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Thursday, May 03, 2018

LWV Debate

L to far R: Greg Edwards, Rick Dougherty and Dean Browning
The Lehigh Valley League of Women Voters last night hosted what I think was the final debate for Congressional candidates seeking the seat being vacated by Charlie Dent. It was attended by all six Democratic candidates as well as Republican Dean Browning. The other Republican, Marty Nothstein, boycotted the event primarily because the League filed a lawsuit that ended the gerrymander for Congressional districts. It was standing room only for about 130 people who listened to softballs thrown by Lafayette College's Dr. John Kincaid as well as PBS39's Monica Evans. Because candidates only had 60 seconds to answer each question, there was little time for more than platitudes. I've already provided in-depth coverage of several debates. There's no reason to do that again. What I can do is tell you I've learned from attending numerous debates and then writing about them here. What I've learned is that we are more than a nation divided, but are fractured within this congressional district as well.

People at the NextGen America debate in downtown Allentown were darker, younger and much poorer than the mostly white, mostly middle class people at the Republican debate in suburban Palmer Tp. If these groups have anything in common, it's anger. And they are angry with each other.

I see it here and on Facebook, too. People at one time loved posting here anonymously because they knew they could cheap shot someone and no one could blame them. Now they do it on Facebook even though everyone knows who they are. Civility is out the window.

Last night, when Dean Browning argued his conservative views, the audience moaned and gasped, while some Democratic candidates cringed.

This intolerance exists on the left and the right. Until it ends, nothing will get done.

John Morganelli likes to quote from John F Kennedy, and did so again last night. "Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future."

I agree. This is why I supported Charlie Dent. This is why I support John Morganelli.


Anonymous said...

That quote has been used by pols for decades. Morganelli is no JFK. Throwing around someone else's great quote as a cheap platitude is meaningless.

Or to put it this way, a little less profile and more courage.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I am less than enamored over Mr Morganelli. He's a Trumster in sheep's clothing.

Anonymous said...

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

G. Santayana

Anonymous said...

Has the English language been stripped of all meaning?

These events are not debates.
These functions are farce stripped of humor throwing off the faint shadow of a past and all but forgotten democratic process.
Collage presidents and TV talking heads lend their truncated credibility to these sideshows.
Isn’t it just wonderful that Public Television has decided to care?
The newspaper makes a weak attempt at pretending to practice journalism and the candidates serve up lukewarm platitudes on the calculated position of the day.
“My number one priority is the bumpstock. Our society and the bumpstock can not occupy the same cultural space.”
“I’m a ‘progressive’.”
“I’m a woman ‘progressive’.”
“I’m a POC progressive, a preacher and I’ve been an activist for decades and .......”
“I stand with Mayor Pawlowski.”
Was the good Honorable Mr. Pawlowski in the peanut gallery last night?
I waiting for the GOP frontman, I mean front runner, to ride up on his bicycle.
At least that would indicate a certain vigor.
Beyound sad.

Anonymous said...

It looks Nothstein didn't miss anything by not attending, too many candidates, everyone knows what his positions are. As for the divide, it is not just a difference of opinion on how to get to a common goal, it has now become a deep seated ideological divide with different goals entirely. No rules apply, it is two very different visions of what America should be. Lets face it the left has really embraced Marxist ideology, it no longer hides it, it does believe that all business should be owned or controlled by the government. It really has weak view of private property. I dont believe the right has moved farther right, they have just realized that they have been doing all the compromising for years and have dug their heels in to give up no more. I see no solutions, there are irreconcilable differences, maybe time for a divorce so to speak. Moreover we are in a very dangerous place with the bureaucracy making more and more of the actual decisions of governing and believing it has supremacy over elected officials. Any student of history knows we are in a very dangerous place.

Anonymous said...

When is JM getting a colonoscopy? There could be a Blogger problem.

Anonymous said...

7:00 when you achieve a certain level of elder status, a colonoscopy is a rite of passage.

