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Jason Banonis |
Lower Saucon Township, you may recall, hosted a recent Northampton County GOP's rally in honor of accused felons Mark and Patricia McCloskey. They are the St. Louis couple who allegedly pointed guns at protesters outside their home, and then altered the handgun brandished by Patricia so they could claim it was inoperable.
This event was originally scheduled for Palmer Township's Fairview Park, but was rejected because the crowd size would be too large. Banonis obviously used his influence on Council to get a permit. Lower Saucon made a pavilion at Town Hall Park available for this gathering. When point-blank asked at Council's October 7 meeting,whether he threw his weight around, he answered with "I have no comment on that."
NorCo GOP boss Lee Snover applied for and received a permit to rent the pavilion at Town Hall Park. Had she wanted to rent the entire park, she could have applied for an event permit. In her application, she estimated the crowd size at 100, knowing full well that the event would be much larger. In a revised application, the estimate was increased to 150. A township rule bans the "[p]osting or displaying [of] any sign, banner, or advertisement of a political or commercial nature." Snover assured officials, in writing, that "[w]e will only display our organization banner and American flag. No trump [sic] flags or candidate signs will be displayed."
Snover broke her promises. On the day of this superspreader, the true believers took over the entire park even though they had only rented the pavilion. They parked everywhere, including grass and walking trails. They ripped tables out of the pavilion so people could sit at them. CDC guidelines concerning masks and social distancing were ignored. And of course, there were Trump signs everywhere.
Banonis' jeep |
Fuck the walkers.
In addition to taking over the entire park, the true believers also attempted to ban the press from covering their superspreader. "This is a closed-to-press event," announced a McCloskey handler from the Trump campaign. "This is not for the media."
No sooner did he make this announcement that the true believers spun around and began shouting "Go! Go!" and "Hit the road!" to the reporters who were there. One of them purposely coughed in the face of a reporter. Others made a point of waving Trump flags or standing directly in front of anyone attempting to videotape the event, including at least one member of the public. (Her video is here.)
Lower Saucon Tp taxpayers are on the hook for $1,939.02 for police coverage and $1,068.06 in cleanup costs.
At Lower Saucon Tp's October 7 meeting, Banonis demonstrated his own disdain for both the press and even members of the public speaking at courtesy of the floor. He tried to prevent PBS reporter Ben Stemrich from speaking. He interrupted members of the public and condescended or mansplained to Council members Priscilla deLeon and Kristen Stauffer. Though he supposedly represents the Lower Saucon taxpayer, he did his best to torpedo any effort to collect these expenses.Banonis stridently defended this illegal gathering. By the way, he at the time happened to be the Vice Chair of the NorCo GOP.
According to the rumor mill, this Allentown civil defense lawyer, defender of big insurance money everywhere, may have recently given up his Republican post. Given his didain for both the public and press, he has ignored my email to him on this topic. I'm told his resignation was prompted by Lee Snover's recent, and very public, complaint that Trump has refused to visit Northampton County. She apparently thinks Northampton County will be the deciding factor in whether Trump is re-elected.
Wow, so much in this post to comment on, so little time.
To start, “black lives matter” (the statement) is a statement that everyone can agree with, since most of us believe that all lives matter. I’m certain that the NorCo GOP, would readily agree with that.
But Black Lives Matter (the corporation) is something entirely different. BLM (the corporation) is an extremist group that uses race to divide people so that they can impose their anti-family, anti-freedom agenda on Americans. Local rallies were coordinated with the Democrat Socialists for America. BLM (the corporation) is the latest in the long-list of race-baiters in the democrat party who have kept the black community under their thumb for decades. So BLM (the corporation) rallies should be opposed, and the NorCo GOP should be commended for having the courage to stand up to them.
