From the NSA leak to the IRS scandal, it's safe to say that the Obama administration is in a bit of trouble, something that seems to happen to every second-term President. When government employees begin taking the Fifth, instead of drinking it,you know there's a problem.
So naturally, the LV Tea Party has just issued a dissonant rhapsody, calling for the abolition of the IRS, EPA, Department of Education and every frickin' government agency not spelled out in the Constitution.
They claim that they are "We, the People," too, just like the Fake Rev!
An Open Letter to all Congressmen and Senators:
The Lehigh Valley 9-12 Project/Tea Party Group, representing constituents in Lehigh and Northampton counties in Pennsylvania, echoing Tea Party sentiments across the nation, is writing to you regarding the recent White House scandals that have been highlighted in the press recently. Benghazi, IRS Intimidation, HHS Donation Scandal, Fast and Furious, the Department of Justice Phone Tap and as of today the NSA PRISM scandal. It is unclear how many more wrongdoings will be uncovered. However all the scandals we know about are examples of this administration's abuse of power and blatant failure to accept responsibility for these abuses.
The First Amendment of the Constitution reads “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” In the past six weeks, we have seen every part of this inalienable right trampled and abandoned. This is not a Left or Right issue that can be ignored at will, this is an American problem that defies the American people's basic constitutional rights and it needs to be fixed.
These controversies are the result of lies, cover-ups and gross incompetence. The American people deserve the truth! We the people say “No More!” We demand that our representatives in Washington stop putting party politics and ideology ahead of public interest. We demand that public investigations be done thoroughly and with due diligence and have justice served swiftly to those involved in these usurpations and atrocities, no matter how high up the chain of command that these violations go.
For too many years, the American people have sat idly by and watched their individual rights and freedoms slowly erode away. To quote Senator Rob Portman of the Senate Finance Committee, “The Tea Party was right, the government has overstepped its bounds!” We demand a vote of no confidence against any and all public servants that have allowed governmental agencies be used for intimidation.
We respectfully petition you to take steps to eliminate the Internal Revenue Service, Department of Education, the Environmental Protection Agency and every governmental agency that is not constitutionally mandated so that they may never be used to intimidate any American citizen again. We call on you to take steps to eliminate and defund every agency and program that stifles the principles of free enterprise, individual rights and free will and return those powers to the states as outlined in the 9th and 10th Amendment.
We simply ask that you honor your oaths to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.
Respectfully Submitted,
The Lehigh Valley Project 9-12/Tea Party Group
Joan Campbell, Chair
PO Box 91011 Allentown PA 18109
I doubt there use of the "9-12" project will catch on. They will always be known as those lovable teabaggers. Sorry guys, no do overs. Your bad on that one. Besides all those signs with Obama as a Zulu, will always be your trademark. Just as your creation right after he was elected.
As to all this angst, they do realize that except for the IRS, this is all fallout form Bush right? The fact that some Dem's supported the Patriot Act an all the fallout from it doesn't change the fact the Darth Vader Cheney and his hand puppet started this mess.
Libya probably wouldn't even be an issue if we didn't decide we needed to kill Sadam Hussein because Baby Bush wanted to prove his #$@% was bigger than his dads.
Sorry guys,you are nuts. I am sad that there is such a divide in the country but as long as the googoo Democrats drink the MSNBC crap and you spout the Fox shadt, we are fractured.
Someone told me the other day that Obama is our first Socialist President. I stated he made a pretty crappy Socialist. Besides, I though Clinton was our first Socialist President, no that would be FDR. Or wait Wilson?
Oh never mind you get the point.
Century 3000 Project
Even if I accept your statement that all the scandals trace back to Bush, at what point does Obama accept responsibility for ANYTHING?
We're now into his second term and Obama still acts like a bystander. That's weak.
You are correct that these failures started under President George W Bush. However, President Obama has choose to continue and expand upon these acts. His platform was for a more responsible and transparent government. We see today that is bunch of BS.
This country needs needs a full political overhaul and we need need to elect leaders who not only represent the people but protect our Bill of Rights.
Because if they take away and continue to violate out civil rights, this government will fall like Rome.
what is a "teabagger"?
One who lives off "Fox News" and its various talk shows. All other media is co-opted and biased to liberal socialists. Only a Mad Australian is telling the truth.
Republican extremists who think there was a time when Government was not involved in their lives. Who forget that right after the American Revolution President Washington led American soldiers to put down a tax rebellion in western Pennsylvania.
People with no real sense of history but one of images of the 1950's properly rose colored for effect. They are shocked that people would elect a president who is a Muslim born in Kenya of a black communist father. Did I mention he is black.
They are loud and angry and without humor. They wear funny tee-shirts, wear funny hats and often carry funny signs. Many collect various government checks while railing against the government "being involved in their Medicare.
Mostly harmless creatures they can sometimes pose a threat as they did when in Northampton County they almost dumped the county nursing home.
Fortunately good people woke up and stopped their damaging ways.
Drugs are bad, 2:35.
I ' m sorry you are brainless. no group were they are conservative or liberal should be attacked and that is what the IRS did.while you're at it the EPA is killing our energy in this country and that will only make things cost more and more job losses. If you actually paid attention to the world which I think you do not. As the President does not. You would realize he is destroying this country. I didn't like the Patriot Act with Bush and I really don't like it with Obama. Obama has put it on steroids. Russian China don't listen to us because Obama is feckless.
I agree with you. even if they can show that some of this started with Bush which it did. Obama has been on steroids and made it WAY worse. the IRS the EPA Department of Education need abolished. we need to shrink this government. it is too big. I don't care to live in a communist country all of our freedoms are slowly dwindling away.
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