Over the six years that he's owned this property, Park testified he has used it only as a single family dwelling. But he explained that most tenants only need one or two bedrooms.
"I'm always troubled when I see a single unit converted into apartments," cautioned zoner William Fitzpatrick. He had to be troubled even more when Borzak, employed as a housing inspector for the past three years, detailed a pattern showing that Park has been renting all three floors to multiple families.
Borzak stated that when Park purchased his property, no inspection was done. When the City discovered there was no inspection, Park was contacted, 454 Carlton was inspected and a certificate of occupancy was issued, but only for a single family dwelling.
On November 4, 2010, a "cease and desist" order was issued when it was discovered that Park was using the property as a combination church and single family dwelling. An inspection at that time revealed that the place was also home to several families of rats, fleas and cockroaches.
On January 25, another "cease and desist" order was issued when it was discovered that Park was using 454 Carlton as a multi-family dwelling. In response to a no-heat complaint from a tenant, Borzak visited the property on January 27. She learned Park is currently using all three floors as a multi-family unit. Plug-in space heaters were the only source of heat. Borzak took 10 pictures revealing, among other things, rat feces, exposed wires, inoperable sinks and loose floorboards.
Park complained about the pictures, claiming that nobody called him and that his tenants were responsible for those conditions.
Zoners unanimously rejected Park's application.
Do you ever write about Ron Angle's sparkling reputation as a Slum lord?
Angle happens to have a good reputation as a landlord. His properties are all well-kept. You are spreading a lie ... anonymously.
Sorry I pushed send to early - & you know that what you just said it not true - No I don't have the names dates and places but we have all heard the stories of the fake thermostats, the shoddy work, the calls to zoning offices, the threats at lawsuits -
I get your support for Dent he is an honest man but Angle is hardly worthy of someone like you trying to keep people honest.
Donald, What you are saying simply is not true. I have known Angle for years, and know many of his properties. He takes very good care of them. You are passing along very damaging information that you've heard second or third hand. Do you know even one of this tenants? If someone said this about you, you would be very upset. Do you think a smear like that is justified just bc it is abut angle?
I retract it
Donald, I appreciate that. That is Ron's reputation. Reality and reputation are often different.
You are worried about his reputation? I think he has taken care of that.
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