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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Monday, March 16, 2009

Confessions of a Mafia Wars Addict

As most of you know, I'm a miserable bastard. I'm so nasty I even argue with myself. I never imagined that, at age 57, I would be reading all kinds of Facebook messages from people I hardly know like "XXX is ready for bed... long weekend!" or "YYY is heading out to dinner With the kid."

Seriously, who gives a shit?

ZZZ is "is very curious where tammy's grandfather is and hope[s] that he's ok and gets home soon."

That's nice. Who the hell is Tammy's grandfather? For all I know, he's tying one on at the Fleas. I do hope he gets home soon.

On top of all this useless information, Facebook often freezes, which usually results in me having to restart my PC. Even now, I'm trying to answer a message and the frickin' application is stuck.

Despite all these drawbacks, I'm sticking with Facebook for one and only one reason - Mafia Wars. I'm addicted. You start out on your own, a simple street thug, and begin doing odd jobs like mugging someone. But you can invite your Facebook friends to join your gang, and before you know it, you're a Capo with ten casinos, knocking off a Federal Reserve.

As a result, I now have about 100 friends from all over the world and get to read messages from a Saudi teenager like "seoga sehat dan sukses selalu."

My sentiments exactly. Now I think I'll knock over the little bastard's casino.


Sanctifying Grace said...


I have a hard time believing that a Saudi really wrote that. At least one that practices his faith.

Hopefully, you know what that translates into? If I am correct on the dialect, (because my northern Lebanese lingo doesn't quite match up) it says:

"Barney's cheese-steaks are the best!"

Peace, ~~A.J.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Well, it's Saudi that plays Mafia Wars.

Anonymous said...

BO has 100 friends from all over the world- this just underscores the internet as a double-edged sword......

Blah Society said...

I used to play Mafia Wars for a few minutes daily after checking my e-mails. The game has changed a lot and now I barely touch it.

cat said...

It's Indonesian, the correct spelling is "Semoga sehat dan sukses selalu" ,meaning "hope you're well and always succeed"

Unknown said...

Here's a funny article about Mafia Wars addiction - lots of tongue-in-cheek references to Godfather, Goodfellas, etc.: