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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Trump: The Neville Chamberlain of the US

Although he ducked questions about continued support for Ukraine in his debate with VP Kamala Harris, Trump has finally made clear where he stands. He stands with Neville Chamblerlain as an appeaser. Chamberlain allowed Hitler to absorb Austria and then Czechoslovaki. Only when der Fuhrer's Blitzkrieg stormed across Poland did Chamberlain realize how wrong he had been. As President, Trump would repeat that error with another dictator, Vladimir Putin.

On Tuesday, Trump painted Russia as a powerful military that routinely fights wars. And yesterday, from North Carolina, he declared that Ukraine's people are "dead," and, aside from Kyiv, the country has been destroyed. 

Ukraine has actually resisted Russian aggression for over two years. But Trump basically suggested that Ukraine is now in no position to negotiate. 

As noted at Fox, there are five reasons why we support Ukraine: (1) Supporting Ukraine prevents a larger conflict; (2) Ukraine is degrading a hostile Russia and diminishing its resources; (3) Supporting Ukraine prevents Russia from holding the world hostage to higher food and fuel prices; (4) Supporting Ukraine will make China think twice before invading Taiwan; (5) Supporting Ukraine supports the American values of democracy and freedom. 

I'll agree that, historically, the US has been isolationist. But in an age of hypersonic missiles, we can no longer rely on two oceans to keep us safe. Trump's foreign policy of isolationism actually endangers our own national security. 


Anonymous said...

Bernie your opinion means nothing you are one of the most ignorant people on the earth you voted for Biden and look how he screwed the American people plus you are deranged no question about it.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. I'm just blown away by how many people who should know better fail to grasp this.

Anonymous said...

So what the hell are we doing over there? We "support" them but we won't let them do what they need to do to win for fear of upsetting Putin? How long are we going to play this game? And if you think Kamala can handle Putin, Xi Jinping, and Iran, you've lost your marbles, Bernie!

Anonymous said...

Your analysis and conclusion would be more instructive when lay out Kamala Harris’ plan to manage that situation. At this time of choosing our next president we need to know how her leadership here would bring us to a better outcome.

Are you suggesting a Harris administration would put Russia in its place? That is, on the shelf never to be heard from again. What would doing that entail, and at what price to our own nation in terms of resources and American lives?

Anonymous said...

He's an imbecile. Cheney suggested that a new conservative party be formed. I assume she meant with people that are not insane.

Anonymous said...

Yes I agree we should provide more to the us than other countries. We given 55 + billions to Ukraine on a 2 year war. Russia does have a better military than Ukraine why should the American people keep bailing them out when we have enough of a problem here. I’m not saying his words are always correct but I’d rather have that them a weak administration that started all of the wars that we been funding. Let’s start putting Americans first.

David O'Connell said...

It’s just the right thing to do. Trump is a coward and it shows in his foreign policy.

Anonymous said...

Turn of NPR. Stop copying and pasting the warmonger crap. Are you willing for your grandson to go? If not, STFU with the war stuff. You don't have the guts to let this comment through. That's what's wrong with chickenhawks like you.

Anonymous said...

This is perhaps your dumbest post ever.

First, when you say Trump is Neville Chamberlain, do you mean like Obama, Biden and Harris were silent when Russia walked in and took Crimea from the Ukraine back in 2014?

Second, the Ukraine is not going to defeat Russia. Anyone who believes that is a fool. At best our support of Ukraine is extending an unwinnable war and extending the suffering of the Ukrainian people.

Next, if you believe that our support of Ukraine is keeping Russia from holding the world hostage with higher food and fuel prices, you’re economically illiterate. Russia is earning record revenues for the oil it exports, and Europe (and the rest of the world) is paying for it. Less supply equals higher prices, that’s Econ 101.

More importantly, increasing our involvement and allowing the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia is sleep-walking us into WW3. What would our response be if Russia were supplying arms and munitions that were being used to directly attack the US homeland? It is a matter of when, not if, we pay the price for the Biden-Harris stupidity in this regard.

Trump laid the groundwork for the US to get out of the forever wars. Biden and Harris then botched the Afghanistan withdrawal and quickly put us into a new war in the Ukraine.

Harris also wants to bring back the draft, this time including our daughters as well as our sons. That’s a hard no for me. I don’t trust Harris to lead a tennis team, and certainly not our military.

I’ll take peace with Trump over a world war with Harris any day of the week.

Anonymous said...

