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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Think Twice About That Move to Florida

Farmer's Insurance is leaving the Sunshine State, making it the fourth major insurance company to exit in the wake of pay-outs as a result of extreme weather events. The average cost of a homeowner's policy is now $6,000, about four times the cost elsewhere. 


Anonymous said...

Ah yes, DeSATAN making it so accommodating and welcoming to the working class while rubberstamping campaign donor projects faster than he can cash their checks.

You can always count on right-wingers to distract their cult followers with rainbow shirts from Target, while they single-handedly rip the working class life’s savings to fuel the corporate greed machine.

Nice work MAGA, you should be so proud of your self-defeating accomplishments.

King Strut said...

This trend of insurers pulling out states will continue. In about 10-15 years, 50% of Americans will live somewhere uninsurable. Although this is likely at least partly political, we must also keep in mind that the goal is to make money, not pay it out.

Anonymous said...

If you're going to quote a bullshit CNN article, the least you can do as a hack blogger is cite your sources. Here's my source- my policy on my FL home, which is less than Erie's coverage cost on my LV home. You're hatred is disgusting.

Anonymous said...

As a 50 something, I can at least be happy that I'll never have to fight and claw for elbow space on the polar ice caps with 5 to 7 billion others.

Anonymous said...

"If you're going to quote a bullshit CNN article, the least you can do as a hack blogger is cite your sources. Here's my source- my policy on my FL home, which is less than Erie's coverage cost on my LV home. You're hatred is disgusting."

Caravans always are fun in Florida until they become airborne.

Bernie O'Hare said...

10:24, I linked to my source, which was USA Today. There are numerous others. Prepare for a rate hike on your Florida home. There is no hatred in my story. I have often wondered why people would want to live in an area constantly beset by heat, storms and rising sea levels in exchange for just a few months of pleasant weather. Insurance companies apparently agree. You just vacation there. By the way, it's "your", not "you're."

Anonymous said...

I echo the 10:24 comment as my insurance cost on my Florida home is only $4000 for a $750,000 home or 33% LESS than my equivalent home in the LV.

Insurance carriers come & go in Florida which has forever had hurricanes. My carrier dropped out of Florida about 8 years ago after the last major hurricane. no big deal as I found my current carrier then & my rates dropped & have been relatively stable ever since despite the major hurricane last year.

Stop trying to sensationalizing news to your political agenda. People are moving to Florida to seek the freedom of opportunity that is being squashed by the Marxist left in cities of the Northeast. I Just Hope you liberals stay here & don’t mess with us by moving to Florida.

Upon further reflection, perhaps actually a good thing you scare your leftists readers to stay away from Florida!!! We love it there.

Bernie O'Hare said...

This has nothing to do with the left v. right war. It has everything to do with warning people to think twice before moving to Florida. I'd say the same for Cal and the Jersey coast. You might want to check your insurance rates for next year bc they are all going up substantially. Really, it's kinda' dumb to live there for three months of nice weather. And now the mosquitoes there can give you malaria. No thanks.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the Desantis haters would be much more comfortable finding insurance in a "good" state...you know, California. Building million dollar homes on coastlines, barrier islands, earthquake faults, and semi arid brush lands has consequences.

Bernie O'Hare said...


The mosquito problem might actually be more concerning than property insurance. It's wjhat's known as a public health problem.

Bernie O'Hare said...

11:51, I believe I've already addressed your point. I would not want to live in any state, red or blue, that is so close to a coastline and subject to extreme weather events. By the way, blue Cal. has a malaria mosquito problem as well. You have to stop looking at everything through the lens of politics.

Anonymous said...

OK so i guess we all have to move to the mid-west where the tornado's keep your insurance rates low or how about the west coast for the sire's or earthquakes. I'll prefer Florida rather than the northeast and the liberal politics anytime where the taxes there are higher than what the insurance cost in Florida. Plus no state taxes in Florida.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the anecdotal “not me” post.

Almost equivalent to the “I have a black friend” proclamation when being called racist.

Most people that live in Florida are poor, although you’d never know it considering how many people there vote against their own interest.

But I digress.

But yeah, the Law of Averages buddy, look it up…

Anonymous said...

It's impressive that you couldn't even read and properly react to a one paragraph blog post. Yes, you're right: it is thanks to the right wing government of Governor DeSantis that hurricanes have destroyed homes, resulting in insurance companies pulling out of insuring Florida homes. Excellent analysis. Hurricanes are indeed directly caused by MAGA extremism.

Anonymous said...

Bernie O’Hare (11:05 am) said: “I have often wondered why people would want to live in an area constantly beset by heat, storms and rising sea levels in exchange for just a few months of pleasant weather.”

Rising sea levels?

Please show me one area in the US that has less beach today as the result of these rising sea levels.

Despite what the climate change cult is telling you, no beaches are being reclaimed by the sea. I visit several beaches in multiple states each year and the ocean’s right where it’s always been.

That fact isn’t lost on the wealthy Hollywood elites who continue to purchase beachfront properties while spewing their “rising sea levels” BS. Nor is it lost on our political elites (looking at you Obama and Biden) who somehow don’t have a problem buying beachfront properties despite the supposedly rising sea levels. Those people are all in the know that the sea levels aren’t rising for them, just for the rubes that continue to vote for them.

As for any of you that might be true believers in the rising sea levels drivel, you are nothing new. You’re just the modern descendants of those who used to make a human sacrifices every time a volcano rumbled or the sun disappeared in an eclipse.

LVCI said...

The reason it's going sky high in the future and why companies are pulling out.

According to this WFTS, Tampa Bay report: Florida homeowners with Citizens Property Insurance upset over mandatory flood insurance in non-flood zones <LINK TO THE POST

This will be phased in. Several companies want no part of it. So if you're not hit now you will be eventually.

