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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Controller Wants NorCo to Tighten Eligibility List For Vision Benefits

Northampton County Controller Richard Szulborski and his staff recently completed an audit of the county's vision benefits. The good news is that no evidence of duplicate claims or claims paid for individuals who are ineligible. The bad news is that 72 people are listed on the eligibility list who don't belong there.

Though this is a problem, it's a big improvement over the last audit, when it was determined that 466 ineligible people were on the eligibility list.

Human Resources Director Elizabeth Kelly said she will strive to remove ineligible individuals with periodic reviews.

In 2017, Northampton County paid $39,000 for vision claims and an additional $7,500 in administrative fees. It also reimbursed AFSCME an estimated $36,000 for individuals covered a separate union plan.

Szulborski's lead auditor on vision benefits is Anthony Sabino. His audit manager is Paul Albert.


Peter J.Cochran said...

Today , HR has responsibilities that most employees of employers have no thought of. Constant updates ,remaining contracts and somebody trying to sneak in their sisters husband on a medical plan ,Workers Comp. , EEOC, payroll , heart and lung ,testing,and it goes on and on if done right. They should be doing credit checks and criminals backgrounds on every body employed,that includes appointed positions. To not do so is malfeasance. The cheapest way to screen prospective employees is to require they produce a valid license to carry firearm along with appropriate other documents from occupational history. That would separate out a lot of problems . Somebody’s going to beat me up over this last statement . But, wait and see who is overall more correct in long run.

Anonymous said...

Yes reqyuiorte8ng county employees to have a permit to carry a gun is crazy. You are crazy. You really are in need of some help.

Peter J.Cochran said...

See, I have no statement or statements that says “county employees “. Hang a shingle out that says Psych Dr.and see how much money you can make,reqyuiore8ng no name. 4:51 .