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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Monday, July 17, 2023

Fourth Insurance Company to Exit Florida

On Wednesday, I suggested you think twice about moving to Florida. I can understand a winter home there, but never understood why people would want to live in a climate that is unbearable most of the year. I pointed out that Farmers Insurance is leaving Florida. Some of you just denied anything is happening at all, and attacked me and CNN, although my source was USA Today. Others deemed it an attack on MAGAs because they are concentrated there. Climate change deniers came out in force as well. Without doubt, there are those who use this to score political points, but the only point I was making is that having a home located near a coastline is pretty much a bad idea. It makes no difference whether it is a red or a blue state. And now, AAA is joining Farmers as the fourth insurance company that will decline renewing auto and home insurance for some Floridians. 

How about sunny California? Insurance companies are leaving that state as well. AIG, Allstate and State Farm decline new customers because of the wildfires. 

I prefer a state with milder weather and four seasons. Like this state. In another 100 years or so, Easton might be a beachfront. 


Anonymous said...

The entire tourist industry has gone to hell too, not just Disney. It's the overall effect of a governor who uses t.he word woke like some kind of secret calling card. Except it is having the opposite effect of his desire. Her sounds so effiminant when he keeps repeating it.

peterjcochran said...

Insurance companies are called out by climate change people ,it sort of a 3 way direction . Folks from One state don’t want insurance companies to cover risk of oil and gas companies and in others the opposite. Increase in fires and storm damage is occurring and the premiums are based on several issues like supply chain and inflation. Chubb for example is demanding that oil and gas producers cut methane emissions. Wild fires and running lawsuits are a factor also. It’s not simple. Personally I think John Kerry is full of hot air. He’s an imposter. Climate change happened before there were humans on this earth and if you don’t believe me go up on the Appalachian Trail caused by shrinking oceans 270-300 million years ago. Go up there and find little critter impressions in sediments rock …how did they get there on top of Wind Gap mountain?

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. One of the things that prevents me from moving to FLorida is the weather. It is the the state that has the most hurricanes. Every time one strikes people loose everything but instead of taking their insurance money and leaving the state to resume their lives they build back and risk it happening again. Yet all of us pay millions and millions of tax dollars to restore the damage to roads, public buildings, schools, hospitals and everything else not privately owned (and even some private property) as well providing emergency shelters and care for those left homeless... over and over.
Thus it doesn't surprise me insurance companies want out.

Anonymous said...

My home insurance in FL is half of what it is in PA. School and property taxes are lower also.
And to be honest Fl is a much more pleasant place and the people are nicer.

Anonymous said...

You know who believes in climate change, Bernie? Insurance companies.

They’ve studied the projections and have seen the numbers, and it ain’t looking good for Florida.

Warmer waters means fuel for hurricanes.

If you have a home in Florida, I suggest you sell it because there’s a housing crash coming in that state.

Anonymous said...

As of the current moment, Florida leads the nation in foreclosures because peoples mortgages having been doubling, or even tripling.

But don’t say gay!…


Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the typical anecdotal comment. Y’all refuse to look at the evidence all around you just to protect your political biases in support of a governor who has literally run your state to the ground. And it’s about to get worst.

Nope said...

"LEHIGH VALLEY Ramblings". Obsessed about Florida and RFK Jr.

Anonymous said...

Um...the housing crash that's coming won't be contained to Florida. Your own value will plummet as well. Once all the covid exiles move back, the LV will see a 40% drop.

Bernie O'Hare said...

""LEHIGH VALLEY Ramblings". Obsessed about Florida and RFK Jr."

When I post about matters of national interest, some complain I should focus more on the LV. When I post about the LV, i get irrelevant comments about national matters. What is going on in Florida and with RFK Jr is very much a local issue. Many people from the LV have homes in Florida, and I've received comments from them. And I've received a number of off topic RFK comments and felt a need to address why I am rejecting them.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"And to be honest Fl is a much more pleasant place and the people are nicer."

Florida is more pleasant for perhaps three months of the year. I've never stayed long enough to know how the people compare. Southerners are generally friendlier than the people in this area, at least on the surface. People here tend to be somewhat unfriendly except at WaWa. They'll hold the door for you and then try to run you over in the parking lot, lol.

I'd never have a second home in Fl.

Anonymous said...

Climate change is only going to get worse. and it very much also affects our area. Buckle up, buttercups.

Anonymous said...

There will be no nationwide housing crash because investment titans like Blackrock will make sure to prevent that by buying out all “starter homes”, and force you to rent from them.

Florida however is in a particular bracket because you need home insurance to get approved by lending institutions to own a home. Thus leading to the crash when bank foreclosures can’t sell their houses because no one can get approved for them.

Anonymous said...

This is a Yogi Berra column: i.e. nobody goes there because it's too crowded. Brilliant.

Anonymous said...


how did they get there on top of Wind Gap mountain?

Plate Techtonics

Anonymous said...

It is not just building a home or moving into one next to a coastline. How about in a river flood plain? Or in "tornado alley"? There may be some expensive flood insurance options, but I am sure major companies will not insure homes in lowland areas along the Missouri or Mississippi rivers. Insurance costs and availability are based on levels of risk and increasing costs to rebuild. With inflation still high, those costs are scaring away legacy insurance carriers. So what was your original point? to smear Florida because you hate their Republican Governor and Legislature? Where is your smear campaign aimed at high taxes and crime in our border state to the north? And their nitwit Governor?

Anonymous said...

BernieOHare to 1:39, my original point and my point right now is that it is foolish to move to an area, red or blue, subjected to extreme weather events that are so bad the property is difficult to insure. It has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with common sense.

Anonymous said...

sure Bernie why don't you lead. How bout you move to San Francisco for a year and come back to tell us how it is. How long until your bike gets stolen again? Lead the way

Anonymous said...

Technically, it’s not climate related. But, how about the thousands and thousands of New York and New Jersey residents moving out of those failed states into Pennsylvania, particularly our Lehigh Valley? For those, . the insurance protecting them from high taxes and dangerous crime is to move to another state. Like the unhappy Floridians, they have only themselves to blame for choosing the hell holes they want to now escape.

Anonymous said...

“Technically the covid virus didn’t kill them, pneumonia did…”

Understand how asinine you sound saying things like this?

Anonymous said...

Make that 5.