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Monday, June 24, 2019

Nepotism, Bethlehem Style!

I was disappointed when Bethlehem Mayor Bob Donchez kicked off 2018 by appointing City Council member Eric Evans as Business Administrator. Though he has finance degrees, he has spent most of his adult career as a history teacher. I was disgusted that Evans, who I thought was an educator, would abandon his students in the middle of a school year.

Donchez kicked off 2019 buy appointing Evans wife Jodi as he City's new recreation director. She abandoned her students in the middle of a school year, too. At the time of this hire, Donchez insisted there was no nepotism involved. No siree! She just happened to be the most qualified applicant because she was a lifeguard. Why she was even more qualified than the Assistant Director, who quit in disgust after being passed over.

Everyone knows this, so why I am I talking about it now? Because there's even more nepotism.

Get this. The nephew of retiring Recreation Director Jane Persa has been hired to replace the Assistant Director, who was rightly disenchanted by what had happened.

This new hire must have been a lifeguard, too.

Initially, this fellow turned down the job. Then he decided to take it if the City would pay him what the departing Assistant Rec Director was getting at the time he quit. Amazingly, the City agreed.

Unfortunately, there's even more to this story. Someone had to be brought in to train the new Assistant Director. Guess who it is? Jane Persa, the dude's aunt and Director who already retired.


Anonymous said...

Donchez is completely out of it! First he fires Borzak because she was really good at her job and out shined Karner, then he miscalculates the Sands transfer tax by $6 Million and now this......he should never have ran for a second term. Guess he likes the State pension and his $90,000 Mayors salary!

Anonymous said...

1:16. You sound jealous, he worked and earned his pensions, just because you wasted your working life at McDonald’s or any of the other corporations that give you nothing for your working years does not mean that those of us who worked and earned a pension don’t deserve to receive that pension

You should have thought about your value and your long term future, in fact since you are so smart you should also not take SSI checks either

Anonymous said...

1:16am is right. Work his campaign, donate money to it, also get a job not qualified for.

Anonymous said...

Facts, opinion, fake news, all mangled together. I've worked with Prosser and he's a great guy and great worker. Parks and Rec degree from Coastal Carolina. No, he is not making what the previous guy was making. No, Jane Persa is not in the office training him. She resigned months ago and once she completed the hand off she is enjoying her retirement. Those are both bullshit comments and it's really unfortunate you spread misinformation like that without even checking for those simple truths.

PS The previous dude had no ability to take the director job. Didn't do his. Big reputation as poor worker. No initiative. Classic LIFO - last in first out, with large chunks of unaccounted breaks during days. That's my opinion of course, but it is shared WIDELY across the city. Prosser is huge upgrade.

Anonymous said...

The City of Bethlehem is 100% Nepotism & Who you know get's the job in the city in my personal view Evan's wife should of never gotten the job as REC Director. He's on Counsel & that's conflict of interest if you ask me. My Neighbor 3 door's down from me worked for the city for about 2 years until finally Nepotism & Harassment within his Dept forced him to just Quit & I don't blame the guy either he told me it's not worth the aggravation or stress & working with the city if your liked you get all the good job assignments & if you not liked the Bosses & Foreman's just mess with you & give you the shit work. I do agree with my neighbor that working for the City would have this type of caliber stuff going on.

Oh & of course Evan's wife would quit her job as a Teacher in a minute for the city job but its not right how she left those Kids like she did. The Right thing to do was finish out the School Year I am Sure the REC Director job could of waited... & BIG DEAL ANYWAY she's the Director of REC not really much goes on in that Dept anyways. Personally I think the post is a bunch of waisted TAX Payer money for her salary.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Evans quit his job on Council to become business administrator.

Bernie O'Hare said...

I have checked. Persa was brought back to train the new Director, not her nephew. Other than that, I stand by what I wrote.

Anonymous said...

The democratic machine is alive & well-Donchez is the weakest Mayor in Bethlehem history. Nice guy, but no leader.

Anonymous said...

Jane Persa assisting in the transition is nothing new. That has happened with a number of higher level positions over the years. As pointed out by someone else Atkinson was always in after the City Hall start time of 8:00 and was usually out the door before 4:30 which is when City Hall closes. He also worked on his side real estate items while at City Hall. Definitely not one of the better performing employees of Bethlehem.

Anonymous said...

I voted for Donchez and can yell you that I made a big mistake. I thought he would work hard to keep the city moving forward, but no one ever sees him! He shows up to a couple events here and there but the guy is AWOL. "No nepotism ", stop the BS!!! What were her qualifications. Persa was getting paid to train Evans after she got hired! Then her nephew gets the other job. Out of the 100 people who applied for the job, they couldn't find 2 qualified people other than Evans and Prosser? I call complete BS. Where was Council on this?

Anonymous said...

It’s only going to get worse when Reynolds takes over.

Anonymous said...

Voters expect nepotism and greasy ethics. They understand they're electing lowlife politicians; not boy scouts. It's why many cringe and most laugh when reading retiree puff pieces about trough sloppers' "lifetime of public service." Please. There's a reason why politicians and the governments they run are held in such low regard. Way to earn it, Bob. You earn your dirty reputation, every day.