Anonymous said...

Are the homes equal in value and equity?

Anonymous said...

"As for any of you that might be true believers in the rising sea levels drivel,"
"DEP's Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection is committed to helping prepare Florida’s communities and habitats for changes resulting from sea level rise (SLR) by: Providing funding and technical assistance to prepare Florida’s coastal communities Promoting and ensuring a coordinated approach to sea level rise planning among state, regional and local agencies. The Florida Resilient Coastlines Program is funded by the Florida Legislature
Might want to ask the Gov of Florida--Why?

Anonymous said...

Seems your readers are unaware Ron DeSantis is WAY BEHIND to Trump in all the polls. He is seen as a big government, war mongering, globalist in the mold of the Bush clan. That doesn’t mean he won’t be the Republican candidate, though. People already in big government, most news media, and RINO Republicans are trying hard to remove Trump from contention. Trump is an obstacle to their plans. In reality, DeSantis is losing support in his home state, Florida.

Anonymous said...

Again, where is the sea level rise reducing the land mass in the US (or anywhere)?

Face it, you’ve fallen for a hoax that has nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with political control.

Bernie O'Hare said...

erosion has become the norm in southeast US


France tears down beach apartments bc the sea has come too close thanks to rising sea levels

Indonesia building new capital because rising sea swallowing Jakarta


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not to mention the gators and invasive Burmese pythons!

Anonymous said...

It's an easy search or keep your head in the sand either way I dont care.
Also yes Florida has no state income tax, however you pay through taxes on goods and services. It disproportionately affects the lower income residents, but who cares.

peterjcochran said...

They pay the class rate for replacement of 165 line HO3 in the climate risk . Real estate value is not “ replacement costs equivalent “.Living at sea level in Fla. has a risk unequal and higher than that of a stone home on College Hill 400 feet above sea level. Has nothing to do with the governor . Insurance companies use data from many sources. Here in Northampton County for example , we pay the risks of what is now”Western Jersey “ per se , automobile casualty insurance with 1st party benefits, because of influxes of N.j and N.Y. driving habits effect the premium of old moss backs living here 50 with no claims . This area had lowest class risks 20 years ago or so than most anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Google is free, your ignorance is not our burden. Rising sea levels are everywhere, just because they do a pretty good job at beach combing problem areas doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. But you’re a typical capitalist bootlicker who blames Hollywood “Elites” for all that ails this country, while simultaneously turning a blind eye to corporate billionaires who exploit the working class for slave labor. Your cognitive dissonance is blaring!

Anonymous said...

A topic of car insurance..I know not the topic but is an insurance no one is talking about but is frankly insane!! No benefit for never having an accident. New car insurance for older folks is crazy and something that should be talked about too

Anonymous said...

The Free State of Florida has poached many of the rights best up and coming talent; Christian Walker comes to mind but we need more and the small community of Lehigh Valley diaspora has been pulling hard to land the great white whale of Liberty refugees Brother Steven Lynch
The moms four Liberty scene down here is amazing , tanned MILFs fit and toned well versed in the doctrine of Ben Shapiro and Dinesh DeSouza, Sarasota ,Hernando, Polk, Manatee ,Collier counties are all exploding with buff patriots.
We meet regularly ay Vic Mellors amazing base camp : The Hollow where you will never find a. Drag queen of covid mask but will see lots of open carrying folks drinking anything except for Bud Light, UHURU!

Anonymous said...

LMAO - I must admit Mr. Uhuru, I understand you now and look forward to your artistic troll responses to the white supremacy culture infecting the Lehigh Valley. Your imagination is superior and we’ve taken you for granted in the past. I’m so glad Bernie allows your comments through because they’re truly jewels to the blog. Fantastic job!

Anonymous said...

we are subsidizing florida home owners. Every time there is a storm those liberal dems are always having to come in and save the day with other peoples money.

Unknown said...

Our Florida home is equivalent in size and value to our Allentown home. When we bought the FL house nine years ago, homeowners insurance was a little less than PA. In the last two years the FL has gone up 50%. We've already been warned by our FL agent the when our policy renews in the next few months, to expect another big increase.

Requirements for getting insured have also become an issue. Insurance companies require rigorous inspections that include having a certain type of roof tie-downs. Some companies won't insure if your roof is more than ten years old. One of our neighbors was just told by her insurer to put on a new roof, which cost $13,000, or lose her insurance policy. Her roof was only 11 years old and in good condition.

I don't want to get into politics, but no matter the party in the state house, it is discouraging that the insurance crisis, and it is a crisis, in Florida is not being addressed.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Thanks for your honest answer. I understand that people want to turn this into a political issue, but that was not what I intended. I believe all homes that are close to the coast, whether they are blue or red, are going to come under increasing scrutiny by insurance companies, especially in areas that suffer from increasingly severe storms. I understand the desire to live close to the shores. It is undeniably enticing. But we are like moths to the flame.

peterjcochran said...

It’s not just Fla. but Calf. too. Allstate and State Farm both will not sell new costumers . Farmers is limiting sales to a subsidy of theirs . The new average cost a year for the 165 line Fire HO3 is stated to be $6,000. according the Insurance Information Institute. Additionally, Auto will be about $3,000. In Fla. on renewals. If you live here in Northampton County , in a recently built home, your biggest risk in my humble opinion , is not having sinkhole endorsement, or lightning arrestors.

Anonymous said...

Poor insurance companies. After fleecing Americans for hundreds of billions of dollars in the last century, they get teary-eyed and pouty on the thought of having to pay out for a new roof. Waaaaah.

That’s late-stage capitalism for ya!…

Anonymous said...

For the Florida guy whose fates are going up-Try Frontline Insurance. They are very fair & reasonable with big Florida book of business.

Anonymous said...