Wow! One day Trump is Hitler reborn, the next, Neville Chamberlain! Churchill can’t figure which way to turn in his grave. We must remember that American foreign policy is built on that continuing desire for “never ending wars”. The Ukraine is an ideal candidate. Our ally lacks sufficient fortifications, has an increasing manpower shortage and faces a resilient Russian enemy. There is no realistic end game, only reliance on American deep pockets.. Ukraine will ultimately lose. Our policy: Just throw more money at the war and lightly escalate. The problem is the money only exacerbates our weak debt position and escalation has exhausted our higher technology. There is no more technology to give so let’s give manpower. France and England are willing to contribute troops with our own Defense Department teasing an investment of advisers. We didn’t learn from Vietnam to Afghanistan that policy needs to be developed around a realistic end goal, which this conflict lacks. Take the Time Machine back to 2020 when this war didn’t exist. The U.S. was pursuing an energy policy that had the potential to flood the world with cheap oil and natural gas. The policy limited the financial and military power of Russia and was bankrupting Iran. It really guaranteed the peace. We need to harness our economy to accomplish these ends instead of relying on never ending conflicts. I am amazed at our demand for a peaceful negotiation in the Middle East while never hearing the concept in Ukraine.

Anonymous said...

Once again, your hate is showing. Truth is trump/harris - we're screwed either way. seriously considering writing in Aunt Jemima

Anonymous said...

When Trump wins by a landslide in November I hope demented assholes like you shut up. You and the rest of the fake media are the scum of the earth.

Anonymous said...

More nonsense from the intelligence community which has been mostly wrong. Ukraine is ruined, their young dead and the next step is WW3,. all in an effort to prevail in their mistaken Ukraine project. Lots of parrots out there to keep repeating this disastrous miscalculation and embarrassment.

Anonymous said...

This is so exciting! Let's keep supporting Ukraine with our dough, and now let's add US service personnel to the waste pile! I never imagined that 53 years after coming home, I would be able to play Vietnam all over again, from the comfort of my Laziboy, TV, and snack tray. Thanky you Democrats!!! Hair-ass and the White Dude Project 2025! Yay!

Anonymous said...

Keep feasting on that bowl of cherries, forget the smell and bad taste. its the real truth.

Anonymous said...

You would think foreign policy isn't a topic Democrats would want to bring up. Afghan withdrawal, two wars currently going on, China ready to take Taiwan, Houthis shooting rockets left and right is just to name a few. Lastly how many embassies have been evacuated on Biden/Harris watch? I challenge anybody to answer because I lost count. Didn't Trump sign peace deals and no new wars. Can somebody fact check me?

Bernie O'Hare said...

12:41, Do I think Kamala can handle Putin and other autocrats. She did a pretty good job handling Trump, so I'd say Yes.

Anonymous said...

Sure Bernie no wars under Trump on the verge of World War 3 under Biden and Harris

Bernie O'Hare said...

6:43, There is nothing inconsistent about what I have written. When it comes to foreign policy, Trump is the great appeaser, perhaps even worse than Chamberlain. He would not only abandon Ukraine to a hostile Russia but would also abandon our closest allies. He even said he would encourage Russia to go ahead and attack them. This makes our word, codified in treaties, worthless. He embraces dictators and abandons allies.

When it comes to domestic policy, Trump is more akin to a fascist like Hitler. He would arrest millions of immigrants, including those who are here legally. He and his cult have also been vilifying those who disagree with him, including Democrats and some Rs. Hitler painted Jews as the subhuman OTHER, and Trump does that to immigrants. He undermines institutions that can take him to task for criminal behavior, like the press and DOJ. The only one you are allowed to believe is him.

Foreign policy? Chamberlain.
Domestic policy? Hitler.

Bernie O'Hare said...

7:14, See my comment above.

Bernie O'Hare said...

8:09, I am happy to bring it up. Our actual withdrawal from Afghanistan was botched. No way to sugarcoat. But why were we withdrawing in the first place? Because Trump agreed with Taliban terrorists that we would get out. The US does not deal with terrorists, but Trump wanted to invite them to Camp David. He set an unrealistic timeline as well. We left too son, and the evidence of that is the way women there are now being treated. Of course, we know how Trump feels about women.

Trump has demonstrated he would refuse to abide by treaties and would ignore our allies. This only emboldens hostile forces like China, Russia and Iran. Our word will mean shit, as it did when he was President. He even blackmailed Zelensky and withheld aid unless Zelensky would go after Biden.

Bernie O'Hare said...