Anonymous said...

I blame the AR15.

Anonymous said...

From what I have heard Evans has been taking meetings on his wife's behalf especially for pool issues.

Anonymous said...

Great post. For once it's a government other than Allentown that everyone is ridiculing. Allentown would never stand for nepotism. Our Mayor would never....oops oh wait..never mind.

Anonymous said...

Donchez says a committee choose Jodi Evans. But he failed the mention that 2 of the 3 members of the committee were employees who report to Eric Evans. It’s like a onion the more layers that are peeled the more it stinks.

Anonymous said...

What should happen:
City council will almost certainly initiate an investigation and deal with this.

What will happen:
City council will enact a plastic straw ban and hire some cronies to promote and enforce it.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday’s Food Truck event in Allentown had everything but attendance.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:2/2:33. Wow very dramatic, but not at all correct. Mike Alkhal is the director of public works. He does not report to Eric Evans. And recreation is a division of public works. All directors report to the Mayor. None report to Evans. Sorry to put facts the way.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Bob is a real nice guy. He is not a great leader. He is really not very competent as Mayor. His oversight is non-existent. He has let people like Karner and others run wild and ruin his reputation.

As for nepotism, it is part of Bethlehem and always has been. You can check every other area. I doubt there are any employees that don't have an influential relative or other family member that got them their job. Evans may be at the top end but he is the rule not the exception.

Bethlehem is just a little old small town that runs like a family business for better or worse.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info Bernie, I hope there aren't any more members of the family that are employed by the city either part time or full time. You hit the nail on the head with this report!

Anonymous said...

10:48 Reynolds is now Donchez's puppet. The worst kept secret in the City is that Reynolds made a deal not to run against Donchez in the last Mayoral election, provided Donchez would endorse Reynolds for Mayor when Bobby D. gets out! Reynolds will be another 8 years of Donchez which Bethlehem can not afford or tolerate. People better start waking up.

Anonymous said...

“Reynolds is now Donchez’s puppet.”
Not doubt about that.

Anonymous said...

4:03 Donchez is a very nice man and a gentlemen, but he is a terrible Mayor. If there is a issue in the City, ask him where he stands and then wait till he see's which way the wind is blowing. He has 0.0 leadership skills. The city deserves better leadership from the Mayor!

Anonymous said...

What is the big fuss about a teacher leaving mid-year? It happens all the time with teachers leaving to have babies, taking sabbaticals, etc., so I don't see M/M Evans doing such as some black mark against them. With that said, I certainly have an issue with Mrs. Evans being appointed to the position she now holds.

Anonymous said...

There are several things being missed here. Bernie you are correct in all that you have written regarding Evans hiring and Persa's relative being hired. First, Eric Evans is the most senior appointed official in the City government. All others answer to him in the absence of the Mayor. What exists here in Bethlehem goes well beyond nepotism. Bethlehem is a "Criminal Enterprise". When you openly hire your unqualified wife in a senior position...... The question must be asked...... What are you doing behind closed doors ? Evans miscalculated the transfer tax by $6,500,000 dollars. Really, is he that stupid ? Corrupt relationships with developers, just a simple fact ? A Council that does not react to open nepotism ( save for Van Wirt ). They are co-conspirators. Evan 's came from their ranks. Reynolds, Callahan, Colon..... All need "pocket checks" they are corrupt unindicted crooks. This corrupt behavior has been going on for 20 plus years. This isn't about a one party system. This is about open criminal behavior.Donches, a bad leader, an honest man, etc.,etc.. No , he may not be lining his pockets like several Council members but he allows the criminal behavior to exist. He in the purest sense of the word is, corrupt. The Council to investigate the open Nepositism ? A joke ! The proper body to investigate would be the RICO agents of the FBI. Some writers in this blog seem to think that this open corruption can't be stopped. Bullshit ! This is America. Many of us took oaths in the past. To protect and serve and to protect against all enemies Foreign and Domestic. Elect Reynolds, Calahan, or that slimy pervert Kelly as mayor...... Enough !! These creatures in Bethlehem government need to be placed in cells not in office. It is time this city wakes up. I still have faith in the average "Joe and Mary" to do the proverbial "right thing" Dispair breeds hopelessness. We cannot lose sight of what this country is about and we need to start at home. Let's kick these bastards out !

Anonymous said...

Bethlehem loves to elect teachers. You know the saying, "if you can't do, teach." In the case of Bethlehem, if you teach why not run the city.

Teacher politicians rule.(at least in Bethlehem)

In fairness to Bob, when Johnny Casino was Mayor the term behind closed doors was never more relevant.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:00: I said 2 of the 3 on the hiring committee were reports to Eric Evans. Yes alkhal does not report but the HR Director and Budget Director are direct reports to Evans. How would that go over if they did not hire the boss’s wife?

Anonymous said...

