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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

NorCo's "Election Integrity Committee" to Meet Today

Northampton County Council's "Election Integrity Committee" is poised to meet today. Members will be briefed on election preparation, communications on election day, the recent Supreme Court decision regarding undated mail-in ballots (MIBs). They will also be updated by ES&S, which manufactures and codes the Express Vote XL voting machine for those who appear to vote in person at the polls. 

Executive Lamont McClure will likely miss this meeting because he is in Ann Arbor for an election forum hosted by Keep Our Republic, a nonpartisan nonprofit committed to upholding the integrity of our election system. 


Anonymous said...

How much will the junket cost?

Anonymous said...

Ann Arbor?….Mmmmm….California, beautiful….

Anonymous said...

Keep our republic? Sounds like some sort of convention of magatrons that is a ruse to get people to stop looking the other way when funny business happens between bedtime and breakfast the night after an election.

Bernie O'Hare said...


Bernie O'Hare said...

I believe there's a difference between a two-day stay in Ann Arbor about which the Exec has been completely transparent and a week in Tampa by the Council Pres, and who has yet to even report on it. But believe me, I will obtaon and report the cost of this trip

Bernie O'Hare said...

Keep our Republic stands for the right to vote, stopping the spread of election disinformation and political violence, and accepting the results of an election.

Anonymous said...

If you need an integrity committee, you're already in trouble. Good grief. Hope for the best. But expect the worst

Anonymous said...

If their goals are so lofty, why do they represent only 3 states?

Anonymous said...

Ann Arbor??? A place where the beer flows like wine. Where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano.

Anonymous said...

Michigan? We should pay Lamont

Anonymous said...

BernieOHare re Ann Arbor, hey Ann Arbor has two dams. Lamont can visit them. It also has an arboretum, and I know from Facebook that he likes to take pics of branches and rocks,. So I’m smelling junket

Anonymous said...

O'Hare is ok with a meaningless junket to feed an ego. but attacks others. So will this trip produce a meaningless speech. Just have the election with no mistakes and stop virtue signaling. This group is meaningless in PA. Once again, the taxpayer takes in th rear.

Anonymous said...

Our elections have always been fair and honest. Sore losers spreading lies about integrity should not be catered to. Sore losers are always looking for an excuse for losing. Stop spending tax payer money on this nonsense.

Bernie O'Hare said...

9:26, It is a national organization, but it was started in three battleground states in which the Presidential election was challenged with frivolous and false election complaints.

Anonymous said...

2:23 you must be smoking grass

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

BOH you say frivolous yet I hold a document in my hand that has a list of people that voted in our states elections this year yet moved out of state in 2021. Tell me how that's allowed? I'd like to know if these people also voted in their current states.

Anonymous said...

BernieOHare to 10:45, I doubt very much that you have such a list or that, if you do, it is accurate. If someone voted here in 2024 after moving in 2021, you should be taking that list to the DA for prosecution, not blabbing about it here. I do not doubt there are isolated instances of election fraud, but nothing on a grand or organized scale. I also doubt that you have what you say you have.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely do and I suggest you do a RTK to get the list as well. The election office has this information and THEY should be doing something about it. For whatever reason they have not. I've been told this has also been brought up to county council in the past. Again, nothing done. According to the elections office, these people are not to be removed from the voter rolls for 8 years from the last time they've voted. That means until something is done the gentleman that moved to Hawaii in 2021 but voted in this year's primary will never be removed. The gentleman in Florida that moved in 2021 and voted in last year's general will not be removed if they vote here again over the next 8 years. You can chose to be ignorant about this but it's happening on a bigger scale than you realize. The list does not tell me party affiliation. I'm not accusing one party, I'm simply stating it's happening. Do your research!