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Friday, February 19, 2016

NBC10 Investigates Schlossberg Ghost Voting

NBC10 has done an investigative report on State Reo. Mike "Darth Voter" Schlossberg's vote for an absent colleague, in violation of House rules. Schlossberg attempted to minimize the practice when confronted by Channel69, claiming he needed to ghost vote to deal with evil "tea party extremists." But NBC10 discovered that the House member for whom Darth Voter was votng had mysteriously voted four other times that day, even though he was absent. Barry Kauffman, who heads Common Cause in Pa., said this practice creates government cynicism. "What this really comes down to is government integrity."

The Schlossberg perp walk on camera is priceless.


Anonymous said...

I sure hope the voters in that district vote for some new and less controversial politician then this bought and paid for stained representative.

Are we sure there are no political corruption charges headed his way from what's going on in the city of Allentown? With that cloud, who would you vote for?

Anonymous said...

Not exactly an investigation - they talked to one wacko rightwinger.

Anonymous said...

Mike should resign. This not a minor issue - he violated a House rule - and openly admits to it. "The other guys do it" is the defense of a coward.

Anonymous said...

I'm with 12:17. Was going to say the same thing. He needs to resign for violating a House rule!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this Bernie. Schlossberg is a lying as$hole and should resign. Happens infrequently doesn't explain his actions. And he strongly disagrees that it is voter fraud - which it most obviously is. He doesn't deserve his seat.

Bernie O'Hare said...

12:12, You're probably no longer used to seeing actual journalism. The report included conversations with four state reps as well as Common Cause. It disclosed that someone had voted for an absent state rep at least four times tgat day, and that Schlossberg cast one of those ghost votes. It disclosed that Schlossberg admitted his transgression, but tried to minimize it. He had previously blamed the whole thing on "tea party extremists," just as you are now attempting to do. Last time I checked, Barry Kauffman is no tea party member.

Anonymous said...

just now in we see the allentown connection to lower sucon developmental administrational collusional dillusional tools of the circus hard at work¿!)$ Ooops yet another poor soul to sucum to allentowns circus arena agenda upcomming to the boil, cyst and zit for the nue nue nue yet same old GAME under cover under colur of law covered by the bigtop tent¿!)$ The caining of the boil begins epicentralized to rid criminality disorders order up downtown as the pencils lead runs dry on this flipp flopp evedeturay gather period¿!)$

Giggles and jiggles as well as deZtruction extraordinair have flead like theives in the night with there pension package plunder palumpasized and still capitolizing with time¿!)$
redd for Republican
patent pending

Anonymous said...

So Schlossberg's explanation is that he thought Daley was in the bathroom - each of five times a vote was called? He should resign immediately. What he did was dishonest and illegal. I don't care what party any of these clowns belongs to. Also, Daley did the right thing by informing he was absent. Acosta did not and wouldn't face the camera to explain. It seems she knew exactly what she was doing and that she knew a loyal colleague would vote for her. Lastly, can the country's worst legislature move out of the dark ages and use a device that requires a personal ID or a fingerprint - like iPhones have had for years? If we had an AG who actually could function in her job, this should be thoroughly investigated and prosecuted. What a disgusting mistreatment of PA citizens.

Anonymous said...

A voter like me - someone who votes in every election and who sometimes donates to certain campaigns- is very important to a person like Schlossberg. I like Schlossberg - I think he's nice. But, this story, and the smirky way he's handling it, makes me VERY PISSED OFF.

I want him to know this (because I know he reads this blog): this story has completely changed my opinion of him. It is clear to me that he does not care about individual voters. He does not give a hoot about the integrity of his office, or any other office in Harrisburg. His smirky response on camera is not what I want to see, and it does NOT give me any confidence in his morality. In fact, his condescending smile made me realize that he's only in this (elected office) for his own good. Well, he can go to hell.

Furthermore, this makes me realize that breaking the rules IS the rule in Harrisburg. Sure, it's "tea party nut case" who outted him, but the fact remains that he cast AT LEAST one ghost vote that day, and probably actually cast 10 ghost votes that day. Who knows how many other days he voted for absent members?

