In last week's televised debate between
LV Congressman Charlie Dent and
challenger Sam Bennett on
Business Matters, I saw something that has never happened in local politics before. Amazingly, Channel 69 had to insert a disclaimer before the show ever aired. The station even had to blur her lips and blank her audio. In a fact free debate, she falsely claimed two local banks, Wachovia and Sovereign, had folded. Needless to say, these banks were less than thrilled at this kind of advertising, which could have resulted in bank runs. As if that were not enough, moderator Tony Iannelli actually had to take a "shoe break" so that Bennett could find some missing footwear.
Last night, part two of that debate aired. Although there were no disclaimers or shoe breaks this time, it was still bizarre. This time, it was hair.
At the end of the debate, Bennett noted that Charlie Dent is a
"nice guy" with
"nice hair," but went on to claim that she's nice, too, and has even nicer hair. So I guess we should all vote for her.
All righty then.
Bernie, did you see the article in today's MC on the Bennett campaign and Properties of Merit?
She's cratering.
The Banker
Her hair can't save her now...
Gary Ritterstein is the press dude who made fun of 9/11 and who cut me off from news releases when I complained and asked for the candidates' own position. Now he's apparently writing news releases for a "nonprofit" which conducts its award programs within weeks of the election.
Despite Bennett's protests to the contrary, this nonprofit has been involved in politics all along. Sam Bennett even gets to hand out the Founder's Choice award.
Nice scoop by the MC.
Actually, this segment aired by WFMZ seemed to have more meat to it than most of the other debate footage I have seen. Even though there was still some finger pointing on both sides, and Ms. Bennett continually interrupted Rep. Dent and demanded to respond regardless of the debate protocol (Does she plan to do the same on the floor of the House?), I feel the viewers got a better view of the candidate's positions this time around.
Aside from waving an unread sheet of paper and saying that it was some sort of proof of something (a la Sen. Joseph McCarthy circa 1950), the dramatics also appeared toned down. Ms. Bennett's talking points, again, lacked facts and specifics. Compared to other debate videos, Congressman Dent seemed to offer more examples of how he voted and more interpretations of how the district is impacted by things like transit/commuter issues, health care and business development in the current financial situation.
Bernie, I think that Sam's a crappy candidate, but are you really going to sit there and tell me that Wachovia, for example, wasn't in serious financial trouble a few weeks ago?
"Wachovia, for example, wasn't in serious financial trouble a few weeks ago?"
DS, that has nothing to do with what she said (that had to be edited out).
a.j. is right - she didn't say serious trouble, she said "failed." That means they're out, their shareholders are out, the bank is taken over by FDIC, etc. That didn't happen. As noted often here and other places, that was reckless.
The Banker
I am going to sit here and tell you that Wachovia did not "nearly fold," as Bennett falsely claimed in her bebate. i am going to sit here and tell you that in an email from Bennett's own campaign manager, it was acknowledged that both institutions (Sovereign and Wachovia) were financially sound. The fact that someone exercises a takeover is not indicative that a bank is unstable, and bennett's assertion to the contrary was beyond reckless.
Today, U.S. Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) endorsed Sam Bennett for Congress to represent Pennsylvania’s 15th congressional district.
“Sam is someone who knows how to roll up her sleeves and get things done for people in her community, and she will bring that same dedication with her to Washington,” said Senator Clinton. “The Lehigh Valley needs positive solutions and real change and Sam Bennett will join the Obama-Biden team in making that happen.”
“I am so grateful to have Hillary Clinton’s support,” said Bennett. “For 35 years, she’s been a vocal advocate and leader for women and families, fighting every day to make good on what she calls the basic bargain – if you work hard and you're responsible, you deserve every opportunity to succeed.”
Bennett added, “Together, we can rescue our country from the Wall Street economic crisis with a plan that ensures aggressive oversight, keeps people in their homes, and helps taxpayers protect their retirement savings.”
Looks like Jim Molchany is stepping down as President of POM. Obviously something fishy is going on here and someone needs to get to the bottom of it.
Anon 6:36pm, what's your source?
The Banker
wfmz has it on their homepage. I'll try to link the article.
This is a Bennett camp volunteer, trying his best to deflect attention away from a poor debate performance as well as the very unsettling news concerning POM.
Anon 710pm, thanks for the source.
Bernie, I agree. I don't hold Molchany responsible, I serve on a couple of non-profit boards and I had no idea that reg was in place. I put the burden on Bennett's staff to know that, and they either didn't know or didn't care. Neither is good.
The Banker
any word yet re the Dent mailing and use of franking privileges? (from yesterday's "one more reason...") discussion?
Lighthouse, I'm sorry but simply had no time to ask Dent's office for an explanation today. I will send an email now and hpe to have something for you tomorrow.
Didn't the Bennett campaign just complain about using politicians from New York who lost in the primaries for endorsements?
Hillary Clinton doesn't know what she's talking about or the type of person she's endorsing, as usual.
I have an answer.
What you probably received was an update or follow-up mailer. It is not a mass mailing, but a limited quantity correspondence sent to constituents who have previously contacted the office about a specific topic.
Dent replies to every individual constituent contact and also does follow-up mailers throughout the year. The update might give news about legislation or some recent action or stance the congressman has taken on the topic of interest, or provide an end of session roundup on the issue.
Since you previously contacted Dent's office, I think that is what happened.
Thanks for the follow up Bernie.
I'll admit to still being a bit cynical of the convenient timing, but will let it go. That said, I do think he has--and will continue to--serve the Valley well. Though it is good for him to be challenged to keep him honest and receptive to his constituents.
Again, thanks for the follow up.
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