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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Did Brown Want New Jail to Hold Federal Prisoners?

Back in October, Northampton County Executive John Brown proposed a new $185 million jail at Easton. It's pretty clear he originally intended to build it at Gracedale until Upper Nazareth residents got wind of his intentions. One of he biggest arguments for a new facility is that conditions are so bad that the federal government would order us to build one if we failed to do it ourselves. But at yesterday's budget hearing, Corrections Director unknowingly defeated that argument.

He told Council that in October, and right around the time that Brown said he wanted a new jail, the county inked a deal with the feds to house up to 30 federal inmates at a time. The county would be paid $72 per day. This amounts to $788,400 into the county coffers every year.

So it looks like Brown was going to go into the jail business.


Anonymous said...

John Brown and his county council cohorts have been screaming "fake news" and "unfair politics" regarding this story. The truth is the political wounds to them are self inflicted. This was not some political scheme but rather intelligent citizens doing their own due diligence catching this motley crew in the act.

When confronted with the facts of conversations and discussions about a jail at Gracedale the reaction of county council was to stonewall and look around saying,"what prison?" The county executive backpedaled and denied the very facts the citizens had collected.

At the end of the day it was another nail in the political coffin of this gang that couldn't shot straight. They must have thought the age of Trump meant you could get away with anything by just denying, calling people names and declaring,"fake news". I hope the new government repairs all the silly and political changes this group made.

Again, the wounds were self-inflicted.

Anonymous said...

Wow violent federal prisoners in Nazareth Pa, thank god for the no jail in Nazareth people, or we would be having the most violent in our midst instead of just drunks and child support skippers

Thank you No Jail people, you saved our property values

Anonymous said...

Just another example of his non-transparency! That is primarily why he was sent packing. Now it is time for the rest of them to be sent packing!

Anonymous said...

This was possibly the future home of "Fed Ed". Glad it won't be, he deserves a lot worse!

Anonymous said...

The can continues to be kicked down the road...

Anonymous said...

There is no "Can" to be kicked. Now that IS fake news.

Anonymous said...

"Wow violent federal prisoners in Nazareth Pa,..."

Uh, they're behind bars Einstein.

Anonymous said...

Lehigh County does this I believe. It's used because there is a federal courthouse there (and now in Easton) and they need to keep the defendants somewhere. It makes sense to me.