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Monday, August 01, 2016

Trump's McCarthy Moment

Donald Trump's campaign of fear and hate has finally. The public is finally wising up to the incessant Trump tweets. The person who has brought down The Donald seeks no public office. He's no journalist. In fact, he's one of those immigrants blamed by Trump and his minions for everything. Even worse, he's a Muslim.

I am referring, of course, to Khizr Khan, whose son was killed in action while serving as a US Army captain in Iraq in 2004. He spoke at last week's Democratic convention, and I thought he surpassed everyone, Democrat or Republican. The quiet passion in his brief remarks, with his wife standing next to him, is undeniable.

As a grieving father, he deserves a great deal of latitude. But Trump, who is both thin-skinned and petty, detests criticism, and began lashing out on Twitter. He claimed Khan had "no right" to criticism him. After all, he's The Donald. He suggested that Khan's wife had been forbidden to speak. You know how those Muslims are. Turns out she was too upset to speak. Then a man who never spent a second in the military claimed that he's made sacrifices, too, because he builds things from which he profits. Most recently, he is claiming he was "viciously attacked." He's also tried to change the subject a few times.

Trumpites on this blog spent the weekend doing pretty much the same thing.

All this reminds me of America's last great demagogue and fearmonger, Senator Joseph McCarthy. Some say this witch hunter was finally upended by Edward R. Murrow, a fearless journalist. Unlike many others, he refused to "be driven by fear into an age of unreason. ... We are not descended from fearful men." There are few Edward R.Murrows in today's world, where reality TV starts become major party nominees. Trump has taken precautions, though, and has revoked press credentials for The Washington Post, BuzzFeed, Politico, The Daily Beast, Vox and The Huffington Post. He denies access, hoping that will silence his critics.

Some also say that the people finally wised up during Senate hearings in 1954, in which McCarthy attempted to crucify an Army lawyer named Fred Welch who belonged to the Lawyers' Guild, a left wing organization, while in law school. McCarthy wanted the lawyer fired,despite having no evidence of anything. That's when Jack Welch, who was also representing the Army, spoke up. "Senator, may we not drop this? We know he belonged to the Lawyers Guild. Let us not assassinate this lad further, Senator. You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?"

Trump has now had his McCarthy moment. The more he tries to defend himself, and the more his followers attempt to justify his recklessness, the worse he looks. Majority leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan, have condemned Trump's continuing remarks. Meghan McCain, daughter of the Arizona Senator, called him a "barbarian." But the best responses to Trump have come from the Khans.

"Donald Trump has children whom he loves," said Ghazala Khan. "Does he really need to wonder why I did not speak?”

Trump is now admitting that Khan's son is a "hero," but Khizr Khan responds,
"The snake oil he is selling, and my patriotic, decent Americans are falling for that. Republicans are falling for that. And I can only appeal to them. Reconsider. Repudiate. It’s a moral obligation. A person void of empathy for the people he wishes to lead cannot be trusted with that leadership. To vote is a trust. And it cannot be placed in the wrong hands.”
Trump, like McCarthy before him, is playing on people's fear of terrorism. Murrow had something to say about the way we react to these charlatans.  "He did not create this situation of fear, he merely exploited it, and rather successfully. Cassius was right. 'The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves.'"

Updated 11:12 am: Real Republicans condemn Trump's bile against the Khans - CNN includes comments from John McCain, Jeb Bush, John Kasich and Lindsey Graham:

McCain - "While our Party has bestowed upon him the nomination, it is not accompanied by unfettered license to defame those who are the best among us."

Nelson - "This is going to a place where we've never gone before, to push back against the families of the fallen."

Jeb Bush - "This is so incredibly disrespectful of a family that endured the ultimate sacrifice for our country."

Kasich - "There's only one way to talk about Gold Star parents: with honor and respect. Capt. Khan is a hero. Together, we should pray for his family."

Update #2, 12:00 pm: Trump and his minions have one supporter - ISIS.

Update #3, 4;45 pm: Politico now has published a story amazingly like mine, which shows that great minds think alike. Meanwhile, CNN reports that the VFW is now condemning Trump. They must be part of the Muslim Brotherhood, too. And the Gold Star Mothers have the audacity to demand an apology from The Donald.


Anonymous said...

Why did this father choose to criticize Trump at a political convention? The Dems had a narrative they wanted advanced so they found one of the few Muslim Americans whose child actually served in the military and lost his life. That person could rip Trump's reasonable stand to suspend immigration of Muslims from potentially hostile regions, and he would be immune from criticism because of his sons sacrifice. The Dems used the death of a soldier to attack their opponent. That is about as low a political trick that there is. Comparing Trump to McCarthy is your form of demagoguery, O'Sleaze.

Anonymous said...

Would that be like parading the mother of a Benghazi victim out at the Republican
Convention., Even after millions of dollars and years of Republican led research could not connect Clinton to guilt in the deaths. No stand down order. CIA operation.

