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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Monday, July 31, 2023

GOP Infighting Is a County and Statewide Problem

On Friday, I told you that NorCo GOP party chair Glenn Geissinger has taken the highly unusual step of banning four elected state committee members (Debra Biro, Melanie Heilman, Steve Lynch and Richard Morea) from monthly county meetings because their outrageous behavior in June has sparked a criminal investigation. Geissinger's decision was authorized by counsel for the state GOP committee. I have since learned that NorCo is by no means alone. Party chairs in other counties are taking action against so called "patriots" who refuse to play by the rules. Will this hurt Republican candidates in this year's municipal races?  In even the best of times, candidates who rely on party infrastructure and finances are doomed to fail. But the infighting is certainly unhelpful. 

NorCo Infighting

In Northampton County, the GOP is made up of three factions. First, there are the Steve Lynch fascists, a cult of personality who must worship Lynch. Second, there are Lee Snover's MAGAs, who must adore Donald Trump. Finally, there's the Lehigh Valley Tea Party. They actually appear normal in comparison to the other two factions.   

Currently, the Lehigh Valley Tea Party has a tenuous grip on leadership in NorCo. This is driving both Lynch and Snover nuts. Both suffer from a bad case of sour grapes. 

Snover is a former chair. For several years, she was able to hold off the tea party during raucous meetings. In one instance, the meeting ended with a call to 9-1-1. After Trump's election, her MAGA antics alienated her among local elected officials. She attended the January 6 insurrection, just like Lynch. Party donations dropped as she became increasingly extreme. . 

Lynch was certain he was winning the race for party chair by a landslide. After all, he had spreadsheets. His loss to Army veteran Glenn Geissinger, who actually graduated from Moravian (accounting) and Lehigh (accounting, marketing) must have been a blow to Lynch's rather massive ego. It's hard to understand why Republicans would select am educated businessman who served in the 82d Airborne over a narcissist who loves posting pictures of himself, but there it is. 

After Geissinger's victory, the Lynch mob and Lee's lackeys united to raise havoc with Geissinger and local party leadership. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

At June's monthly meeting, the Lynch mob and Lee's lackeys unleashed a vicious and highly intrusive personal attack against two committee members. I'm unwilling to provide details, but it was bad enough that police are now involved and a criminal investigation is under way. 

In response to my story, a reader I'll call Dumbass claimed to have given an audio of the meeting to an investigating detective. This officer was very grateful. Dumbass is apparently unaware that it is a crime to surreptitiously record a private meeting. 

Statewide Infighting

Within hours of Friday's story, Second Amendment lawyer Joshua Prince was on Bobby Gunther Walsh's morning radio show. He was there to talk about what is happening statewide, but also discussed Northampton County.  

Prince is a failed candidate for Commonwealth Court. He was rejected in the primary. He failed to secure the endorsement of the state party and also received a "not recommended" rating from the Pennsylvania Bar Association. He's a good lawyer, but his extreme views do cast a pall on his temperament. 

Is he another sufferer of sour grapes? 

As if to prove that he is injudicious, he's written a series of blogs (he's up to four installments) highly critical of the state and various county parties. On Gunther's radio show, he said he had a gentleman's agreement with state party chair Lawrence Tabas to raise any concerns he had privately, but was going public because he felt the agreement was violated.  

According to Prince, county committees are removing "conservative patriots" and replacing them with lifelong Democrats who are infiltrating the party. 

I think what's really going on is that these so-called patriots only recently became involved in politics and are just trying to bully their way into power. 

Speaking specifically about NorCo, Prince claimed that Glenn Geissinger "dislikes" four "patriots" so he filed a "false police report against them" and is using that as a pretext to preclude them from attending meetings. He then claims that Geissinger contacted me, "a liberal blogger, and gives him all the information relative to this ... ." 

That's inaccurate on several counts. I was first aware of this disgusting intrusion into the private lives of two committee members almost immediately after it happened because I spoke with the victims. I decided not to write about it then because the victims of this attack have been violated and writing about it would cause more pain. I then received an email from "Another Concerned Republican", chiding me for refusing to write a story. It included material whose distribution might very well be a crime. I forwarded that email to the District Attorney. He is in the best position to make that determination. 

