I'll call her Madame X. When she first applied to work at the jail, she was interviewed by none other than Operations Administrator Al Crivellaro. You may recall that in 2010, he pleaded no contest to furnishing alcohol to ten minors during a graduation party for his daughter. When Colonial Regional Police responded, Crivellaro asked them to call Chief Roy "Buzzy" Seiple so he could use his connections to stop the charges. He failed, but managed to hold onto his job at the jail.
Did he use his connections to get Madame X hired? That's unclear, but what is known is that, in addition to doing the interview, Crivellaro volunteered to do the background check. That is something he had never done before, and is a task usually performed by Corrections Department Detective Chris Naugle.
The application cried out for answers. Though required to fill it out completely, Madame X had significant gaps in her work history, most notably between 1989 and 1996.
According to Crivellaro, she passed her background investigation with flying colors.
![]() |
CR Fanny's closed after i worked there just one night. |
Though former Corrections Director Arnie Matos refused to take any action, she has since confirmed that she failed to submit a complete application. She has admitted to working in the adult entertainment industry, both as a stripper or dancer, and as a model for biker magazines. She has also admitted drug use, but attempts to minimize it.
She claims, for example, that she experimented once or twice with heroin.
Nobody experiments with heroin.
She has also used her connections with Assistant Administrator Cathy Allen and another corrections officer to try to get people fired. So far, they have managed, at least temporarily, to get rid of at least two prison workers on trumped up charges.
I'm all for giving people second chances. But corrections experts tell me that her past in adult entertainment could make her job more difficult, especially if she runs into people she knows from that world.
Northampton County has never had a problem hiring officers who at times smoked weed. But policy is that nobody who has used heroin should ever be hired to work as a corrections officer. In this case, it appears that Madame X has compounded her problem by being dishonest on her job application.
On top of everything else, she has another problem. She is a bigot. I looked at her Facebook page over the weekend. She has repeated posts of the Confederate Battle Flag, complains about the appointment to the Immigration Department of Fatima Noor, a Muslim who fled from Somalia as a child and became a United States citizen. She also claims, on Facebook, that we are one nation under God, not Allah. She just posted a joke about a redneck girl who shoots an Arab and a Mexican.
Very funny.
She certainly has a First Amendment right to be a bigot and be intolerant of other religions. But as a corrections officer, she will encounter numerous inmates who are black or Muslim or both. When she uses Facebook to make racist remarks or statements that infringe on religious freedom guaranteed in this country, she should be fired for that reason alone. Exercising those rights have consequences.
She is also endangering own safety, as well asthe safety of other corrections officers with these unnecessary statements.
She proudly refers to herself as a redneck. At the jail, it appears that only rednecks need apply. I'll tell you about that tomorrow.
Mr. Vanarman and the rest of the Easton repubs are going to be mad at you for exposing their "ladie"
She also cheated during the academy training. She received answers to the test from the instructor, for sexual favors from her. Guess what the Administration did? Nothing to her, she was the victim. Talk abut violating the Code of Ethics.
So is she doing the job she was hired to do? If so who cares about her past. Look in the mirror BO. If all these rumors are true what is stopping her colleagues from coming forward and filing complaints?
When she uses Facebook to make racist remarks or statements that infringe on religious freedom guaranteed in this country, she should be fired for that reason alone. Exercising those rights have consequences.
And who should be the judge of that?
I think she's part of ISIS too
More of the same. Brown's darling Cathy Allen is adept at using fear and intimidation in the jail by enlisting the dredges of employees as her snitches. She, in turn protects them and their poor performance as CO's. Allen is a menace and an embarrassment to the citizens of the county who pay her inflated salary.
This administration functions like a pit of snakes. They slither around behind the scenes rewarding their sleezy cronys. And Brown is the King Cobra.
"So is she doing the job she was hired to do? If so who cares about her past. "
I'm all for giving people second chances, but her prior heroin use and work in adult entertainment should be an automatic disqualifier at the jail. In fact, policy is that prior heroin use IS an automatic disqualifier. I believe her past makes her and fellow guards unsafe if she runs into former acquaintances from either the drug world or her dancing career.
"She also cheated during the academy training. She received answers to the test from the instructor, for sexual favors from her. Guess what the Administration did? Nothing to her, she was the victim. Talk abut violating the Code of Ethics."
That may be what she told some others. She has made numerous statements that have turned out to be untrue.