Is it like that?

Anonymous said...

Let's make America great again!

Anonymous said...

All this is is just another Cindy Sheehan red herring.

How is this going to put Americans back to work?

How is this going to stop international terrorism?

How is this going to make the economy pick up and boom?

How is this going to reduce taxes?

It's NOT

This is just another diversion by Hillary Clinton not to talk about her record and to blame Donald Trump for something, anything.

If Mr Khan is so grieved about his son that was killed TWELVE YEARS AGO, why did he go on the DNC stage and blame Donald Trump for it?

So much bullshit coming from the Democrats.

Anonymous said...

We had 1.2 percent growith in the second quarter during 2016. The worst economic recovery since 1949 continues.

How is this man's grief going to address that fact ?

Whethervain said...

I have always been a "never Hillary" voter - even before Trump came on the political scene; I just can't stand that woman. Because I have (read: had) intentions of voting for Trump, I guess that makes me a Trumpite.

I was depending not so much on him - because he's quite the political buffoon - but for him to surround himself with a decent cabinet that would carry out some of the GOP platform(s) and expose Hillary's underbelly.

But it now has become very difficult to continue listening to him and his name calling, non-answers, repetitive circular statements along with his preoccupation with focusing on distracting sideshow issues.

I plan on taking my iPad with me into the voting station and video taping the process of writing in myself for president; I understand my wife wants to write-in Mickey Mouse but maybe I can change her mind - and have her vote for me too!!

Anonymous said...

The Hillary strategy to win is to destroy Donald Trump. This is the focus of her campaign, to continually attack Trump for everything and anything she can think of, trying to make something stick.

The reality is that Hillary Clinton has nothing positive to offer the American people. Her record as secretary of state is a failure, from supporting the killing of Gaddafi, which caused Libya to descend into anarchy and become a haven for ISIS, to failing to provide the requested security at Benghazi, then doing nothing on the day of the attack and lying about its cause.

Hillary Clinton actually, without shame, told the mother of Sean Smith that the attack was cause by a video. This alone should be enough to disqualify and defeat her. She should have been indicted for lying about the emails and endangering national security, but the director of the FBI gave her a pass. Now we learn that the DNC worked with her to defeat Bernie so she could win the Democratic nomination.

Her record as a senator is that she voted for the Iraq War, which she now is trying to explain away using Khizr Khan, trying to blame Donald Trump for her decision to vote for the war his son was killed in during 2004.

So she will continue attack Trump every day. What does she have to offer the American people? Too bad she and Obama did not bring this focus and determination in fighting terrorism.

Anonymous said...

This is the first time that a presidential candidate has absolutely nothing to offer. There is nothing in Hillary Clinton's background to suggest she is fit to be president.

At the convention the best that anyone could say, and the highpoint of the convention, is that she is a mother and a grandmother.

Thus we have candidate Hillary who has nothing to offer except she has a daughter and two grandchildren, and was not indicted.

Anonymous said...

Oh goodness. The wife of Mr Khan wrote an op-ed piece in the Waahington Post this morning.

Now just how does the wife of a nobody write an op-ed piece in one of our nation's foremost newspapers?

Anonymous said...

Bernie, you are joining the rank of ma y journalists and experts who predicted bus latest statement/action is the final straw. There is nothing new under the sun here. He came out of the gate politically incorrect and offensive. Yet he won the primaries and is in a close race for all the marbles. Sadly he reflects the mood of many people, perhaps a majority. We will find out soon enough. Scott Armstrong

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows about the controversy of Obama's birth. Mr. Trump led the fight for the truth and maybe he is now paying a price for it. The Dem's are a sneaky bunch. We all know Clinton is one of the most despised and least popular people in the country and she wants to be President. Mr. Trump got a huge bump after his convention. The Dem convention was running flat. Then out of nowhere a man who lost hi son in a war twelve years ago shows up and he is Muslim. The Dem's with the help of the media pushes it out there like a scandal.

Maybe we should think about the entire birth certificate controversy and now this Muslim controversy and consider a possible conspiracy against Mr. Trump. It is something to think about.

Bill said...

Well said!

Anonymous said...

Every American should see this before heading to the poll in November:

Anonymous said...

His ire should be directed at the candidate who voted to send his son to die.

Anonymous said...

Imagine riding on a train through NJ into NYC and suddenly a man stands, proclaims the greatness of his God, and begins killing. Or imagine standing with your children as you are being targeted by a man driving a truck intending to run people over because they do not share his beliefs.

We are force fed tolerance which makes us an optimal soft target for those who are the least tolerant. We are in essence being forced to submit to a global political movement that masquerades as a religion of peace.

We are in the midst of Jihad. Ask the parishioners in France who watched their Priest get murdered how they feel about tolerance. These are no longer hypotheticals. Congrats to the tolerance movement. You are tolerating the proliferation of evil. I hope you have the intellectual honesty to own your mistakes.