8:28, "There were dozens of global conflicts while Trump was President, most notably wars in Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Trump dropped more bombs on Syria and Yemen than any other President. U.S. monthly bombing in Syria quadrupled in the first months of Trump's Presidency, and continued at that rate throughout his term. His $100 Billion dollar arms deal with the Saudis resulted in a bombing campaign with tens of thousands of Yemeni civilian deaths. The Saudi incursion into Yemen resulted in 85,000 Yemeni children starving to death." https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/trump-claims-no-new-wars-despite-a-legacy-of-endless-wars-and-atrocities-on-his-watch/ar-AA1mPklP#:~:text=The%20Republican%20talking%20point%20originated%20with%20the%20Russian

You are parroting a lie. But I'll agree that Trump will abandon our allies while cozying up to dictators. I really hope you can wake up.

Anonymous said...

We must understand these ongoing proxy wars with no end in sight represent big money to our military/industrial complex. Not only that, but Ukraine being one of the most corrupt governments on Earth, our politicians can count on some of this ‘important’ spending of our tax dollars to be laundered back into the hands of American politicians to fund their campaigns and enrich family members.

Ukraine does NOT have the ability of its own to produce, launch, and direct longer range missles deep into Russia as has now begun over there. WE, AMERICA, are providing that firepower and ability, not Ukraine! Russia understands this and has announced it considers nations like us to be enemy combatants, stating there will be consequences.

YES, we are being foolishly driven closer to World War 3. Russia has its own proxy nations, including Iran. What’s to prevent one of those Iranian savage groups from launching something of their own at Russia in a ruse to kick everything off?

Anonymous said...

Our own government is propagandizing this entire matter. Sadly, too many of our fellow citizens are falling for all of it. Thanks to our lying, complicit, legacy news media outlets.

Anonymous said...

Except for lies, hate, conspiracy theories, bigotry, racism and even more lies, what exactly does Trump have to offer?

Bernie O'Hare said...

8:52, Listen to yourself. You state our government is lying to us. You state that the media is lying to us. The only one you can believe is the LEADER, even when he contradicts himself or tells blatant lies. This is an indication that you are a cultist, not a patriot or a conservative.

Anonymous said...

Trump gets a semi when he talks about Putin. It's beyond disgusting that a current candidate for POTUS can openly lust over dictators. What happened to the Republican Party of Reagan's era? He is rolling in his grave. How can anyone be ok with Trump cozying up to a Commie Dictator/adversary like Putin?

Anonymous said...

Wow, Neville Chamberlain and Adolf Hitler all rolled into one! BO, you're spinning like a top and shooting in all available directions. It's almost as if you've out-sourced your blog posts to letter writers to the Morning Call.

Anonymous said...

Handle Putin? Yeah, sure she can. He's obviously as compliant as Intellectual liberals and the Press (but I repeat myself). How exactly did she "handle" Trump? Do you expect her "favorability" ratings from a one hour debate have Putin quaking in his boots? And what ever happened to that debate bounce, anyway?

Anonymous said...

You have it backwards- Putin endorsed Harris. The Biden/Harris foreign policy of appeasement has the world on fire! When Putin saw the disgraceful, embarrassing, and deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan, he knew it was time to strike! He knew better when Trump was in the White House. Russia, China, and Iran are now partners, and are laughing at us! Iran wants to destroy US and Israel, and we keep kissing their ass. NOBODY respects Us- They'll walk all over Harris!

Anonymous said...

Heading to work one of my two jobs, and hearing reports of sending another $8 billion to Ukraine, while Zelensky's wife shops on Fifth Avenue. This is what you support. You have no decency. You better never bitch about money for the needy. Why do you hate working people?

Anonymous said...

No one knows what Trump plan is. It's all speculation as he obviously can't share it. But what we do know is Harris does not have the strength and respect to deal on the world stage considering the present situation that she was part of how we got here. If Iran and Russia want Harris that should make every American wonder why????

Bernie O'Hare said...

10:09, According to Russian officials, that was meant as a joke. He actually disparaged Harris in his "endorsement." Putin wants the appeaser, who will give Russia, China and Iran everything they want while breaking treaties with our allies, as he said he would do with NATO.

Bernie O'Hare said...

10:18, The "shopping at 5th Avenue" claim is disinformation. https://www.newsweek.com/olena-zelenska-first-lady-ukraine-million-dollar-shopping-trip-new-york-cartier-

And I completely support more aid to Ukraine. It keeps us from sending our own troops, enhances our national security and protects our NATO allies while supporting a Western-style democracy.

Anonymous said...

Harris’ debate performance has been ridiculed up and down, all around the world. She essentially said nothing and was given cover by the ABC moderators.

There was no debate bounce. In truth, she lost support. No matter, though the news media is trying hard to convince us the race is virtually tied. We are supposed to get the impression a win by her is plausible, even if she actually benefitted from what is anticipated to be more election funny business.