In summary, due to this one story on Mike, I have gone from being a supporter to being totally and completely disgusted. And not just with him. But with everyone in Harrisburg that works so hard for only themselves, and not their constituents. Corruption rules, and morality is dead. Mike is even smirking at the idea that this is a serious allegation. It's people like Mike that make people like me distrustful of anyone and everyone claiming to "represent" others. I'd like to see Mike survive in the private sector. Could he support his family on his actual value to society? Or is he only able to keep his jobs and therefore pay his bills by being a conniving, deceiving and unethical bastard?

Anonymous said...

......and yet his twin Boy Represenative,
Little Peter S. is more than happy to hold joint fundraising events with this creep.

People like this represent themselves and the party machine,they don't give a damn about you or I.

Anonymous said...

The pompous smile and the "Vince McMahon" walk.....complete turd!

Get him out of office!

Anonymous said...

The kid is a creep,'a reflection of the people who groomed him.

Bernie O'Hare said...

1:06, Your criticism is very compelling. He has had time to reflect on his actions and is doubling down. He knows he will be re-elected and doesn't appear to really care what the informed public thinks.

Anonymous said...

I'd be embarrassed to look my mom and dad and kids in the eye if I did anything as unethical and dishonest as this. I used to like and support Mike. Now, I can't stand to look at him. What a disappointment. He should apologize to all Pennsylvanians and resign.

Anonymous said...

Just think: Schlossberg is a very young guy (barely out of Muhlenberg) and is already a seasoned corrupt pol. He surely is looking to a career in Harrisburg or Washington. Imagine the skulduggery after many more years of 'seasoning"!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps, George. But something tells me this violation will follow him for the rest of his miserable public life. It's actually a good thing for Republicans. They'd be wise to put Schlossberg and Kane in every single one of their statewide campaign ads. People tend to dislike crooks and liars.

Anonymous said...

Schlossberg doesn't give a shit.
He's a party man.
He's got nothing to worry about.

Anonymous said...

No wonder even Michael Donovon found this
punk reprehensible.

Jamie Kelton said...

It seems so strange that once the public was made aware of it, that the people in Harrisburg won't do anything about it.

Why does it take a TV station to investigate him voting for other people on laws?

This is just wrong. It's like he gets to vote twice or more.

Anonymous said...

He has a degree in political science. He went to school to be a scumbag. This was his plan. He has ensconced himself in a D area. However , he's not that clever, if he can do this job, how hard can it be?

Anonymous said...

BO - Who do we call in Harrisburg and demand a full investigation by the House Ethics committee? If we the people don't do anything it will be swept under the rug and forgotten about only for the next time mentioned to be an afterthought.

Anonymous said...

Calling it voter fraud is a serious over-exaggeration, without question,” Schlossberg said.

This is the same hack who calls requiring ID to vote a resurrection of "Jim Crow laws".

I see a trend here. Darth Voter wants to be able to have fraudulent voting. Darth of course knows what is best for us because he has years of real world experience. Oh wait, he actually doesn't. He basically fogs a mirror.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this BOH. We may not agree on much politically, but this is the type of garbage that needs to be exposed , regardless of the party.

He has no fear of repercussions and or consequences. His attempt to minimize makes me sick. He literally committed a very serious crime, and he will never be held accountable. In fact , he will probably win again bc the People accept this non ethical type of behavior from a pos like this.

This is the shit that fires up people and causes many to lose what little faith they have, in the system. This is NOT what democracy looks like. This is what political corruption looks like.
Hearing that the state is refusing to comment on this , tells you everything you need to know about the outcome.

Knowing this was an illegal vote , how can it actually stand ?

The Peoples votes are becoming more and more irrelevant on a daily basis , in all levels of govt , by both disgusting parties. This is very very dangerous.

Wasn't this the same guy who literally paid himself 13,5000 with no documentation?

Once again, no consequences. They get nailed. They lie ,and deny until they get cornered. Then , they claim every one does it/minimizing the crime. Then, worst of all,they continue to do the same thing over and over again and idiots will not only vote for a criminal like this, they will send him cash and I am sure some of those people are on this web site.

Anonymous said...

BTW , this happens often. Do a little search and you will find stories about this same issue that is decades old. Some use paper clips and jam it in the "yes or no" slot and it casts votes all day long. this criminal needs to be perp walked and thrown in jail and so does everyone else who does this.

Unknown said...

John Oliver did a spot on ghost voting on his weekly HBO show. The ghost voting segment starts around the 10 minute mark.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Voting (HBO)

I think Schlossberg needs a little voting cane like the other crooked politician in the video.