Anonymous said...

Trump is an angry, thin skinned, pathologically dishonest, cowardly little bully who channels hatred and intolerance.

Unfortunately, those are the only things his supporters care about, so it's unlikely he will lose votes because he is a lying,hate-filled little sh*t bag just like they are.

It doesn't matter that his fear narrative is mostly lies. The 24/7 Fox indoctrination program for weak minded old white people has paved the way for a candidate with no substance and plenty of anger.

Facts mean nothing to these people.

Anonymous said...

McCarthyism? I think you're confused. Which candidate is being accused of collaboration with the Russians in response to the accusers embarrassing email revelations?

Anonymous said...

"If Mr Khan is so grieved about his son that was killed TWELVE YEARS AGO, why did he go on the DNC stage and blame Donald Trump for it? "

evidently, you have no decency either.


Anonymous said...

funny....i find both candidates repellant, and was planning on voting libertarian.

until i read the comments on this blog today. it reminded me how contemptible and hate-filled the Trump supporters are.

count me as a reluctant Hillary voter.

Anonymous said...

Not getting how Mr. Kahn makes the huge leap of legal immigration 24 years ago, to Mr. Trump being wrong. Were he and his wife / son refugees? Or were they vetted and given immigration papers? Not getting how he insists that his son would have been banned temporarily, if Mr. Trump was President 24 years ago. Plus, we did not have jihad terror 24 years ago.

Just another shill for the DEMS imho.

Kahn should thank Trump for promising to eradicate the terrorists that murdered his son. But Khan goes right to the gutter, with nothing but hate, and begins defaming Trump repeatedly, for days at a time.....and the bad guy is Trump? Sure, Ok.

The parents of Americans killed in Benghazi, and by illegal immigrants have been ignored and rejected by the media. We did not see this type of coverage when a Gold Star Benghazi Mom took the stage at the RNC....why?

Because MSM is a liberal superpac

Anonymous said...

Only a fool would fail to recognize we have a lawless, corrupt, federal government in place. For the sake of your children, their children, and everyone else living here legally, eradicating this threat to freedom requires decisive action.

Citizens must NOT continue giving life to this regime by elevating one of its key operatives to the highest office in Washington. The crisis we face goes beyond being a Democrat or a Republican.

Anonymous said...

Hillary is nothing but a pathetic liar. She lies about everything, yet idiots like you Bernie keep supporting her with your anti-Donald rhetoric. The Khan exhibition was a slick piece of political misconception. He didn't vote for the war in Iraq, Hillary did. The Donald was against the war from the start! Another lie by Hillary and company. She is not a leader and can't be trusted to fight the war on terrorism. If she becomes President, I can see the ISIS flag over Washington D.C. Now I know why Bill had so many affairs!

Anonymous said...

Boy, we sure do have a lot of angry, old, racist, fearful, obnoxious, extreme, hateful people in the Lehigh Valley. And I'll bet a good number of you call yourselves good Christians, too. Vote Trump and you vote for hate, fear, envy and greed.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that you should use the McCarthy analogy , McCarthy was right, Marxist's had infiltrated our universities, Hollywood, the defense industry and even our political system. They reached a threshold point in the 1960s and have grown to were now they may be near a majority. This nation is destined to implode by the ignorance of the population as to what made this the greatest experiment in self government in the history of man. Sadly it is becoming evident that this experiment has failed, much as Tocqueville predicted it would. The people have lost their way, the leaders are just a reflection of the people.

Anonymous said...

We need to draw a red line!!!

Anonymous said...

You must have passed the old snakeoil energy drink off to the highlighted comment or in this article?! The national carnival designs are upon us all and the media is butt a tool too?!

RE:publican redd no party affilliation nor carnival partaker

Anonymous said...

During this campaign Hillary Clinton's public relations team (RE: MSM) will do everything and anything humanly possible to divert attention away from the tainted, but anointed Democratic candidate -- and for good reason: Khizr Kahn and his feigned, phony convention performance is one of those cleverly contrived diversions.

Face it, Hillary Clinton is mired in scandal, the Convention did nothing to improve her likability, and the Wiki Leaks email dump is about to get much more interesting (and damning) for the candidate.

If this past weekend's political rallies in Ohio and Pennsylvania; in which the Clinton/Kaine duo couldn't even attract a roomful of supporters are any indication, the Democrats know they are in big, big trouble

Anonymous said...

When this guy just pulled out a pocket copy of the American Constitution, right there the whole thing stank like a rotting fish.

Anonymous said...

Putting the posts of the Democrats using useful idiots aside for now, in my opinion there are 3 unequal but interrelated reasons to serve in the military and risk death doing so.

#1. Love of family, and protection of it.
#2. Love of country, and protection of it
#3. Love of God, who gave us the first two.

There are two points I would like to make here. First, the democrats have done nothing but weaken family and country, and erase the name of God from their platform.