Anonymous said...

Relax people.

Bernie’s unceasingly ignorant contributions to his own blog is a good sign that he’s becoming increasingly concerned about the pending election. He parrots the mainstream media and sounds more like Oprah and Behar than any type of academician.

The post debate bounce has evaporated for Harris and Trump is polling stronger pre-election than he did in states that he barely lost against Biden.

Harris continues to evade serious interviews and giggles and cackles her way through friendly banter. On the rare occasion that she actually attemps to make a point, she repeatedly nods her head up a down to convince those listening that she might have a clue about…..anything.

Keep up the attacks Bernie. We get it now.

Anonymous said...

Still waiting on the embassy count and you to address the peace deals. Last question. If he "emboldens hostile forces like China, Russia" your words not mine. Why didn't Russia go into Ukraine on his watch and is the Reuters article below emboldening Russia? How about the New York Times article. You can choose



Anonymous said...

No one including yourself ever expresses compassion for all the young Ukrainians trapped into a proxy conflict between Russia and the U.S.. Ukraine was sucked into this mess by Biden and his handlers and now have no way out without being disgraced. Many more dead Ukrainians are better for them and, you I guess, than admit failure and misjudgment.
Russia has no need for anything in the West only to be left alone, the reality is Europe will decline without Russian resources, which they were buying at very fair prices. Russia has many more customers in the other part of the world.

Anonymous said...

Bernie, Speaking of cozying up to dictators is this an example? You seem to be the expert.

Bernie O'Hare said...

11:39, Vladimir Purin could not have said it better himself.

Anonymous said...

You nailed it.

Anonymous said...

Stop the buffoonery. The point is, no American soldiers are there, right? Our sons and daughters are not being sent. Did you miss that part of the policy? It's not warmongering to allow a weaker nation to fight for its own survival when under attack from a neighbor. You'd rather they surrender, even though we aren't doing the fighting? That's plain chicken.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mister Fantasy, play us a tune...

Anonymous said...

Not sure where you live, but see the Harris signs all over Nazareth? Trump is going to lose AGAIN, and then just like last time, he's going to whine and moan and lie about it incessantly forever like he always does, because he is a sniveling small-handed silver-spoon brat.

Anonymous said...

Trump apparently has the concept of a plan is what you are telling us.

Anonymous said...

Love all these peaceniks spouting their Pro Trump, straight from Moscow propaganda.

Its a fact - Putin has injected misinformation into our society thru right wing media and websites. Don't sugar coat anything or bother hiding behind your fear of war, you are simply doing another country's bidding against the better interests of your own.

You are not a "Patriot" you are not a "Proud American". You are literally a tool, a traitor, or the most gullible, easily influenced moron on the planet if you support Russia over Ukraine and live in the United States, which to be honest I don't think some of the idiot posts above are from.

Anonymous said...

Why do you and Putin and Dick Cheney support Harris? Curious.

Anonymous said...

Bernie is listening to Russian officials. That make you a colluder and a puppet for Russia. Maybe we should get a special council to investigate you. Isn't that what we learned over the past couple years. Democrats rules not mine

Anonymous said...

Now we're sending troops! WTF
Calm down Francis. If you fail to understand why this conflict is so vital to our national security, you won't get it. For starters, what better way to assess the capabilities of our weapon systems against a real foe? Let's not miss the fact that the Marines were ahead of the curve in phasing out heavy tanks. Would you rather have our military find this out when your grandson is on the battlefield?

Anonymous said...

I guess BOH kinda proved you wrong on this one. How does your own foot taste?

Anonymous said...

But Putin supports Harris, as do you. What's up with that?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you need a hug. Life is short, don't expedite your date with death with all the hate. The sun will come up tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

2:52 Can you point to Putin's endorsement of Harris? It would stand to reason, Putin would rather have Trump in office, since he is going to stop all funding for Ukraine's self-defense and pull us out of NATO, than Harris who (along with NATO) will continue to supply Ukraine with the weapons it desperately needs.

Anonymous said...

10:18 --> It's not like you think. We are essentially selling weapons to the Ukrainian government, which grows our industrial base.

US Military Support for Ukraine is Helping Put American Industry Back on Track

Anonymous said...

Didn't Zelensky cancel elections? Yes he did. This is your guy?

Anonymous said...

Screwed how? I'm MUCH better off than I was 4 years ago.

Anonymous said...

"Thanks to our lying, complicit, legacy news media outlets." Just because you don't agree or want to believe it doen't make it less true or factual. Maybe its just that your worldview is incorrect having been fed bullshit for a decade plus via AM Radio and FOX News...