Anonymous said...

hey mike...a few weeks ago you blamed the nuts on the left and or the tea party for this "false " story. I wonder what changed? weren't you the same party hack who called voter ID laws a kin to Jim crow ? typical party response...scum bag

The other woman who refuses to name the offenders should also resign. if they didn't get caught , they would keep conducting themselves this way.
Hey , Dan McNeill. Does this practice look familiar? Your union buds do the exact same thing. You know that Dan. In fact , you know more than you are letting on about this issue .

I remember when my grand father , a hard core World War 2 Vet told me that all politicians stink. "They have no morals , ethics or character". When it comes time to vote, one needs to hold his nose and cast a vote bc they all stink".

Bernie O'Hare said...

What Schlossberg did is no excuse for an attack on every Democrat in the planet. Ypu wish to politicize this. I am interested in good government.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"BO - Who do we call in Harrisburg and demand a full investigation by the House Ethics committee? If we the people don't do anything it will be swept under the rug and forgotten about only for the next time mentioned to be an afterthought."

I think what we could do is organize a campaign directed at all LV legislators, asking them all, Democrat and republican, to condemn this practice and pledge never to engage in ghost voting.

Rooster said...

I would like to see these cheaters, which is exactly what they are, be given the same treatment as they do I our great service academics. Upon found cheating, the individual/s read allowed their coffee of contract. As well as the subscribed punishment. For cheating, the individual/s wewill be tried, and a guilty verdict is deemed immediate dismissal. If our 18/21 great old's are always supposed to display moral actions then do so should the politicians who view whether they n should put themselves in hand way.

Michael Schoenberg, do the right thing and resign. Besides I know you are feeling the club fed heat. I understand than politician has taken voice lessons and is singing like a canary.

Anonymous said...

It's all in the eyes and the glance.
Schlossberg is a liar.

Anonymous said...

Darth voter was recruited in college by Donny Cunningham to help in his Exertive campaign. He was then handed off to Tony Ianelli for a Chamber job. Maybe businesses should ask about the little empire Tony boy has over there with his own version of patronage jobs. Eventually Darth was given to Jenn Mann for advanced political insider advancement.

He has had three of the best teach him how to score big bucks with little effort.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Your statement is inaccurate. He certainly was never recruited. He worked for Mann. She was his mentor. Bc he is ambitious, he volunteered for Cunningham. I doubt Don even knew him and he had no influence on him. He did work for Tony Iannelli, so what? His mentor is Jenn Mann. Any attempt to dilute that is dishonest, which is what I've grown to expect from anonymous commenters like you.

Anonymous said...

Your 2:53 post is mostly BS to protect your mancrushes. He was deep in the Cunningham campaign inner circle.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Uh huh. And your name is?

Unknown said...

From Wikipedia: Schlossberg received a bacehlor's degree from Muhlenberg College and a master's in political science from Lehigh University. After college, he worked as an aide to Lehigh County Executive Don Cunningham before taking a similar job with his legislative predecessor, Jennifer Mann. At the time of his election to the Pennsylvania Assembly, Schlossberg worked as vice president for member relations with the Lehigh County Chamber of Commerce.

Mike Schlossberg

Cunningham to Mann to Ianelli. They are all part of the same "organization" that the FBI is looking at. It's not that complicated to see who the wanna-be gangsters are in the Lehigh Valley.

Anonymous said...

Those who were there remember very well.
Dons go to guy in all things was Levy Price.
The creep Sclossberg and Levy were very good buddies.
Dearth Voter was a part of Dons inner circle.
Just ask Don, or Barr Johnson.
....and that's a fact, Jack!

Anonymous said...

Even though Schlossberg was a reliable empty suit vote for Pawlowski, and was always ready to kiss his ass in public (he's nothing if not a sycophant), it's no secret that Schlossberg and Pawlowski detested one another.
A significant part of that deep animosity was Little Mikes clear allegiance to Don Cunningham, who Fed Ed loathed like no other.
Darth Voter was always a Don guy.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Bernie O'Hare said...

Rich's comment will stay bc he has the personal integrity to ID himself. You don't and I will continue to delete you. What you say does not really bother me, but I simply can't stand you.

Anonymous said...

Even before the current corruption investigation, Pawlowski had made a great deal of enemies among Lehigh Valley politicians.