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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Monday, August 07, 2023

Lance Wheeler Discloses PFA at NorCo Council Meeting

In June, Easton activist and constable Lance Wheeler was arrested by Wilson Borough police and charged with threatening three juveniles while driving a school van. He was  nabbed in the middle of a donation drive for fire victims, which outraged a lot of the people there. That's exactly what Lance wanted. He told me himself that he was given the option of turning himself in and refused. He also told me his arrest was political retaliation by both Easton Mayor Sal Panto and DA Terry Houck. 

Now, while his case is pending, he appeared before Northampton County Council last week to complain about his support. In the process, he volunteered that he is subject to a preliminary (not final) Protection From Abuse Act Order for allegations of abuse made by his children. He also admitted that he failed to bring paperwork concerning his earnings. But he claimed his ex-wife had them, and contends she used her influence as a county worker to get them. 

I contacted his ex-wife, who was none too happy to hear from me. She declined to discuss the matter, but denied that she abused her position as a county worker in any way. He's angry that Fiscal Affairs Director Steve Barron failed to return a call Wheeler made to him on Monday night and that Administrator Charles Dertinger "blew me off" on Tuesday. But he also paraphrased conversations he had with both. "Charles Dertinger played me like a clown," he insisted, claiming he is a "target of something."

He suggested that the county can take his social security number and determine his earnings. 

Interestingly, after the PFA Order was entered against Wheeler, he was allowed to keep his guns because he's a constable. He might be an elected constable, but is no longer certified. This means he's unable to work for magisterial district judges. 

Lance's behavior has grown increasingly erratic and paranoid. He's lost a considerable amount of weight and is no longer the happy-go-lucky guy we all used to see. If anyone should lose his guns for awhile, it should be Lance. 


Anonymous said...

Until your last paragraph, I was thinking this is a man blaming everyone else for his troubles. While that may be the case, the final paragraph made me feel sorry for him.

Anonymous said...

Not surprising. Standard behavior by Barron and Dertinger. Their arrogance has only magnified now that they are county bigshots.

Anonymous said...

Lance has always been this way, he was just great at hiding it and had county friends that would cover for him. A person could only hide who they really are for so long

Anonymous said...

Sounds like he has been spending too much time with Matthew Flower. He now thinks everyone is out to get him like Flower does. Next thing you know he is going to change his party and lining up to attend an insurrection.

Bernie O'Hare said...

I feel sorry for Lance, too. He is suffering. But he is also sending all kinds of red flags. He's ready to explode. I don't think he should be carrying for awhile

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

I am outraged!

Bernie O'Hare said...

7:49, I have known Lance forever, and have been well aware of his flaws as he is of mine. But his paranoia is a very recent phenomenon, along with rapid weight loss. If he has friends ion the county who look the other way for him, why was he fired by the county and why was he charged criminally? No, this personality change is recent.

Anonymous said...

Well word has it hes changing to independent

Anonymous said...

Lance was always, at his core, a good dude. I sincerely hope he gets through this.

Anonymous said...

I agree. I hope his true friends reach out to him

Anonymous said...

I’m sure you putting all his business out there and calling him unstable is going to go a long way in helping him. What really is the purpose of this article?

Anonymous said...

Him switching to and Independent is great, if it is true

Anonymous said...

Bernie, what does he losing weight have anything to do with his “erratic” behavior or court proceedings? Once again, you insinuate with your micro aggressions that a black man is using drugs because of his weight loss. Do you not understand how this trope hurts people him, his family and black people in general. You want to learn how not to be racist? It’s starts with curtailing this type of behavior but not perpetuating stereotypes.

Bernie O'Hare said...

11:58, I suggest that any racist insinuations are coming from you. A person can lose weight for many reasons that have nothing to do with drugs. I know Lance and that is not even on my mind. Not even remotely. I am seriously concerned about his physical and mental health. I have told him this in person. I have written about it before. There may be an underlying physical issue. Lance could also be suffering from depression as a result of losing his wife. The erratic behavior, accompanied by what appears to be paranoia, is cause for concern. His recent actions are totally out of character. I have heard this from others who know Lance and are friends with him. We are all concerned about him. He seems to be getting worse, not better. He now hates Terry Houck, Sal Panto, Kenny Brown, his ex-wife, his own kids, Steve Barron, Charles Dertinger, and the list goes on and on. I am probably on that list, too, but I still consider Lance a friend and want him to get help.