Last Thursday, I heard a rumor that Geissinger had banned four state committee members from meetings because they are subjects of that investigation. In my view, when four elected state committee members are banned from participating in their county's meetings, that's a story. But I needed to verify.  I contacted Geissinger, and he confirmed that the rumor was accurate. He declined to go into detail or name them, but did say he was authorized to proscribe these members by the state committee's counsel. 

Prince stated that Geissinger's actions were unsanctioned, so I contacted Glenn again on Saturday. He reiterated that he had received authorization. Prince was obviously misinformed. 

Police were contacted by at least five people. Geisinger may have been one, or may have just responded to a police inquiry. 


Anonymous said...

The Republicans historically are angry when they're in and angry when they're out...trump has exasperated this phenomenon . To me it's a guilty pleasure,
I'm loving it.

Anonymous said...

Funny how you viciously attack some and then get all pious about others. Your own local party is the personality cult, you should know, as you are a member.

Physican heal thyself!

Anonymous said...

Geisinger is a liar who can't control his personal addictions. He drove me from the Rs. And I also hate MAGA assholes. Geissinger is worse than they are. Unless you confirm his statements, they hold no credibility. He's a notorious liar. Even his kids complain about his chronic lying. He's essentially a Democrat.

Anonymous said...

I don't tell anyone that I am a Republican. I am too embarrassed. My wife and I are very seriously considering becoming independent voters.

T Marshall said...

It seems, with a major backhand from trump, that nationwide the "Rs" are doing their best to secure a "D" victory.

Quite bluntly a vote for trump is a vote for biden.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you will have different opinions in a big tent party, not in a herd mentality like the present democrats, who are like the 3 monkeys, see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, unless it is about Trump.

The uniparty is those dems and republican that just love the present system where they and their relatives can live off the skimming. The ones who have us in unpayable debt, and near WW3. Just keep endorsing and supporting them, without question. God forbid, that you would ever question them or judge them as the evil that they are.

T Marshall said...

It seems, with a major backhand from trump, that nationwide the "Rs" are doing their best to secure a "D" victory.

Quite bluntly a vote for trump is a vote for biden.

Anonymous said...

This is a blue state that got a lot bluer after four years of Trump. Fetterman is essentially a brain dead window licker - and he still savagely beat a noted celebrity with a Trump endorsement. Cowardly momma's boy Shapiro didn't bother to debate. Most Pennsylvanians don't even know what he looks or sounds like. He won by a landslide. Wild is invisible when not on milk cartons. She won. Boscola slurred, staggered and pissed her pantyhose through another campaign - and won easily. The only way Rs win is by being D-light. But that strategy has failed since the Trump years. Glenn's gambit is as retarded and foolish and he is. It's over, Johnny. It's over.

Anonymous said...

Cool. This blog is now evidence as well. You got more of the inside scoop than actual elected committee members. Wonder why that is....

Anonymous said...

Bernie, the world around these poverty-stricken conservative voters is crumbling around them at an alarming rate, but at least they get to keep their gUnz. So that’s what’s important.

Hell in a hand basket.

Anonymous said...

Americans are, of course, the most thoroughly and passively indoctrinated people on earth. They know next to nothing as a rule about their own history, or the histories of other nations, or the histories of the various social movements that have risen and fallen in the past, and they certainly know little or nothing of the complexities and contradictions comprised within words like “socialism” and “capitalism.” Chiefly, what they have been trained not to know or even suspect is that, in many ways, they enjoy far fewer freedoms, and suffer under a more intrusive centralized state, than do the citizens of countries with more vigorous social-democratic institutions.

Anonymous said...

Why do you keep calling it a private meeting? The June meeting was open to the any Northampton County Republican citizen. That makes it a public meeting. There is no signage or announcements at any of the meetings that recordings are prohibited. If the phone was in site, which a few were, while recording the video/audio that is not a crime.

Also, as a member that is not closely related to any of the sanctions you mention, but was present for this meeting, one direct question was asked to the two individuals you say were bullied. They lied. After that all other questions were directed to Glenn. No one harassed those two. The information being brought up was (and some still is) public. No one wanted this information to get out. The whole point was that the information could hurt the party and make GOP candidates look bad by association. Here we are, it is hurting the party.

