If Northampton County is any indication, Eckhart's resolution should have smooth sailing next week. Last night, Northampton County adopted a resolution sponsored by Jerry Seyfried, objecting to the special election, variously estimated to cost anywhere between $100,000 and $375,000.
In addition to cost, Jerry noted the special election imposes an "unwarranted administrative challenge" on four counties, who will be forced to conduct two elections within 35 days. Moreover, because party bosses pick the candidates, the public is effectively denied the right to choose their own representatives.
Council member Charles Dertinger added another valid concern. "We don't know that all the voting locations - the thirty-six that are in Northampton County - will be available for this special election. So we're going to have people voting in one place on September 29th, and then another place perhaps on November 3rd. ... It's motivated by elements that are not at all appropriate."
Council member Joe Capozzolo is baffled by all the gerrymandering. "They should really fix the district. It looks like an octopus."
Council member Joe Capozzolo
Seyfried's resolution passed unanimously, 8-0. Council member Lamont McClure was absent. It opposes the scheduling of a special election "particularly because of the exorbitant cost to fill one vacancy and especially in light of the ongoing unprecedented Commonwealth of Pennsylvania budget impasse. Further, the Northampton County Council recognizes that special elections historically attract extremely low voter turnouts and that more should be done to increase voter turnouts rather than taking actions that essentially minimize voter turnout."
Copies of the resolution will be mailed to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor and the LV delegation to the General Assembly.
Dertinger agrees with Seyfrieds resolution which echo's Reibman concerns and now Dert is a hero.
You are predictable I will give you that.
I never called Dertinger a hero, nor do I believe that. I reported what happened and what was said.
All of them are right. The resolution passed 8-0. When these guys all agree people should stand up and take notice. NorCo Council got it right for once.
Sort of a no-brainer, don't you think. Let's see them tackle healthcare.
They all sound intelligent and reasonable. What's wrong with this picture? Seyfreid has ruined our County Council. We'll never get on Colbert again.
It's funny to watch these irresponsible taxing and spending whores suddenly feign fiscal responsibility.
We should name some money pit park after the whole lot of them.
It's Friday Bernie, Permission to change subject slightly, still political though.
Town Hall Meetings.
Heard on radio Senator Casey this month refuses to host any town hall meetings. Called his office to offer comment. Cannot reach a live human in three weeks. Maybe with your powerful political connections, you can?
p.s. May we ask the model of the video camera you used Wed night at Allentown city hall? Is it digital? We'd like to buy one.
Did you hear yesterday everyday citizen in Florida ruffed up shirt torn as he tried to speak at town hall meeting.
“There is unprecedented insurance reforms — things that have never been done,” said Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.), a member of the Health, Energy, Labor and Pensions Committee, which approved its health care bill last month. “In our committee, we had to vote, and 10 Republicans voted against all those insurance reforms — every single one of them. Not many people know that but if I have anything to do with it, they will know it.”
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0809/25891.html#ixzz0NUrWEOqO
Anon 7:10,
I used a flip cam and they are digital. They are inexpensive, about $40-50.
Anon 7:10,
I used a flip cam and they are digital. They are inexpensive, about $40-50.
There should be a position like a "Council President" that gets elected by the other councilmembers that is able to keep the meetings flowing and keep people reasonable and polite without getting out of line, and stick to the agenda the way Seyfreid's influence has done....too bad we don't have that because oh...wait....right...McHale
Thanks Bernie for the camera detail. Checking it out.
do you know who would have to pay for this special election, the four counties or the Commonwealth?
Ultimately its our tax money, but I was curious from which pot it will come.
Those elections are run bt county workers, who front the costs. I understand the state will pay us back.
BS election by the morally bankrupt GOP.
All the flip cams on that site, theflip.com, are $129.99 - $229.99.
Did I look at the correct site?
Peace, ~~Alex
Alex, That's the right site. I guess prices have gone up, but I got mine pretty cheap.
If you see another one for that cheap price again, can you pick me up one? I will reimburse you for the expense.
Peace, ~~Alex
Will do!
Cool beans!
Oh Alex, So glad you said that cz we thought we were pretty stupid with those flipvideo cameras since we too check out that site and $200 $150 were the charges.
but then again, we don't have Bernie's charm. gota call it as we see it.
while we all debate the cost of flip cams, a few hundred thousand dollars may be wasted to hold a special election a mere thirty five days before the regularly scheduled election.
So, which party preaches fiscal responsibility?? They both waste money if they see a perceived advantage.
"but then again, we don't have Bernie's charm"
The flip cams, which I purchased in Feruary and March, were somewhere around $40 each. They allow just 30 minutes of video. Looks like that model has been discontinued because the models I saw on the web page are for 60 and 120 minutes. My model uses cheap AA batteries, too.
Looks like the model I purchased has been discontinued, but there still are some $50 models exactly like the ones I purchased here: http://cameradeals.1001noisycameras.com/2009/06/30minute-white-flip-video-ultra-series-camcorder-for-50.html .
thank you for the flip camera info. checked them out and they were up there. now with your new suggestion will check that out. only need 30 min. that's enough. you got good video with that little camera, but please use caution if you plan to attend any of the town hall meetings. watched camera guy get thugged live on TV last night. maybe you should wear that scarf?
I do not appreciate your racially insensitive avatar. Please do not use it anymore.
Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.
If I want to post a picture of Humpty, that's what I'll do. I'm sure he'd be amazed to learn that depicting him is racially insensitive. What IS racially insensitive is your own comment, which notices and is shocked that the portrait I posted on my profile happens to be black.
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