Second, anyone who would desecrate the memory of a fallen soldier by using their death to fuel a political war opposing family, country and God, well .... you get the picture.

Anonymous said...

None of our POLITICIANS have proven worthy of addressing the challenges we face head-on. They just want to go along their merry way having been insulated from the struggles of the "little" people back home.

Time for someone OUTSIDE the Washington stink to get a chance to fix things.

The Huntress said...

Wow...the comments here run the gamut of hatred and fear. A cowardly bunch cringing in the corner holding on desperately to their guns while Limbaugh and Fox tell them to be afraid and who to be afraid of. Fortunately for our country, most people still believe we are stronger because we are more diverse and integrate people into our society better than any other country. People like Mr. Kahn any many others are proof of that. OK...let the hate filled, fear laden responses commence...

Anonymous said...

@8:00AM - religion has absolutely no place whatsoever in politics or any 'platform'.

The number one reason people go into the military is simply lack of other options. Most come from the red states of the south, where the education systems are horrible, and jobs non-existent due to republican policies in those states.

I went into the military because I was a teenager and they had awesome toys.

Patriot2 said...

Trump is the only candidate that will clean out the overpaid Washington bureaucrats & preserve our constitutional heritage thru his Supreme Court nominees. That is the bottom line & everything else is simply diversionary tactics to sidetrack attention from Hillary's lack of accomplishments as part of Washington establishment.

Anonymous said...


I wouldn't call the Allentown School District an "award winning" education system. It's at the bottom of the barrel.

Anonymous said...

I can imagine Trump as President. I can imagine Trump as President in 2024, hosting the Los Angeles Summer Olympics and refusing to shake the hand of any Muslim that wins a gold medal. I can imagine far worse with Trump as President.
My disdain of Clinton hasn't changed, but I will be voting for the lesser of two evils.

Anonymous said...

8:23 -

When did it become evil to defend oneself, to challenge statements made to discredit your motives, to stand up proudly for your nation of origin? By your definition, even Mr. Khan made a mistake.

Anonymous said...

baa, baa, baa, follow the democrats to socialism or take a chance on Trump to turn things around. It's a no brainer. Trump can't do any worst than the guy now in there.

Jamie Kelton said...

You know, what is strange about this is why Mr Khan and his wife were at the Democratic National Convention and not the Republican National Convention because of his supposed concerns?

Personally, I also find it quite odd that the Khans want to take their sadness about losing their son in battle into the political arena in the first place.

If his son died fighting for Islamic freedom, killed by a roadside bomb no less, then shouldn't the father of all people support someone like Trump who wants to keep the violent elements of Islam out of the country?

His son was an army officer, shouldn't the father support the candidate who is pro-military and not one, who like her husband, "loathes" the military?

Something here just does not make sense.

Anonymous said...

The 3 Most Common Things To Be Heard In The Future
1. Hooray for President-elect Trump!
2. President Trump has a great plan for closing the borders and creating an alternative labor force to do those jobs nobody else wants to do.
3. Get your stinking paws off me, you damn dirty ape!

Anonymous said...

I suspect the news cycle on this is about 3 or 4 days, maybe a week. No one is going to change their votes over it. It's quite clearly just another distraction by the Clinton campaign to cover up Hillary.

Basically, it isn't going to make a dimes' worth of difference to anyone. This feigned outrage by the Democrats and their syncopates in the media is something we've heard before, and before, and before, and before....

Anonymous said...

While the father was busy trying to slap everyone with his copy of the Constitution, did anyone check to see if he'd ever bothered becoming an American, or is he another one who's enjoyed the benefits of living here as a foreign citizen?

Anonymous said...

The most astute comment put forward. The vast majority have already decided and nothing short of a MAJOR bombshell, about either candidate, will swing votes to the other side. Both campaigns are digging and throwing dirt. Considering the personalities and histories of both, this may be one of the nastiest elections since Andrew Jackson's wife was implied to be a whore.

Anonymous said...

And like the Billarie camp isn't promoting racism and hate ! Oh, Im sorry, they are buying votes!

Anonymous said...

Someone up there said we have very few muslims serving in the US military. As total % serving, this is true but rapidly changing. In 2011 there were roughly 3500 muslims serving in the military. In 2015 up to 5896.

Now 10% of military decline to comment on a religious preference. Meaning you can reasonably assume that a statistically consistent 1,200 additional Muslims may be serving totaling to about 7,000 Muslims out of 2.2 million.

Nationally, muslims only represent 1% of our total US population.

If muslims served in proportion with their population we would have 20,000 total muslims in the military. So the conclusions are while they are under-represented today they are making gains rapidly.

Anonymous said...

Hillary's "house" is definitely not in order. Particularly how the Clinton Foundation was used. It was no accident the good works of the Clintons there were missing from the DNC Convention. Great opportunity for the Morning Call and Bill White to fill this void. She might provide reply with her own historic "Moment."

Anonymous said...