Anonymous said...

These are not "debates" in any sense of the word. They are glorified press conferences. A debate is when you challenge someone else by responding to their statements.

Not being simply asked to regurgitate your already stated positions to a questioner.

Anonymous said...

Enough of the Morganelli blogmercials already. Next you are going to have a picture of him standing on an aircraft carrier in a bomber jacket.

With less than 2 weeks to the primary are you even going to cover any of the local contested primaries for state rep like Mackenzie, Simmons, Mako, etc or have you been $worn to $ecrecy??

Anonymous said...

I believe in Harvey Dent

Anonymous said...

This process is a public joke.

Anonymous said...

Everyone's got to make up their mind, but if Nothstein avoids debates on a regular basis now before he's even elected, how in the world will he be a voice for good government business representing the Lehigh Valley in Washington? His attendance or lack thereof speaks volumes. He's done this on his own. The public welcomed him to speak his mind. He's decided not to.

Anonymous said...

there is no middle ground.
starting with the tea party the right wing decided that trench warfare was the way to go.
this battle has been waged ever since President Obama was elected.
now that Comrade trump lost the popular vote all the sins that the right wing thought was funny when attacking Democrats will be returned with interest.
do the republicans deserve to be rebuffed at every turn--bet your life they do.
is it the best plan for the future? probably not.
compromise with the right wing is a waste of time.
what is needed is to crush the republican party until they realize that the tea party folks are costing them elections.
the republicans are a little slow on admitting the damage the far right lunatics have caused.
in time moderate republicans can reform and move the republican party forward.
at that time the country will be able to accomplish many things.

Anonymous said...

Nothstein should get bonus points for avoiding these clown car events.

Anonymous said...

I voting Republican-Lite.
Vote Blue(ish)!

Anonymous said...

“There is no middle ground.”
There’s the far right and the corporate establishment Demo-right.
Praise Jesus!
(Haven’t we had enough of the Jesus stuff here in Allentown?)

Anonymous said...

Whatever, Anon 7:52

How is that 'affordable' health care stuff been working out for you?

Anonymous said...

I don't think Lincoln and Douglas would call this a debate, by any stretch of the imagination.

Anonymous said...

8:28 "Affordable" if you can afford it.

Anonymous said...

Dougherty is the perfect representation of a contemporary urban Democratic politician.
I’m with Rick.

Anonymous said...

Moderate republicans are those who give up our rights a little at a time, with a smile. continually compromising until there is nothing left. It is a slow walk to socialism rather than a abrupt change. Progressives believe that they are moving progressively to a socialist system. The same as a moderate republican. Those that resist are labeled with all the political correct adjectives. In the Soviet Union such people were called reactionaries and either executed or sent to the gulag. As per 7.52 they will do the same if they can.

Anonymous said...

After reading some of the above comments, we can now understand why many have been stockpiling weapons and ammunition for over 20 years.

Anonymous said...

Repeal the Bill of Rights, one at a time.

Anonymous said...

If you want to take a close look at the divide, watch Michelle Wolf's performance at the White House correspondence dinner and then watch Trumps rally, the same night in Michigan. It is indeed 2 Americas.

Anonymous said...

Bernie, enough of this "just let's all get along" crap. While I agree that we should and we have to to some degree, you didn't seem to appreciate it when Obama was strongly trying to make the same point. You had your chance, and you blew it. You have no believability now.

That being said, we may both be on the same page with Morganelli this time. I need to learn a bit more. Your post with the immigration attorney was helpful and a service.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Obama’s never put his words into practice. It was just words. On top of that, he was incredibly weak on foreign policy and damaged us considerably.

Peter J.Cochran said...