You refer to Trump supporters as “true-believers” who “will blindly support everything he does…” Really, are you sure you want to go there? Democrats are currently supporting a senile, career politician (Biden) who won’t even disclose what he stands for on many important issues. In fact, over the weekend Biden again refused to disclose his position on an issue he was asked about, responding that voters “don’t deserve” to know where he stands. Yet he’s still the democrat nominee, and I haven’t heard ANY democrats demand that he gives the American people a straight answer. In fact, democrats seem to support him and his running mate remaining in a bubble as much as possible through Election Day, so they don’t accidentally let it slip regarding what they actually believe in. So spare me that lecture about blind support.
You repeatedly refer to the event at Town Hall Park as a “superspreader”, yet fail to offer any evidence to support that claim. Has there been an outbreak among those who attended the event? Has there even been a single case that’s been tied to the event? Weren’t there many, and much larger BLM (the corporation) rallies that have taken place? I don’t recall you referring to those as “superspreaders”. But why let facts and fairness get in the way of this blog’s agenda, right?
Finally, as to reimbursements for police coverage and cleanup, I’ll share your “concern” for that when you give a listing of similar costs for all the BLM (the corporation) rallies that have taken place in the Lehigh Valley this year, and demand that the BLM (the corporation) group pay for those costs. Until you do that, your concern comes across as phony.
It would seem that the democrat propaganda machine continues to run strong at Lehigh Valley Ramblings. But today’s post is really just another in a long list of posts containing the usual personal smears and half-truths. Joseph Goebbels would be proud.
Typical democrat tactic, attack free speech that does not conform to their agenda. Attack the people who have another opinion, label them racist, xenophobe, white supremacist, or anything else that they can throw at them. Attempt to hurt their business, family or employment to intimidate them into silence and submission. It is just a window of what kind of the authoritarian country that democrats have in mind.
It is interesting how women seem to be the biggest target almost every day.
There were no clean-up costs, more fake news.
If masks are proven effective, can we bring back chastity belts for women? Masks and chastity belts would allow us to become less dependent on common sense and morality which appear to be lacking in biden supporters and dems in general. C'mon man!
Don't like the nuts on either side. Both have publicly protested and caused problems. Extremes always point finders at each other. I point at both. Close call. I think I'm gagging and voting for Trump (i.e. voting against Biden). Scheller vs Wild? I'm sick. I keep staring at my ballot for a week and my wife wants it off the counter and mailed. This whole election sucks.
After reading your last few week's posts, I have decided to nickname you "The Blog Mentor". Ohh, I've been informed that is already taken. However, I can certainly see the the same patterns of cognitive dissonance. We can only hope you do not become a superspreader.
totally agree with 6:25. Couldn't have said it any better myself, especially the last paragraph.
6:25, I refer to the event as a superspreader bc that is what it was. There was a large group in excess of CDC guidelines who failed to social distance or wear masks. There is no doubt in my mind that they were playing with Fire, which is exactly what happened at numerous other events for Trump.
Also, my post was entirely factual.
Excellent article.
“ Typical democrat tactic, attack free speech that does not conform to their agenda.”
The attack on free speech came from true believers who attempted to ban the press from a public park.
I believe in a country that allows everyone the right to free speech. And I also believe candidates should be clear in what they intend to do if elected. Trump, while often offensive, has been clear from day one on his positions on everything. After elected he has pursued those positions to his best under withering opposition.
Biden and Harris are both stealth candidates who obviously believe if Americans knew what they intend to support would reject them. They are both willing to say anything or say nothing to get elected. Biden's whole purpose is protect the bureaucracy that has been running this country for decades. It is supportive of the corruption that has put their interest over that of the country.
Bernie sanders, was at least an honest man. His proposals while often not to my liking were what he believed, He could have been a reformer in many respects, but reform is the last thing Washington wants.
As for trump supporters, they support Trump's policies and his willingness to fight to enact those policies. It is not about personalities or fake nice speech. While they are labeled cultist etc. They are cultists for the constitution, the rule of laws, smaller government, more freedom and a court that rules on the constitution and the law, not a court that short circuits the process to impose their beliefs.