2:47AM ok? And you just explained in detail Trumps strategy. The same strategy he used against other Republicans in the primary. Except his was then and continues to be today exceedingly juvenile.

That is unfortunately the nature of Presidential politics in the year 2016. Make the opponent into a complete caricature of themselves. Both Clinton and Trump are doing it. Now this year both clinton and trumps strategies to tear down the other are somewhat based on truth. Both our choices this year are awful. Scary.

Anonymous said...

As a Republican I am embarrassed to have a bigot, hate mongering bafon representing the party of Lincoln. It is beyond belief.

Anonymous said...

@9:36 I'd bet money you never voted Republican ever in your life.

Anonymous said...

As a Democrat, I am amazed anyone can't see how connected Trump is to the Russians, our enemy. - John Podesta, Clinton Campaign Manager

Not a real quote, but connected to McCarthy's effort to flush out Communists. The moral, people who live in glass houses . . . shouldn't focus on emails with possible links to Russia.

Dave said...

Khizr Khan is the father of a U.S. soldier who died in Iraq who spoke poignantly of the loss of his son and then used that platform to attack Donald Trump. On Sunday he used twitter and tweeted further disparaging remarks about Donald Trump's wife, Melania.

Now as well as being the grieving father of a United States Army Captain that was killed in action, Mr Khan is a also New York City attorney, whose offices are on Madison Avenue. However, the telephone number to his office is a Washington, D.C. number, in the 202 area code. I was surprised that a NY law office would list a D.C. telephone number. When a reporter called it, it turned out that it was not Khazir Khan's law office, but the man who answered would not say who he was.

Doing some research, it was found that the telephone number is to a group called American Muslims Vote, which has been linked to the Democratic Party with connections to the Muslim Brotherhood through Huma Aberdein, Hillary Clinton's aide.

So it really appears that Mr Khan is an operative for the Democratic Party, working for Hillary Clinton. In other words, Khan is a Cindy Sheehan type.

I have been listening to "conservative" radio pundits like Hugh Hewitt and the other GOPe's blasting Trump for responding to Khan. The big difference Hillary made Khan a legit target by having him speak at the DNC.

Now Sheehan never got near the Kerry campaign in 2004 so Bush was able to ignore her, even though she became the darling of the anti-war left.

Khan is an Islamist with a clear agenda and Trump should expose him as such.

donmiles said...

A great post, Bernie. Unfortunately, for the Trump cultists, nothing he can do or say will persuade them that he is the vicious, ignorant con-man that he is. Far more disturbing than Trump are his disciples who don't care about facts, character or temperament -- they just want someone to "shake things up". For them, Trump's insanity isn't a bug -- it's a feature.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

The Muslim Brotherhood is VERY active in this nation and frequently meets within the White House. I would not be surprised if Mr. Khan is a member. America will, hopefully, figure out what's going on and vote accordingly. Sometimes, McCarthy-like people can shed light on things to reject, or not.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Be very afraid. Build a big wall and make the Muslim brotherhood pay for it.

Anonymous said...

Trump is not McCarthy ...he is the anti-King Solomon

Dumb - but willing to cut the baby in half.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"I plan on taking my iPad with me into the voting station and video taping the process of writing in myself for president; I understand my wife wants to write-in Mickey Mouse but maybe I can change her mind - and have her vote for me too!!"

But this post is solely about Trump, his comments about the father of a fallen soldier and the Trumpites who try to justify every mistake he makes instead of holding him accountable. In the end, I don't blame him. He is who he is and I actually feel a little sorry for him. But I blame us for letting him get so far.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"While the father was busy trying to slap everyone with his copy of the Constitution, did anyone check to see if he'd ever bothered becoming an American, or is he another one who's enjoyed the benefits of living here as a foreign citizen? "

Maybe you should haul him in, waterboard him a few times ... and worse, and then bomb whatever is left of his family to find out.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"If his son died fighting for Islamic freedom, killed by a roadside bomb no less, then shouldn't the father of all people support someone like Trump who wants to keep the violent elements of Islam out of the country?

His son was an army officer, shouldn't the father support the candidate who is pro-military and not one, who like her husband, "loathes" the military?

Something here just does not make sense. "

It makes perfect sense to anyone who has been subject to Trump's disgusting remarks about anyone who is different. He made that clear. It is not a long speech. Hillary may be a morally bad choice, but so is Trump to anyone who really believes in the Bill of Rights.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Trump can't do any worst than the guy now in there. "

So says someone who apparently is unable to distinguish between "worse" and "worst". Try going to school a few years and pay attention this time.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Dave, Give it a rest already. Also, just because melania did no, you should not plagiarize your comments from disparaging blog entries . http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/08/who_is_khizr_kahn_the_father_of_a_fallen_us_solder.html

Anonymous said...

"Trumpites who try to justify every mistake he makes instead of holding him accountable"

This is a perfect example of our entire system, and is why there are Trumpites.

From top to bottom mistakes are made and instead of holding those responsible accountable we make excuses.