6:06, When someone posts statements on social media that are derogatory of another religion, and insists on posting the Confederate Battle flag, as this officer does, she is demonstrating a bias against both a race and a religion. Many inmates are black Muslims, so her rants demonstrate a bias against them, which can be used against the County in litigation. This is misconduct. She has a first amendment right to be a bigot, but has no first amendment right to be a prison guard. Her actions on Facebook endanger fellow corrections officer. If the family and friends of inmates see her racist and religiously intolerant rants, they could get word back to the inmates and then they are all in trouble.
In the ReNue the triboro theory of economics there is nothing and I meen nothing that the grant grab process does not have fingers in the pie¿!($
In other centuries people came to city's for honest work, now since workis not here city officials help set up criminal enterprises with government subzideze claiming ignorance to said ACTivities¿!($ The fact of the matter is the triboro political arena is the most criminal entity that is at large and in charge filled with conflicts of intrest everywhere¿!($
I am sure this poor slug was employeed by the notorious hamilton street gang o thugs and this was yet another circus schell trix of many¿!($ Never did like the smell of a carnival as this cistern smell is clouding many sinuses causing reprehencible damage to humanity as a whole¿!($
patent pending
Hey Bernie, I wonder if al crivillaro would hire African American or latinos with the same background.
Bernie, the Easton repubs are gonna be mad at you for outing KY. Good for you, BO
This individual presents a serious security risk to the institution. Director keen needs to address this matter as soon as possible without the interference of M's allen or others who keep protecting this lady, because she had filed a bogus EEOC claim. it is not the first time that she has made false allegations.
I have seen her in person. It looks like she still does heroin
11:43, This is not KY.
"Hey Bernie, I wonder if al crivillaro would hire African American or latinos with the same background."
That's my next story.
Is the prison administration going hold Mr. Crivillaro accountable for his role?
Mr. keen knows that this lady is a security risk, what's he waiting for?. lets di
discipline this characters accordingly. Mr. keen doesn't have a problem disciplining cos what's wrong with this picture? this lady is a monster she needs to go. She will not be missed.
This is not good. Not good at all.
Can you name this club?
Freedom ryders
Wha..? Quick google search. Freedom Riders is a non-profit organization of motorcycle riders who raise money for our vets. Good thing. Freedom Ryders looks like an African-American group. But there could be other local variations.
Bernie the prisión administración has a double standard discipline one for African-American and latinos and the other for Anglo's the enforcer is Mr. Crivellaro, Mr. Keen needs to address this matter instead of glorifying Mr. Crivellaro is the same individual Who Was in workers compensación and was working at Nazareth dinner in the same time his good old pal John Stooffa sabed his Job. Mr. Crivellaro could be categorized as a con artistas.
How true.
I wonder if Amy Trapp is also protecting her, just wondering.????
I hope someone conducted a background .
Also called a fair chance policy, "ban the box" is a national initiative to increase employment of individuals with previous convictions -- by removing questions from job applications regarding the criminal history of applicants.
LOL- govt in all its glory. cant wait until the local dope dealers become your new county govt workers. Norco is just following the Governors/ democrat/socialist party lead. This is a national democrat party push, not just in Norco...lol
a snipit from the article http://www.wfmz.com/news/news-regional-lehighvalley/Local/mayor-wants-criminal-record-info-off-job-applications/31870296
"If government doesn't take the lead in this area, how can we expect the private sector to step up?" asked Pawlowski. "Instead of focusing on an applicant's criminal history, city government will provide them with a chance to compete and hopefully secure a job in the public sector."
Mr. Keen needs start doing his job and take immediate action or he needs to go, he knows right from wrong. The county policy on discipline includes everyone to be held accountable for employment misconduct, without exceptions. It appears that there is preferential treatment with respect to discipline with this bigot lady. Are you guys kidding, maybe a protest in front of the prison will appreciate. The bigot needs to go is a safety and security issue. I think an independent agency should address this bigot, since Mr keen has been dragging his feet addressing this security issue.
Bernie, since the source of your story is obviously Jose Garcia..... Let me fill in your readers. Jose blames Al Crivellaro for "sneaking" MH into the Jail as an employee because everyone knows that Jose "targets" the "easiest" member of all his training classes to prey upon. Jose wasn't criminally charged in this case because MH lacks credibility. Now that the DA has concluded their investigation on Jose, Jose is using this blog to attack Al. You can read different comments and tell that Jose and his followers are commenting about the discipline of non-whites. Jose was about as trustworthy as Lucifer himself, so make sure you fact-check all his accusations.
