When Taschner and Sortino found out they were running against each other, the first thing they did was sit down and have lunch. It was a friendly race between two class acts. Tony wishes Jackie the best in her effort to win the seat.
Today's one-liner: "The shortest way to the distinguishing excellence of any writer is through his hostile critics." Richard LeGallienne
Too bad. This R thinks he's a class guy.
Arm twisting by Herr Shuman. Did he find a Republican candidate for County Executive yet?
Whoa! I just visited the MCall online and was scared off. The site is blacker than a thousand midnights.
Also, unlike here, I cannot post inane comment anonymously anymore. I've got to fill out a detailed questionnaire to have the "privilege." At least on LVR I can still post w/o revelaing my identity. Hopefully O'Hare isn't pulling a Big Brother routine.
7:56, BO is fine with your posts, just don't attack his mancrushes. Or the angry Priest.
Thanks! Appreciate the heads up.
But if you have a problem with me, you can discuss it here or email me. I like to think that I always keep an open mind. And you are always welcomed.
Peace, ~~Alex
So the million dollar question is, does Jackie automatically get the seat or does she have to wait?
If I can answer that question, will you give me a million dollars? Tony and I can split it.
Thanks alot smartass. I had to wait for the answer until this morning. I received the answer from the MC. I was surprised the ET didn't have the answer either. The answer to my question is, barring a successful write-in campaign by someone else, Jackie would get the post. Again, thanks alot, smartass.
Both Tony and Jackie were great candidates. I wish both of them the best
I have heard from a reliable source that the reason he withdrew was due to not passing the required test (2x) and being able to be certified.
In Mr. Sortino's defense I know more then a few people who failed or didn't pass the first time out. The test consists of essay and is very strict and open to very harsh review for correctness by the AOPC, ( which it should be IMO)
I am sorry to see him withdraw as he seems like an honest and stand up guy.
Jackie is also a full class act and the voters really couldn't lose with either candidate.
I know why Tony pulled out and it has nothing to do with his certification. He has a personal matter right now that demands a lot of his time, more than he can devote to a campaign. I will not go beyond that.
Don't the Democrats still have the opportunity to fill that vacated nomination?
Actually the Dems have until August 20th to fill that nomination according to the Election calendar... http://www.dos.state.pa.us/elections/lib/elections/020_election_calendar/2009electioncalendar.pdf
Yes, but why would they do that when Jackie Taschner is herself a Democrat?
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