Molovinsky at Allentown City Council |
If you ever want to run for public office, the last thing you should do is start a blog. Everything you say can and will be used against you. If you're anything like me, you'll give opponents plenty of ammo, too. Yet blogger
Michael Molovinsky, who is both uglier and nastier than I, woke up yesterday morning and decided to run for State representative. He's running in the 183rd against Julie Harhart, who already has Republican opponent Marc Grammes and Democrat Terri Powell.
"We are victimized by ingrained partisan politics, always putting special interests ahead of that of the citizen. We keep adding new revenue streams; lottery, casino, fracking, but never providing the homeowner with the promised tax relief. I have established a facebook page, Molovinsky For State Representative, which will be dedicated to the campaign."
Personally, I could never be a politician. I view them as prey.
He will get destroyed!!! He only garnered 3% of the vote when he ran for Allentown mayor in 2005. I predict he does even worse this time around. For a person that runs a blog about Allentown, why does he not run for office in Allentown? Oh I know why!! He does not live in Allentown!!
Yeh after what the mentor did to the campaigns of Alfonso Todd and Michael Donovan combined with his new part time radio gig Molovinsky stands no chance.
Little monkeys like to throw shit.
Ummmm....ask the Mayor what happened to certain campaign hopes.
I give him a great deal of credit for running and think that we have a richer process when people with conviction run for office. While Mike and my own political views are different, I wish him well and think the community benefits when someone with conviction decides to enter a race for office. The Trolls will troll as they always do. Alfonso Todd and Michael Donovan are both examples of individuals who decided to run because they cared about our community, not as part of some larger political career, I see Mike Molovinsky as someone who is running for similar reasons but with different perspectives. A rich political discourse is considered a fundamental aspect of our political process. I wish him luck.
He is a Zionist, who whines a lot.
Who even considers him living in Ms. Harhart's district? He is known by his Allentown blog. Very surprised he would do this. He forbids comments on his blog he doesn't like. Good grief. Would he even listen to voters? Doubt it
Apreil fools day was two weeks ago, but good try Bernie. You really have a sense of humor. "Molovinsky for State Rep". Now that is a good one.
April fools day was two weeks ago, but good try Bernie.
Monkeys throwing poo poo.
The Bigger Joke isn't Molovinsky running against Harhart its Michael Beyer, son of former State Rep Karen Beyer running against Justin Simmons in the 131st.This guy went to Law school, graduated but did not pass the Pa.Bar exam yet noted his occupation was a Lawyer on his petition for nomination. Someone cried foul and took him to court over that . Although he beat the rap he still lied about his occupation. Your not a lawyer if you havent passed the Bar.PERIOD!This guy hasnt gotten out of the gate yet and will be branded a liar. To make this more comical Beyer is 30 years old and NEVER held a job !!! He has no shot beating Simmons .ZERO!
Mr. Molovinsky,
Best of luck!
Peace be with you,
~~~Rev. alex joseph+
This is good news for...
Julie Harhart.
Now voters who don't like Harhart have a choice between two candidates. And Harhart needs less votes to win.
The only thing the Mental did was create greater coverage and give more credibility to Alfonso Todd and Michael Donovan. Also, thanks, Bill.
Alfonso Todd
Also, did the blog Mental mention no one speaks about his part time gig except him. SMH... Delusions pf grandeur running rampant... Congrats, MM. While others TALK, you DO...
Alfonso Todd
Alfundo, all the credibility you got from the "mental" sure didn't translate to votes but then again the pant saggers tend not to vote.
Which once again shows your lack of capacity to comprehend the BIG picture. While Blog Mental continues his mythological power schemes and believes he is ruining
reputations and stopping progress, many people like myself, Donovan and Molovinsky
know it was never about votes or a position. It
was always about the message and leading by example. Those saggy pants wearers you so eloquently stated with just a hint of mass generalization and raci, wether you like it or not, are residents and could be our future leaders. And You just happened to make our jobs easier with your constant public rants
and raves. For this, I thank you. You are better than TMZ.
Alfonso Todd
Alfonso Todd
The Blog Mentor courageously attacks black people as "pant saggers" in a bigoted display of hatred. Alfonso. You should've bring this matter to the attention of the local NAACPs. They might have a thing to tell Gunther about his taste in guests, or maybe Gunther is a bigot, too.
Wow. Look at the bigot cockroaches crawl out in the daytime! Good luck Mike. You have all the right enemies.
Gunther regularly reads MM's posts on the air. Race baiting is your regular game, Bernie. But that's a low blow - Even in response to that piece of shit who's name can't be mentioned, but is synonymous with shit. I guess you're another variety of the same foul weed. Too bad. Good luck Mike.
According to one source map, I am having difficulty determining what part of the 183rd crosses into Allentown...assuming MM still lives in the City. Did he move or am I just looking at a dated District map? Seems some of these Districts are carved around potholes in a State Highway.