None of the above (3:43) excludes a background check. All "ban the box" does is prevent exclusion from consideration.
None of this has anything to do with "the good ol boy" system that has always had a place within the county.
I cannot wait for the next article! I know there are many like-minded employees w/ the woman in the article. Where do we draw the line in regard to people with questionable ideologies? There are so many gray areas and code language for undercover bigots. How do we enact policies to prevent questionable bigotry?
She's a disaster? So's Joe Brennan and Lisa Boscola, and Pat Browne and on and on and on. She's perfect for public service and has many examples to follow in our legislature.
I love how when people who don't know the whole story try to make someone out to look ten times worse than they are because they try to turn the limelight off of them that did wrong. That officer has every right to post a confederate flag because it has nothing to do with hating blacks, you people are ignorant and don't know anything about the civil war.it is a historical symbol, not a hatred symbol and as far as not wanting the Syrian refugees with terrorist hiding in them when the USA can help them without putting our country in danger of them slaughtering all of us. Does any one of you know this person? but you all have no problem stomping this person, you all go on hearsay...whisper on down the line. you know how that game goes. It is pretty pathetic of all you people to make accusations and none of you know why or what this person is going through..so hey guess what if I told you there is really a santa clause..the bad part..people believe anything they hear without knowing the facts.Read up on your confederate history people and don't believe everything you hear...
If she made the accusation, then it admits guilt on her part. She just prostituted herself for answers. She never finished the academy without cheating. Code of Ehtics violation. Why she still working?
you delete personal attacks? sound exactly like what your blog is doing to people you don't even know..so don't be a hypocrite and attack people just because someone told you something and you don't even know the truth or both sides of the story.
4:30, I do not disclose sources, but have several of them. I also have documents. I also joe have an admission by the guard in question to all but one charge.
I note your anonymous slur of Mr. Garcia. He served the county 33 years without one disciplinary matter. But Al Crivellaro, with the help of a stripper and heroin user, engineered the removal of a person with integrity. As one of my sources tells me, that is the correction officer's biggest weapon, not his gun. Crivellaro has so far attempted to remove two people who have integrity. What does he have? Connections. And a conviction. I am very comfortable with my story. It is very solid. In the meantime, Crivellaronis trying to get a raise.
Like minded coworker @ 5:30 ????
Please, another supporter of the Confederacy! For what reason? Would you like to succeed ?
Let's call it what it is.... the Confederate flag is nothing more than Redneck pride. It has no business in government and should not be represented by government employees who are required to treat everyone equally. Poor white America... having their birth rite of hate mongering speech and disgusting public displays of fear and supremacy taken away by liberals and logical thinking individuals.
5:38, I delete ANONYMOUS personal attacks, I sign my name and this is no personal attack. This is about whether it is appropriate for an ex heroin user and stripper to work as a corrections officer. This is about whether a person who attacks someone simply bc she is Muslim should be allowed to guard Muskim inmates. This is about whether a CO who repeatedly posts the Confederate Battle flag on Facebook should be allowed to guard black inmates. This is also a question of safety, both for her and other guards. As for her side of the story, she admitted most of this.
You said it , she lacks credibility
A few of Mezzacappa's anonymous slurs have been deleted.
I think people should also focus on the part of the story that involves Mr. Crivellaro. He has been a thorn of the prison and county administration for many years. Yet he still gets away with all his antics. Why?
" as far as not wanting the Syrian refugees wi"
Nobody gives a shot about your hatred of Syrian refugees or your belief that Wolf and Obama both suck. Knock yourself out with all your 2d amendment crap. You cross the line when you PUBLICLY castigate someone just because of her religion, which you did. You cross the line when you post the Confederate Battle Flag, not as a historical symbol, but to piss off black people. Since you guard black people who are Muslim, I question, where is your head? You work for the county, at least for now, and are sending a message of absolute hatred for the very people you guard. How you could do something so stupid is proof you should not be entrusted with that job.
Let's stick to the facts, slander or defamation of character can be very co$tly ! Be prepared ,as always have a happy today!
I am sticking to the facts. These are facts that have already been admitted by Madame X.
A much needed addition to your story.......