Why wouldn't you elect Trump to represent such a system? He and his family(such as it is) are the perfect representation of our people and system.

Electing Trump will be US finally owning it. We are full of shit. We don't live up to our own principles and NEVER have. Take a big wiff.

Anonymous said...

So much ado over NOTHING

Do you really believe this is going to change any votes?

This bullshit is about as transparent as window glass. Spare me your pain for Mr Khan.

Anonymous said...

It should be noted that Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta sat on the board of a small energy company alongside Russian officials that received $35 million from a Putin-connected Russian government fund, a relationship Podesta failed to fully disclose on his federal financial disclosures as required by law.

Looks like Podesta is on the payroll of the Russian government at that rate of compensation.

Anonymous said...

@11:14 The Khan Con will blow up in their faces

Anonymous said...

We need to all calm down and HIGHLIGHT as many Hillary Clinton accomplishments and good qualities as we can for comparison. I'll start . . .


Anonymous said...

@11:22 I wonder how much Hillary and Bill got from Putin over that Uranium deal they made with him ?

Anonymous said...

@11:33 AM

She's not Trump, and that's enough.

Anonymous said...

Army Captain Humayun Khan, 27, was killed by a suicide bomber in Iraq in June 2004.

IRAQ! Has anyone been "held accountable" for this blunderous mistake in US foreign policy, or have we just made excuses to rationalize our actions?

NO! And until someone is, held accountable, this man died for a mistake not your freedom.

When those that started a preemptive illegal war on our behave are "held accountable", only then will this soldier's death have meaning beyond a political football of division it has become.

I think this soldier should be honored, which, like those who bring up Benghazi, I want to have those who put him in harms way unnecessarily, held accountable for their actions.

Anonymous said...

@12:13 I believe this man is buried at Arlington National Cemetery, the highest place of honor for our servicemen killed in action.

Anonymous said...

Also 12:13 .. Senator Hillary Clinton voted in the Senate for the United States to engage in the "illegal war" as you call it.

Mr Trump opposed our invasion of Iraq.

Anonymous said...

It is being reported that Khizr Khan, the Muslim Gold Star father that the mainstream media and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have been using to criticize Donald J. Trump, has deep ties to the government of Saudi Arabia—and to international Islamist investors through his own law firm.

In addition to those ties to the wealthy Islamist nation, Khan also has ties to controversial immigration programs that wealthy foreigners can use to essentially buy their way into the United States—and has deep ties to the Clinton Foundation

Oh the shock of all this......

Anonymous said...

anon @ 12:15

@12:13 I believe this man is buried at Arlington National Cemetery, the highest place of honor for our servicemen killed in action.

As he rightly should. I only wish that Honor extended beyond the graveyard gates.

It's sad how his life was poorly used by unaccountable politicians, and now they used his death with as much disregard.

Neither of these candidates could shine his shoes. We should rebuke both and honor this man.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Mr. Khan opened up a real "can of worms" now. He's drawn attention to more than just Trump, bringing the Clinton Foundation into the conversation. Oops!

The Huntress said...

12:37 You need to do more than cut and paste the leading paragraph from Breibart on Khan's background. Try going in and reading the whole article, then try to make a strong case for Mr. Khan's "direct ties" to the Clinton Foundation and his "deep ties" to the Saudi Arabian government. Or you can just keep doing what your echo chamber like to do...read the lead and spew without doing your own research using credible sources.

The Huntress said...

11:22 If you want some really interesting ties to Ukraine and Russia, try reading the latest on Manafort, Trump's campaign chief, and how he was the campaign manager to the pro-Russian Ukrainian leader who eventually had to flee to Russia. Also, don't forget to read about the lucrative deals he made for himself while he was there.

Anonymous said...

@1:44 Or, you can read the article and educate yourself. I don't think Bernie likes long cut-and-paste posts.

The Huntress said...

1:49 I did read it, which is why I commented on the BS "strength" of the ties here.

Anonymous said...

1:56 I suppose you can lead a Democrat to water, but you can't get them to drink from the well of knowledge

Anonymous said...

Better for Hillary if Mr. Khan goes back into the shadow. His service as a Muslim Brotherhood agent and proponent of Sharia Law in America was leaked out by Walid Shoebot . Sharia Law is the antithesis of the U.S. Constitution, a document he held proudly over his head claiming to keep it with him always. That alone should be found curious.

Look, both sides are capable of having a hidden agenda. It is important to discover what that agenda might include. We have 3 months to uncover whatever we can, no matter what we might find. It HAS to happen.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 2:49PM
"It is important to discover what that agenda might include. We have 3 months to uncover whatever we can, no matter what we might find. It HAS to happen."

Bullshit, all anyone has to do is vote for someone else and just complete ignore these two charlatans.
If you hear Trump or Billary on the news, turn if off.

Here are the only two choices:
Gary Johnson a republican with a libertarian strip...or

Jill Stein a democrat with a environmental/progressive strip.