Your claim of micro aggressions and tropes is nonsense. I will freely acknowledge I am a racist and I work on it daily. If I thought there was any validity to your criticism, I'd acknowledge it. It's untrue in this instance. It might be true in other aspects of my life. For example, when I see someone, the first thing I notice is the color of his skin. That's racist. When I can say that I really look at another person as a person, then I will be free.

But I also suggest that when you look for racism in everything, you yourself are bigoted.

Anonymous said...

If you were seriously worried about his health you wouldn’t be trashing him daily.

You’re mean spirited and use this blog to trash people you don’t like.


Then you trash those who criticize you. You are classless and bereft of dignity and decency.

A keyboard bully with a chip on his shoulder because of your own misdeeds in life.

Anonymous said...

You are the one bringing race into this!!! I read every post on here from Bernie and not once did he mention Lances race or ever mentioned drug use or eluded to drug use….

Anonymous said...

You’re nuts! There is nothing racist in this post. The weight loss and his recent behavior can show different things he may be dealing with

Anonymous said...

Bernie, you as a white person doesn’t get to dictate what’s racist or not. Ever heard of unconscious bias? Whether you acknowledge you’re doing it or not, is immaterial. Im telling you, as a black person, that you’re perpetuating a stereotype, whether you know it or not. Stop wearing your “working on your racism” like it’s some sort of honorable badge because racism gets people like me KILLED. Has the thought of simply being stressed over losing his children or that his wife doxxed his financial information to domestic relations occurred to you? Take the criticism at face value and learn to do better because some of the people you’re reaching on this blog don’t need reasons to go after marginalized groups, specifically black people.

Anonymous said...

How are you working on your racism by attacking more Black men on your blog than all of the media across the Valley combined? Take a moment and go through your stories and tally how many Blacks you use your platform to disparage and the blatantly anti Black comments that you allow. I would argue that you’re not only racist but irresponsible and fueling an ugly climate of anti Blackness across the Valley.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Oh cut it out. I attack pretty much everyone, black or white, male or female, Democrat or Republican. If an anti-black comment is posted, and I post very few, I'm pretty quick to point it out to show that overt racism is still alive.

Anonymous said...

BOH: “For example, when I see someone, the first thing I notice is the color of his skin. That's racist.”

That makes a person racist? I would submit that the only people who don’t “first notice” the color of a person’s skin are blind people. What else would you notice first…..their shoes?

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with Francis, who wants so badly this to be about race.
While you state that you have known this man forever and consider him a friend? How is this blog post helping that friend? With friends like you, Lance doesn't need any enemies.
Pick up the phone and reach out to your friend in need. By doing the right thing when no one is looking is the right decision here B.O. This post may have the opposite effect of whatever you were striving for.
Friends don't write opinion pieces about friends.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"While you state that you have known this man forever and consider him a friend? How is this blog post helping that friend?" Yes, I do. A friend will tell you what you don't want to hear. I have picked up the phone and called him twice. And yes, I will publicly expose his conduct before he really gets himself into more trouble than he already is.

Anonymous said...

Well, you do you B.O. I'm not so sure a public shaming a friend, concerning his mental state is the best approach. Would you do the same if it were Ron?

peterjcochran said...

I’m with Anon 9:50 and nobody can attack Bernie on race issue’s. I’ve known Lance for years . He has a big heart. We have all made mistakes , and if we didn’t, we would be dead.already . Dead souls don’t mistakes after their dead. Some souls are dead because they made mistakes . I was also a Constable for many years ,and concurrently with Lance at a time. Firearms training and qualification is the same as all deputy sheriffs in 67 countries conducted by the PCCD. . And their was “judgement shooting “ by computer at facilities where they ran random programs to us testing if you should draw a firearm. He’s had this ,Lance has had this. I have never known him to resort to threatening anyone.

Anonymous said...

I hope that your public shaming and humiliation doesn’t someday drive someone to suicide