The recently retired warden got Madame X a job at the prison, he met her on one of his numerous motorcycle excursions. I think your overstating AC's role in this woman's hiring, as long as her criminal history, driving record and credit check all came back fairly clean and she didn't self report her drug use than he had zero reason to disqualify her.
Arnie matos may have opened the door, but why did Al volunteer to do the background check? Why didn't he question her failure to list any jobs between 1989 and 1996? And wothin a month of her hire, when her past became known, why was no action taken?
The door was opened by Warden Buskirk who met Madame X on one of his bike rides not Arnie Matos. Anyone who knows Al would also know that he never volunteers for anything, he was probably ordered to do the background check. Again the background check only consists of a credit check, criminal history, and driving record report, if they all come back basically clean he can't disqualify her. She was placed on paid leave but after an investigation that was handled at the courthouse she was allowed to return to work. Al is a very minuscule part of a much larger story.
Wait are you telling me someone got a county job without merit??? This is common practice and business as usual at NCP.
Bernie that is not true part of the background includes the investigation of her background in which al Crivillaro failed to do. Her employment history in which Mr Crivillaro failed to looked into it. Mr keen needs to end his bs with al Crivillaro as mentor and address issues accordingly.
That's is true Mr buskirk and Mr penchisen in fact recommended miss mH to be hired
Shame on them
Let's stick to Madame X. Out of respect for this person's privacy, I do not want initials used.
I think Mr Crivillaro is right maybe he was ordered by buskirk and penchisen to hired miss Madame x they belong to the same supremacy motorcycle club
The name you gave does not appear to match up with any "white only" motorcycle club, as one of my readers has already observed.
I think Mr Crivillaro is right maybe he was ordered by buskirk and penchisen to hired miss Madame x they belong to the same supremacy motorcycle club
Freedom riders is Madame x and buskirk world you will find this out shortly
This poor woman is another victim o9f the O'Hare hate blog and the poison posse. His buddy was fired so of course someone is forced to pay and he loves if it is a woman.
Sad, very sad!
"Freedom riders is Madame x and buskirk world you will find this out shortly"
If that is supposed to be a threat, you'll have to try harder.
9:36 you are right Al never volunteered for more work, but his game was to start doing investigations and get rid of Naugle. He headed the investigation against him for not completing his work. ( hence his 20 days off, Al recommended Termination) Al was trying to secure his job and show its importance. I know this for a fact
Is stripping illegal? I get the issues with drug use and prostitution -- those are valid disqualifiers. But even though every man strives to keep his daughter "off the pole" stripping is legal and all this tsk-tsking smacks of Victorian prudishness.
"Why didn't he question her failure to list any jobs between 1989 and 1996?"
Because that was over 20 years ago? Maybe some fields are different but I've learned to drop ancient history from my resume. It's not terribly relevant and can look dated or unfocused. Perhaps he asked about it in an interview and she said "I did odd jobs not relevant to my current occupation." Maybe she mowed lawns. Why would an employer care, if a rap sheet came up clean?
Anonymous (a different one) wrote: "That officer has every right to post a confederate flag because it has nothing to do with hating blacks, you people are ignorant and don't know anything about the civil war.it is a historical symbol, not a hatred symbol..."
I like when people don't know their history yet call others ignorant. The confederate flag is a symbol of hatred because racist groups resurrected it as a symbol of hatred -- the Klan in the 1920s and the anti-civil-rights crowd hoping to evoke those memories in the 1950s-60s. The racist connotations were entirely intentional. If you don't like it and wish the rebel flag stood for Southern pride, blame them.
7:11, who has dropped ancient history from her resume, does not last in any job for more than a few weeks before she is shitcanned or walks away.
The application requires a COMPLETE work history, Failure to provide it is dishonest.
7:07, According to the corrections officials with whom i spoke, it should be a disqualifier bc the person may be forced to deal with people she entertained.
It does sound like this is a case of questionable judgment and that the admission of prior drug use was underestimated. Those who have truly suffered through heroin recovery would have a much different story to tell.
How true in deed why did Miss Madame x kept it a secret? Her life is a lie, did al lied too? I would not be surprised, Mr keen believes al should be President
Mr keen believes al is a genious and Madame x is a victim of her own lies what a joke
you know what a real joke is..a blogger that has a history of lieing to a black man and got fired as a lawyer..and you people believe what this hypocrite writes..thats the real joke...
A former heroin user could easily become problematic in dealing with a drug using population in correction facilities.
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