Anonymous said...

3:15 -

I understand your point. The reality is, we ARE going to get Hillary or Trump. I prefer Trump. Even Bernie Sanders knew he had to temporarily switch to Democrat to have any shot at winning. He's now moved back to Independent. Our current system will not allow a Third Party choice to ultimately win, no matter how much better they are.

We have an IMMEDIATE problem to solve. It will take a decade or more for a Third Party choice to be given a fair shot. I'd like to see it, but the time is not available. Again, the next President will be Clinton or Trump. That's the choice. By the way, I once voted Ross Perot!

Roger Adams - Former Bernie Supporter said...

@3:15 I think that all the Bernie Sanders supporters should support and vote for Jill Stein. Hillary doen't give a damn about what we supported this spring; she's in the pocket of Wall Street bankers and has taken untold millions in bribes from both them and foreign governments.

Jill supports many of the issues that we believed in with Bernie Sanders. She won't sell us out like Bernie did either. The movement is not dead and if you really believe in what Bernie was offering, support Jill and make things happen.

Anonymous said...

And not the republicans give me a break.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"His ire should be directed at the candidate who voted to send his son to die."

In this country, his ire can be directed wherever he wants it to be directed. Donald Trump needs to put on his big boy pants and realize that not everyone is going to like a Presidential candidate. Had he said nothing, this would be over. But instead he doubled down. He insinuated that the wife was told to shut up, inaccurately. He then compared himself to a veteran who gave his life for his country, selfishly claiming he has made sacrifices, too. He stated that Khan had no right to criticize him when, in fact, he had every right to criticize him. It's in the First Amendment, the one in front of the Second Amendment you Trumpites all claim to love so much. Now he is braying away on Twitter, attacking CNN for reporting the statements condemning him. He is a little man.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Ray, When I speak to you in person, you seem so intelligent. But when you write, you begin making completely nonsensical statements bc you rely exclusively on right wing wing nuts. The anti-Islam conspiracy website called ShoeBat has a twisted and convoluted article that essentially claims that the son was a terrorist plant and that Khan is some sort of Muslim Brotherhood agent who wants to force Sharia law upon all of us. To anyone looking at this objectively, it's nuts. The only thing for trump to do now is apologize and move on. And you need to start using your head.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Those of you who are really interested in who Khazir Khan is can read a story about him, originally published in 2005. He immigrated here from Pakistan in the 1970's to have more freedom and opportunity. His son's death hit him hard, and he moved a little closer to his other two sons. His son was a hero who probably saved several hundred American lives when he rushed towards a bomb-laden taxi trying to brake through gates where soldiers were eating breakfast. This is the man and family that Donald Trump demeaned and that so many Trumpites, blinded by their own prejudice and fears, are willing to hate.


Anonymous said...

Why is it that Hillary Clinton talks more about Donald Trump than she would do for the country if she became President?

Anonymous said...

McCain is about to be voted out, Jeb Bush is a has been with no political future, and John Kasich is still wiping his tears after being belted out of the race, his only win, Ohio. Lindsay Grahm was one of the first out, not even earning one delegate. They are the establishment...the ones who were flushed out, and quickly. A bunch of sour grapes, really. What else do you expect? They have been defaming Trump since 2015.

Anonymous said...

You may be right about the outcome of the election, but you are dead wrong about a third party! There will NEVER be a third party and at present we barely have two parties and both are charlatans.

The reason being is that the electorate is all to willing to make excuses and rationales for unaccountable politicians so they can be winners with no integrity.

Anonymous said...

I find it hard to believe that the right wing media(RWM) is working overtime to humiliate and destroy Mr. Khan. They have him hooked to the Muslim brotherhood and claims there is a cell in the White House because Obama is a Muslim Manchurian candidate placed in the WH by the Saudi's. Donald Trump is acting like a big baby and in no way has the temperament to be President. Whatever people think of Clinton and it isn't much, this man is emotionally unqualified for the position of President. At first I thought maybe but he is like a teenage girl on twitter with a thin skin and hair-trigger temper. That is not what You want in a President.

What the Hell is happening to people? I mean I get the facts we are entitled to our opinions but what about facts. Global Climate Change is a fact, not an opinion no matter how many people say it is false. Gravity is a fact and has nothing to do with religion. Dinosaurs were real and the Earth is over six billion years old, all facts. Enough already. The era of ala carte news in which people only watch and listen to what they want to hear and call it "facts" is killing this country. The RWM has driven a wedge between Americans that will be hard to remove. It is truly sad.

Pray for America. Oh and please enough with the cut and paste from the right wing whacko sites. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Their son died twelve years ago. The Khans had three presidential elections since 2004 to air their grievences. Why now?

Anonymous said...

Trump is hanging around too long for comfort. He just doesn't roll over like the others. His America First theme continues to resonate with average citizens. That's a good message in times like these.

Anonymous said...