This election has focused on personalities not on issues, it has appealed to the emotions of envy, greed for free stuff, and for an emphasis on image versus substance and results.
Americans get to make a choice in 3 weeks, we will see if they have been able to see through the psychological warfare, the fake news and the propaganda of the left.
Is it not true, the “nice protesters “ traveled onto private property, wrecked a gate , and that the alleged felony defendants with firearms ,had their handgun “tampering “ done by the prosecution after they were confiscated ? I see 2nd, 4th and 14th A abuse by “the state” malfeasance by the DA and Mayor against public persons that were otherwise -minding their own business . They had a right to quite enjoyment. The police response was hours later. Hope it doesn’t happen here. But “we all got it coming “ ,just like The Unforgiven.
9:05, The behavior of the McCloskeys, who are accused but presumed innocent, will be decided in another venue. This story is about the behavior of the true believers at Town Hall Park.
I have rejected two comments attacking Lamont McClure. This story has nothing to do with him.
The article was excellent...the comments are scary. To be clear, not everyone who follows your blog is a right wing racist.
"As for trump supporters, they support Trump's policies and his willingness to fight to enact those policies. It is not about personalities or fake nice speech. While they are labeled cultist etc. They are cultists for the constitution, the rule of laws, smaller government, more freedom and a court that rules on the constitution and the law, not a court that short circuits the process to impose their beliefs."
If trump supporters were "cultists" for the Constitution, the rule of laws(sic). . . They would reject him. Take off the blinders. I'm not willing to sell the soul of this country for an agenda I agree with.
Even if we agree all of these “alleged, reportedly, said to be, and claimed to be” charges are true HERE, the rest of the nation doesn’t seem to be buying the same tactics being used in this blog post. The enthusiasm gap between Republican and Democrat supporters is great. Evidence of support for Trump at ground level appears to be 10 times the support for Biden.
The turnouts, many spontaneous, for candidate appearances, car, truck, and boat parades, and media viewership of all kinds, is stunningly stronger than for Biden. Biden’s recent scheduled appearance in Phoenix attracted a much smaller attendance than took part at the Lower Saucon Township Picnic Pavilion.
Can “funny business” with mail-in ballots overcome this obvious gap? Are the polls phony? We shall see.
The hyperbole used to work. It doesn't any longer because the sane middle long ago stopped getting worked up about lefty nuts, like this blog - or righty nuts, like so many others. It's like trying to speak sanely to WWE fans. You can't. Bernie, who's your favorite wrestler?
Yes, the Democrats have not been very forthright on the one issue that I know of, the supreme court. They should learn to come forth with the certainty of The Great Orange One whose believers will eat up the crap that is spewed no matter how nonsensical and proven false the statements are. I wish the tRump himself could have been at that rally, I can hear him now:
"Health Care? The bestest most glorious plan you will ever see will be put out within the next 2 weeks just as I have been saying for almost 4 years, any day now, I swear!"
"Taxes? Remember how I told you I was giving the Corporations huge tax breaks bringing our deficit into the trillions but I was going to close all those huge loop-holes that I know all about because a was such a smarty-pants to take advantage of them? Go figure, NOT ONE loop hole closed! LOL!"
"Other countries laughing at us? Sure the 'fake' news will show actual tapes of international meetings where the other leaders of countries literally gather round and laugh at me, just like the New York 'elite' used to call me a carney clown and huckster, but I showed them! and I'll show those other countries too even if they won't let our citizens in their country because of the Covid Hoax! ...at least Putin and Kim still like me..."
"And chant with me now: Build the Wall! Build the Wall! yeah, I only added 3 miles and Mexico didn't pay for it, but uuuhh, FAke News!"
"Yeah, and how about my No. 2 favorite dumb ass crowd chant: Lock her Up! Lock her Up! for what you ask? why for sending out government business emails on a personal computer... you know...just like my daughter Ivanka did, but she's royalty, so..."
