors.

Anonymous said...

So you list 3 republicans who want to "slash" SS and medicare. I came name 8 or even 10 democrats who want to abolish the police AND abolish prisons. That doesn't make it the democrat party as a whole who wants to do that. The Washington Post gave Patty Murray FOUR PINOCCHIOS for saying that republicans want to end SS and Medicare.


Barack Obama had 60 seats for a brief time, did nothing. Byrd was hospitalized and then Kennedy died. It was brief but he had it.

As far as life expectancy, it was 61 when Social Security was created. Life expectancy today is 76, down from 78 because COVID and the Fetnanyl crisis have skewed the stats. People think they can collect for 30 years it's unsustainable. Just look at France.

Anonymous said...

Biden plagiarized most of his speech - from himself. I know he's big on reduce, reuse, recycle. So lazy. This is ridiculous.....


Meanwhile, Fetterman's people are saying he's permanently damaged and hears voices as if they're Charlie Brown's teacher (i.e. wahwahwahwah). He's unfit to serve and he's not serving at all. And everyone knew we'd arrive exactly at this point. PA is as dumb as Fetty is a helpless drooling mess. In fairness, you warned about this.

Anonymous said...

Bernie O'hare said: "Our life expectancy has gone down, so are you suggesting we lower the retirement age?"

LOL! When Social Security was enacted it life expectancy was 61!

Stop it you sound silly.................

Carl said...

The Republicans want it to be privatized. That means tied to the stock market where any transaction gets a fee tacked on for the company running your investments, regardless of whether your investment goes up or down.

Anonymous said...

Nobody takes rich guy with three homes Bernie Sanders seriously. Nobody.

Anonymous said...

Where's John Fetterman? Per the NYT he's completely gone ... and has been since the stroke that they're now saying was nearly fatal. They lied. A lot. He cant understand spoken words? Fetterman makes George Santos look good.


Anonymous said...

Off your meds ?

Anonymous said...

Eric is commenting on this site ?

Anonymous said...

"Yes, it does look like the Republican Study Committee called for increasing threshold for Medicare to 67 years of age and Social Security to 70 years of age in an effort to SAVE the programs.'
Good for them for taking a stand to save the system"
yep reminds me of “It became necessary to destroy the town to save it,” a U.S. major said Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Is he willing to rescind the tax on SS that he spearheaded in the '80s while in the Senate?

Anonymous said...

Speaking of 1983. Was that the year Reagan started taxing it ?

Anonymous said...

Yeah. I heard 55 might be safe. My kids are in the mid 40s, so f them

Anonymous said...

Yes because all doctors equate stokes with compulsive liars like santos and your main man.

Anonymous said...

"t was 61 when Social Security was created. Life expectancy today is 76, down from 78 because COVID and the Fetnanyl crisis have skewed the stats. People think they can collect for 30 years it's unsustainable. Just look at France."
Let's look
"vowing to try to get the government to back down on plans to push up the standard retirement age from 62 to 64."
"Under the planned changes, workers must have worked for at least 43 years to be entitled to a full pension."
"For those who do not fulfil that condition, like many women who interrupted their career to raise children or those who studied for a long time and started working late, the retirement age would remain unchanged at 67."
So the French can do better than the US even if the age is moved to 64 years of age?
Life expectancy in US--77.28yrs
in France--82.18
Guess France cares more about their seniors than the US.

Anonymous said...

"Biden plagiarized most of his speech"
": to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source"
""You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means"

Anonymous said...

"The Washington Post gave Patty Murray FOUR PINOCCHIOS for saying that republicans want to end SS and Medicare.'
try a left wing view
"It wasn't just the initial votes on the programs, dude. There's a long history of GOP rhetoric decrying both programs as the first steps toward socialist tyranny. You might recall Ronald Reagan's infamous 1961 gramophone recording opposing the proposal for Medicare, in which he said it would inevitably lead to communist dictatorship and the end of American freedom."

Anonymous said...

The American worker should stop worrying about anything and everything.

Biden and his party are allowing millions of illegals to flow freely into this country to replace them.

Anonymous said...

Strokes don't equal lies. Outrageous lies about your near dead condition following your stroke equals lies.

Have this read to you slowly,

just like drooling, lying Lerch in his diaper has done. We had a chance to elect a surgeon. Instead, we elected the equivalent of a two year old who will never get better and may be dead any day. He's being abused and you don't care.

Anonymous said...

This is a lie and it was disproven recently in the Capitol Hill hearing by the commanders of Border patrol. Once again, stop being fooled by far right News corporations that want you to do the bidding for the wealthy elite through fear mongering.

I’d rather have poor working class Mexican nationals in this country that hun loving terrorists anytime

Anonymous said...

Bernie purchased those homes many years ago when working class citizens were able to afford them via a living wage. He’s a millionaire by chance not by choice

Anonymous said...

Yawn. Inflation or price increases are caused by greedy corporations that want to pay dividends to wealthy stock holders.

The supply chain phenomenon was a brief issue to our economy during covid but now it’s being manufactured by greedy corporations as an excuse to raise prices to consumers.

