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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Following the Money: NorCo Controller's Race

Northampton County Council member Tara Zrinski defeated Nadeem Qayyum in the primary race for the Democratic nomination. Northampton County Council member John Cusick ran unopposed for the GOP nod. The general election in November will be between Zrinski and Cusick. 


Zrinski started her race with $2,325.18 left from her failed campaign for the state senate. Her pre-primary finance report and post primary finance reports reveal that she raised raised $18,139, giving her $19,622.18. She spent $20.464.18, leaving her with $$126.05 as of June 5. 

She received $5,750 from trade unions. She also accepted money from the very people she will be required to hold accountable if elected as Controller. She accepted $1,000 from County Exec Lamont McClure as well as donations from County Council candidates Kelly Keegan and Ken Kraft. In addition to the usual spending for signs and mailers, Zrinski also paid $1,525 for unnamed "field staff."  Pennsylvania law requires that these persons be identified by name and address so that we, the public, can follow the money. 25 P.S. §§ 1626(a) and (b). I dislike the idea of someone walking around on election day with a wad of cash to throw at unnamed people. Zrinski's failure to identify the recipients of this largesse is, at the very least, sloppy accounting. It's certainly strange behavior from someone who wants to be Controller.  


Cusick has formed no committee and is reporting as a candidate. His pre and post primary finance reports show that that he started his campaign with no money, and contributed $2,500 to his own campaign. His main expense was the purchase of campaign signs for $2,155.90. He has $35.29 going iinto the general election. 


peterjcochran said...

Anybody running for that office should have a public credit report on file.

Anonymous said...

She should return any money from any person whose public affairs she'll oversee. Why would Lamont seek to compromise himself and her? Dirty.

Cuthbert said...

Sloppy work by Zrinski. She should withdraw from the race. She's a feckless lunatic, besides.

Anonymous said...

She is already compromised. Why labor unions give her money is a puzzle. Political incest.
She has done nothing for them. This looks like good old machine politics at work. Handing each other cash to create a political machine in the county government.