"And remember, while I'm humping the flag here, nobody loves our military more! Don't believe those former 'trusted aids' who said I called soldiers 'Suckers and Losers'. Who would believe that? Just because I'm on tape calling McCain a loser for being captured and tortured by the enemy? Remember what I said: 'Don't believe what you see and hear!'.
"And remember also all you little people, I promised you I would drain the swamp! And I decided that since the swamp has now turned into a cesspool, I will try filling it with so much crap that I will soon be able to walk on it like the Orange Jesus you think I am!"
"So Vote! except all those commies and antifa people who don't agree with my grand agenda and whose votes I will do my best to block. And remember, Just like I said the last election: If I lose, it's rigged!"
Con man & a hooker in the White House, true believers overlook this. Local & nationwide!
They ripped tables out of the pavilion so people could sit at them. Wow some Trumpsers brought a jackhammer and sledge hammers to cut the tables for the concrete anchors.
Let's see some vidoes if you have them or this all from annomyous sources?
who were the fake bikers who tried to intimidate the videographer?
They should be charged with pretending to be a bad ass,
Where are the real 1%ers when these clowns need a good ass kicking?
”Let's see some vidoes if you have them or this all from annomyous sources?”
I linked to a video of pretty much the entire event. I also linked to the audio of the council meeting. I have the time records of both police and public works. I have the permit application and the email in which Snover promises no Trump signs. My report is accurate, and it is you who is anonymous.
All the "republicans" (read: trump cult) have left is racism, bigotry, Russian lies, bullying, their own lies, disinformation, and ignorance. they can't pretend to care about fiscal conservatism after giving trillions to their "base." (see W's remarks to his "supporters) So, they come for the hate, hug their guns, and pray to their own particular Jesus, not one that is recognizable to actual Christians, and spew a vitriol so despicable and deplorable that it's destroying them, not their intended targets. I hear they plan on moving to Panama if Biden wins, hope they have their passports ready.
Chastity belts would, no doubt, please many Republicans. Trump surely hates them.
Were the tables ripped, as in torn from moorings or unbolted? Why charges filed? Can you provide a link? I can't find one on WFMZ, LVL or MCall. This should be a big story. Nobody likes stuff busted up.
Just like a good boxing match the Trumpers came out swinging early. But later during the fight 10:40 and BOH got off the canvas and delivered the knockout punch. Ding ding ding!
They ripped tables out of the pavilion so people could sit at them. Wow some Trumpsers brought a jackhammer and sledge hammers to cut the tables for the concrete anchors.“
Those tables had to be moved back where they belong, and Lower Saucon taxpayers had to pay for that, the damage to the park and police overtime. Not that you give a shit.
Wow tables had to be moved back. Tell me it never, never, never happened before.
Jason Banonis is a true embarrassment and a disgrace! The hate this one man spews is troubling, esp for someone who makes a choice to be a public official. He's an elitist who thinks he is so much better then everyone! He is also a bully and seems to pride himself on it! He thinks it's his way all the time, as though he has some understanding of the truth that no one else does. He takes omnipotent to a new level! He thinks his defense lawyer tactics are fair game at Township meetings and on all interested parties. He only allows freedom of speech when it suits his needs! He's a truly evil soulless man with no compassion. He takes no responsibility for his actions and does what ever he wants.This man has to be right and win at all costs!
The most troubling part isn't the fact that taxpayers are on the hook for the additional cost for the police, but the lack of action by LST police to do their job. It was obvious that there was a perimeter around the event they refused to cross. So, they got paid to stand around and do nothing. The intimidation tactics and harassment at Trump Rallies are well known and LST PD didn't care! Then when someone tried to report these same tactics used against them, The PD said that person could NOT make a report, but had to talk to the event organizers. The same ones who allowed the harassment and intimidation to begin with! This is a true low point, not only in politics, but LST as well!
Northampton County GOP got their feelings hurt bu the very man they tried so hard to get his approval by doing his dirty work!