The only low blow came from the Blog Mentor. He disparagingly referred to Todd supporters as pant saggers, adding they don't vote. The Blog Mentor was smearing Todd bc he happens to be black and made bigoted statements about Todd's supporters. I believe the NAACP should know that, according to the Blog Mentor, he is a regular guest on Gunther's radio show. Maybe Gunther wants to host bigots. I don't know. But the Blog Mentor just revealed his own true colors.
How dare you play the bigot card Mr. O'Hare. While you are telling Walsh about the guy you hate, why not tell Iannellii about his frequent guest Ron Angle who was condemned by both the NAACP and the anti-defamation league. he is both a bigot and an anti-Semite. You have no problem with that.
Translation: the Blog Mentor is a Bogor who is being courted by Gunther, and is now trying to deflect his own bigotry with some insensitive remarks made by Angle centuries ago, for which he apologized. Incidentally. Angle belongs to the NAACP. Had Angle referred to the black community as pant saggers who do not vote, he'd be lynched, and the Blog Mentor would supply the rope.
Thanks for making your feelings about the black community clear, bigot.
"We must recover from being the victim of Political Correctness . We can no longer tolerate being a poverty magnet. The taxes and grants, both state and federal, must be used as orginially intended; for the city’s infrastructure."
Taken from MolovinskyForMayor.com when he ran in 2005. Shocking views, Mike might wanna think about poofing that page.
2:24 pmThis last post is a good one as in my shithole allocations were made yet we still drink from lead lines from the main? Than as the political parasites say we are the cancer of allentown and must be removed? I have a clue for them because they have got it twisted around too there is no cure for cancer? When its growth starts in the very core of the people in positions they are there to represent, the cancer is a pussie boil on the ass of this all american city?
We have all seen this in a story first released on this blog by bernie as it happened in a state capitol bar? CAN'T TOUCH THIS
patent pending
"Taken from MolovinskyForMayor.com when he ran in 2005. Shocking views, Mike might wanna think about poofing that page."
So says someone who a few hours ago referred to black people as "pant saggers" who "tend not to vote."
I congratulate Michael Molovinsky for having the courage to sign his own name to his thoughts. I also admire him for stepping-up in a 'big boy' way to change things he sees necessary and placing his name on the ballot. He will have a tough time, however, as an Independent. The votes he gets will probably help Harhart by keeping those same votes from her major party opponent. That's too bad.
As for the Blog Mentor, well, he'll do his best to besmirch Mr. Molovinsky's open and adult-like behavior in taking on such a challenge. That's his right. But, for the most part, I'd say the 'jig is up' for the Blog Mentor. His anonymity is no longer so real. Sad case all around.
Fred Windish
Does the mentor pen all the vile comments on his hate blog?
Meanwhile in the 132nd, 133rd and 135th districts there is no opponents to the current representatives.
"Does the mentor pen all the vile comments on his hate blog?"
You should know what you write and what you don't. But you don't accept responsibility bc you are a coward.
MM you have a better chance of winning the powerball than getting elected,but you have my vote.
Fred Windbag
The Blog Mentor has taken time out from rolling on the floor and foaming at the mouth to attack a former colleague of his wife (for now).
Mr. O'Hare attacks a grieving father who lost his daughter but defends a certified bigot. That is right people, amazing isn't it.
The Blog Mentor is no grieving father. He's a cyber bully who has wished people would die, has posted thinly veiled threats and even has attacked the wives and children of his enemies. He believes in nothing and is propelled only by hatred of everyone else. He accuses MM falsely of lots of things. But the real Blog Mentor is the same person who referred to black people as pants saggers who don't vote. There's a truth bomb for 'ya. He spends day and night sending pointless and repetitive emails that only make him look more unbalanced. There's another truth bomb for 'ya. He creates names under which he posts comments bc nobody has any use for him. That's another truth bomb. Want the verifiable truth about this sicko? Spend a minute looking at his blog. But be sure to take soap bc you're gonna' need a shower. Everybody is on to him and his hate. I have no sympathy for this phony who uses his daughter as an excuse for being a disgusting , repulsive person.
He has my vote and all the boys down at the BurgerKing.
MM is running as a Republican, no? Isn't that the official position of the Republican party - that black people are "pants saggers" who are "takers" that "don't vote"?
Why the outrage? I thought 47% of the country was cool with that?
If the blog mentor actually lives in the same district as MM is running for office in he should man up and try and gather the votes to run as an Independent. Doubt he can get the signatures and even if he can, the real test will be when he goes head to head with his blogging nemesis and WPA guardian Michael Molovinsky.
But we all know the mentor is more concerned with his campaign of cyber terror and personal vendettas that good government. He's a phony, Mike Molovinsky is the real deal sign his petition if you're a voter in the 183rd.
12:10, no that is the official position of the Blog Mentor.
Just deletrd two anonymous comments from the Blog mentor, trashing MM.
MM is a Zionist, there is no lie in that statement.
I just wish the mentor would turn his grief into his music. Other artists have because his internet PR campaign is not working. His family tragedy breaks all hearts but have to wonder what Shenna would think at this point in time. Very sad. A rebirth in his music would be a fitting memorial
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