The Mids are first , After the cuts are made then its appropriate to start getting in line . Anon 7:53 your right. Looks like Marty was able to anticipate,and not waist his time. I said this before, With thought about whom is best suited to make valuable contributions to the big picture, Hard issues - NK ,energy,,Russia ,deployment of troops and the economic well-being of the contributor tax payers . All the rest of the doesn’t matter if we’re at war or without industry that accually produce tangible,useful products . Our small boats mean nothing if the dam breaks. We need folks from both parties that have the intestinal fortitude to stick their necks on the line at least once in awhile! Where are the Harry S Truman types? Vote for the candidates that can solve problems,and stand away from self political maneuvers .

Anonymous said...

I had been a Morganelli supporter for a long time, but I disagree with his views on Women's rights, Immigration and Drug legalization. Therefore, I am voting for David Clark.

Anonymous said...

This voter has not forgotten that John Morganelli supports Trump.

@realDonaldTrump Thankful for your coming leadership. Waiting to hear from transition. Met you at Bedminister when I played in Member Guest.
-- John Morganelli (@johnmorganelli) November 24, 2016

@realDonaldTrump Pres-elect sent personal note to my son. I worked with Barletta and Kobach against illegal immigration. Pa. most senior DA.
-- John Morganelli (@johnmorganelli) November 21, 2016

@realDonaldTrump Played M/G at Trump Nat. Met Pres with QB Mark Sanchez. I am Pa. most senior prosecutor waiting to hear from transition.
-- John Morganelli (@johnmorganelli) November 21, 2016

Anonymous said...

Can't,can't can't we all just get along???

Anonymous said...

One was funny one was angry. Folks time to get a grip

Anonymous said...

Are there any guarantees John won't resign a Congressional spot to accept a job in the Trump administration? I don't want someone short-term parking while looking for the job they really want. I think this is a valid question of any candidate.

Bernie O'Hare said...

When Susan Wild ran for LC Comm'r, she carted Jennifer Sletvold to Dem events in NC. Only the partisans objected. Here, John met Trump will golfing in Jersey, He told me that he thought Trump was very affable and solicitous and nothing like the person I see in the oval office. Trump even signed something for John's son. Is it a crime for a Democrat to be friendly to a Republican or to wish him success?

Bernie O'Hare said...

"I think this is a valid question of any candidate."

But you only pose it about John.

Anonymous said...

4:27 Is it a crime that President Trump is a decent man and not the monster the Democrats make him out to be ?

Bernie O'Hare said...

Don't forget that Morganelli's Trump encounter was before he became President. Although I was convinced by then that he was an authoritarian, many disagreed.

Anonymous said...

If he was an authoritarian he would have Rosenstein, mueller, clinton, mcacbe,comey and others arrested and sent to Gitmo. Obviously that is not the case. If anything it is the other way around.

Bernie O'Hare said...

He would do so if he thought he could get away with it. The only thing stopping him are the few adults left in Congress.

Trump Luves Blumpkins said...
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Bernie O'Hare said...

Robert Ryan is a drunken bum whose wife dumped him.

Anonymous said...

I'm 12:46 checking back in and read your reply. I feel compelled to respond.

"On top of that, he was incredibly weak on foreign policy and damaged us considerably."

You have your right to your opinion on foreign policy. We disagree, and I point out that Obama got Osama Bin Laden after Bush failed for 5 years. But, main point, what the hell does that have to with us getting along with each other? Totally off topic.

"Obama’s never put his words into practice. It was just words."

He never put his words into practice, because R's wouldn't let him. It was total obstruction from day one. Mitch McConnell stated more than once that his overriding goal was to make Obama a one-term President, and he acted accordingly.

So Bernie, you are either going soft in the brain, or a Republican posing as a "moderate". Either way, I need not waste my time here anymore. You are a phony. Your support for Morganelli is even making me question my support for Morganelli.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

If you own a gun stay home.

Anonymous said...

And Nothstein, employed by a non profit in name only sucks up 75% of operating revenue for his salary. Sits in on negotiations and hasn’t the faintest clue what is happening or how to read a contract. Yeah, draining the swamp while pledging allegiance to Der Fuehrer. Wait until Cohen turns into Pavarotti.
—-Mother Jones

Bernie O'Hare said...