Obviously the charwoman of the Northampton republican party has been very effective, that's why the constant attacks. Why not talk about some issues or policy, instead of attacking a women who works hard for her party.i
Well, I wouldn’t call Lee a charwoman. I pointed out that she failed to keep her promises. That’s just a fact.
@2:04, even though I am a conservative taxpayer in the Township, I think Banonis and Carocci's shtick this year of being total dicks to Kristin Stauffer, and to a lesser extent, Priscilla deLeon, in every public meeting is getting old. It is childish how they are still butthurt that Stauffer is on council in the first place.
An observation, why is it every picure of trump rallies and gatherings ,the supporters are snarling with curled lips, contorted faces, bulging veins popping out of their heads, hollering and screaming in threatening manners. I can envision some of the commenters in here typing with their faces in a similar manner while their blood is boiling. Never a smile no appearance of happiness. Weird.
I am a moderate Democrat who can’t stand the radicals who have hijacked both parties. Watching the opening statements today for the SC confirmation was disheartening, to say the least. The nominee may not be biased, but the senators, especially Harris, certainly are. Biden will definitely win then presidential election, but I would rather he not. His dismissive attitude toward voters (and his attempt to slander the good name of the man involved in the accident in which his wife and daughter died), as well as his disdain for the truth, makes my stomach turn. Harris’ smug and condescending way, as well her willingness to go from attack dog during the primaries to lap dog make me question her integrity. We all know Trump is a moron, but Biden/Harris play games.
President trump has kept his promises. We aren't blind he told us what he was going to do. And did it. Biden doesn't think we the people deserve to hear what he is going to do. Who is following blindly when their candidate says his supporters don't deserve to hear his position?
To Anonymous on Oct.12 @ 10:40; Elections have consequences, you lost 2016 because of the candidate your party put forward! I guess you Demorats thought it was a shoe in. So stop complaining and win elections! It's that simple!
And, aborted babies to cure trump. It's like Columbine all over again. I tried telling you how fucked up that mentality truly is. Not according to mommy. She listens to her family.
They are lawyers, it will never stop. All the world is courtroom to them that they have to win, esp Banonis. What's interesting to me is that I've noticed that Carocci seems to be slurring his words at Council meeting as of late. And not showing his face on Zoom meetings. Why, is he drinking or did he have a stroke? It's odd.
Plus even if they are still upset, they got who they wanted on the Zoning Hearing board by violating the sunshine act, so they should be better behaved, but never will be.
Ok , what percentage of people cause their own health care problems due to ignorance or stupidity? I’m not suggesting that somebody needs to die because their stupid. But , your type 2 diabetic , 250 pounds on welfare, no job . Who’s fault is this situation? You flunked high school and we’re abused by the the guy that got you pregnant. You lived in housing authority until they found out your BF was their too Evan after a court orders him to pay child . Your trapped. You want to “ride with Biden” .
@3:37 PM You're confusing those screenshots with Antifa and Black Lives Matter rallies. Maskless people screaming and yelling, smoldering fires in the background and general chaos. Trump rallies have people actually listening to the speaker with big smiles while waving American flags. Will not see any smiles nor American flags at democrat rallies.
6:50, I will allow your comment bc Carocci is an elected official. But it's kind of low unless you take responsibility and sign your name.
"I think Banonis and Carocci's shtick this year of being total dicks to Kristin Stauffer, and to a lesser extent, Priscilla deLeon, in every public meeting is getting old. "
Banonis certainly acted that way in the 10/7 audio. My impression is that he might be a sexist. Either that, or he thinks he is superior to everyone.
3:55, Your slurs are off topic and have nothing to do with the subject of my post.
Bernie , I just realized I posted as anon 09:05 it was a mistake, that was me.
I predict Trump ( not my favorite guy) will win Northampton County and Pennsylvania.
What's really astonishing to me is that I remember when Banonis was on the Zoning Hearing board early on and he acted nothing like he does now on Council. Hell, the guy even smiled at me once...