Last point, if the two victims are so hurt and embarrassed, why did they take it to the local news and have the story broadcast?

-- Embarrassed to be a Republican

Anonymous said...

Uhuru Party coming soon, R's will go the way of the Dodo bird within a generation of patriotic resistance to spineless cucks complicit with the deep staters

Anonymous said...

Finding accurate and truthful information in today’s America is nearly impossible. More people each day recognize that. They are upset. Such in/out fighting within the masses of we “common folk,” or maybe just inside small groups of new American political serfs is to be expected. In plain terms . . . .

People are pissed about what’s being done to their country and to their futures.

Anonymous said...

12:33- I know, right? The party made up mostly of entitled white men who control most of the wealth in America are now the ones crying that they're the ones who are victimized. They are so far out of touch with...well, reality.

Bernie O'Hare said...

7:37, You answer your own question. It was a private meeting. As a Democrat, I am unable to attend. Independents are unable to attend. So recording that private meeting is a crime unless those who are there know they are recorded and consent. It was surreptitiously recorded precisely bc it is illegal. It is also my understanding that there is an express policy that bars recordings.

The two committee members in question were viciously attacked with an intrusive invasion of their privacy. It is a lie to even suggest that no one wanted this information to get out. If that is so, why was it emailed to me? Why were copies made and handed out? Your actions are deeply troubling and reveal you as bullies.

The victims went to the police, not the news. The news went to them, and only one of the victims was willing to speak to the press to confirm your ugly attack.

Anonymous said...

Your (disbarred) legal opinion about recording a meeting is inaccurate.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Funny how you viciously attack some and then get all pious about others. Your own local party is the personality cult, you should know, as you are a member."

There is no personality cult swirling around Biden or within my local party. That's just nuts.

Also, over the years, I have written numerous stories exposing the problems within NorCo's Democratic party. I've been highly critical of Joe Long, Walt Garvin and Matt Munsey. But they've never engaged in ugly and intrusive attacks into the private lives of their own committee members.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Your (disbarred) legal opinion about recording a meeting is inaccurate."

Dumbass, The law is a matter if fact, not opinion. I did not lose my license for stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Don't say "your". I stayed quiet the entire meeting. I have nothing to do with this.

Copies were not handed out. One person held onto ONE print out of the email they received. It was rolled up in their hands. No one knew what it was until Glenn said he had not yet seen the email. They offered to show HIM, not everyone.

You weren't there. You're reportings aren't facts, they're your third party accounts. Essentially they're hear say.

Anonymous said...

This is an outgrowth of the fact that the GOP, nationally, is not interested in governing. Now it's mostly about obstruction.

Anonymous said...

I think it is best for the democrats to win it all, that way they cannot blame the coming disaster on others. We are doomed as a nation, and sadly we deserve it as a nation.

Anonymous said...

Sure you didn't. Keep telling yourself that. You'll never get better.

Anonymous said...

It’s frightening, Bernie, that some comments appear to be from people who, because of their misguided loyalty to these four and THEIR leader , cannot understand what has been happening here since last year. The dumbasses are multiplying.

Bernie O'Hare said...

9:32, My information comes from people who were at that meeting and have proven to be reliable to me. They include your party boss. Your information is anonymous. I have received an anonymous comment claiming that this private meeting could be recorded when, in fact, the no-recording policy goes out with meeting notices and is read aloud at the beginning of every meeting. I stand by what I wrote.

Anonymous said...

Looks like your "reliable" sources lied to you once again.

Maybe we should consult with dumbass and have them refer back to the recording. Should be easy to know who's telling the truth.

Dumbass, can you please help us solve this matter?

Anonymous said...

From the main article: “Prince stated that Geissinger's actions were unsanctioned, so I contacted Glenn again on Saturday. He reiterated that he had received authorization.”

There is nothing in the county party bylaws that permit elected committee members to be barred from a meeting proactively because of an “investigation”. I don’t believe there is anything that can even be done if charges were filed, as people remain innocent until they are proven guilty.