Everyone keeps saying Bob Donchez is such a nice guy. He has lied to so many people and he has been well aware of the good people that lost their jobs for no good reason. He made promises when running for Mayor he has not kept. He said what he was told to say to get elected. Karner was picked for Director of CED and he didn't know who she was because he never met her. Again he was told what to do. She has since fired Borzak and other very good people in her department that cared and worked hard for the people of Bethlehem. You talk about Atkinson not doing his job well Karner is always among the missing. I know she always leaves early to go to her daughters games. I know a deal was made with Reynolds and Donchez because they feel the people of Bethlehem are dumb and will elect Reynolds because these two MADE A DEAL. Does that sound like Allentown. I hope Council has the stones to challenge nepotism because it is a slap in the face of all citizens of Bethlehem. Again Bob is behind this and we are all dumb people that don't see what is going on. NO BOB DONCHEZ ISN'T A NICE GUY!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dana Grubb may be outspoken on issues over the years and this may have hurt him in the eyes of some people but I can assure you he would be the most honest and caring man of the people this City has not had in many years. I know what is going on in the City would not happen if he were the Mayor. His sense of fair play is beyond words. Evans would never have been hired and Karner would be gone and all of her back stabbing friend hires. Our HR person (Michele) who was appointed with no qualifications at all. Another deal made with Donchez. She will be gone because she is one of the most dishonest of all. Before you accept the deal that Reynolds and Donchez have made that Reynolds is the shoe in Mayor in the next election think if you want more of the same going on at City Hall.

Anonymous said...

Van Wirt demonstrated REynolds vulnerability in most recent election where she garnered more votes than he did. Reynolds/Donchez pact has been evident where Reynolds is in fact the puppy dog for Donchez bad decisions.

Grubb will win because the people are tired of defending their neighborhoods from commercial intruders that donate to get special treatment.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:44 & 3:57 (aka Dana) eat shit and die!

Anonymous said...

Dana has a great slogan, "Vote for me or I'll punch you in the nose"

To be fair to Dana, he would; be a better Mayor that Slick Johnny Casino or his slow brother Bryan. Maybe they will push gender neutral Ritter.

Anonymous said...

"Van Wirt demonstrated REynolds vulnerability in most recent election where she garnered more votes than he did"

More people turn out in a mayoral election than a city council election. Van Wirt's crowd was motivated and Reynolds hardly campaigned other than some mailers. Van Wirt has a ceiling, and she hit it. Reynolds would win one on one against her, Negron or Grubby. Reynolds would win easily in a 3 or 4-way primary against Negron, Grubby and Callahan-lite.

Anonymous said...

Negron isn’t remotely qualified.

Anonymous said...

Say what you will.
It’s a thousand times better than Allentown

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Anonymous said...
Negron isn’t remotely qualified."

Why would that be? Do you have to take a city council exam? Is there a school? So far as I know, anyone who meets the residency requirements is qualified. What you mean to say is that she lacks gravitas. I agree. But I explain why.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"@ 1:44 & 3:57 (aka Dana) eat shit and die!"

What an ugly person you are!

Anonymous said...

Reynolds is arrogant & likes to hear himself speak. Loss to Van Wirt.even in an off session election should be embarrassing to him & a wake up call that he is not liked. Grubb has huge base of supporters that know him well as a local boy.

Anonymous said...

Food for thought...$ spent/vote in the council primary:
Reynolds $7.19
Ritter $6.20
Crampsey Smith $4.25
Carpenter $4.14
Saltzer $2.67
Colon $2.56
VanWirt $1.82

Anonymous said...



John Callahan appears to weigh CONSIDERABLY LESS than his brother.

Give credit where credit is due

Anonymous said...

Interesting stats on spending sure refutes the Reynolds theory that he didn’t work hard as to why Van Wirt beat him. Fact of the matter is that voters are catching on to him & moving to others.

Anonymous said...

Dana, Dana, Dana, Dana, Dana,....

Anonymous said...

Dana, Dana, Dana, Dana, Dana? Never, Never, Never,Never, Never. What don't you get? He was fired for a physical assault/confrontation with another City employee during the work day in City Hall. The guy is a mess! Who the hell gets fired for assaulting another employee?

Anonymous said...

Evans and Donchez REFUSE to negotiate a POLICE CONTRACT, no raise since 2017.

Anonymous said...

"Evans and Donchez REFUSE to negotiate a POLICE CONTRACT, no raise since 2017."

Umm!!???!!! Arbitration. Who says an arbitrator will even give a raise in year #1? Or....

Anonymous said...

"Van Wirt demonstrated REynolds vulnerability in most recent election where she garnered more votes than he did. "

Umm...no she lost to Reynolds by a vote according to the consolidated results on Lehigh County's site.


Reynolds: 2630 votes
Van Wirt: 2629 votes

Anonymous said...

Dana Grube is still the most honest of Everyone at City Hall, He has my vote for whatever office he intends to run for.

Anonymous said...

4:46 must be Grube...lol. I've been around Grub and he thinks he is always right, which he seldom is! 1st he was fired from the City for work place violence. Lets see what nuts will support or endorse that! 2nd he already ran for Council and got wiped out!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Anon at 12:08 - you should at least have a clue as to how to correctly spell his name.

Bernie O'Hare said...

I am not going to allow anonymous accusations of sexual misconduct.