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Friday, August 25, 2023

David Brooks: Nikki Haley Best Alternative to Trump

New York Times columnist David Brooks is someone we encounter very rarely these days. He's actually a thoughtful Republican instead of a cult follower. He even reads Plutarch! After Wednesday night's sciamachy among eight would-be Trump alternatives, he believes Nikki Haley is the best cure for "the cancer that is eating away at the Republican Party. It’s not just Trumpian immorality. The real disease is narcissistic hucksterism. The real danger is that he’s creating generations of people, like Vivek Ramaswamy, who threaten to dominate the G.O.P. for decades to come."

"Ramaswamy has absolutely no reason to be running for president. He said that Trump is the best president of the 21st century. So why is he running against the man he so admires? The answer is: To draw attention to himself. Maybe to be Trump’s vice president or secretary of social media memes."

Brooks went on to make the following observations about Haley:

"Haley dismantled Ramaswamy on foreign policy. It was not only her contemptuous put-down: “You have no foreign policy experience and it shows.” She took on the whole America First ethos that sounds good as a one-liner but that doesn’t work when you’re governing a superpower. Gesturing to Ramaswamy, she said, “He wants to hand Ukraine to Russia, he wants to let China eat Taiwan, he wants to go and stop funding Israel. You don’t do that to friends.”

"Similarly on abortion, many of her opponents took the issue as a chance to perform self-righteous bluster — to make the issue about themselves. She was the only one who acknowledged the complexity of the issue, who tried to humanize people caught in horrible situations, who acknowledged that the absolutist position is politically unsustainable.


Whethervain said...

I love it when you broaden my vocabulary and make me look up an unfamiliar word - SCIAMACHY; given the circumstances of last night's creature feature, it was most appropriate!

Anonymous said...

Country club Republican elitist.

Anonymous said...

David Brooks. Try some varied sources instead of smelling another lefty's exhaust. Lol. David Brooks ...... He's as good at politics as you are. When does Houck start his second term? Nikki Haley ....bawhahahahahah. 0% chance.

Anonymous said...

Haley has her credentials with the forever war crowd. If they continue it will be the end of this country. I personally will refuse to vote for any of the WAR crowd. It may be the first time I do not vote in 50 years. Let Biden rule over the coming disaster.

Anonymous said...

Trump, must have practised posing for that mugshot, It will be everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Oh, there’s a “cancer” eating away in this nation, but it will negatively affect the future of every American citizen. No matter if Republican, Democrat, or Other, we will not escape the heavy hand of a government that attacks and ignores the protections we enjoy under our Constitution and Bill of Rights. At that point, America has been fully lost.

The next Presidential Election will be our last chance to reverse course. We’ll need a strong and courageous leader who is not beholden to big special interest group funding and the mindset of Globalist authority over how we live, and how we choose our leaders.

This is it, folks! Study up. Choose carefully.

Anonymous said...

Trump is only person to rid this country of the deep state people and the left wing radical democrats--this must be done to save this country. no politician will ever do this.

Anonymous said...

'If you want something said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman,'"

I really liked that quote in the debate. I'd love to see a female candidate with moderate views on abortion. I really think Nikki Haley could give suburban female Democrats a reasonable alternative to the rich, corrupt old white guy the Democrats are running. She has experience and I think her views are conservative enough to satisfy the base of the party as well.

Anonymous said...

She does not have moderate views on abortion except when surrounded by seven radical rightists.

Anonymous said...

It’s pretty clear, censorship of information by mainstream news outlets has created a huge, uninformed voting block in America. There is a massive amount of evidence to show an attempt to overthrow American government is well underway. NO, the January 6 activity wasn’t it. Neither is Donald Trump (or any other candidate) speaking in objection of an election result. For now, anyway, we still have Freedom of Speech.

I do understand why so many commenters demonstrate ignorance of the gravity of the present situation in government, and with our Judicial System, for example. Our United States Congress is weak, cowardly, or pretending not to notice the crossroad we face. Right now, average citizens are alone, and being hung out to dry. We MUST vote for change. Real change!

Anonymous said...

Haley certainly fared the best of the bunch. I thought Christie did ok, but he wasn’t forceful enough. He said what they all should be saying, “stop normalizing these actions” meaning Trump’s spoiled child behavior. Pence should go on the history pages as the man who foiled January 6th, but that’s as far as it should go. His grandstanding on abortion displays traditional right wing misogyny and ignores the rights of women. I’m sure it flew high with the RCs and will keep the money coming, but he’s not presidential material. They all should stop talking about how bad things have been under Biden, because we are all doing better financially than we were under Trump. From what I see, anyone who really wants to work has a job, except for the unemployable who have no skills. I see young people coming out of college bemoaning the fact that they haven’t been offered mid-level corporate jobs right away, but a little experience will change that. Biden doesn’t control prices. Merchants raise prices because they can. Merchants lower prices to compete. I think it’s great that Trump didn’t participate. I got to know more about the others without him sucking all the air time. I also don’t believe he has the discipline, nor the attention span to prepare for such an event.
The mug shot is the same warmed over pose from his old “The Apprentice” days. Interesting that the “pre-provided information” states that he’s 6’3”, 215 lbs, and blonde, strawberry. I’ll bet he thinks he is 6’3” and weighs 215lbs, like he believes he won Georgia. He is running to stay out of jail and to keep the Trump organization out of chapter 11.

Anonymous said...