There is also nothing in the state or county bylaws that allows the state party to “sanction” or “authorize” such action by the county party.

The chair does have the ability to declare members out of order at a particular meeting, and even be removed from THAT meeting, but certainly not in advance because of an investigation.

Geissinger took a shortcut that wasn’t allowed. I can understand why he (Geissinger) did it, and certainly don’t mind seeing Lynch tossed from any meeting. But that still doesn’t make it right.

Anonymous said...

11:40- Oh goodie! Here we go again. Just got off work and logged on to LVR.

Let me grab a cup of coffee, take a hit of my vape medicine, buckle up and enjoy the comments.

-The Reefer Reader

Anonymous said...

The purpose of the state committee members in the county body is to inform the county committee organization of what is going on at the state level and to provide a conduit for the dissemination of information.

Instead, 4 of our 7 state committee members consistently disrupt meetings and behave outlandishly while serving very little legitimate purpose.

Good riddance!

Anonymous said...

I disagree. Given the behavior by the banned state committee members, Geissinger was forced to take action or open the county committee up to potential legal liability for the criminal acts taking place on the floor of the committee.

Bernie O'Hare said...

11:46, You might be correct. I do not have the by-laws for either the county or the state. I've also heard (and read) Prince state that county committees are violating their own by-laws. This could be correct or incorrect. I don't know. What I do know is that Geissinger acted under authority of the attorney who represents the state committee. He did not act arbitrarily.

Anonymous said...

I believe there's an inherent right of any organization to conduct its business without being disrupted. It inures to the majority and is executed by the presiding officer.

Anonymous said...

I was there, and this statement is false.

Anonymous said...

@6:44 AM "Yes, you will have different opinions in a big tent party, not in a herd mentality like the present democrats, who are like the 3 monkeys, see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, unless it is about Trump."

So at least we're in agreement that Trump is Evil. Not to mention a general loser in life, multiple business failures, tax fraud, twice impeached, a serial philanderer, probable rapist and lets add a few criminal indictments on top of the shit pie he represents as a candidate. Yet, relatively sane, normal Christians feel like this guy represents them and worse is like them in his devout beliefs.


Anonymous said...

I love this response so much. Because conservatives think that democrats love their politicians but the fact is we hate ALL politicians, even the ones we vote for. The difference is that we’re not in a cult, and don’t think politicians are above the law like conservatives do.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to take a flyer and believe the guy who still practices law.

Anonymous said...

If you ask me, that Geissinger is one letter short of a hospital.

Anonymous said...

1:49, which statement? There's a few.

Anonymous said...

Prince suggests that county committees are violating their bylaws because they are attempting to remove members who have supported non endorsed primary candidates.

What is going on in Northampton County has NOTHING to do with who supported what candidates in the primary.

It is about criminal activity and a failure to respect the rules of order. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Anonymous said...

When this personal attack on two members was made, was there a motion on the floor? If so, what was it?

Anonymous said...

There was no motion on the floor. The attack had nothing to do with any committee business whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

*documented rapist, 2:26. Use Google.

fletch said...

4:21- that sounds like a defense, not a position.

Where's John Waldron when you need him.

Anonymous said...

Brother Steve's biggest error was vassalating on his blustery "20 Strong Men" comment, he could have stuck to.his guns and usurped power by force with the likes of Ian "Alpha Variant" Smith but he meekly back tracked and claimed it was a metaphor.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yep. Lower Saucon Council is a perfect local example.

Anonymous said...

True that! The County GOP shitshow is just a microcosm of the the National GOP shitshow.

Anonymous said...

When will we all put on our new doc Martin's and drink more Costa coffee?

Anonymous said...

Blogger fletch said...
"4:21- that sounds like a defense, not a position."

4:21 here: It's neither. It's just an honest question, one that apparently you could not--or would not--answer. You're trying too hard to be clever, my friend.

Anonymous said...

Hey brother, “vassalating” is not a word. You got that brother? Just looking out for you brother.

Google is free brother.

fletch said...

Which question?

Oh wait , was there a motion on the floor?

Several. Daily Tesla-like

Anonymous said...