Robert Ryan is a drunken bum whose wife dumped him.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Bernie O'Hare said...


You have some sort of relationship with Robert Ryan, #5 Vanderbilt Ct, Old Bridge NJ. For two years, he has been posting sexist and Islamaphobic remarks about a Northampton County judge and his family. He has been posting them on my blog, Lehigh Valley Ramblings, which is read by about 5,000 people a day. This conduct is extremely unprofessional and reflects poorly on your company. Please direct Robert Ryan to stop

Anonymous said...

" Is it a crime for a Democrat to be friendly to a Republican or to wish him success?"

not at all.
then why the tweets about the transition?
one possibility is that Morganelli offered to trump that he had tea party street cred and trump could show bipartisanship by bringing in a Democrat who is tough on illegal immigration.
trump gets to show he is willing to work with Democrats and everyone sees how great he is.
not a bad offer.
the problem is that trump is only really concerned with himself.
trump views anyone working for him as disposable.
trump most likely felt he did not need bipartisanship as he had the republican party at his beck and call.
so he did not need Morganelli.
or Morganelli could have decided that trump (once in office) was a disaster and he wanted no part of him.
so the question still remains why would Morganelli's tweets mention wanting to hear from the transition team?

Bernie O'Hare said...

The above comment is from the Wild camp, which always has unusual line breaks. If you want to disguise yourself as anonymous, do a better job.

Anonymous said...

When Susan Wild ran for LC Comm'r, she carted Jennifer Sletvold to Dem events in NC. Only the partisans objected. Here, John met Trump will golfing in Jersey, He told me that he thought Trump was very affable and solicitous and nothing like the person I see in the oval office. Trump even signed something for John's son. Is it a crime for a Democrat to be friendly to a Republican or to wish him success?

Oh please. We all knew who Trump was long before he occupied the Oval Office. The "he changed" BS is just that. Morganelli is ashamed of his affinity for Trump or else he wouldn't have whitewashed his Twitter account. Do we really want a representative who feels its OK to delete his past when convenient?

Anonymous said...

If he was an authoritarian he would have Rosenstein, mueller, clinton, mcacbe,comey and others arrested and sent to Gitmo. Obviously that is not the case. If anything it is the other way around.

He would do it in a second if he could get away with. Luckily, the rule of law is still paramount and will stand against people like you ready to capitulate our entire democracy to a charlatan. A reality TV failed-casino owning moron, to be exact.

Anonymous said...

If you own a gun stay home.

I agree. You are very special snowflakes. You are so afraid of living that you need to arm yourself against imagined violence. You are frozen with fear unable to deal with normal society. Sad.

John Kachmar said...

I was Congressman Don Ritter's Chief of Staff in Washington in the 80's ( I am also a Combat Marine Viet Nam Vet, so I have "served"). This blog is about "Opinions".... I have one. The "Left" and "Right " war in America is tearing our County apart. Civility was a daily occurrence in the 1980's on Capitol Hill. That basic human capability no longer exists. The Lehigh Valley is a microcosm of a discintragating America gleefully reported upon by democracy's staunchest enemy .... The media. This upcoming Congressional election is an extremely important one, given the Left and Right "Debacle of Hostility". We do not need Professional self serving Politicians in Congress interested in largess and longevity . I will not bad mouth the candidates running for the Valley's single seat. I will make a recommendation. There are two candidates running for this office that possess the honesty,integrity, intellect,and personal courage to help this country heal and communicate and compromise ( not a bad word, just a simple verb). Those candidates are Democrat John Morganelli and Republican Dean Browning. I urge the members of both respective parties to cast a vote for these candidates. The citizens of the Lehigh Valley will be the eventual "Winners" in November regardless of "who" prevails.

Anonymous said...

Sorry John, no compromise with Trumpists. You should know better.