Anonymous said...

You must have noticed, Democrats never seem to list specific reasons why Harris is more capable than Trump. All they can manage is to simply attack Trump and hit him with baseless allegations. They then finish with the usual and juvenile name-calling. Happens all the time! Once you see it, you can never again un-see it.

Anonymous said...

Ridiculed by who? Name names and don't say Tucker, Elon, Putin or Viktor Orban because they don't count. I mean if you've kept your head in your own fart chamber I guess you could talk yourself into thinking she actually lost support, but hopefully your family, friends, clergy and neighbors will tell you that you've lost touch with reality. I will pray for you.

Anonymous said...

You choose to call them "baseless" yet many, if not most, of the allegations are matters of fact. Those reasons demonstrate that Trump is incapable of leading an entire nation, not just those who buy his flags, posters and massage oils. He is out for only himself and has sold this country out to Putin and Saudi Arabia. The juvenile name-calling you cite is incredibly ironic coming from the F Your Feelings crowd, never seen MAGA do anything like that have we?

Anonymous said...

Bernie it is time to retire just the guy you voted for in 2020.

Sauvo Javo said...

Bernie makes these posts on occasion to flush out the crazies.

P000tin only listens to Xi and Xi won't let him use the nukes Vladdy keeps threatening to unleash. In this regard, Xi is a better statesman than anyone in the West. Congress and the State Dept. are made up entirely of Chamberlains and the leaders of Europe are even more feckless.

Anonymous said...

Please explain how that is possible

Anonymous said...

Gotta give you some credit here, Bernie. Half the posts appearing under today’s topic would normally not have made it to print. It’s so much more enlightening to come here daily to hear all opinions, pro and con. That’s in the interest of actual public service!

Anonymous said...

Give me a break. Obamacare pretty low on the list of things to do. No he's not going to play his cards to us. What impact would that have. Seriously??????

Anonymous said...

I'll bet that was the first thing that popped into your head

Anonymous said...

Trump just had a news conference and imagine answered press questions!!! He also when asked said he wasn't sharing how he'd handle this situation. Clearly it would be insane to share. So we should all stop speculating! Harris had a one on one interview again. Not able to answer a question strongly more word salads. Today holistic was the word of the day. Not sure how people really feel she is ready to be our president when she is incapable of answering simple questions

Anonymous said...

Not quite, 4:26. My observations are based upon years of intensive research experience. I don’t rely on commercial outlets, finding it to be smaller investigative teams who are more likely to uncover truth for truth’s sake alone. Lots of time spent on internet reading actual, unedited documents and taking in legitimate audio and video captures. It’s all out there, but one has to dig for it.

Anonymous said...

Bernie is so deranged by Trump he is going to vote for the dumbest every to run for President.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is I watched Kamala get interviewed by a sycophant and she couldn’t handle it. Not presidential at all. I’m looking for a reason to vote for either one of these idiots and can find none.

Anonymous said...

Trump is meeting with Zelensky tomorrow. I think it was foolish of him to attend a blatant political event in Scranton. He should be neutral and try to make Trump see things his way. Bernie, I don’t like Trump, but you have a so much hatred for him. It’s really unbecoming of you and it takes away your credibility.

Anonymous said...

The Russians are getting us back by infiltrating the Internet and influencing inbreeds like you. The great depression was stopped by building up the war machine to aid the UK. The great USA stopped the war under Truman a lackluster VP. Imagine that a hat maker. It takes a village,a qualified administration to do great things. Trumps an appeaser, his way or no way. We stood up to Krueschov in 1962 can do Putin now. Trumps a liar and loser.

Anonymous said...

it's their only play- except for abortion.

Anonymous said...

this blog is now the DNC ramblings

Anonymous said...

Same here. Things are much better for me than they were before 2020.

Anonymous said...

Harris is not a convicted criminal. That does it for me.

Bernie O'Hare said...

4:21, Ukraine is being attacked daily so elections are pointless right now. It is martial law.

Bernie O'Hare said...

7:02, I don't hate anyone. I love my country and believe Trump is the worst possible candidate for any office. As I explained, his domestic policy is one that appeals to your dark sides. It is nativism, isolationism and protectionism. His foreign policy is one that appeases dictators while alienating allies. He has already threatened to ignore treaty obligations, which must make Taiwan feel secure. But aside from his flawed foreign and domestic policy, what bothers me more than anything is his flawed character. He is an adjudicated rapist, was found guilty of multiple felonies by a Manhattan jury, lies almost nonstop and is one of the biggest narcissists I've ever seen. So No, I don't like him. I would have no credibility at all if I pretended otherwise.