Nikki Haley? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Maybe you should suggest to Brooks that she should ask Terry Houck to be VP.

Anonymous said...

"She does not have moderate views on abortion except when surrounded by seven radical rightists."

Funny what constitutes radical rightist to ghouls who defend abortion to the very moment of birth, as only seven countries on the planet do. Radical? Look in the mirror with your scraper and vacuum. Moment of birth. Then peddle the body parts, maybe? Look it up Democrat ghoul.

Anonymous said...

If you don't vote then you can't complain. No more blog writing. Lol

Anonymous said...

Define what moderate view would mean to you

Anonymous said...

'If you want something said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman,'"

Except dress and leave the house on time....

Anonymous said...

Bernie, the mugshot t-shirts and bumper stickers are very cool. The large flags are great. Have you placed your order?

Anonymous said...

Mr. O'Hare, why no coverage on the absence of any republican candidates entering the northampton county da's race???? This was your most covered election during the winter and spring - since Houck loss you no care???

Anonymous said...

Nikki all the way!

Anonymous said...

Said it before and I'll say it again, Republicans cannot govern, period. tRump was a disaster unless you are part of the 1%club. Women and the 18-25 year young voters will be the answer to maintain our republic/democracy.

Anonymous said...

Nikki Haley needs a mug shot like trump, simply because she lies just like him. You Republicans are ✔️ done.

Anonymous said...

I miss the times when that EGOT(E)STICAL Steve Lynch was in your blog daily. Any word on what this narcissistic punk is up to lately?

Anonymous said...

We are not all doing better financially. Maybe if you investments you are but most people are struggling with the increased costs of everything. You really are out of touch with what's happening to many in our country. As most Dems seem to be

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Don't make me laugh. Idiots like you voting for these incompetent Democrats are the reason this nation is going to hell in a handbasket.

Anonymous said...

9:42 PM - you are correct. America’s once-majority Middle Class is being destroyed. Before long we will be just the wealthy and the poor. At that point, the citizenry becomes too dependent on government handouts, with neighborhood conditions in neglect, disrepair, and an increase in crime. Happening already in several big cities across this nation including New York, Philadelphia, Washington, Baltimore, Atlanta, and several other cities in distant states, particularly California.

Anonymous said...

I am not a Trumper first off. 60% of America lives paycheck to paycheck now. A bag of chips is 5 bucks. Gas is 4 bucks. Biden pushed through trillions of spending, much of it unnecessary, causing record inflation. The fourth biggest line item in the massive federal budget is now debt service. There is a labor shortage due to our aging population, so there are jobs. Wages have gone up but have actually lost purchasing power because inflation has gone up faster. Biden owns all this.

Anonymous said...

I know. Joe Biden never lies. Only when his mouth is moving just like every other politician. The guy is a disgrace! 1000 people got incinerated but hey he almost lost his corvette he can relate.

Anonymous said...

A moderate view to a liberal is abortion on demand up to and including partial birth abortion, tax payer funded of course. A moderate view to most, including most European countries, is a ban after 13 or 15 weeks.

Anonymous said...

Trump is the only person who could us on the right track. Your politicians are out for themselves period. Our system is flawed big time, yet most people are afraid to admit it. too much money in our government makes it ineffective. Term limits are needed but these people will never vote for that. Our government is corrupt from top to bottom.

Anonymous said...

9:09 PM - he is:

"very close to revealing the truth of what is happening here in Norco and beyond... A reckoning is coming! My goal is to represent the voice of We the People! I will never stop... If there is breath in my lungs I will never stop standing for what is right and what is true! This is my solemn vowel to my fellow man and woman. #truthmatters"

My money is on him not following through on "revealing the truth". Even though he's "been right about everything"....

Anonymous said...

A simple fact is that our middle class went south with Reagan, who was our worse president and has never recovered. Union jobs were cut and corporate executives pay went from 20 time worker’s salary to 400 times workers salary. So if you are poor, like most of us on this blog, then you have no business voting Republican. Also, abortion is up to the female and should never be a political or religious choice in 2023. It’s up to the Women and they will vote, correctly.

Anonymous said...

You are clueless !

Anonymous said...

9:43 is a typical liberal. They’ll tell you how to vote. What you have no business doing because they say so. What to eat, wear and drive , they know best. What kind of house to live in. They’re just so convinced they’re smarter than everyone else. It’s the reason I left the democrat party, it’s been over run by fools from the far left.

Anonymous said...

So the future of our country and our children will be voted on solely due to the abortion issue. The heck with everything else that's happening to our country.

Anonymous said...

DeSantis & Haley were the common sense adults at the party in a very good fiesty debate. They would make a great team that could beat Biden/Harris even with the fraudulent mail voting rules in msnx states.

Anonymous said...

As a Republican who voted twice for TRUMP admits That I made mistakes. I would never vote for Nikki Haley, she is just another rubber stamp for policies that would not benefit my family or my wallet. We need policies that will protect our middle class and our children and that is why I will start voting against my republican representatives. Anybody who supports a con man like Trump needs to really think about what we voted for over the last decade.

Anonymous said...

You're an idiot.

Anonymous said...

You lost me at New York Times. Didn't they fall for the Russia hoax for years? After that how can you reference them?

Anonymous said...

did not the republicans in the debate say they would attack our biggest trading partner on day one and that social security age is way too low. What is important to me is what some else is doing in their bedroom.