I doubt the majority of "average citizens" have any connection with billionaire globalist Donald Trump. You believe him, good for you. By the way have they found the 15th shooter on the grassy knoll yet? Maybe LBJ covered it up. lol!

Anonymous said...

To compare Khan to Benghazi mom Patricia Smith is a disgrace. Khan was a last-minute addition to the Dem's convention with the sole purpose of politicizing his son's death. Smith, whose son died when Hil and Obama didn't respond to their begging for help, was personally liked to by Hilary; at the foot of her son's coffin, no less. Follow the Khan story this week. You'll see more of this Sharia-loving 'moderate' Muslim.

Anonymous said...

Obama has been the most divisive President. But, then again aren't all liberals?

Anonymous said...

#8:44 George Mr & Mrs Khan's son died in 2004. Why be a "last minute addition" to the DNC? They could have aired their grievances at the 2004 convention, the 2008 convention or the 2012 convention.

Perhaps their "last minute addition" was to have something, anything, to go against the powerful speech by Patricia Smith, which embarrassed Hillary Clinton ?

Anonymous said...

It should be noted that Mr Khan is a New York attorney, who has ties to both Hillary Clinton and the Muslim Brotherhood, through Mrs Clinton's assistant, Huma Aberdein.

Anonymous said...

As promised above:

Bernie O'Hare said...

It should be noted you are completely full of shit. But your hate is scaring away people who might otherwise vote for Trump, so well done.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Georger, you are the asshole who referred to this dead patriot as an idiot, and now you are citing a link which is actually a link to a discredited story that requires one to defy logic.

Anonymous said...

Humma Abedein has a connection to Anthony Weiner a serial sexter who also has connections to the ultra conservative wing of the Mossad they are a dangerous duo

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Their son died twelve years ago. The Khans had three presidential elections since 2004 to air their grievences. Why now?"

Are you so stupid that you don't know why? A candidate who smears other religions and ethnicities is running this time.

Anonymous said...

#9:37 So it was important to bring this man and wife to the DNC to smear Trump ?

Bernie O'Hare said...

Art this point, when you crawl out from under your rocks to post here, you will have to identify yourself if you expect me to answer any of your moronic questions.

Anonymous said...

Ohair, I would call you an asshole but an asshole is useful.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Yet here you are, posting the 107th comment on this thread, with an anonymous, personal attack.

Anonymous said...

Bernie, you should stick to local issues. You can see how upset your readers get when you try to talk about national and international issues you really don't understand or have all thee information on. you are coming off as just another piece of the MSM. I say this as a fan.

Bernie O'Hare said...

You're no fan and what you are really saying is that i should only write about topics where you agree with me. Let me clue you in. No anonymous person is going to dictate to me what i should write about. In fact, no person tells me what to cover. I write about what I want to write about, not you. My posts were carefully researched and are right on the money. That is what really bothers you. You don't have to read this blog.

Anonymous said...

If only I were Roman... they got Caligula without a voice in the decision. When we get Trump we will have no one to blame but ourselves.

Anonymous said...


Why do you think Bernie had any influence whatsoever on the workings of the Democratic National Convention Committee?

I'm sorry if Trump felt smeared. Having such a feeling, however, is no excuse for his failure to understand that Kahn accurately described how he and his family would be treated if they were attempting to enter the US during a Trump administration.

This man and his family are patriotic Americans and if Trump is offended, then he is guilty of an error in judgement. He rushes to judgement.

Anonymous said...

I think the biggest concern is that Bernie has been snookered like the MSM with all this Kahn stuff. It is all to get the spotlight off of Hillary. Donald Trump did not disparage this man he merely pointed out th4e dangers of open borders and jihad in the world possibly coming to the US. He wants to protect us.

Anonymous said...

Hey moron. Clinton didn't cause this controversy. Your thin skinned, shallow egomaniac could simply have said I understand and sympathize Khans for their loss. Period. End of story. But he is constitutionally incapable of Twitter restraint.

Anonymous said...

Wow, reading the majority of these comments, it makes me realize how out of touch with reality right-wingers are. They have bought Trump's lies hook, line, and sinker. Thanks for the education.

Republicans have been depending on dead-enders like these to win elections for years. This year, the Republican con game has been upended by an even bigger con man, and a sociopath to boot. How many ways can Trump affront decency? And there are still 100 days left for him to reach new lows.

Anonymous said...

Not to go a day without 1uping himself, Trump today yelled at a baby and a young mother. You can't make this shit up.

Anonymous said...

anon @10:37

Alcoholics and drug addicts don't seek help, or even attempt to improve until they have reached the bottom. That's the pattern we seem to be following.

The beauty of Trump is the very fact that he is the rot-gut whiskey we need to show us our wretchedness. And it's working.

Think about is...Trump is making our worthless, unaccountable, criminal politicians appear credible.

I mean, come on, republicans are voting for Hillary...in the words of Trump, "What the hell is going on."