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Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Former Problem Student Becomes Author, Rapper

Bethlehem teacher Sue Lucrezi never gave up on Victor Cordova
In his 15 short years, Victor Cordova has been suspended seven times. He's been a guest at Kids Peace four times. Last year, he graduated to Northampton County Juvenile Detention Center, mostly because he has anger management issues. While some kids might give a teacher a dirty look, Victor would threaten to burn down the school. You might call him a bad seed. He certainly thought so.

But this Pembroke Village resident is lucky. His parents never gave upon him. Nor did his three sisters and two brothers. Nor did his teachers at Colonial Academy, located in Wind Gap. And Bethlehem teacher Sue Lucrezi, who has crossed paths with Victor since he's been in fourth grade, has helped him complete something most of us never consider - a book.

Called "My Challenges and Victories," Victor's narrative describes his mistakes in graphic detail. But Victor has grown, both physically and emotionally, over the past year. He's now over 6' tall and, in addition to his book, is writing rap lyrics like this:
"When you're doing your best
you need to keep going.
Ignore what people say just keep it flowing.
You're the only person that controls you
and your mind."
Victor with Colonial Academy's Adam Kaltreider
Victor's message, ironically, is the same one that Bishop John O. Barres gave at Notre Dame's recent commencement. But instead of quoting Victor, the Bishop was quoting St.Francis DeSales' admonition to "Be who you are and be that well."

In a recent book-signing at Colonial Academy's Library, Victor stated he'd like to become a probation officer. "I want to help kids," he said. "I don't want to be on that hard path anymore."

Just about the entire faculty found an excuse to pop in, not for the cake, but to ask Victor for a signed copy of his book.

Victor's Mentor, Sue Lucrezi, is retiring "after 35.46 years, but who's counting?" she laughs. "I am definitely ending my career on a high note," she added.

Author and rapper, Victor has another talent. Basketball.

Liberty High School could always use another shooting guard.

(Blogger's Note: You can see more pictures on Facebook)


Anonymous said...

I really hope this kid can put everything together and finish pulling himself up by his bootstraps. Really praying hard for this one.

Anonymous said...

As a LEO who dealt with Victor a few times, I can say I am extremely impressed! Best of luck Victor! I'm rooting for you

Anonymous said...

I hope Victor achives his goals and be the best he can be. Good Luck!!!

Victor Cordova said...

I am doing well I have 3 kids work a full time job still write music and I’m engaged

Victor Cordova said...

Thank you I am doing well living life

Victor Cordova said...

Thank you I am doing very well I got a home 3 kids work at a great company and still wrote and perform my songs