Police budgets nationwide have INCREASED not diminished. Google it.

The only indoctrination that is prevalent in schools are the reading of the pledge of allegiance that only serves to uphold white nationalists Christian values that are hellbent in taking individual rights away. And don’t get me started with religious indoctrination that hurts marginalized communities that don’t support your specific god.

You’re wrong, all wrong.

Anonymous said...

Party of the working class? Which party was pushing for people to lose their jobs if they didn’t take an emergency authorized vaccine that doesn’t actually prevent you from contracting or spreading the virus they claimed would?

Which party is pushing for the elimination of fossil fuels or a carbon tax which will undoubtedly have the greatest effect on the poor and working class? How many of the poor and working class would die if this liberal pipe dream became a reality?

Social security should be there as a retirement safety net for everyone. However, the idealogues in the Democratic Party can only ever think of one solution- raise taxes. I’ve never heard any of them discuss controlling spending. The same can be said about state and local spending as it relates to the pension system. The state pension system has been raped and pillaged for years to the point that there are massive deficits with the solution always being to raise property taxes and never to address spending problems.

Anonymous said...

The Congressional Democrat ladies who are known as “The Squad” have made numerous outrageous, anti-American, anti-Jewish, and other downright foolish statements over recent years. This Independent voter does hold the entire Democrat Party for endorsing such pronouncements.

Why discredit an entire political party (Democrat or Republican) for the words a few of its members made at some earlier time? Doing so would demonstrate one’s lack of maturity and ignorance about how new legislation comes about in Congress.

Anonymous said...

If Politico says it then its almost true. Still waiting on CNN to report.
But the videos I watched of Biden saying things like this are fake.
So don't watch them.
And I think we should receive social security at 45 if you want it. And it should be in full. None of this BS percent at certain ages.
Medicare for all NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kill the babies and we won't have this problem later on.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Fact: The last time the U.S. budget was balanced with a surplus was under Clinton. He did this thru cuts and taxing, including to start taxing those collecting Disability. Fact: "W" Bush became the first president in history to cut taxes during wartime. The tax cuts mainly benefited the top 10% and the budget has not been balanced since.
The Republican strategy since Reagan has always been to bleed the coffers of government and taxpayers to benefit the rich and then blame the next Democratic administration. Been here, seen that. The problem as I see it is so many people believing the false promises of their leaders, whether it be that the rising tide will raise all our boats, except you are in a leaking innertube trying to catch the scraps thrown off of a yacht... Or your country will be protected by a hundred foot wall that some other country will pay for... Or we don't need social security as people should be able to it invest it on their own so the wealthy can get a piece, like bitcoin...Or just work until you drop dead, as there is nothing in the bible about retiring (R Gov.Gianforte).
For those thinking that having their lives stolen by the wealthy is worth it not to become "Woke"...wake the F up.

Anonymous said...

Do not worry if China attacks, we cannot possibly win with Biden his wok cabinet people and a military run by the ivy league generals. Boy, do we need Trump.

Anonymous said...

Huh? Lol

Anonymous said...

Ok Dude.

Anonymous said...

The poster at 1:48 clearly touched a nerve. When someone downplays the Washington Post to “try a left wing view” LOL. That is the left wing view.

Anonymous said...

SS is welfare. Most will collect far more than they paid in plus very good interest. It's a pretty good investment, until it falls apart under its own weight because it's welfare now. If your plan for the last 30 years has been to survive on SS, you were irresponsible and stupid. Most of us knew in the 80s that SS would turn to welfare before finally collapsing, and was not a sound retirement component. This is not unexpected. Both parties did this.

Anonymous said...

BTW, lazy and stupid is a legitimate lifestyle choice. We will always need welfare to care for these people. It's easily paid for if you're not spending hundreds of billions on wars we shouldn't be in.

Anonymous said...

Bidens plan is ok in theory but I think I read somewhere that the math doesn't work. Bernie Sanders wants to actually increase benefits, I think we need to secure the program we have now, not look to increase benefits. Whatever they do it will happen either in 2025, 2027, 2029, or 2031. Those are years following presidential election with no midterms. My money is on 2031, they always wait till the last second down there in the Washington bubble.

@ 12:30, personally I would like the money to invest myself. Many people management their own money today through ultra low cost vehicles that weren't available back in Bush's day. You are correct though, the only way to reduce a deficit is to cut spending AND raise taxes. Today's democrat party will not cut spending anywhere, they want to increase it. Todays republican party will never raise a tax, ever. It's a stalemate for sure.

Arthur Guinness said...

Let's Go Chiefs !. Guiness sales up 100% in the Valley today excluding Nazareth with the Andretti's and Bernie's castle.

Anonymous said...

A Balanced budget is BS. The do not include the deficit interest, spending over the limit or anything else in the equation. A balances budget is as much a figment as seeing pink elephants when drunk, or Trump/Santos not lying when their mouth opens.

Anonymous said...

China will kill us with balloons our commander in chief Biden WOW??/

Anonymous said...

Fun Fact: The phase you used, “grandfathered in” comes from a Jim Crow law that was used to prevent black people from voting.