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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Monday, November 29, 2021

Pa Department of Health Continues to Misinform

Hours after being made Prime Minister, Winston Churchill was brutally honest. “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.” This inspired people instead of discouraging them. He would admit his mistakes along the way as well. After the successful evacuation of most of the British Army at Dunkirk, he warned, “We must be very careful not to assign to this deliverance the attributes of a victory. Wars are not won by evacuations.” Churchill, unlike many of today's leaders, understood that honesty is the best policy in the face of any public crisis. In the case of a pandemic, it's also important to be accurate. Pennsylvania's Department of Health (DoH) has really failed on that count. 

Steve Thode, who has assumed the unenviable burden of monitoring its missives, points out the DoH's most recent misinformation. 

Thode observes, "DoH data personnel continue to demonstrate their inability to master 3rd grade arithmetic. On Tuesday, they reported 73.7% of Pennsylvanians 18+ were fully vaccinated. On Wednesday, that percentage shrank to 68.8%. How does someone become unvaccinated? No one at DoH seems the least bit curious."


Anonymous said...

How about there are more people in that age group than they thought?
Perhaps headline writers are not scientists or math whiz's?
The reptilian alien secret overlords decided to cull the Pa population of vaccinated 18+ a little?
Also the State may be weeding out false/incomplete reports of vaccination.- ex-- reported as fully vaccinated yet only has one of a two part vaccine can be verified.
Most likely the population number increased and the newest percentage is the best info to date.

Anonymous said...

This was in the paper over the weekend. Nothing truly nefarious or incompetent going on - same process will be happening with other states.


Bernie O'Hare said...

It most certainly is incompetent.

Anonymous said...

Ever since this entire Covid episode began, reporting of data has been suspicious. By now, I think most Americans agree. Also, whatever data was put forth was through the lens of politics. To influence public opinion in a certain way.

We’ve had to deal with conflicting data analysis by County, State, Federal, and Global entities. To make matters worse, our news agencies, networks, pundits, etc. ran with whatever data best suited management. Readers, viewers, listeners locked on to whatever suited them and called anyone with a differing assessment a ‘Conspiracy Theorist.’ Such labels always were, and still are, ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

The vaccination rate in PA was underreported from the get go. This information was obtained from more than one legislator in Harrisburg. I'm not going to speculate as to why it was underreported, but it was.

Anonymous said...

Another example of the State's incompetence can be found in the Morning Call front page article on Saturday (sorry, my only link is behind a paywall).

It was curiously entitled "Pa.'s vaccinated largely avoiding COVID-19 woes - Numbers show some states haven't been as fortunate."

Despite the headline, the article basically said PA has no clue what the data show for vaccinated Pennsylvanians. One can only speculate as to where the headline writer's mind was, but the article makes it clear that PA has no idea what the "granularity" of the data indicate with regard to breakthrough cases in the vaccinated. Presumably, the data trends in other states hold, but you wouldn't know it from PA's data.

Anonymous said...

Whatever! It disgusting that we don’t have 80 - 90% vaccinations for our people.

I would like to see those who are not vaccinated at this time, without medical reasons, be confined to home. It’s American to do what is good for the country. I believe people were wiser in the days of Churchill, today Americans are stupid.

Do the research, there are 50 countries that have a better vaccinated rate then USA, by the way those countries also have a higher standard of living for the masses.

So instead of complaining about + or - 5% let complain about what matters. Cheaper medical costs, higher wages, better defined pension benefits, less taxes for those whose accumulated wealth at retirement is less than 5MM, BETTER SAFETY NET for those laid-off, higher taxes on those judges and lawyers and small businesses owners - 45% for those wage earners over 450K. Lastly,charge those who do no get vaccinated for their health care after March 2022.

Anonymous said...

Is this really a topic of concern? It was the holiday weekend so maybe that is why we are trying to digest the states over and under reporting of data? It's PA...we know we are ten years behind the leading edge states. Remember..we are a RED state now and all bets are off regarding the truth of any issue with tainted pronouncements from our friends in HBurg. Be vigilant and safe out there.

Anonymous said...

Now that we've entered the booster phase, will the un-boostered eventually be considered unvaccinated, or no longer fully vaccinated after a certain time elapses from their second CoViD shot? I doubt this explains the screwy numbers. But I wonder if it's just a matter of time before this fight begins.

Anonymous said...

The CDC has corrected PA's numbers for duplicates:


Bernie O'Hare said...

This post has nothing to do with climate change

Anonymous said...

With the data constantly being pumped out, and changing constantly, how is possible for the average reader to utilize such information?

Anonymous said...

Bernie, it was a one-line comment that you chose to focus on at the end of a very much on topic post. My point was that, to certain individuals, any attempt to scientifically question obviously incorrect data is sacrilege and an assault on science itself.

Seems like kind of a weak reason to block a post.

Bernie O'Hare said...

You get deleted bc you twist data to play politics. I also detest the demeaning references to those who take Covid-19 seriously. I used to point out how you twist things. Now I just delete you.

Anonymous said...

Government--What else is new?