Thinking that the rules don't apply tom you is the worst sort of snobbery.
6:50, I am not going to allow you to argue the point. I am NOT anonymous. That is the difference between me and you.
Dear Lord... Ok:
1) Early on long comments are obviously NorCo party leadership or someone within the inside circle. They CLEARLY troll this blog and local newspaper comments sections or other blogs defending themselves and/or espousing their ideology.
2) As a great mentor of mine, my high school history teacher once said: "Always call a spade, a spade". NorCo GOP and the GOP in general has been taken over by white christian nationalists. Period. They are on the 20 yard line and third down to get to full-fledged agenda fulfillment, which will be a rollback of rights and legal precedent over the past 30-40 years, maybe more. They call it defending the Constitution. SCOTUS majority is their field goal, if need be.
3) The writing is on the wall. Demographics is a "B", they are filling the courts, packing if you will, with as many conservatives as they can. Again, including now, the SCOTUS in supreme hypocrisy. Why? In 10 years they won't have the voters. The electorate is getting younger, more educated and more diverse. In a decade, the Lehigh Valley will be as blue as Montco, Chester and Bucks is... So will much of the nation. So the courts will be the only way to ensure their agenda fulfillment.
I have a married gay family member who knows if Obergefell v. Hodges is overturned, they will never be able to drive to Florida again to visit our family there because their own family won't be recognized in certain southern states. They know they will be able to be discriminated against in certain workplace or service capacities for "religious reasons".
I have a Latina friend and colleague who has become increasingly "white" these past few years. Highlighted and bleached her hair blonde, wears pearls and cardigans. Trying to fit in more than ever. I don't bring it up, but I wonder why.... rhetorical, of course.
Party leadership here and elsewhere, they are people on the hard, hard right. They claim "traditional American values" which is a dog whistle for white, straight, Christian and conservative. There is no room in their America for anyone else. Or at least anyone on equal footing legally and politically.
We stand at a cross roads. They can either be political neanderthals, doomed to eventual extinction along with the "Know Nothings" of the 1850's and 60's (think Bill Cutting from Gangs of New York), where they will be remembered as a temporary movement before America listened to it's better angels.
Or..... we enter truly concerning territory. I presume party leadership is upset there hasn't been a Trump visit to NorCo owing to the fact that they are gunning to be the Aunt Lydia of the Lehigh Valley once the Kingdom of God is established. No Dear Leader, no appointment.
Praise Be! Under His Eye....
I for one have no interest in living in either a Christian theocracy or taking a travel back in time with Doc Brown's DeLorean to the 1950's.
Did you know?!?!?!
Pennsylvania was founded by Quakers who believed in tolerance, "Welcoming the Stranger", religious freedom, pacifism, environmental stewardship and more?
Did you know?!?!?!
Pennsylvania is the home of the Homestead Strikes and Coal Strikes and Riots? Where mostly immigrant laborers fought for living wages, days off and safer working conditions against Gilded Age billionaires???
Did you know?!?!
Pennsylvania is one of the most immigrant-rich states in America? Early waves of English Quakers, German Moravians, Welsh miners, Scotch frontiersmen and women. Later waves of freed and escaping Southern Blacks seeking a better life. Italians, Irish, Eastern Europeans escaping famine or economic peril?
Syrians and Southeast Asians escaping war, Russian Jews escaping persecution, Indians (sub-continent) and Chinese seeking the American Dream.
Did you know?!?!?!?
The Trump Agenda spits in the face of nearly 350 YEARS of Pennsylvania history and culture??????
You can end that in just a few weeks. VOTE!
Do you know a vote for Biden is a vote for socialism and against most of what you said pennsylvania is about? When will you all stop thinking it's about the man and start seeing it's about changing all that this country was built on. Blinded by hatred no one sees what's at stake. They only see hatred for one man and will vote and change the face of this country forever
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